public static void Init(Products.Item targetBase = null, Action <Products.Item> OnComplete = null) { CompletedAction = OnComplete; if (targetBase != null) { CurrentBase = (Products.Item)targetBase.Clone(); } else { CurrentBase = new Products.Item(); } appSettings = Resources.Load <PaymentsAppSettings>("PaymentsAppSettings"); selection = appSettings.GameItemList.ToList().FindIndex(x => x.Equals(CurrentBase.Id)); // Create window. var window = (ItemEditor)GetWindow(typeof(ItemEditor)); window.minSize = new Vector2(320, 235); window.maxSize = new Vector2(320, 235); window.Show(); }
private void TemplateLoaded(PaymentTemplate template, PaymentsAppSettings appSettings) { Debug.Log("[SHOP] Template loaded."); currentTemplate = template; // Initialize UI. foreach (var product in template.Products) { AddProduct(product); } foreach (var bundle in template.Bundles) { AddBundle(bundle); } // Load filters by items. Transform filterHolder = filterSelection.transform; var filterPrefab = filterHolder.GetChild(0); foreach (var item in template.ItemDefinitions) { var filter = Instantiate(filterPrefab, filterHolder); filter.gameObject.SetActive(true); filter.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = item.Name; = item.Id; } filterSelection.Initialize(); // first child is the template. use the first generated one. // filter event filterSelection.OnValueChanged.AddListener((List <int> values) => { int count = values.Count; string[] itemIds = new string[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // get item id. itemIds[i] = filterHolder.GetChild(values[i]).name; } FilterShopByItemId(itemIds); }); filterSelection.SelectAll(); #region Create sorting orders. /// var options = new List <Dropdown.OptionData>(); // DEFAULT SORTING ORDERS. string[] defaultSortings = new string[] { "by name (ascending)", "by name (descending)", "by price (high to low)", "by price (low to high)" }; foreach (var sorting in defaultSortings) { options.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData() { text = sorting }); } /// Item sortings from the app settings. int sortingOrdersCount = appSettings.SortingOrders.Length; for (int i = 0; i < sortingOrdersCount; i++) { options.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData() { text = appSettings.SortingOrders[i].Name }); } sortingDropdown.AddOptions(options); sortingDropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener((index) => { if (index >= defaultSortings.Length) { string[] order = appSettings.SortingOrders[index - defaultSortings.Length].SortingOrderItemIds; SortByItem(order); } else { switch (index) { case 0: case 1: SortByName(index == 0); break; case 2: case 3: SortByPrice(Payments.Products.Price.Currency.USDollars, index == 2); break; } } }); #endregion // Update sorting. sortingDropdown.onValueChanged?.Invoke(0); onShopLoaded?.Invoke(); purchaseButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { OnPurchaseItem?.Invoke(activeItem); }); }
static void Init() { lastMessage = ""; templatesEnabled = false; appIdDoesntExist = false; dataPulled = false; // payments app settings var paymentsAppSettings = Resources.Load <PaymentsAppSettings>("PaymentsAppSettings"); if (paymentsAppSettings == null) { // Create app settings. PaymentsAppSettings asset = CreateInstance <PaymentsAppSettings>(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, "Assets/Resources/PaymentsAppSettings.asset"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow(); Selection.activeObject = asset; } // // resources folder. string targetFolder = Application.dataPath + "/Resources"; ConfigPath = targetFolder + "/" + "PaymentsConfig.json"; if (!!!File.Exists(ConfigPath)) { // File doesnt Exist. Create. if (!!!Directory.Exists(targetFolder)) { // Directory is also Null?? Directory.CreateDirectory(targetFolder); } string NewConfig = "{ \"_AppId\": \"unassignedId\" }"; File.WriteAllText(ConfigPath, NewConfig); // Load asset database again. AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } // Read config. string readed = File.ReadAllText(ConfigPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(readed)) // READ DATA IS NULL!!! { Debug.LogError("[Payments] 'Error code 001': Not sure what happened. But config data is not found & not created for some reason."); return; } CurrentConfig = JsonUtility.FromJson <PaymentsConfig>(readed); if (CurrentConfig == null) { Debug.LogError("[Payments] 'Error code 002': Broken config."); return; } // Get existing open window //or if none, make a new one: PaymentsManager window = (PaymentsManager)GetWindow(typeof(PaymentsManager)); window.Show(); }