public PcpSummaryLogReportListModel Create(IEnumerable <ShippingDetail> shippingDetails, IEnumerable <OrderedPair <long, long> > shippingDetailIdEventCustomerIdPairs, IEnumerable <EventCustomer> eventCustomers, IEnumerable <Customer> customers, IEnumerable <PrimaryCarePhysician> primarycarePhysicians, IEnumerable <Event> eventsCollection)
            var listModel      = new PcpSummaryLogReportListModel();
            var collection     = new List <PcpSummaryLogReportModel>();
            var vendorCode     = "HLTF";
            var lineOfBusiness = "EMR";

            foreach (var shippingDetail in shippingDetails)
                var eventCustomerId = shippingDetailIdEventCustomerIdPairs.Where(sdec => sdec.FirstValue == shippingDetail.Id).Select(sdec => sdec.SecondValue).First();
                var eventCustomer   = eventCustomers.First(ec => ec.Id == eventCustomerId);
                var eventData       = eventsCollection.First(x => x.Id == eventCustomer.EventId);
                var customer        = customers.First(c => c.CustomerId == eventCustomer.CustomerId);
                var pcp             = primarycarePhysicians.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CustomerId == eventCustomer.CustomerId);

                var model = new PcpSummaryLogReportModel()
                    VendorCode      = vendorCode,
                    MedicareNumber  = customer.Hicn,
                    LineOfBusiness  = lineOfBusiness,
                    MemberState     = customer.Address.State,
                    MemberCounty    = customer.AdditionalField4,
                    MemberFirstName = customer.Name.FirstName,
                    MemberLastName  = customer.Name.LastName,
                    SubscriberID    = customer.CustomerId.ToString(),
                    MemberID        = customer.AdditionalField3,
                    DOB             = customer.DateOfBirth,
                    Gender          = customer.Gender.GetDescription(),
                    PcpFirstName    = pcp != null && pcp.Name != null ? pcp.Name.FirstName : string.Empty,
                    PcpLastName     = pcp != null && pcp.Name != null ? pcp.Name.LastName : string.Empty,
                    PcpPhoneNumber  = pcp != null && pcp.Primary != null ? pcp.Primary.DomesticPhoneNumber : string.Empty,
                    PcpAddress1     = pcp != null && pcp.Address != null ? pcp.Address.StreetAddressLine1 : string.Empty,
                    PcpAddress2     = pcp != null && pcp.Address != null ? pcp.Address.StreetAddressLine2 : string.Empty,
                    PcpCity         = pcp != null && pcp.Address != null ? pcp.Address.City : string.Empty,
                    PcpState        = pcp != null && pcp.Address != null ? pcp.Address.State : string.Empty,
                    PcpZIP          = pcp != null && pcp.Address != null && pcp.Address.ZipCode != null ? pcp.Address.ZipCode.Zip : string.Empty,
                    EventDate       = eventData.EventDate,
                    EventId         = eventData.Id,
                    PcpMailedDate   = shippingDetail.ShipmentDate,
                    ResultFileName  = customer.CustomerId + "_" + eventData.EventDate.ToString("MMddyyyy") + ".pdf"    //file name format: customerId_eventDate.pdf


            listModel.Collection = collection;
        public void PollForPcpLogSummaryReportExport()
                if (_wellCarePcpSummaryLogReportDayOfWeek != DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek)
                    _logger.Info("Report is schedule to run on " + _wellCarePcpSummaryLogReportDayOfWeek);
                    _logger.Info("Today is day of week " + DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek);
                    _logger.Info(string.Format("Set day of week to {0} to run today ", ((int)DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek)));

                if (_accountIds.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    _logger.Info("No Account Ids found");

                var directoryPath = _destinationFolderPdfPath + "\\";


                var toDate = DateTime.Now;

                var fileName = string.Format("PCPSummaryLog-HealthFair-{0}.csv", toDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));

                var accounts = _corporateAccountRepository.GetByIds(_accountIds);

                var model = new PcpSummaryLogReportListModel();

                foreach (var account in accounts)
                    _logger.Info("Running Report for Tag: " + account.Tag);

                        var serviceReportSettings = string.Format(_wellCarePcpSummaryLogReportSettingPath, account.Tag);
                        var customSettings        = _customSettingManager.Deserialize(serviceReportSettings);

                        var fromDate = (customSettings.LastTransactionDate != null) ? customSettings.LastTransactionDate.Value : _cutOfDate;

                        var listModel = PcpSummaryLogReport(account, fromDate, toDate, directoryPath, fileName);
                        if (listModel != null && !listModel.Collection.IsNullOrEmpty())
                            if (model.Collection.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                model.Collection = listModel.Collection;
                                model.Collection = model.Collection.Concat(listModel.Collection);

                        customSettings.LastTransactionDate = toDate;
                        _customSettingManager.SerializeandSave(serviceReportSettings, customSettings);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.Error("Some Error occurred  for Tag" + account.Tag);
                        _logger.Error("Message: " + ex.Message);
                        _logger.Error("Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace);

                if (model != null && !model.Collection.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    model.Collection = model.Collection.OrderBy(x => x.PcpMailedDate).ThenBy(x => x.EventId);

                    var exporter = ExportableDataGeneratorProcessManager <ViewModelBase, ModelFilterBase> .GetCsvExporter <PcpSummaryLogReportModel>();

                    _logger.Info("Record count" + model.Collection.Count());

                    if (File.Exists(directoryPath + fileName) && !FirstReportGenerated)
                        File.Delete(directoryPath + fileName);

                    FirstReportGenerated = _baseExportableReportHelper.GenerateCsv(directoryPath + fileName, exporter, model.Collection, skipHeader: FirstReportGenerated);

                    _logger.Info("Destination file " + directoryPath + fileName);
                    _logger.Info(string.Format("No Data found for PCP summary log Period {0} ", toDate));

                if (_settings.SendPdfToWellCareSftp)
                    ExportResultOnWellCareSftp(fileName, directoryPath + fileName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Error("Message: " + ex.Message);
                _logger.Error("Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace);