/// <summary>Unlocks all pedia entries</summary>
    /// <param name="self">The PediaDirector instance</param>
    public static void DebugAllUnlocked(this PediaDirector self)
        var unlock = typeof(PediaDirector).GetMethod("Unlock", all);

        foreach (PediaDirector.Id id in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PediaDirector.Id)))
            unlock.Invoke(self, new object[] { id });
 public static bool Prefix(PediaDirector __instance, ref int __result)
     if (__instance.pediaModel == null)
         __result = 0;
        public static bool Prefix(PediaDirector __instance, PediaDirector.Id id)
            if (__instance.entryDict.ContainsKey(id))

    // PediaDirector
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// <summary>Clears unlocked pedia entries</summary>
    /// <param name="self">The PediaDirector instance</param>
    public static void DebugClearUnlocked(this PediaDirector self)
        var unlock = typeof(PediaDirector).GetMethod("Unlock", all);

        GetFieldOrPropertyValue <PediaDirector, HashSet <PediaDirector.Id> >("unlocked", self).Clear();
        foreach (var t in self.initUnlocked)
            unlock.Invoke(self, new object[] { t });
Exemple #5
    // PediaDirector
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// <summary>Clears unlocked pedia entries</summary>
    /// <param name="self">The PediaDirector instance</param>
    public static void DebugClearUnlocked(this PediaDirector self)
        var unlock = typeof(PediaDirector).GetMethod("Unlock", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

        GetPrivateField <PediaDirector, HashSet <PediaDirector.Id> >("unlocked", self).Clear();
        foreach (var t in self.initUnlocked)
            unlock.Invoke(self, new object[] { t });
        /// <summary>Called on plugin init</summary>
        private void Awake()
            // set the default help menu font
            _helpFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Consolas", 18);
            _debug = true;
            _showHelp = true;
            _timeDir = SRSingleton<SceneContext>.Instance.TimeDirector;
            _pediaDir = SRSingleton<SceneContext>.Instance.PediaDirector;
            _tutorialDir = SRSingleton<SceneContext>.Instance.TutorialDirector;
            _achieveDir = SRSingleton<SceneContext>.Instance.AchievementsDirector;
            _progressDir = SRSingleton<SceneContext>.Instance.ProgressDirector;
            _playerState = SRSingleton<SceneContext>.Instance.PlayerState;
            _autoSave = SRSingleton<GameContext>.Instance.AutoSaveDirector;
            _inputDir = SRSingleton<GameContext>.Instance.InputDirector;

Exemple #7
    /// <summary>Retrieves various directors for debugging</summary>
    private void Awake()
        // retrieve the directors
        _timeDir     = FindObjectOfType <TimeDirector>();
        _pediaDir    = FindObjectOfType <PediaDirector>();
        _tutorialDir = FindObjectOfType <TutorialDirector>();
        _achieveDir  = FindObjectOfType <AchievementsDirector>();
        _progressDir = FindObjectOfType <ProgressDirector>();
        _playerState = FindObjectOfType <PlayerState>();
        _autoSave    = FindObjectOfType <AutoSaveDirector>();

        // set the default help menu font
        _helpFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Consolas", 18);

        // prevent user from submitting bug reports.
        var inputDir = FindObjectOfType <InputDirector>();

        inputDir.bugReportPrefab = new GameObject();
 public static void Prefix(PediaDirector __instance)
     __instance.entries         = __instance.entries.AddRangeToArray(PediaRegistry.customEntries.ToArray());
     __instance.identMapEntries = __instance.identMapEntries.AddRangeToArray(PediaRegistry.customIdentifiableLinks.ToArray());
     __instance.initUnlocked    = __instance.initUnlocked.AddRangeToArray(PediaRegistry.initialEntries.ToArray());
    /// <summary>Handles debugging features</summary>
    private void Update()
        // retrieve the directors
        if (!_timeDir)
            _timeDir = FindObjectOfType <TimeDirector>();
        if (!_pediaDir)
            _pediaDir = FindObjectOfType <PediaDirector>();
        if (!_tutorialDir)
            _tutorialDir = FindObjectOfType <TutorialDirector>();
        if (!_achieveDir)
            _achieveDir = FindObjectOfType <AchievementsDirector>();
        if (!_progressDir)
            _progressDir = FindObjectOfType <ProgressDirector>();
        if (!_playerState)
            _playerState = FindObjectOfType <PlayerState>();
        if (!_autoSave)
            _autoSave = FindObjectOfType <AutoSaveDirector>();
        if (!_inputDir)
            _inputDir = FindObjectOfType <InputDirector>();
            if (_inputDir) // prevent user from submitting bug reports.
                var bugReportUI = _inputDir.bugReportPrefab.GetComponentInChildren <BugReportUI>();
                bugReportUI.submitButton.interactable = false;
                bugReportUI.summaryField.interactable = false;
                bugReportUI.descField.interactable    = false;

