protected void btnPDF_Click222(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string downloadName = "Report";

            byte[] downloadBytes = null;
            downloadName += ".pdf";
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfStandardSubset = PdfStandardSubset.Full;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts      = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomMargin    = 80;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopMargin       = 50;

            string url = string.Format("http://{0}/ExamOnline/ExamPaperStorage/ExamPaperView.aspx?epid=39&isPdf=1", Request.Url.Host);

            downloadBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);

            System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;
            response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
                               "attachment; filename=" + downloadName + "; size=" + downloadBytes.Length.ToString());
Exemple #2
        public static Byte[] GetPdfContractFromHtml(string url)
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = Resource.License;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize            = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel    = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation     = PDFPageOrientation.Portrait;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader             = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter             = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.SinglePage             = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitHeight              = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth               = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth               = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts             = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled        = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = true;
            pdfConverter.ConversionDelay    = 0;
            pdfConverter.ScriptsEnabled     = true;
            pdfConverter.RightToLeftEnabled = true;
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);

            //if (System.IO.File.Exists("C:\\Users\\edward.silva\\Desktop\\aTestFile.pdf"))
            //    System.IO.File.Delete("C:\\Users\\edward.silva\\Desktop\\aTestFile.pdf");

            //using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create("C:\\Users\\edward.silva\\Desktop\\aTestFile.pdf"))
            //    fs.Write(pdfBytes, 0, (int)pdfBytes.Length);

        protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key - required
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

            // the URL of the HTML document to convert
            string thisPageURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            string htmlTableFilePath = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/')) + "/HtmlTable/table_with_repeated_head.html";

            // call the converter
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(htmlTableFilePath);

            // send the generated PDF document to client browser

            // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
            HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

            // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=RepeatedTableHead.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));

            // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response

            // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
            // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
        protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

            // set user and owner passwords
            pdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.UserPassword = "******";
            pdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.OwnerPassword = "******";

            // restrict the right to print and to copy the document content
            pdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanPrint = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanCopyContent = false;

            // call the converter
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(textBoxWebPageURL.Text.Trim());

            // send the generated PDF document to client browser

            // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
            HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

            // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=PdfSecurity.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));

            // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response

            // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
            // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

            PdfConverter pdf = new PdfConverter();
            byte[] bytes = pdf.GetPdfBytesFromUrl("http://localhost:53559/ModelosDeProposta/");

            return File(bytes, "application/pdf", "arquivo.pdf");
Exemple #6
        public void Genratepdftext(string url)
                string temp_path = "";

                PdfConverter pdfobj = new PdfConverter();
                string       temp1  = "";
                pdfobj.LicenseKey = "eVJIWUtLWUtZTFdJWUpIV0hLV0BAQEA=";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = false;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = false;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.AuthorName    = "Cyber Best Technologies";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.Title         = "Pharmacy Board";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.Subject       = "Certificate";
                if (Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0].ToString().Substring(1)) < 11 || Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0].ToString().Substring(1)) > 19)
                    float width  = (8.50f / 1.0f) * 72f;
                    float height = (11 / 1.0f) * 72f;
                    pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage    = false;
                    pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize        = PdfPageSize.Custom;
                    pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.CustomPdfPageSize  = new SizeF(width, height);
                    pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PDFPageOrientation.Portrait;
                    float width  = (11f / 1.0f) * 72f;
                    float height = (8.50f / 1.0f) * 72f;
                    pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage   = false;
                    pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize       = PdfPageSize.Custom;
                    pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.CustomPdfPageSize = new SizeF(width, height);

                    pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PDFPageOrientation.Landscape;
                //pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.Keywords = "HTML, PDF,Converter";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

                byte[] downloadBytes             = pdfobj.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);
                System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;

                // response.Flush();
                response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
                response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + pname() + ".pdf; size=" + downloadBytes.Length.ToString());

                PersonLicensing.Utilities_Licensing.GetCertficateJournal(Request.QueryString["refid"], pname().Replace("_", " "), Session["UID"].ToString());
                //   response.Flush();
                // response.End();
            catch (Exception EX)
                //return "";
                throw EX;
Exemple #7
        private void ConvertURLToPDF(string pUrl, string pfileName, bool pEnviarEmail)
            string urlToConvert = pUrl;// textBoxWebPageURL.Text.Trim();

            // Create the PDF converter. Optionally the HTML viewer width can be specified as parameter
            // The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels.
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key - required
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

            pdfConverter.EvoInternalFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pathEvoInternal"].ToString();

            // set the converter options - optional
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize         = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.NoCompression;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation  = PdfPageOrientation.Landscape;

            // set if header and footer are shown in the PDF - optional - default is false
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = false; ////cbAddHeader.Checked;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = false; // cbAddFooter.Checked;
            // set if the HTML content is resized if necessary to fit the PDF page width - default is true
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = true;// cbFitWidth.Checked;
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.StretchToFit = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage = false;
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.

