public void Write(Stream stream) { using (Document document = new Document()) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); document.Open(); document.Add(new Paragraph("This document contains a collection of PDFs")); PdfIndirectReference parentFolderObjectReference = writer.PdfIndirectReference; PdfIndirectReference childFolder1ObjectReference = writer.PdfIndirectReference; PdfIndirectReference childFolder2ObjectReference = writer.PdfIndirectReference; PdfDictionary parentFolderObject = GetFolderDictionary(0); parentFolderObject.Put(new PdfName("Child"), childFolder1ObjectReference); parentFolderObject.Put(PdfName.NAME, new PdfString()); PdfDictionary childFolder1Object = GetFolderDictionary(1); childFolder1Object.Put(PdfName.NAME, new PdfString("Folder 1")); childFolder1Object.Put(PdfName.PARENT, parentFolderObjectReference); childFolder1Object.Put(PdfName.NEXT, childFolder2ObjectReference); PdfDictionary childFolder2Object = GetFolderDictionary(2); childFolder2Object.Put(PdfName.NAME, new PdfString("Folder 2")); childFolder2Object.Put(PdfName.PARENT, parentFolderObjectReference); PdfCollection collection = new PdfCollection(PdfCollection.DETAILS); PdfCollectionSchema schema = CollectionSchema(); collection.Schema = schema; collection.Sort = new PdfCollectionSort(keys); collection.Put(new PdfName("Folders"), parentFolderObjectReference); writer.Collection = collection; PdfFileSpecification fs; PdfCollectionItem item; fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, file1Path, File1, null); item = new PdfCollectionItem(schema); item.AddItem("Type", "pdf"); fs.AddCollectionItem(item); // the description is apparently used to place the // file in a particular folder. The number between the < and > // is used to put the file in the folder that has the matching id fs.AddDescription(GetDescription(1, File1), false); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, file2Path, File2, null); item = new PdfCollectionItem(schema); item.AddItem("Type", "pdf"); fs.AddCollectionItem(item); fs.AddDescription(GetDescription(2, File2), false); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); writer.AddToBody(parentFolderObject, parentFolderObjectReference); writer.AddToBody(childFolder1Object, childFolder1ObjectReference); writer.AddToBody(childFolder2Object, childFolder2ObjectReference); document.Close(); } }
public void CreatePdf(String dest) { Document document = new Document(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create)); document.Open(); document.Add(new Paragraph("Portable collection")); PdfCollection collection = new PdfCollection(PdfCollection.TILE); writer.Collection = collection; PdfFileSpecification fileSpec = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, DATA, "united_states.csv", null); writer.AddFileAttachment("united_states.csv", fileSpec); fileSpec = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, HELLO, "hello.pdf", null); writer.AddFileAttachment("hello.pdf", fileSpec); fileSpec = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, IMG, "berlin2013.jpg", null); writer.AddFileAttachment("berlin2013.jpg", fileSpec); document.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds all of the file attachments. /// </summary> public void AddFileAttachments() { if (PageSetup.FileAttachments == null || !PageSetup.FileAttachments.Any()) { return; } foreach (var file in PageSetup.FileAttachments) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file.FilePath); var pdfDictionary = new PdfDictionary(); pdfDictionary.Put(PdfName.Moddate, new PdfDate(fileInfo.LastWriteTime)); var fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(PdfWriter, file.FilePath, fileInfo.Name, null, true, null, pdfDictionary); PdfWriter.AddFileAttachment(file.Description, fs); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 document.Add(new Paragraph( "This document contains a collection of PDFs," + " one per Stanley Kubrick movie." )); PdfCollection collection = new PdfCollection(PdfCollection.DETAILS); PdfCollectionSchema schema = _collectionSchema(); collection.Schema = schema; PdfCollectionSort sort = new PdfCollectionSort("YEAR"); sort.SetSortOrder(false); collection.Sort = sort; collection.InitialDocument = "Eyes Wide Shut"; writer.Collection = collection; PdfCollectionItem item; IEnumerable <Movie> movies = PojoFactory.GetMovies(1); foreach (Movie movie in movies) { PdfFileSpecification fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded( writer, null, String.Format("kubrick_{0}.pdf", movie.Imdb), CreateMoviePage(movie) ); fs.AddDescription(movie.Title, false); item = new PdfCollectionItem(schema); item.AddItem("TITLE", movie.GetMovieTitle(false)); if (movie.GetMovieTitle(true) != null) { item.SetPrefix("TITLE", movie.GetMovieTitle(true)); } item.AddItem("DURATION", movie.Duration.ToString()); item.AddItem("YEAR", movie.Year.ToString()); fs.AddCollectionItem(item); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); } } }
