public void AddNewPaymentType_Should()
            // Variable initializations
            _paymentType1 = new PaymentType();
            _testCustomer = new Customer();

            // Add a test customer to get the returned ID
            int custId = _custManager.AddCustomer(_testCustomer);

            // Adds properties to the _paymentType instance
            _paymentType1.Type          = "Mastercard";
            _paymentType1.AccountNumber = 12345678910;

            // Adds the _paymentType to the _paymentList in the paymentTypeManager, passes in a customerId
            int paymentId = _paymentTypeManager.AddNewPaymentType(_paymentType1, custId);

            // Asserts the properties exist
            PaymentType payment = _paymentTypeManager.GetSinglePaymentType(paymentId);

            Assert.Equal(payment.Id, paymentId);
            Assert.Equal(payment.CustomerId, custId);
            Assert.Equal(payment.Type, "Mastercard");
            Assert.Equal(payment.AccountNumber, 12345678910);
        public void CloseOrder()
            // add customer to DB and get id
            int CustomerId = _customerManager.AddCustomer(_customer);

            // add the customerId to _testOrder
            _testOrder.CustomerId = CustomerId;
            // add the customerId to _testProduct
            _testProduct.CustomerId = CustomerId;

            // Variable initialization for Payment Type
            _paymentType1 = new PaymentType();
            // Adds properties to the _paymentType instance
            _paymentType1.Type          = "Mastercard";
            _paymentType1.AccountNumber = 12345678910;

            // add a test order
            int orderId = _orderManager.AddOrder(_testOrder);
            // add a test product
            int productId = _productManager.AddProduct(_testProduct);

            // Adds the _paymentType to the _paymentList in the paymentTypeManager, passes in a customerId
            int paymentId = _paymentTypeManager.AddNewPaymentType(_paymentType1, CustomerId);

            // get the user's unpaid order
            Order customerOrder = _orderManager.GetUnpaidOrder(CustomerId);

            // Close the order by adding the payment type selected
            _orderManager.CloseOrder(customerOrder.Id, paymentId);

            // retrieve the order and Assert that the updated values match
            Order retrievedOrder = _orderManager.GetOrderById(orderId);

            // Get the payment type info used on the order
            // since PaymentTypeId is currently a nullable int type, convert it to an int to use it to retrieve the payment Type details
            int         retrievedPaymentTypeId = retrievedOrder.PaymentTypeId ?? default(int);
            PaymentType retrievedPaymentType   = _paymentTypeManager.GetSinglePaymentType(retrievedPaymentTypeId);

            // Assert that the payment type matches what we used to close the order
            Assert.Equal("Mastercard", retrievedPaymentType.Type);
            Assert.Equal(12345678910, retrievedPaymentType.AccountNumber);