            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin = 5;

            // set the embedded fonts option - optional - default is false
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts = false;      // cbEmbedFonts.Checked;
            // set the live HTTP links option - optional - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled = false; // cbLiveLinks.Checked;

            // set if the JavaScript is enabled during conversion to a PDF - default is true
            pdfConverter.JavaScriptEnabled = true;// cbClientScripts.Checked;

            // set if the images in PDF are compressed with JPEG to reduce the PDF document size - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = true;// cbJpegCompression.Checked;

            pdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 5;

            // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(urlToConvert);

            this.Response.ContentType     = "text/pdf";
            this.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1");
            this.Response.Charset         = "iso-8859-1";
            this.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=RelatorioDeNotasDeCorretagem.csv");
Exemple #8
        private void btnCreatePdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

                // set the license key
                pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

                // We convert the HTML page as local disk file because IIS and VS WebDev Server
                // don't have .svg included in MIME types by default.
                // When converting HTML pages from an IIS server the MIME type image/svg+xml
                // must be added to IIS in order to serve the .svg files referenced in HTML
                string htmlWithSvgFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\SVG\svg.html");

                // SVG can be used inline in a XML document
                string xmlWithInlineSvgFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\SVG\svginline.xml");

                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                // save the PDF bytes in a file on disk
                string outFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "SvgToPdf.pdf");

                    // call the converter
                    byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(htmlWithSvgFilePath);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outFilePath, pdfBytes);
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

                // open the generated PDF document in an external viewer
                DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Open the rendered file in an external viewer?", "Open Rendered File", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
Exemple #9
        public void Genratepdftext(string ptext, string fname)
                string temp_path = "";

                PdfConverter pdfobj = new PdfConverter();
                string       temp1  = "";
                pdfobj.LicenseKey = "eVJIWUtLWUtZTFdJWUpIV0hLV0BAQEA=";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = true;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = true;
                string thisPageURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
                //thisPageURL = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/'));
                string headerAndFooterHtmlUrl = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/')) + "/header.htm";
                pdfobj.PdfHeaderOptions.HtmlToPdfArea = new HtmlToPdfArea(headerAndFooterHtmlUrl);

                //enable header
                // set the header height in points
                pdfobj.PdfHeaderOptions.DrawHeaderLine     = true;
                pdfobj.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight       = 120;
                pdfobj.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderText         = "";
                pdfobj.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderSubtitleText = "";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts       = true;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.AuthorName          = "Cyber Best Technologies";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.Title   = "Pharmacy Board";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.Subject = "Print LMS Forms";
                //pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.Keywords = "HTML, PDF,Converter";
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentInfo.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                float width  = (8.50f / 1.0f) * 72f;
                float height = (11 / 1.0f) * 72f;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage    = false;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize        = PdfPageSize.Custom;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.CustomPdfPageSize  = new SizeF(width, height);
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PDFPageOrientation.Portrait;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin         = 10;
                pdfobj.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin        = 10;
                byte[] downloadBytes             = pdfobj.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(ptext);
                System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;
                response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
                response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fname + ".pdf; size=" + downloadBytes.Length.ToString());

            catch (Exception EX)
                //return "";
                throw EX;
Exemple #10
        public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
            context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = ContentType;
            string baseURL    = "";
            string htmlString = this.Content;
            // Create the PDF converter. Optionally you can specify the virtual browser width as parameter.
            //1024 pixels is default, 0 means autodetect
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the converter options
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize         = PdfPageSize.Letter;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader          = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter          = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomMargin        = 60;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopMargin           = 60;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin          = 60;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin         = 60;
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "LwQeDxwcDx4XGA8dAR8PHB4BHh0BFhYWFg==";

            // Performs the conversion and get the pdf document bytes that you can further
            // save to a file or send as a browser response
            // The baseURL parameterhelps the converter to get the CSS files and images
            // referenced by a relative URL in the HTML string. This option has efect only
            // if the HTML string contains a valid HEAD tag.
            // The converter will automatically inserts a <BASE HREF="baseURL"> tag.
            byte[] pdfBytes = null;
            if (baseURL.Length > 0)
                pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromHtmlString(htmlString, baseURL);
                pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(htmlString);
            // send the PDF document as a response to the browser for download
            // System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;
            // this.OutputFileName = Regex.Replace(this.OutputFileName, " ", "_", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            // this.OutputFileName = StringHelper.StripNonAlphaNumeric(this.OutputFileName);
            context.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
            if (this.ReturnAsAttachment)
                context.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + this.OutputFileName + ".pdf; size=" + pdfBytes.Length.ToString());
        private void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

                // set the license key
                pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

                // the URL of the HTML table with repeated header
                string htmlTableFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"..\..\HtmlTable\table_with_repeated_head.html");

                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                // save the PDF bytes in a file on disk
                string outFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "RepeatedTableHead.pdf");

                    // call the converter
                    byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(htmlTableFilePath);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outFilePath, pdfBytes);
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

                // open the generated PDF document in an external viewer
                DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Open the rendered file in an external viewer?", "Open Rendered File", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
Exemple #12
        public static byte[] ToPdfBytes(string urlToConvert, PdfPageOrientation pageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait)
            // Create the PDF converter. Optionally the HTML viewer width can be specified as parameter
            // The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels.
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key - required
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "1f7n9ebm9eTl5uP15vvl9ebk++Tn++zs7Ow=";

            // set the converter options - optional
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize         = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Best;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation  = pageOrientation;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopMargin           = 20;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomMargin        = 20;

            // set if the HTML content is resized if necessary to fit the PDF page width - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = true;

            // set the embedded fonts option - optional - default is false
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts = true;

            // set if the JavaScript is enabled during conversion to a PDF - default  is true
            pdfConverter.JavaScriptEnabled = true;

            // set if the images in PDF are compressed with JPEG to reduce the  PDF document size - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = true;

            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled      = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.InternalLinksEnabled = true;
            pdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 1;

            // Performs the conversion and get the pdf document bytes that can

            // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
        protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key - required
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

            /*// convert a XML document with inline SVG
            string thisPageURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            string htmlWithSvgUrl = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/')) + "/SVG/svginline.xml";*/

            // We convert the HTML page as local disk file because IIS and VS WebDev Server
            // don't have .svg included in MIME types by default.
            // When converting HTML pages from an IIS server the MIME type image/svg+xml
            // must be added to IIS in order to serve the .svg files referenced in HTML
            string htmlWithSvgUrl = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), @"SVG\svg.html");

            // call the converter
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(htmlWithSvgUrl);

            // send the generated PDF document to client browser

            // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
            HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

            // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=SvgToPdf.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));

            // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response

            // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
            // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
        protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

            // show header and footer in the rendered PDF
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = true;

            // set the header height in points
            pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight = 60;

            string thisPageURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            string headerAndFooterHtmlUrl = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/')) +

            // set the header HTML area
            HtmlToPdfElement headerHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight,
                   headerAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, 0);
            headerHtml.FitHeight = true;

            // set the footer height in points
            pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight = 60;
            //write the page number
            TextElement footerTextElement = new TextElement(0, 30, "This is page &p; of &P;  ",
                    new Font(new FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 10, GraphicsUnit.Point));
            footerTextElement.TextAlign = HorizontalTextAlign.Right;

            // set the footer HTML area
            HtmlToPdfElement footerHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight,
                headerAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, 0);
            footerHtml.FitHeight = true;

            if (!cbAlternateHeaderAndFooter.Checked)
                // Performs the conversion and get the pdf document bytes that can
                // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
                byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(textBoxWebPageURL.Text);

                // send the generated PDF document to client browser

                // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
                HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

                // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=HtmlInHeaderAndFooter.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));

                // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response

                // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
                // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
                // set an alternate header and footer on the even pages

                // call the converter and get a Document object from URL
                Document pdfDocument = pdfConverter.GetPdfDocumentObjectFromUrl(textBoxWebPageURL.Text);

                if (pdfDocument.Pages.Count >= 2)
                    // get the alternate header and footer width and height
                    // the width is given by the PDF page width
                    float altHeaderFooterWidth = pdfDocument.Pages[0].ClientRectangle.Width;
                    // the height is the same with the document header height from the PdfConverter object
                    float altHeaderHeight = pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight;
                    float altFooterHeight = pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight;

                    // create the alternate header template
                    Template altHeaderTemplate = pdfDocument.Templates.AddNewTemplate(altHeaderFooterWidth, altHeaderHeight);

                    string alternateHeaderAndFooterHtmlUrl = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/')) +

                    // add html to the header
                    HtmlToPdfElement altHeaderHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight,
                                        alternateHeaderAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, 0);
                    altHeaderHtml.FitHeight = true;

                    // add a horizontal line to the bottom of the header
                    LineElement headerLine = new LineElement(0, altHeaderHeight, altHeaderFooterWidth, altHeaderHeight);

                    // add page numbering to the left of the header
                    PdfFont pageNumberFont = pdfDocument.Fonts.Add(new Font(new FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 10, GraphicsUnit.Point));
                    TextElement pageNumbering = new TextElement(10, 10, "Page &p; of &P;", pageNumberFont, Color.Blue);


                    // create the alternate footer template
                    Template altFooterTemplate = pdfDocument.Templates.AddNewTemplate(altHeaderFooterWidth, altFooterHeight);

                    // add html to the footer
                    HtmlToPdfElement altFooterHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight,
                                        alternateHeaderAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, 0);
                    altFooterHtml.FitHeight = true;

                    for (int pageIndex = 1; pageIndex < pdfDocument.Pages.Count; pageIndex += 2)
                        PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDocument.Pages[pageIndex];

                        pdfPage.Header = altHeaderTemplate;
                        pdfPage.Footer = altFooterTemplate;

                byte[] pdfBytes = null;

                    pdfBytes = pdfDocument.Save();
                    // close the Document to realease all the resources

                // send the generated PDF document to client browser

                // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
                HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

                // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=HtmlInHeaderAndFooter.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));

                // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response

                // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
                // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
        public long AddAccidentalClaim(AccidentalClaimModel accidentalModel)
                tblBooking tblBooking = db.tblBookings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BookingId == Convert.ToInt32(accidentalModel.BookingId));
                if (tblBooking != null)
                    tblBooking.IsAccidentalClaimRaised = new bool?(true);
                    tblBooking.IsRenterRaisedDispute = new bool?(true);
            catch (Exception Ex)


            string tempPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/PdfTemplates"), "AccidentalClaimPDF.html");
            string _pdfContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(tempPath);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{fullname}", accidentalModel.FullName);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{email}", accidentalModel.Email);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{dob}", accidentalModel.DOB);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{booking}", accidentalModel.BookingId);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{address}", accidentalModel.Address);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{postcode}", accidentalModel.PostCode);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{mobilenumber}", accidentalModel.MobileNumber);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{dateofincident}", accidentalModel.DateOfIncident);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{timeofincident}", accidentalModel.TimeOfIncident);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{incharge}", accidentalModel.InCharge);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{incidentdetails}", accidentalModel.IncidentDescription);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{witnessdetails}", accidentalModel.WitnessDetails);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{thirdpartydetails}", accidentalModel.ThirdPartyDetails);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{reportedtopolice}", accidentalModel.IsReportedToPolice == true ? "Yes" : "No");
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{anotherinsurer}", accidentalModel.IsAnotherInsurer == true ? "Yes" : "No");
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{refused}", accidentalModel.IsRefusedRenewal == true ? "Yes" : "No");
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{itemclaims}", accidentalModel.ItemsClaimedFor);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{circumstances}", accidentalModel.Circumstances);

            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{previousinsurer}", accidentalModel.PreviousInsurerName);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{expirydate}", accidentalModel.ExpiryDate);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{pastclaims}", accidentalModel.PastClaimDetails);
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{criminalconvictions}", accidentalModel.IsAnyCriminalConviction == true ? "Yes" : "No");
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{policycancelled}", accidentalModel.IsPolicyCancelled == true ? "Yes" : "No");
            _pdfContent = _pdfContent.Replace("{providedetails}", accidentalModel.ProvidedDetails);

            TextWriter _fWriter = new StreamWriter(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Templates/dfTemplate.htm"));

            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "elFLWktaTE9IWk9USlpJS1RLSFRDQ0ND";
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.Letter;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.NoCompression;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PDFPageOrientation.Landscape;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomMargin = 20;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopMargin = 20;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin = 20;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin = 20;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage = false;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.GenerateSelectablePdf = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.SinglePage = true;
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Templates/dfTemplate.htm"));
            string pdfName = RandomString(7) + ".pdf";
            accidentalModel.PDFName = pdfName;
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/PdfTemplates/AccidentalClaimForms/" + pdfName), pdfBytes);
            Mapper.Initialize(new MapperConfigurationExpression() { AllowNullCollections = true, AllowNullDestinationValues = true, CreateMissingTypeMaps = true });
            tblAccidentalClaim accidental = Mapper.Instance.Map<tblAccidentalClaim>(accidentalModel);
            accidental.IsApproved = false;
            accidental.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            return accidental.Id;
        //public ActionResult ReportPdf(Guid id, int? challengeId)
        public ActionResult ReportPdf(int id, int? SelectedOrderBy = null, int? SelectedChallengeStatus = null, string SelectedSuburb = "Suburb", string SearchString = "", int? timeRange = null, int page = 1, int pageSize = 0)
            var membershipUser = Membership.GetUser();
            bool? Status = null;
            switch (SelectedChallengeStatus)
                case 1:
                    Status = true;
                case 2:
                    Status = false;
                case 0:
                    Status = null;
            if (membershipUser != null && membershipUser.ProviderUserKey != null)
                bool InInstance = new ChallengesAdminService().CheckInInstance(id, (Guid)membershipUser.ProviderUserKey);
                if (LayoutViewModel.IsCouncil)

                    if (InInstance)
                        var pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

                        pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "Zk1URlVVRldTXlVGVUhWRlVXSFdUSF9fX18=";

                        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
                        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
                        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;
                        pdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = 800;

                        var url = Url.Action("ReportHtml", "ChallengesAdmin",
                            new RouteValueDictionary(new { id, SelectedChallengeStatus, Status, SelectedSuburb, SearchString, timeRange, page, pageSize }),
                            "http", Request.Url.Host);

                            var bytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);
                            return File(bytes, "application/pdf");
                        catch (Exception)
                            return RedirectToAction("ReportHtml", new { id, SelectedChallengeStatus, Status, SelectedSuburb, SearchString, timeRange, page, pageSize });
                    else return RedirectToAction("Index", "ChallengesAdmin");
                else return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
            else return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the HTML code from the specified URL to a PDF document and send the 
        /// document to the browser
        /// </summary>
        private void ConvertURLToPDF()
            string urlToConvert = textBoxWebPageURL.Text.Trim();

            // Create the PDF converter. Optionally the HTML viewer width can be specified as parameter
            // The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels.
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key - required
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

            // set the converter options - optional
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;

            // set if header and footer are shown in the PDF - optional - default is false
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = cbAddHeader.Checked;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = cbAddFooter.Checked;
            // set if the HTML content is resized if necessary to fit the PDF page width - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = cbFitWidth.Checked;

            // set the embedded fonts option - optional - default is false
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts = cbEmbedFonts.Checked;
            // set the live HTTP links option - optional - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled = cbLiveLinks.Checked;

            // set if the JavaScript is enabled during conversion to a PDF - default is true
            pdfConverter.JavaScriptEnabled = cbClientScripts.Checked;

            // set if the images in PDF are compressed with JPEG to reduce the PDF document size - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = cbJpegCompression.Checked;

            // enable auto-generated bookmarks for a specified list of HTML selectors (e.g. H1 and H2)
            if (cbBookmarks.Checked)
                pdfConverter.PdfBookmarkOptions.HtmlElementSelectors = new string[] { "H1", "H2" };

            // add HTML header
            if (cbAddHeader.Checked)
            // add HTML footer
            if (cbAddFooter.Checked)

            // optionally wait for asynchronous items
            pdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Performs the conversion and get the pdf document bytes that can
            // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(urlToConvert);

            // send the generated PDF document to client browser

            // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
            HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

            // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
            if (radioAttachment.Checked)
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=GettingStarted.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("inline; filename=GettingStarted.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));

            // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response

            // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
            // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
        private void DownLoadPDF()
            string url = string.Format("http://{0}/ExamOnline/ExamPaperStorage/ExamPaperView.aspx?epid={1}&isPdf=1", Request.Url.Host, RequestEPID);

            #region Cookies添加
            //HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strUrl);
            //request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            //request.Headers.Add("Cookie", Request.Headers["Cookie"]);

            //request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            ////string strCookieFilter = ".ASPXAUTH,BitAutoLogId,BitAutoUserCode,ASP.NET_SessionId,mmploginusername";
            //string strCookieFilter = "BitAutoLogId,BitAutoUserCode,ASP.NET_SessionId,mmploginusername";
            //HttpCookieCollection oCookies = Context.Request.Cookies;
            //for (int j = 0; j < oCookies.Count; j++)
            //    HttpCookie oCookie = oCookies.Get(j);

            //    if (strCookieFilter.IndexOf(oCookie.Name) > -1)
            //    {
            //        Cookie oC = new Cookie();

            //        // Convert between the System.Net.Cookie to a System.Web.HttpCookie...
            //        oC.Domain = Context.Request.Url.Host; // myRequest.RequestUri.Host;
            //        oC.Expires = oCookie.Expires;
            //        oC.Name = oCookie.Name;
            //        oC.Path = oCookie.Path;
            //        oC.Secure = oCookie.Secure;
            //        oC.Value = oCookie.Value.Replace(",", "%2C");

            //        request.CookieContainer.Add(oC);
            //    }

            //var s = request.GetResponse();
            //var r = new StreamReader(s.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);

            //var htmlText = r.ReadToEnd();

            //htmlText = htmlText.Replace("<input name=", "<span name=");
            //htmlText = htmlText.Replace("<div class=\"taskT\">试卷查看</div>", "");

            byte[] downloadBytes = new byte[] { };
            string downloadName  = "网页版试卷.pdf";
                PdfConverter pdfConverter = GetPdfConvert();
                //var downloadBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromHtmlString(htmlText);
                //var downloadBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl("");
                downloadBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);
            catch (Exception ex)
                downloadBytes = new byte[] { };
                BLL.Loger.Log4Net.Info("在页面ExamPaperPDF.aspx 报错:" + ex.Message);

            System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;
            response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
                               "attachment; filename=" + downloadName + "; size=" + downloadBytes.Length.ToString());
Exemple #19
        public static byte[] PrintToPDFByUrl(string url)
            byte[] pdfBytes = null;

                //bool selectablePDF = true;
                PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();
                // pdfConverterKey
                pdfConverter.LicenseKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pdfConverterKey"];
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PDFPageOrientation.Portrait;
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = false;
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = false;
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.GenerateSelectablePdf = true;
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = true;
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts = false;
                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled = true;
                //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin = 15;
                //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin = 15;
                pdfConverter.ScriptsEnabled = true;
                pdfConverter.ActiveXEnabled = true;
                pdfConverter.PageWidth = 840;

                //if (true)
                //    pdfConverter.ScriptsEnabled = true;
                //    pdfConverter.ActiveXEnabled = true;
                //    //pdfConverter.ScriptsEnabledInImage = true;
                //    //pdfConverter.ActiveXEnabledInImage = true;

                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = true;

                //if (false)
                //    pdfConverter.PdfBookmarkOptions.TagNames = new string[] { "H1", "H2" };

                pdfConverter.PdfDocumentInfo.AuthorName = "ExperPDF HTML to PDF Converter";

                //byte[] pdfBytes = null;
                pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);

                //HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
                //response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
                //    string.Format("attachment; filename={0}.pdf; size={1}", Guid.NewGuid(), pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));


            return pdfBytes;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the HTML code from the specified URL to a PDF document
        /// and send the document to the browser
        /// </summary>
        private void ConvertURLToPDF(HttpContext pContext, string pUrl, string pfileName, bool pEnviarEmail)
            string urlToConvert = pUrl;// textBoxWebPageURL.Text.Trim();

            // Create the PDF converter. Optionally the HTML viewer width can be specified as parameter
            // The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels.
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key - required
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "ORIJGQoKGQkZCxcJGQoIFwgLFwAAAAA=";

            // set the converter options - optional
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize         = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.NoCompression;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation  = PdfPageOrientation.Landscape;

            // set if header and footer are shown in the PDF - optional - default is false
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = false; ////cbAddHeader.Checked;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = false; // cbAddFooter.Checked;
            // set if the HTML content is resized if necessary to fit the PDF page width - default is true
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = true;// cbFitWidth.Checked;
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.StretchToFit = true;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage = false;
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.

            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin = 5;

            // set the embedded fonts option - optional - default is false
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts = false;      // cbEmbedFonts.Checked;
            // set the live HTTP links option - optional - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled = false; // cbLiveLinks.Checked;

            // set if the JavaScript is enabled during conversion to a PDF - default is true
            pdfConverter.JavaScriptEnabled = true;// cbClientScripts.Checked;

            // set if the images in PDF are compressed with JPEG to reduce the PDF document size - default is true
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = true;// cbJpegCompression.Checked;

            pdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 5;

            // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(urlToConvert);

            // send the PDF document as a response to the browser for download
            if (pEnviarEmail)
                MemoryStream ms     = new MemoryStream(pdfBytes);
                ContentType  ct     = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType(System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf);
                Attachment   attach = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(ms, ct);
                attach.ContentDisposition.FileName        = pfileName;
                attach.ContentDisposition.DispositionType = String.Format("attachment; filename={0}; size={1}", pfileName, pdfBytes.Length.ToString());
                attach.ContentDisposition.CreationDate    = DateTime.Now;

                MailMessage pMail = new MailMessage();
                pMail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                pMail.Subject    = "Invixx - Extrato Consolidado";
                pMail.IsBodyHtml = false;

                pMail.Body =
                    @"Prezado Cliente.

Segue anexo o seu extrato consolidado.


                SmtpClient pSmtpClient = new SmtpClient("ironport.gradual.intra");
                System.Net.NetworkCredential credential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("amiguel", "Gradual456", "GRADUAL");
                pSmtpClient.Credentials = credential;
                pContext.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
                pContext.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename={0}; size={1}",
                                                                                 pfileName, pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));
                // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
                // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
        public byte[] ConvertURLToPDF(string URI)
            string urlToConvert = URI;

            // Create the PDF converter. Optionally the HTML viewer width can be specified as parameter
            // The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels.
            PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key - required
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "QGtxYHNzYHF2dXNgc25wYHNxbnFybnl5eXk=";

            // set the converter options - optional
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;

            //// set if header and footer are shown in the PDF - optional - default is false 
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = cbAddHeader.Checked;
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = cbAddFooter.Checked;
            //// set if the HTML content is resized if necessary to fit the PDF page width - default is true
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = cbFitWidth.Checked;

            //// set the embedded fonts option - optional - default is false
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts = cbEmbedFonts.Checked;
            //// set the live HTTP links option - optional - default is true
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled = cbLiveLinks.Checked;

            //// set if the JavaScript is enabled during conversion to a PDF - default is true
            //pdfConverter.JavaScriptEnabled = cbClientScripts.Checked;

            //// set if the images in PDF are compressed with JPEG to reduce the PDF document size - default is true
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = cbJpegCompression.Checked;

            //// enable auto-generated bookmarks for a specified list of HTML selectors (e.g. H1 and H2)
            //if (cbBookmarks.Checked)
            //    pdfConverter.PdfBookmarkOptions.HtmlElementSelectors = new string[] { "H1", "H2" };

            //// add HTML header
            //if (cbAddHeader.Checked)
            //    AddHeader(pdfConverter);
            //// add HTML footer
            //if (cbAddFooter.Checked)
            //    AddFooter(pdfConverter);

            // Performs the conversion and get the pdf document bytes that can 
            // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(urlToConvert);

            //return pdfBytes;

             //send the PDF document as a response to the browser for download
            System.Web.HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;
            response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
            //if (radioAttachment.Checked)
            //    response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=GettingStarted.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));
            //    response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("inline; filename=GettingStarted.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));
            // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
            // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
            return pdfBytes;

        public ActionResult Voucher(Guid id, int? rewardId)
            var pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "Zk1URlVVRldTXlVGVUhWRlVXSFdUSF9fX18=";

            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;
            pdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = 800;

            //var url = Url.Action("VoucherHtml", "Rewards", new { id });
            var url = Url.Action("VoucherHtml", "Rewards",
                new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = id, rewardId }),
                "http", Request.Url.Host);

                var bytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);
                return File(bytes, "application/pdf");
            catch (Exception)
                return RedirectToAction("VoucherHtml", new { id });
        protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MemoryStream pdfStream2 = null;

                PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

                // set the license key
                pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

                // Convert the first document and produce a Document object containing the conversion result
                Document document1 = pdfConverter.GetPdfDocumentObjectFromUrl(textBoxWebPageURL1.Text);

                // Load a second document from a stream produced by the conversion of the second URL
                byte[] doc2Bytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(textBoxWebPageURL2.Text);
                pdfStream2 = new MemoryStream(doc2Bytes);

                // Load a PDF document from a stream
                Document document2 = new Document(pdfStream2);

                // Append second to the first document

                // Convert the third URL to PDF and obtain a PDF document object
                Document document3 = pdfConverter.GetPdfDocumentObjectFromUrl(textBoxWebPageURL3.Text);

                // Append the third document after the second

                // When AutoCloseAppendedDocs property is set on true the appended documents are automatically closed
                // when the document to which they are appended is closed
                document1.AutoCloseAppendedDocs = true;

                byte[] pdfBytes = null;

                    pdfBytes = document1.Save();
                    // Close the Document to realease all the resources
                    // The appended document3 will be automatically closed also

                // send the generated PDF document to client browser

                // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
                HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

                // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=HtmlToPdfFeatures.pdf; size={0}", pdfBytes.Length.ToString()));

                // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response

                // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
                // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
                if (pdfStream2 != null)
        private void btnConvertMerge_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            MemoryStream pdfStream2 = null;

                PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

                // set the license key
                pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "B4mYiJubiJiInIaYiJuZhpmahpGRkZE=";

                // Convert the first document and produce a Document object containing the conversion result
                Document document1 = pdfConverter.GetPdfDocumentObjectFromUrl(textBoxURL1.Text);

                // Load a second document from a stream produced by the conversion of the second URL
                byte[] doc2Bytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(textBoxURL2.Text);
                pdfStream2 = new MemoryStream(doc2Bytes);

                // Load a PDF document from a stream
                Document document2 = new Document(pdfStream2);

                // Append second to the first document

                // Convert the third URL to PDF and obtain a PDF document object
                Document document3 = pdfConverter.GetPdfDocumentObjectFromUrl(textBoxURL3.Text);

                // Append the third document after the second

                // When AutoCloseAppendedDocs property is set on true the appended documents are automatically closed
                // when the document to which they are appended is closed
                document1.AutoCloseAppendedDocs = true;

                string outFilePath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "AppendDocument.pdf");

                    // Close the Document to realease all the resources
                    // The appended document2 and document3 will be automatically closed

                DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Open the rendered file in an external viewer?", "Open Rendered File", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
            catch (Exception ex)
                // close the memory stream
                if (pdfStream2 != null)

                this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
Exemple #25
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            var response = context.Response;

            var queryString = context.Request.QueryString;
            if (queryString["url"] == null)
                response.StatusCode = 400;

            var url = queryString["url"];

            // Create the PDF converter. Optionally the HTML viewer width can be specified as parameter
            // The default HTML viewer width is 1024 pixels.
            var pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

            // set the license key - required
            pdfConverter.LicenseKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EvoPdfLicense"] ??

            // set the converter options - optional
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel = PdfCompressionLevel.Normal;
            pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;

            // set if header and footer are shown in the PDF - optional - default is false
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = cbAddHeader.Checked;
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = cbAddFooter.Checked;
            // set if the HTML content is resized if necessary to fit the PDF page width - default is true
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = cbFitWidth.Checked;

            // set the embedded fonts option - optional - default is false
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.EmbedFonts = cbEmbedFonts.Checked;
            // set the live HTTP links option - optional - default is true
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LiveUrlsEnabled = cbLiveLinks.Checked;

            // set if the JavaScript is enabled during conversion to a PDF - default is true
            //pdfConverter.JavaScriptEnabled = cbClientScripts.Checked;

            // set if the images in PDF are compressed with JPEG to reduce the PDF document size - default is true
            //pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionEnabled = cbJpegCompression.Checked;

            // enable auto-generated bookmarks for a specified list of HTML selectors (e.g. H1 and H2)
            //if (cbBookmarks.Checked)
            //    pdfConverter.PdfBookmarkOptions.HtmlElementSelectors = new string[] { "H1", "H2" };

            // add HTML header
            //if (cbAddHeader.Checked)
            //    AddHeader(pdfConverter);
            // add HTML footer
            //if (cbAddFooter.Checked)
            //    AddFooter(pdfConverter);

            // Performs the conversion and get the pdf document bytes that can
            // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
            var pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(url);

            // send the generated PDF document to client browser

            // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
            response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
            if (radioAttachment.Checked)
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=GettingStarted.pdf; size={0}",
                httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("inline; filename=GettingStarted.pdf; size={0}",
            // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response

            // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
            // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
Exemple #26
        public string SaveTheftClaim(TheftClaimModel model)
            string path = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/PdfTemplates"), "TheftClaimPDF.html");

            model.FullName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(model.FullName.ToLower());
            int bookingid;

                bookingid = Convert.ToInt32(model.BookingId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                bookingid = 0;
            tblBooking tblBooking = ((IQueryable <tblBooking>) this._dbEntity.tblBookings).FirstOrDefault <tblBooking>((Expression <Func <tblBooking, bool> >)(x => x.BookingId == (long)bookingid));

            if (tblBooking != null)
                tblBooking.IsTheftClaimRaised    = new bool?(true);
                tblBooking.IsRenterRaisedDispute = new bool?(true);
            string   str1      = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path).Replace("{fullname}", model.FullName).Replace("{email}", model.Email);
            string   oldValue1 = "{dob}";
            DateTime dateTime  = model.DOB.Date;
            string   newValue1 = dateTime.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy");
            string   str2      = str1.Replace(oldValue1, newValue1).Replace("{booking}", model.BookingId).Replace("{address}", model.Address).Replace("{postcode}", model.PostCode).Replace("{mobilenumber}", model.MobileNumber).Replace("{circumstances}", model.Circumstances).Replace("{stolenlist}", model.ListOfStolenItems).Replace("{approxvalue}", "£ " + model.ApproxValue).Replace("{responsible}", model.WhoWasResponsible).Replace("{unattended}", model.HowLongUnattended);
            string   oldValue2 = "{lastseen}";

            dateTime = model.TimeAndDateLastSeen;
            string newValue2 = dateTime.ToString();
            string str3      = str2.Replace(oldValue2, newValue2);
            string oldValue3 = "{discovered}";

            dateTime = model.TimeAndDateTheftDiscovered;
            string newValue3 = dateTime.ToString();
            string str4      = str3.Replace(oldValue3, newValue3);
            bool?  nullable  = model.IsAnyWitness;
            bool   flag1     = true;
            string str5      = ((nullable.GetValueOrDefault() == flag1 ? (nullable.HasValue ? 1 : 0) : 0) == 0 ? str4.Replace("{anywitness}", "No").Replace("{witnessdetails}", string.Empty) : str4.Replace("{anywitness}", "Yes").Replace("{witnessdetails}", model.WitnessDetails)).Replace("{policecontact}", model.PoliceContactNumber).Replace("{crimeincident}", model.CrimeIncidentNumber);
            string str6      = !model.IsPoliceAttend ? str5.Replace("{policeattend}", "No") : str5.Replace("{policeattend}", "Yes");
            string str7      = (!model.IsReportedToPoliceImmediately ? str6.Replace("{policeimmediately}", "No").Replace("{reasonforpolice}", model.ReasonForNotReportedImmediately) : str6.Replace("{policeimmediately}", "Yes").Replace("{reasonforpolice}", string.Empty)).Replace("{howsecured}", model.HowBicycleWasSecured).Replace("{locksecured}", model.DetailOfSecuredLock).Replace("{howaccess}", model.HowAccessGained).Replace("{alternatesecurity}", model.AlternativeSecurityMethod);

            nullable = model.IsAnotherInsurer;
            bool   flag2 = true;
            string str8  = ((nullable.GetValueOrDefault() == flag2 ? (nullable.HasValue ? 1 : 0) : 0) == 0 ? str7.Replace("{isanotherinsurer}", "No") : str7.Replace("{isanotherinsurer}", "Yes")).Replace("{previousinsurer}", model.PreviousInsurerName).Replace("{expirydate}", model.ExpiryDate).Replace("{anybicycleclaim}", model.PastClaimDetails);

            nullable = model.IsAnyCriminalConviction;
            bool   flag3 = true;
            string str9  = (nullable.GetValueOrDefault() == flag3 ? (nullable.HasValue ? 1 : 0) : 0) == 0 ? str8.Replace("{iscriminal}", "No") : str8.Replace("{iscriminal}", "Yes");

            nullable = model.IsPolicyCancelled;
            bool   flag4 = true;
            string str10 = (nullable.GetValueOrDefault() == flag4 ? (nullable.HasValue ? 1 : 0) : 0) == 0 ? str9.Replace("{ispolicycancelled}", "No") : str9.Replace("{ispolicycancelled}", "Yes");

            nullable = model.IsRefusedRenewal;
            bool         flag5        = true;
            string       str11        = ((nullable.GetValueOrDefault() == flag5 ? (nullable.HasValue ? 1 : 0) : 0) == 0 ? str10.Replace("{isrefusedrenewal}", "No") : str10.Replace("{isrefusedrenewal}", "Yes")).Replace("{provideddetails}", model.ProvidedDetails);
            StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Templates/dfTemplate.htm"));

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            model.PDFName = str12;
            Mapper.Initialize(new MapperConfigurationExpression()
                AllowNullCollections = true, AllowNullDestinationValues = true, CreateMissingTypeMaps = true

            tblTheftClaim tblTheftClaim = Mapper.Instance.Map <tblTheftClaim>(model);

            tblTheftClaim.IsApproved  = new bool?(false);
            tblTheftClaim.CreatedDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Now);