internal void ExtractAttachments(string file_name, string folderName, PdfWriter write) { PdfDictionary documentNames = null; PdfDictionary embeddedFiles = null; PdfDictionary fileArray = null; PdfDictionary file = null; PRStream stream = null; PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(file_name); PdfDictionary catalog = reader.Catalog; documentNames = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(catalog.Get(PdfName.NAMES)); if (documentNames != null) { embeddedFiles = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(documentNames.Get(PdfName.EMBEDDEDFILES)); if (embeddedFiles != null) { PdfArray filespecs = embeddedFiles.GetAsArray(PdfName.NAMES); for (int i = 0; i < filespecs.Size; i++) { i++; fileArray = filespecs.GetAsDict(i); file = fileArray.GetAsDict(PdfName.EF); foreach (PdfName key in file.Keys) { stream = (PRStream)PdfReader.GetPdfObject(file.GetAsIndirectObject(key)); string attachedFileName = folderName + fileArray.GetAsString(key).ToString(); byte[] attachedFileBytes = PdfReader.GetStreamBytes(stream); //graba el anexo extraido System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(attachedFileName, attachedFileBytes); //adjunta los anexos PdfFileSpecification pfs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(write, attachedFileName, fileArray.GetAsString(key).ToString(), null); write.AddFileAttachment(pfs); //borramos los archivos extraidos System.IO.File.Delete(attachedFileName); } } } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates the PDF. * @return the bytes of a PDF file. */ public byte[] CreatePdf() { IEnumerable <Movie> movies = PojoFactory.GetMovies(1); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (Document document = new Document()) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms); document.Open(); document.Add(new Paragraph( "'Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures'" + " is a documentary about Stanley Kubrick and his films:" )); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("<movies>"); List list = new List(List.UNORDERED, 20); foreach (Movie movie in movies) { sb.AppendLine("<movie>"); sb.AppendLine(String.Format( "<title>{0}</title>", XMLUtil.EscapeXML(movie.MovieTitle, true) )); sb.AppendLine(String.Format("<year>{0}</year>", movie.Year)); sb.AppendLine(String.Format( "<duration>{0}</duration>", movie.Duration )); sb.AppendLine("</movie>"); ListItem item = new ListItem(movie.MovieTitle); list.Add(item); } document.Add(list); sb.Append("</movies>"); PdfFileSpecification fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded( writer, null, "kubrick.xml", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()) //txt.toByteArray() ); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); } return(ms.ToArray()); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 Image img = Image.GetInstance(IMG_BOX); document.Add(img); List list = new List(List.UNORDERED, 20); PdfDestination dest = new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT); dest.AddFirst(new PdfNumber(1)); IEnumerable <Movie> box = PojoFactory.GetMovies(1) .Concat(PojoFactory.GetMovies(4)) ; foreach (Movie movie in box) { if (movie.Year > 1960) { PdfFileSpecification fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded( writer, null, String.Format("kubrick_{0}.pdf", movie.Imdb), CreateMoviePage(movie) ); fs.AddDescription(movie.Title, false); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); ListItem item = new ListItem(movie.MovieTitle); PdfTargetDictionary target = new PdfTargetDictionary(true); target.EmbeddedFileName = movie.Title; PdfAction action = PdfAction.GotoEmbedded(null, target, dest, true); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(" (see info)"); chunk.SetAction(action); item.Add(chunk); list.Add(item); } } document.Add(list); } }
public void Write(Stream stream, string[] pfade) { using (Document document = new Document()) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); document.Open(); document.Add(new Paragraph(" ")); PdfIndirectReference parentFolderObjectReference = writer.PdfIndirectReference; PdfCollection collection = new PdfCollection(PdfCollection.DETAILS); PdfCollectionSchema schema = CollectionSchema(); collection.Schema = schema; collection.Sort = new PdfCollectionSort(keys); collection.Put(new PdfName("Vorlagen BA"), parentFolderObjectReference); writer.Collection = collection; PdfFileSpecification fs; PdfCollectionItem item; int nummer = 1; foreach (string pfad in pfade) { String Filename = Path.GetFileName(pfad); fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, pfad, string.Format("{0} - {1}", nummer, Filename), null); item = new PdfCollectionItem(schema); item.AddItem("Type", "pdf"); fs.AddCollectionItem(item); fs.AddDescription(GetDescription(Filename), false); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); nummer++; } document.Close(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 PdfCollection collection = new PdfCollection(PdfCollection.HIDDEN); PdfCollectionSchema schema = _collectionSchema(); collection.Schema = schema; PdfCollectionSort sort = new PdfCollectionSort(KEYS); collection.Sort = sort; writer.Collection = collection; PdfCollectionItem collectionitem = new PdfCollectionItem(schema); PdfFileSpecification fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded( writer, IMG_KUBRICK, "kubrick.jpg", null ); fs.AddDescription("Stanley Kubrick", false); collectionitem.AddItem(TYPE_FIELD, "JPEG"); fs.AddCollectionItem(collectionitem); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); Image img = Image.GetInstance(IMG_BOX); document.Add(img); List list = new List(List.UNORDERED, 20); PdfDestination dest = new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT); dest.AddFirst(new PdfNumber(1)); PdfTargetDictionary intermediate; PdfTargetDictionary target; Chunk chunk; ListItem item; PdfAction action = null; IEnumerable <Movie> box = PojoFactory.GetMovies(1) .Concat(PojoFactory.GetMovies(4)) ; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Movie movie in box) { if (movie.Year > 1960) { sb.AppendLine(String.Format( "{0};{1};{2}", movie.MovieTitle, movie.Year, movie.Duration )); item = new ListItem(movie.MovieTitle); if (!"0278736".Equals(movie.Imdb)) { target = new PdfTargetDictionary(true); target.EmbeddedFileName = movie.Title; intermediate = new PdfTargetDictionary(true); intermediate.FileAttachmentPage = 1; intermediate.FileAttachmentIndex = 1; intermediate.AdditionalPath = target; action = PdfAction.GotoEmbedded(null, intermediate, dest, true); chunk = new Chunk(" (see info)"); chunk.SetAction(action); item.Add(chunk); } list.Add(item); } } document.Add(list); fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded( writer, null, "kubrick.txt", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()) ); fs.AddDescription("Kubrick box: the movies", false); collectionitem.AddItem(TYPE_FIELD, "TXT"); fs.AddCollectionItem(collectionitem); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1); table.SpacingAfter = 10; PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("All movies by Kubrick")); cell.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER; fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded( writer, null, KubrickMovies.FILENAME, Utility.PdfBytes(new KubrickMovies()) //new KubrickMovies().createPdf() ); collectionitem.AddItem(TYPE_FIELD, "PDF"); fs.AddCollectionItem(collectionitem); target = new PdfTargetDictionary(true); target.FileAttachmentPagename = "movies"; target.FileAttachmentName = "The movies of Stanley Kubrick"; cell.CellEvent = new PdfActionEvent( writer, PdfAction.GotoEmbedded(null, target, dest, true) ); cell.CellEvent = new FileAttachmentEvent( writer, fs, "The movies of Stanley Kubrick" ); cell.CellEvent = new LocalDestinationEvent(writer, "movies"); table.AddCell(cell); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Kubrick DVDs")); cell.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER; fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded( writer, null, KubrickDvds.RESULT, new KubrickDvds().CreatePdf() ); collectionitem.AddItem(TYPE_FIELD, "PDF"); fs.AddCollectionItem(collectionitem); cell.CellEvent = new FileAttachmentEvent(writer, fs, "Kubrick DVDs"); table.AddCell(cell); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Kubrick documentary")); cell.Border = PdfPCell.NO_BORDER; fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded( writer, null, KubrickDocumentary.RESULT, new KubrickDocumentary().CreatePdf() ); collectionitem.AddItem(TYPE_FIELD, "PDF"); fs.AddCollectionItem(collectionitem); cell.CellEvent = new FileAttachmentEvent( writer, fs, "Kubrick Documentary" ); table.AddCell(cell); writer.AddFileAttachment(fs); document.NewPage(); document.Add(table); } }
