private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = comboBox1.SelectedIndex; dev = devices[index]; this.propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = (dev as NetworkDevice); }
/// <summary> /// 使用函数构造UDP数据包 /// </summary> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="dst_mac"></param> /// <param name="dst_ip"></param> /// <param name="src_port"></param> /// <param name="dst_port"></param> /// <param name="send_data"></param> /// <returns></returns> private byte[] GenUDPPacket(PcapDevice device, PhysicalAddress dst_mac, IPAddress dst_ip, int src_port, int dst_port, string send_data) { // 构造UDP部分数据报 UdpPacket udp_pkg = new UdpPacket((ushort)src_port, (ushort)dst_port); udp_pkg.PayloadData = strToToHexByte(send_data); udp_pkg.UpdateCalculatedValues(); // 构造IP部分数据报 IPv4Packet ip_pkg = new IPv4Packet(device.Interface.Addresses[1].Addr.ipAddress, dst_ip); ip_pkg.Protocol = IPProtocolType.UDP; ip_pkg.Version = IpVersion.IPv4; ip_pkg.PayloadData = udp_pkg.Bytes; ip_pkg.TimeToLive = 10; ip_pkg.UpdateCalculatedValues(); ip_pkg.UpdateIPChecksum(); // 构造以太网帧 EthernetPacket net_pkg = new EthernetPacket(device.MacAddress, dst_mac, EthernetPacketType.IpV4); net_pkg.Type = EthernetPacketType.IpV4; net_pkg.PayloadData = ip_pkg.Bytes; net_pkg.UpdateCalculatedValues(); return(net_pkg.Bytes); }
public void SetDevice(PcapDevice dev) { lock (_lock) { _device = dev; } }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var index = this.comboBox1.SelectedIndex; = this.devices[index]; this.propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = as NetworkDevice; }
public static IPAddressInfo GetIPAddressInfo(PcapDevice device) { PcapAddress pcap_address = null; pcap_address = device.Interface.Addresses .Where(a => a.Addr.type == Sockaddr.AddressTypes.AF_INET_AF_INET6 && a.Addr.ipAddress.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) .FirstOrDefault(); if (pcap_address == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("IP address not found"); } IPAddressInfo ipaddressinfo = new IPAddressInfo { IPAddress = pcap_address.Addr.ipAddress, Mask = pcap_address.Netmask.ipAddress, Gateway = device.Interface.GatewayAddresses?.FirstOrDefault() }; ipaddressinfo.IPNetwork = GetNetworkAddress(ipaddressinfo.Mask, ipaddressinfo.IPAddress); ipaddressinfo.IPBroadcast = GetBroadcastAddress(ipaddressinfo.Mask, ipaddressinfo.IPAddress); return(ipaddressinfo); }
public void StopCapture() { lock (_lock) { if (!IsCapturing) { return; } //if device exists and opened - close it if (_device != null && _device.PcapOpened) { _device.PcapClose(); } IsCapturing = false; _device = null; DeviceName = null; try { _runningThread.Abort(); } finally { _runningThread = null; } } }
private void MainForm_Load(object pSender, EventArgs pArgs) { if (new SetupForm().ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK) { Close(); return; } foreach (PcapDevice device in new PcapDeviceList()) { if (device.Interface.FriendlyName == Config.Instance.Interface) { mDevice = device; break; } } mDevice.Open(true, 1); mDevice.SetFilter(string.Format("tcp portrange {0}-{1}", Config.Instance.LowPort, Config.Instance.HighPort)); mTimer.Enabled = true; mSearchForm.Show(mDockPanel); mDataForm.Show(mDockPanel); mStructureForm.Show(mDockPanel); mPropertyForm.Show(mDockPanel); DockPane rightPane1 = new DockPane(mStructureForm, DockState.DockRight, true); DockPane rightPane2 = new DockPane(mPropertyForm, DockState.DockRight, true); rightPane1.Show(); rightPane2.Show(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox4.Clear(); button1.Enabled = false; try { _scannerType = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); _scanMethod = comboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString(); portFrom = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); if (textBox2.Enabled) { portTo = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text); } dev = (PcapDevice)comboBox3.SelectedItem; //Matching selected interface with .NET's facilities in order to get gateway's ip address //that is a property of the network interface of interest. foreach (NetworkInterface f in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { if (dev.Interface.Name.Contains(f.Id)) { gateway = f.GetIPProperties().GatewayAddresses[0].Address; break; } } backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { textBox4.Text = "You have to insert all appropriate parameters.\n"; textBox4.Text = ex.Message; button1.Enabled = true; } }
private void mFileCaptureMenu_Click(object pSender, EventArgs pArgs) { if (mCaptureDevice != null) { mCaptureDevice.Close(); mCaptureDevice = null; return; } SetupForm frmSetup = new SetupForm(); if (frmSetup.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } foreach (PcapDevice device in new PcapDeviceList()) { if (device.Interface.FriendlyName == Config.Instance.Interface) { mCaptureDevice = device; break; } } mCaptureDevice.Open(true, 1); mCaptureDevice.SetFilter(string.Format("tcp portrange {0}-{1}", Config.Instance.LowPort, Config.Instance.HighPort)); }
public ChooseDeviceForm(PcapDevice device) { InitializeComponent(); nics = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); FillComboBoxDevices(); comboBoxDevices.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(comboBoxDevices_SelectedIndexChanged); if (comboBoxDevices.Items.Count > 0) { comboBoxDevices.SelectedItem = device; if (device != null) { buttonStart.Enabled = !device.Started; buttonStop.Enabled = device.Started; } else { buttonStart.Enabled = false; buttonStop.Enabled = false; } } else { buttonStart.Enabled = false; buttonStop.Enabled = false; } }
public PcapDevice GetActualDevice(string interfaceFriendlyName) { List <PcapDevice> allDevices = GetCurrentDevices(); PcapDevice result = allDevices.FirstOrDefault(newDevice => newDevice.Interface.FriendlyName == interfaceFriendlyName); return(result); }
private void StopCapture(object state) { PcapDevice dev = (PcapDevice)state; dev.PcapStopCapture(); dev.PcapClose(); dev.PcapDumpFlush(); dev.PcapDumpClose(); }
public void SwitchDevice(PcapDevice device) { if (IsActive) { Stop(); } _device = device; }
public void FilterMethods() { using var device = TestHelper.GetPcapDevice(); device.Open(); var filterExpression = "arp"; var mask = (uint)0; var result = PcapDevice.CompileFilter(device.PcapHandle, filterExpression, mask, out IntPtr bpfProgram, out string errorString); Assert.IsTrue(result); var arp = new ARP(device); var destinationIP = new System.Net.IPAddress(new byte[] { 8, 8, 8, 8 }); // Note: We don't care about the success or failure here arp.Resolve(destinationIP); // retrieve some packets, looking for the arp var header = IntPtr.Zero; var data = IntPtr.Zero; var foundBpfMatch = false; var packetsToTry = 10; var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (packetsToTry > 0) { if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2000) { break; } var retval = device.GetNextPacketPointers(ref header, ref data); if (retval == 1) { packetsToTry--; Assert.AreNotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, header); Assert.AreNotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, data); // and test it against the bpf filter to confirm an exception is not thrown Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { // we expect a match as we are sending an arp packet if (PcapDevice.RunBpfProgram(bpfProgram, header, data)) { foundBpfMatch = true; } } ); } } Assert.IsTrue(foundBpfMatch); PcapDevice.FreeBpfProgram(bpfProgram); }
public void TestFilters() { // test a known failing filter string errorString; Assert.IsFalse(PcapDevice.CheckFilter("some bogus filter", out errorString)); // test a known working filter Assert.IsTrue(PcapDevice.CheckFilter("port 23", out errorString)); }
// Disposer public void Dispose() { if (trackdevice != null) { // Stop capturing packets try { trackdevice.StopCapture(); } catch (Exception) { }; try { trackdevice.Close(); } catch (Exception) { }; trackdevice = null; } }
private void Start() { PcapDeviceList _PcapDeviceList = SharpPcap.GetAllDevices(); PcapDevice _PcapDevice = _PcapDeviceList[0]; _PcapDevice.PcapOnPacketArrival += new SharpPcap.PacketArrivalEvent(_PcapDevice_PcapOnPacketArrival); _PcapDevice.PcapOpen(false); _PcapDevice.PcapSetFilter("tcp and ip"); _PcapDevice.PcapCapture(-1); }
private void mFileImportMenu_Click(object pSender, EventArgs pArgs) { if (mImportDialog.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } device = new CaptureFileReaderDevice(mImportDialog.FileName); device.Open(); new Thread(ParseImportedFile).Start(); }
private void buttonInject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isEthernetHeaderCorrect = ethernetHeaderUserControl.ValidateUserInput(); bool isIPv4HeaderCorrect = iPv4HeaderUserControl.ValidateUserInput(); bool isTcpHeaderCorrect = tcpHeaderUserControl.ValidateUserInput(); bool isDeviceChosen = chooseDeviceUserControl.ValidateChosenDevice(); if (!isEthernetHeaderCorrect || !isIPv4HeaderCorrect || !isTcpHeaderCorrect || !isDeviceChosen) { return; } EthernetPacket ethernetHeader = ethernetHeaderUserControl.CreateEthernetPacket(0); IPv4Packet ipv4Packet = iPv4HeaderUserControl.CreateIPv4Packet(ethernetHeader); TCPPacket tcpPacket = tcpHeaderUserControl.CreateTcpPacket(ipv4Packet); PcapDevice device = chooseDeviceUserControl.Device; bool isDeviceOpenedInThisForm = false; try { if (!device.Opened) { device.Open(); isDeviceOpenedInThisForm = true; } // Send the packet out the network device device.SendPacket(tcpPacket); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { if (isDeviceOpenedInThisForm) { device.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Dumps each received packet to a pcap file /// </summary> private static void device_PcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, PcapCaptureEventArgs e) { PcapDevice device = (PcapDevice)sender; //if device has a dump file opened if (device.DumpOpened) { //dump the packet to the file device.Dump(e.Packet); Console.WriteLine("Packet dumped to file."); } }
public bool TestDevice(PcapDevice device) { try { device.PcapOpen(); device.PcapClose(); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public static PhysicalAddress GetPhysicalAddress(PcapDevice device) { PhysicalAddress physicalAddress = null; if (device.Interface.Addresses.Count > 0) { physicalAddress = device.Interface.Addresses .Where(a => a.Addr.type == Sockaddr.AddressTypes.HARDWARE) .Select(b => b.Addr.hardwareAddress).Single(); } return(physicalAddress); }
private void devicesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (ChooseDeviceForm chooseDeviceForm = new ChooseDeviceForm(device)) { chooseDeviceForm.ButtonStopPressed += new EventHandler(chooseDeviceForm_ButtonStopPressed); if (chooseDeviceForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { device = chooseDeviceForm.Device; StartCapture(); } } }
/// <summary> /// The purpose of this method is to stop the sniffer. /// </summary> public void StopSniffing() { if (!started) { throw new Exception("Not Sniffing"); } if (pcapDevice != null) { pcapDevice.PcapClose(); pcapDevice = null; started = false; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="adapter"></param> /// <param name="payload"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool SendRawPacket(NetworkInterface adapter, Packet payload) { Debug.WriteLine("Sending RAW packet", EventLogEntryType.Information); PcapDevice device = (PcapDevice)CaptureDeviceList.Instance.Where(x => x.MacAddress.Equals(adapter.GetPhysicalAddress())).First(); if (device.Opened) { device.SendPacket(payload); return(true); } return(false); }
private string GetStatistics(PcapDevice device) { StringBuilder statBuilder = new StringBuilder(); statBuilder.Append("Pcap Statistics\n"); statBuilder.Append("=====================================\n"); statBuilder.AppendFormat(" Received Packets .............. : {0}\n", device.Statistics().ReceivedPackets); statBuilder.AppendFormat(" Dropped Packets ............... : {0}\n", device.Statistics().DroppedPackets); statBuilder.AppendFormat(" Interface Dropped Packets ..... : {0}\n", device.Statistics().InterfaceDroppedPackets); return(statBuilder.ToString()); }
private void buttonInject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isEthernetHeaderCorrect = ethernetHeaderUserControl.ValidateUserInput(); bool isPacketLengthValid = ValidatePacketLength(); bool isDeviceChosen = chooseDeviceUserControl.ValidateChosenDevice(); if (!isEthernetHeaderCorrect || !isPacketLengthValid || !isDeviceChosen) { return; } int payloadLength = packetLength - EthernetFields_Fields.ETH_HEADER_LEN; // Create an Ethernet packet. EthernetPacket ethernetPacket = ethernetHeaderUserControl.CreateEthernetPacket(payloadLength); PcapDevice device = chooseDeviceUserControl.Device; bool isDeviceOpenedInThisForm = false; try { if (!device.Opened) { device.Open(); isDeviceOpenedInThisForm = true; } // Send the packet out the network device device.SendPacket(ethernetPacket); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { if (isDeviceOpenedInThisForm) { device.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Stellt eine Klasse da die das Sniffen von Packets regelt /// </summary> /// <param name="port">Der Port auf den der TCPStreamAssembler horchen soll</param> public L2NetSniffer(PcapDevice device, int dst_port) { this.dst_port = dst_port; this.device = device; /* * (((ip.src == && (tcp.dstport == 7777) ) || ((ip.src == && (tcp.dstport == 52784))) */ this.tcpDumpFilter = "port " + dst_port; this.clientStr = new L2NetStream(); this.serverStr = new L2NetStream(); // TODO: wenn keine devices gefunden wurden, Meldung this.Init(); }
private void StopCapture(object state) { PcapDevice device = (PcapDevice)state; device.StopCaptureTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500); try { device.StopCapture(); } catch { Log.Warn("Terminals needed more than 500 milliseconds to abort the PCap thread."); } device.Close(); }
private static Dictionary <ComboBoxItem, ICaptureDevice> GetDevicesList() { var devices = CaptureDeviceList.Instance; var dictionary = new Dictionary <ComboBoxItem, ICaptureDevice>(); foreach (var device in devices) { PcapDevice dev = (PcapDevice)device; var item = new ComboBoxItem { Content = dev.Interface.FriendlyName }; dictionary.Add(item, device); } return(dictionary); }
public void Initialize() { pcapDevice = null; started = false; /* Retrieve the device list */ PcapDeviceList devices = SharpPcap.SharpPcap.GetAllDevices(); if( devices.Count < 1 ) { return; } /* Scan the list printing every entry */ foreach( PcapDevice dev in devices ) { if( dev.PcapIpAddress.Equals( ipAddress ) ) { pcapDevice = dev; break; } } }
private void mFileImportMenu_Click(object pSender, EventArgs pArgs) { if (mImportDialog.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK) return; device = new CaptureFileReaderDevice(mImportDialog.FileName); device.Open(); new Thread(ParseImportedFile).Start(); }
private void MainForm_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); foreach (var file in files) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(file)) continue; switch (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file)) { case ".msb": { SessionForm session = NewSession(); session.OpenReadOnly(file); session.Show(mDockPanel, DockState.Document); mSearchForm.RefreshOpcodes(false); break; } case ".pcap": { device = new CaptureFileReaderDevice(file); device.Open(); ParseImportedFile(); break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// The purpose of this method is to stop the sniffer. /// </summary> public void StopSniffing() { if( !started ) { throw new Exception( "Not Sniffing" ); } if( pcapDevice != null ) { pcapDevice.PcapClose(); pcapDevice = null; started = false; } }