                bugReportUI.summaryField.text = "Debug Menu Mod installed - Reporting Issues is deactivated";
                bugReportUI.descField.text    = "Notice: While this debug menu mod is active, you will not be able to report bugs. " +
                                                "This mod is not supported by Monomi Park and never will be.";

        // retrieve object and component references
        if (!_player)
            _player = GameObject.Find("SimplePlayer");
        if (!_fpController)
            _fpController = _player?.GetComponent <vp_FPController>();
            if (_noclip)
        if (!_camera)
            _camera = GameObject.Find("FPSCamera");
        if (!_hudUi)
            _hudUi = GameObject.Find("HudUI");

        // the debug menu shouldn't function if the game is frozen
        if (Time.timeScale <= 0f)

        // toggle the debug menu
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F9))
            _debug = !_debug;

            // if the debug menu was on previously,
            // turn off any cheats that may be on.
            if (!_debug)
                _noclip         = false;
                _infiniteEnergy = false;
                _infiniteHealth = false;

                // make hud visible

        // debug mode is off, nothing more to do here
        if (!_debug)

        // decrement time of day
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftBracket))

            // check for negative time
            if (_timeDir?.WorldTime() <= 0f)

        // increment time of day
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightBracket))

        // toggle help menu
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F10))
            _showHelp = !_showHelp;

        // add 1000 credits
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Equals) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadPlus))

        // subtract 1000 credits
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Minus) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadMinus))

        // toggle heads-up display
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F6))

        // reset player progress
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F12))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Tutorials/Pedia/Achievements/Progress Reset");

        // unlock all progress
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Tutorials/Pedia/Achievements/Progress Unlocked");

        // unlock all upgrades
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha0))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: All Personal Upgrades");

            // add 5 keys
            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)

        // fill inventory with random items and ammo
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha9) && _playerState)
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Fill Ammo");

        // toggle infinite energy
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha6))
            _infiniteEnergy = !_infiniteEnergy;

        // toggle infinite health
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha7))
            _infiniteHealth = !_infiniteHealth;

        // clear inventory
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K))

        // refill inventory
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L) && _playerState)

        // toggle noclip
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N) && _player)
            if (!_noclip)

        // force the game to save
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha8))
            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Forcing save now");

        // handle noclip, if it's enabled
        if (_noclip && _camera && _fpController)
            // calculate speed, will be multiplied by two if run is held
            var speed = 20f * (SRInput.Actions.run.State ? 2f : 1f);

            // add movement
            _noclipPos += _camera.transform.forward * SRInput.Actions.vertical.RawValue * speed * Time.deltaTime;
            _noclipPos += _camera.transform.right * SRInput.Actions.horizontal.RawValue * speed * Time.deltaTime;

            // stop all movement on the controller and reposition it

        if (_infiniteEnergy && _playerState) // infinite energy's on, set our energy to max

        if (_infiniteHealth && _playerState) // god mode's on, set our health to max
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>Unlocks all pedia entries</summary>
 /// <param name="self">The PediaDirector instance</param>
 public static void DebugAllUnlocked(this PediaDirector self)
     PediaDirector.Id[] id = (PediaDirector.Id[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(PediaDirector.Id));
Exemple #11
    // PediaDirector
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// <summary>Clears unlocked pedia entries</summary>
    /// <param name="self">The PediaDirector instance</param>
    public static void DebugClearUnlocked(this PediaDirector self)