public void GerarPdf() { var doc1 = new Document(PageSize.A4, 40.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f, 30.0f);//Margens - Margem direita precisa ser 20 para poder caber valores acima de R$ 100.000,00 nas contratações string filename = null; PdfWriter writer = null; try { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog { InitialDirectory = PdfFolder, Filter = "Arquivo PDF|*.pdf", Title = "Salvar como", FileName = Cota.Cliente + ".pdf" }; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (saveFileDialog1.FileName != "") { filename = saveFileDialog1.FileName; writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc1, new FileStream(saveFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Create)); Relatório.SalvaUtilizacao(Cota); } } else { return; } Home.preferencias.PastaPDF = saveFileDialog1.FileName.Substring(0, saveFileDialog1.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); WebFile.Prefs = Home.preferencias; } catch (IOException) { Relatório.AdicionarAoRelatorio("Há um arquivo de mesmo nome aberto"); MessageBox.Show("Não foi possível criar o arquivo PDF,\r\nverifique se há um arquivo de mesmo nome aberto.\r\nFeche-o e tente novamente.", "Carta de Cotação", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } doc1.Open(); iTextSharp.text.Font normal = FontFactory.GetFont("Helvetica", 11); iTextSharp.text.Image jpg = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(ConverteImageParaByteArray(Properties.Resources.Bragaseg)); jpg.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_CENTER; jpg.ScaleToFit(250f, 250f); //jpg.SetAbsolutePosition(500f, 750f); //Como colocar marca d'água: //jpg.SetAbsolutePosition(doc1.PageSize.Width - 500f, 750f); //jpg.Rotation = (float)Math.PI / 2; //jpg.RotationDegrees = 90f; doc1.Add(jpg); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n", normal)); Paragraph pfcity = new Paragraph("Passo Fundo, " + DataPorExtenso(Cota.Data) + ".", normal); //pfcity.Alignment = iTextSharp.text.Image.ALIGN_RIGHT; //pfcity.IndentationLeft = 230; doc1.Add(pfcity); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n", normal)); if (Home.excedeuLinhas) { doc1.Add(new Paragraph("A " + Cota.Cliente, normal)); } else { doc1.Add(new Paragraph("A", normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph(Cota.Cliente, normal)); } doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n", normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Estamos encaminhando a cotação do veículo abaixo:", normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph(Cota.Marca + " - " + Cota.Modelo, normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Ano de fabricação: " + Cota.AnoFabricacao + " Ano modelo: " + Cota.AnoModelo, normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n", normal)); //Início das contratações: decimal valorfipecont = Cota.ValorFipe * Cota.PorContratada / 100m; List <string> contrat = new List <string>(); List <decimal> listvalores = new List <decimal>(); if (Cota.Rcf != true) { if (Cota.Vd != true) { contrat.Add("Casco - " + Cota.PorContratada + "% da Fipe:"); } else { contrat.Add("Valor Determinado:"); } listvalores.Add(valorfipecont); } else { contrat.Add("Sem casco contratado"); listvalores.Add(-1.0m); } contrat.Add("Danos Materiais:"); listvalores.Add(Cota.DanosMateriais); contrat.Add("Danos Corporais:"); listvalores.Add(Cota.DanosCorporais); contrat.Add("Danos Morais:"); listvalores.Add(Cota.DanosMorais); if (Cota.Seguradora != "Itaú") { contrat.Add("APP Morte:"); } else { contrat.Add("APP:"); } listvalores.Add(Cota.APPMorte); //AQUI: ESSE NÃO APARECE SE FOR ITAÚ contrat.Add("APP Invalidez:"); listvalores.Add(Cota.APPInvalidez); if (Cota.Tipo == FipeType.Caminhão) { contrat.Add("Equipamento:"); listvalores.Add(Cota.Equipamento); contrat.Add("Carroceria:"); listvalores.Add(Cota.Carroceria); } bool semdecimais = listvalores.Exists(d => d > 999999); PdfPTable valores = new PdfPTable(5); valores.HorizontalAlignment = 0; float[] widthvalores = { 45f, 30f, 9f, 40f, 30f }; valores.SetWidths(widthvalores); valores.DefaultCell.BorderColor = iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.WHITE; int c = 0; //contador de valores não zero na listvalores int n = 0; //num linhas int MODO = 0; //<--MODO 0 divide os itens entre as colunas 1 e 2 if (MODO == 0) //MODO 1 sempre preenche a coluna 1 inteira (3 itens ou 4 se caminhão) e depois preenche a coluna 2 { foreach (decimal d in listvalores) { if (d != 0.0m) { c++; if (c % 2 != 0) { n++; } } } } else { n = 3;//num linhas se não caminhão if (Cota.Tipo == FipeType.Caminhão) { n = 4;//num linhas se caminhão } } int[] col1 = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; //posições na coluna 1, inicializa com -1 = não preenchido int[] col2 = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; //posições na coluna 2, inicializa com -1 = não preenchido c = 0; //reinicia contador int i = 0; //contador de índice da listvalores foreach (decimal d in listvalores) { if (d != 0.0m) { if (c < n) //preenchimento da coluna 1 { col1[c] = i; //guarda a posição de d na listvalores e contrat } else//preenchimento da coluna 2, após coluna 1 estar cheia { col2[c - n] = i;//guarda a posição de d na listvalores e contrat, c - n porque o índice deve iniciar no zero } c++; } i++; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (col1[i] != -1) //testa se a posição na coluna 