public void TestSimpleCleanTo() { string testDoc = TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"Projects\Workshare.API\Workshare.API.Tests\TestDocs\test.pdf"); using (TempFile tf = new TempFile(testDoc)) { using (TempFile dest = new TempFile()) { File.Delete(dest.FilePath); string initialHash = tf.MD5Sum; IPdfCleaner c = new PdfCleaner(); c.CleanFileTo(tf.FilePath, dest.FilePath); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(dest.FilePath), "We expected the dest file to be created"); string newHash = dest.MD5Sum; Assert.AreNotEqual(initialHash, newHash, "We expected the Cleanion to change the file contents"); } } }
public void TestMissingInputFile() { string testDoc = TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"Projects\Workshare.API\Workshare.API.Tests\TestDocs\i_do_not_exist.pdf"); using (TempFile dest = new TempFile()) { File.Delete(dest.FilePath); PdfCleaner r = new PdfCleaner(); try { r.CleanFileTo(testDoc, dest.FilePath); Assert.Fail("We expected not to get here - should have thrown an exception"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(FileNotFoundException), e); } Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(dest.FilePath), "We expected the dest file not to be created"); } }
public void TestLockedInputFile() { string testDoc = TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"Projects\Workshare.API\Workshare.API.Tests\TestDocs\test.pdf"); using (TempFile tf = new TempFile(testDoc)) using (TempFile dest = new TempFile()) { File.Delete(dest.FilePath); using (Stream s = File.Open(tf.FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { PdfCleaner r = new PdfCleaner(); try { r.CleanFileTo(tf.FilePath, dest.FilePath); Assert.Fail("We expected not to get here - should have thrown an exception"); } catch (Exception e) { //Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(IOException), e); } Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(dest.FilePath), "We expected the dest file not to be created"); } } }
public void TestRelativePath3() { string outputDoc = TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"Projects\Workshare.API\Workshare.API.Tests\TestDocs\output.pdf"); IPdfCleaner c = new PdfCleaner(); c.CleanFileTo("test.doc", outputDoc); }
public void TestBadOutputFile() { string testDoc = TestUtils.TestFileUtils.MakeRootPathAbsolute(@"Projects\Workshare.API\Workshare.API.Tests\TestDocs\test.pdf"); using (TempFile tf = new TempFile(testDoc)) { PdfCleaner r = new PdfCleaner(); try { r.CleanFileTo(tf.FilePath, "q:\\blah\\no\\existy\\here.pdf"); Assert.Fail("We expected not to get here - should have thrown an exception"); } catch (Exception e) { //Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(IOException), e); } } }