1 tem valor a ser preenchido { valores.AddCell(new Phrase(contrat[col1[i]], normal)); //preenche com a string de contrat na posição guardada em col1 if (listvalores[col1[i]] != -1.0m) // testa se é o caso "sem casco" { if (!semdecimais) { valores.AddCell(new Phrase(listvalores[col1[i]].ToString("C2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));//converte valor para string } else { valores.AddCell(new Phrase(listvalores[col1[i]].ToString("C0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));//converte valor para string } } else { valores.AddCell(new Phrase("", normal)); //se for "sem casco" preenche com vazio } valores.AddCell(new Phrase("", normal)); //preenche a coluna do meio com vazio } if (col2[i] != -1) //testa se a posição na coluna 2 tem valor a ser preenchido { valores.AddCell(new Phrase(contrat[col2[i]], normal)); //preenche com a string de contrat na posição guardada em col2 // como "sem casco" nunca vai cair na coluna 2, não precisa testar if (!semdecimais) { valores.AddCell(new Phrase(listvalores[col2[i]].ToString("C2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));//converte valor para string } else { valores.AddCell(new Phrase(listvalores[col2[i]].ToString("C0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)));//converte valor para string } } else { valores.AddCell(new Phrase("", normal)); //se a posição na coluna 2 não tem valor, preenche com vazio valores.AddCell(new Phrase("", normal)); //idem acima para o valor } } doc1.Add(valores); //Fim das contratações int colunas = 3; if (Cota.Seguradora == "Bradesco" || Cota.Seguradora == "Generale" || (Cota.Seguradora == "Mapfre" && Cota.DebitoBB == true)) { colunas = 2; } float[] width = { 15f, 15f, 15f }; float[] width2 = { 15f, 15f }; //Tabela Franquia Básica if (Cota.FranquiaBasica + Cota.ValFranqBasicaAVista != 0) { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(colunas); if (colunas == 3) { table.SetWidths(width); } else { table.SetWidths(width2); } table.HorizontalAlignment = 0; PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("")); cell.Colspan = 1; cell.HorizontalAlignment = 1; //0=Left, 1=Centre, 2=Right table.AddCell(cell); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n", normal)); if (Cota.Rcf != true) { doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Franquia básica: " + Cota.FranquiaBasica.ToString("C2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n", normal)); } if (Cota.Seguradora == "Mapfre" && Cota.DebitoBB) { table.AddCell(new Phrase("Débito", normal)); } else { table.AddCell(new Phrase("Carnê", normal)); } if (colunas != 2) { if (Cota.Seguradora == "Sul América") { table.AddCell(new Phrase("Débito BB", normal)); } else { table.AddCell(new Phrase("Débito", normal)); } } foreach (Parcelamento parc in Cota.TabelaParcelamento.FindAll(p => (p.TipoFranq == "Básica" && !(p.Seguradora == "Bradesco" && p.FormaPagto == "Débito")) && /* ADICIONADO */ !(p.Seguradora == "Generale" && p.FormaPagto == "Débito") && (p.TipoFranq == "Básica" && !(p.Seguradora == "Mapfre" && p.FormaPagto == "Carnê" && Cota.DebitoBB == true)))) { if (parc.FormaPagto == "Carnê" || (parc.FormaPagto == "Débito" && Cota.DebitoBB && parc.ValParcela != 0.0m)) { table.AddCell(new Phrase(parc.Descricao.ToString(), normal)); } if (parc.ValParcela == 0.0m) { table.AddCell(new Phrase("", normal)); } else { table.AddCell(new Phrase(parc.ValParcela.ToString("C2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), normal)); } } doc1.Add(table); } //Tabela Franquia Reduzida if (Cota.FranquiaReduzida + Cota.ValFranqReduzidaAVista != 0.0m && Cota.Rcf != true) { PdfPTable table2 = new PdfPTable(colunas); if (colunas == 3) { table2.SetWidths(width); } else { table2.SetWidths(width2); } table2.HorizontalAlignment = 0; PdfPCell cell2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("")) { Colspan = 1, HorizontalAlignment = 1 }; //0=Left, 1=Centre, 2=Right table2.AddCell(cell2); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n")); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Franquia reduzida: " + Cota.FranquiaReduzida.ToString("C2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n")); if (Cota.Seguradora == "Mapfre" && Cota.DebitoBB) { table2.AddCell(new Phrase("Débito", normal)); } else { table2.AddCell(new Phrase("Carnê", normal)); } if (colunas != 2) { if (Cota.Seguradora == "Sul América") { table2.AddCell(new Phrase("Débito BB", normal)); } else { table2.AddCell(new Phrase("Débito", normal)); } } foreach (Parcelamento parc in Cota.TabelaParcelamento.FindAll(p => (p.TipoFranq == "Reduzida" && !(p.Seguradora == "Bradesco" && p.FormaPagto == "Débito")) && /* ADICIONADO */ !(p.Seguradora == "Generale" && p.FormaPagto == "Débito") && (p.TipoFranq == "Reduzida" && !(p.Seguradora == "Mapfre" && p.FormaPagto == "Carnê" && Cota.DebitoBB == true)))) { if (parc.FormaPagto == "Carnê" || (parc.FormaPagto == "Débito" && Cota.DebitoBB && parc.ValParcela != 0.0m)) { table2.AddCell(new Phrase(parc.Descricao.ToString(), normal)); } if (parc.ValParcela == 0.0m) { table2.AddCell(new Phrase("", normal)); } else { table2.AddCell(new Phrase(parc.ValParcela.ToString("C2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), normal)); } } doc1.Add(table2); } //Final Tabelas doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n", normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph(Cota.Observacoes, normal)); if (Cota.MostrarValidade == true) { string textovalidade = "*Validade da cotação: " + Cota.Validade.ToShortDateString(); doc1.Add(new Paragraph(textovalidade, normal)); } doc1.Add(new Paragraph("\r\n", normal)); iTextSharp.text.Font negrito = FontFactory.GetFont("Helvetica", 11, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD); //Testes das exibições /*if (Cota.NomeClaudio == true) * exib += "1"; * else * exib += "0"; * * if (Cota.CelClaudio == true) * exib += "1"; * else * exib += "0"; * * if (Cota.NomeFuncionario == true && Cota.Funcionario != "") * exib += "1"; * else * exib += "0"; * * switch (exib) * { * case "001": * doc1.Add(new Paragraph(Cota.Funcionario, negrito)); * break; * case "010": * doc1.Add(new Paragraph("(54) 9981-4797", negrito)); * break; * case "011": * doc1.Add(new Paragraph("(54) 9981-4797 / " + Cota.Funcionario, negrito)); * break; * case "100": * doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Cláudio Zanchet", negrito)); * break; * case "101": * doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Cláudio Zanchet / " + Cota.Funcionario, negrito)); * break; * case "110": * doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Cláudio Zanchet" + " - (54) 9981-4797", negrito)); * break; * case "111": * doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Cláudio Zanchet" + " - (54) 9981-4797 / " + Cota.Funcionario, negrito)); * break; * }*/ //Fim dos testes das exibições doc1.Add(new Paragraph(Cota.Funcionario, negrito)); if (Cota.NomeFuncionario) { doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Bragaseg Corretora de Seguros", normal)); } else { doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Bragaseg Corretora de Seguros", negrito)); } doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Rua Uruguai, 1763 - Bairro Centro", normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Passo Fundo - RS CEP: 99010-112", normal)); doc1.Add(new Paragraph("Telefone: (54) 3045-5300", normal)); doc1.AddCreator("Carta de Cotação"); File.Create(WebFile.AppData + "TempFill.bin").Close(); WebFile.Serialize(Cota.Preenchimento, WebFile.AppData + "TempFill.bin"); PdfFileSpecification pfs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, WebFile.AppData + "TempFill.bin", "TempFill.bin", null); writer.AddFileAttachment(pfs); doc1.Close(); File.Delete(WebFile.AppData + "TempFill.bin"); if (MessageBox.Show("Arquivo PDF gerado com sucesso!\r\nVocê deseja visualizá-lo agora?", "Carta de Cotação", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(filename); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int MaxCell; string CurrentDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); CurrentDirectory = CurrentDirectory.Substring(0, CurrentDirectory.LastIndexOf("bin", CurrentDirectory.Length - 1)); string OutputFileName = CurrentDirectory + "wdpt.pdf", ImageName = CurrentDirectory + "TestImage.jpg"; Document pdfDocument = new Document(PageSize.A4); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDocument, new FileStream(OutputFileName, FileMode.Create)); pdfDocument.Open(); Phrase phrase = new Phrase(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " GMT", new Font(Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 8)); Rectangle page = pdfDocument.PageSize; PdfPTable head = new PdfPTable(1); head.TotalWidth = page.Width; PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; head.AddCell(cell); head.WriteSelectedRows( // first/last row; -1 writes all rows 0, -1, // left offset 0, // ** bottom** yPos of the table page.Height - pdfDocument.TopMargin + head.TotalHeight + 20, writer.DirectContent ); pdfDocument.Add(new Paragraph("Here is a test of creating a PDF")); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); Font font = FontFactory.GetFont("Times New Roman", 16, Font.NORMAL); p.Font = font; p.Add("Times New Roman"); pdfDocument.Add(p); Chunk c = new Chunk("Times New Roman", FontFactory.GetFont("Times New Roman", 16)); c.SetCharacterSpacing(10); p = new Paragraph(c); pdfDocument.Add(p); BaseFont bfComic = BaseFont.CreateFont("c:\\windows\\fonts\\comic.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); font = new Font(bfComic, 12); pdfDocument.Add(new Paragraph("Some cyrillic characters: \u0418\u044f", font)); c = new Chunk("Some text in Verdana \n", FontFactory.GetFont("Verdana", 12)); Chunk c2 = new Chunk("More text in Tahoma", FontFactory.GetFont("Tahoma", 14)); p = new Paragraph(); p.Add(c); p.Add(c2); pdfDocument.Add(p); Image image = Image.GetInstance(ImageName); c = new Chunk("Check out this wicked graphic: \n", FontFactory.GetFont("Verdana", 12)); p = new Paragraph(); p.Add(c); p.Add(image); pdfDocument.Add(p); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Header spanning 3 columns")); cell.Colspan = 3; cell.HorizontalAlignment = 1; //0=Left, 1=Centre, 2=Right table.AddCell(cell); table.AddCell("Col 1 Row 1"); table.AddCell("Col 2 Row 1"); table.AddCell("Col 3 Row 1"); table.AddCell("Col 1 Row 2"); table.AddCell("Col 2 Row 2"); table.AddCell("Col 3 Row 2"); pdfDocument.Add(table); table = new PdfPTable(2); //actual width of table in points table.TotalWidth = 216f; //fix the absolute width of the table table.LockedWidth = true; //relative col widths in proportions - 1/3 and 2/3 float[] widths = new float[] { 1f, 2f }; table.SetWidths(widths); table.HorizontalAlignment = 0; //leave a gap before and after the table table.SpacingBefore = 20f; table.SpacingAfter = 30f; cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Products")); cell.Colspan = 2; cell.Border = 0; cell.HorizontalAlignment = 1; table.AddCell(cell); string //connect = "Server=NOZHENKO-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;database=testdb;Integrated Security=SSPI"; connect = "Server=nozhenko-s8k;Database=testdb;Trusted_Connection=True;"; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connect)) { string query = "SELECT ID, Name FROM Staff"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); try { conn.Open(); using (SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont("c:\\windows\\fonts\\arial.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); font = new iTextSharp.text.Font(baseFont, iTextSharp.text.Font.DEFAULTSIZE, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL); while (rdr.Read()) { table.AddCell(rdr[0].ToString()); table.AddCell(new Paragraph(rdr[1].ToString(), font)); } } } catch (Exception eException) { Console.WriteLine(eException.GetType().FullName + Environment.NewLine + "Message: " + eException.Message + Environment.NewLine + "StackTrace:" + Environment.NewLine + eException.StackTrace); } pdfDocument.Add(table); } table = new PdfPTable(3); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.Phrase = new Phrase("Cell 1"); cell.Image = Image.GetInstance(CurrentDirectory + "pdf.gif"); 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It is represted" + " by a Paragraph object in the iTextSharp " + "library. Here, we're creating paragraphs with " + "various styles in order to test out iTextSharp." + " This paragraph will take up multiple lines " + "and allow for a more complete example."; // Add a basic paragraph pdfDocument.Add(new Paragraph(text)); // Add a paragraph that's underlined and indented Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph(text); p2.IndentationLeft = 36; p2.Font.SetStyle(Font.UNDERLINE); pdfDocument.Add(p2); // Add a paragraph that's underlined and in bold pdfDocument.Add(new Paragraph(text, FontFactory.GetFont("Courier", Font.DEFAULTSIZE, Font.UNDERLINE | Font.BOLD))); // Add a really big paragraph pdfDocument.Add(new Paragraph(text, new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 36))); // Add a green, centered paragraph Paragraph p5 = new Paragraph(text, new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, Font.DEFAULTSIZE, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.GREEN)); p5.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; pdfDocument.Add(p5); // Add a double-spaced paragraph with // an indented first line Paragraph p6 = new Paragraph(text); p6.FirstLineIndent = 36; p6.MultipliedLeading = 2; pdfDocument.Add(p6); // Add a paragraph with multiple styles // Each word gets bigger Paragraph ascending = new Paragraph(); ascending.SpacingBefore = 72; for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { ascending.Add(new Chunk("Hello", new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, i * 5))); } pdfDocument.Add(ascending); Paragraph hello = new Paragraph("Hello. This is a paragraph."); hello.Font.SetStyle(Font.ITALIC); pdfDocument.Add(hello); Paragraph fancy = new Paragraph(); Chunk bold = new Chunk("This "); bold.Font.SetStyle(Font.BOLD); fancy.Add(bold); Chunk italics = new Chunk("is a"); italics.Font.SetStyle(Font.ITALIC); fancy.Add(italics); Chunk big = new Chunk("fancy"); big.Font.Size = 20; big.Font.SetStyle(Font.BOLD); fancy.Add(big); Chunk struck = new Chunk("paragraph."); struck.Font.SetStyle(Font.STRIKETHRU); fancy.Add(struck); pdfDocument.Add(fancy); Paragraph spaced = new Paragraph("This has a lot of space around it."); spaced.SpacingBefore = 72; spaced.SpacingAfter = 72; spaced.IndentationLeft = 72; spaced.IndentationRight = 72; pdfDocument.Add(spaced); p = new Paragraph("p.FirstLineIndent = 36"); p.FirstLineIndent = 36; pdfDocument.Add(p); p = new Paragraph("p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED;"); p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED; pdfDocument.Add(p); Paragraph spacy = new Paragraph(); spacy.Leading = 72; pdfDocument.Add(spacy); Paragraph spacy2 = new Paragraph(72); Paragraph spacy3 = new Paragraph(72, "The leading is an inch."); pdfDocument.Add(spacy2); pdfDocument.Add(spacy3); Paragraph doubleSpaced = new Paragraph("doubleSpaced.MultipliedLeading = 2"); doubleSpaced.MultipliedLeading = 2; pdfDocument.Add(doubleSpaced); Chunk boo = new Chunk("Boo!"); boo.Font.SetStyle(Font.BOLD); boo.Font.Size = 72; boo.Font.SetStyle("bold"); Font small = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 5); Chunk smallText = new Chunk("This is small.", small); Font redItalic = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, Font.DEFAULTSIZE, Font.ITALIC, BaseColor.RED); Chunk hey = new Chunk("Hey.", FontFactory.GetFont("Courier", 12, Font.ITALIC)); table = new PdfPTable(3); table.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Cell# 1"))); table.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Cell# 2"))); table.AddCell(new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Cell# 3"))); pdfDocument.Add(table); #if TEST_ATTACHMENTS PdfFileSpecification pdfFileSpecification = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, ImageName, Path.GetFileName(ImageName), null); writer.AddFileAttachment("Description", pdfFileSpecification); FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(ImageName); byte[] img = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(img, 0, img.Length); pdfFileSpecification = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(writer, ImageName, Path.GetFileName(ImageName), img); writer.AddFileAttachment("DescriptionDescription", pdfFileSpecification); #endif PdfContentByte pdfContentByte; float x, y; #if TEST_DIRECT_CONTENT pdfDocument.NewPage(); pdfContentByte = writer.DirectContent; pdfContentByte.MoveTo(x = 400f, 0f); pdfContentByte.LineTo(x, page.Height); pdfContentByte.MoveTo(x = 300f, 0f); pdfContentByte.LineTo(x, page.Height); pdfContentByte.MoveTo(0f, y = 10f); pdfContentByte.LineTo(page.Width, y); pdfContentByte.MoveTo(0f, y = 50f); pdfContentByte.LineTo(page.Width, y); pdfContentByte.MoveTo(0f, y = 90f); pdfContentByte.LineTo(page.Width, y); 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table.AddCell(cell); table.AddCell("absolute leading: 20"); cell.SetLeading(20f, 0f); table.AddCell(cell); table.AddCell("absolute leading: 3; relative leading: 1.2"); cell.SetLeading(3f, 1.2f); table.AddCell(cell); table.AddCell("absolute leading: 0; relative leading: 1.2"); cell.SetLeading(0f, 1.2f); table.AddCell(cell); table.AddCell("no leading at all"); cell.SetLeading(0f, 0f); table.AddCell(cell); pdfDocument.Add(table); #endif #if TEST_DIRECT_TEXT_IN_CELL pdfDocument.NewPage(); table = new PdfPTable(MaxCell = 3); for (int i = 0; i < MaxCell; ++i) { cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(i.ToString())); table.AddCell(cell); } pdfDocument.Add(table); pdfContentByte = writer.DirectContent; pdfContentByte.BeginText(); pdfContentByte.SetFontAndSize(BaseFont.CreateFont(), iTextSharp.text.Font.DEFAULTSIZE); pdfContentByte.SetTextMatrix(230, 792); pdfContentByte.ShowText(string.Format("Width: {0}, Height: {1} - blah-blah-blah", page.Width, page.Height)); pdfContentByte.EndText(); #endif #if TEST_TABLE_WITH_ABSOLUTE_WIDTH_OF_CELL pdfDocument.NewPage(); widths = new float[] { (PageSize.A4.Width * 50) / 210f, (PageSize.A4.Width * 25) / 210f, (PageSize.A4.Width * 25) / 210f }; table = new PdfPTable(MaxCell = 3); table.SetTotalWidth(widths); table.LockedWidth = true; for (int i = 0; i < MaxCell; ++i) { cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(i.ToString())); table.AddCell(cell); } pdfDocument.Add(table); #endif ColumnText columnText; #if TEST_COLUMN_TEXT pdfDocument.NewPage(); pdfContentByte = writer.DirectContent; pdfContentByte.MoveTo(x = 80f, 0f); pdfContentByte.LineTo(x, page.Height); pdfContentByte.MoveTo(0f, y = 80f); pdfContentByte.LineTo(page.Width, y); pdfContentByte.Stroke(); columnText = new ColumnText(pdfContentByte); phrase = new Phrase("blah-blah-blah1\nblah-blah-blah2 blah-blah-blah3 blah-blah-blah4 blah-blah-blah5"); columnText.AddText(phrase); //columnText.AddElement(phrase); columnText.SetSimpleColumn(0, 0, x, y); columnText.Go(); #endif pdfDocument.Close(); }