protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HideErrorMessage(); if (GetFormIsPopup()) { Utilities.UpdatePageHeaderV2(Page.Master, true); } btnClose.Visible = GetFormIsPopup(); if (!IsPostBack) { FillInvoicesList(); } if (Session["UpdateFromWebPay"] != null) { PaymentPendingDB.UpdateAllPaymentsPending(null, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15), DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"])); Session.Remove("UpdateFromWebPay"); } } catch (CustomMessageException ex) { if (IsPostBack) { SetErrorMessage(ex.Message); } else { HideTableAndSetErrorMessage(ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (IsPostBack) { SetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString()); } else { HideTableAndSetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString()); } } }
protected void Run() { if (!CheckIsValidStartEndDates()) { return; } try { string output = PaymentPendingDB.UpdateAllPaymentsPending(null, GetFromDate(), GetToDate(), Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]), true); lblOutput.Text = output; } catch (System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException ex) { if (ex.Message == "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize property on the appropriate binding element.") { SetErrorMessage("Ezidebit can not return this much data in a single request. Please narrow the date range and try again."); return; } throw; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string InvoiceID = Request.QueryString["InvoiceID"]; string PT_CustomerName = Request.QueryString["PT_CustomerName"]; string PT_PaymentAmount = Request.QueryString["PT_PaymentAmount"]; string PT_ReturnUrl = Request.QueryString["PT_ReturnUrl"]; string DB = null; if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { Tuple <string, int> formParams = GetFormParams(false); Invoice invoice = InvoiceDB.GetByID(formParams.Item2, formParams.Item1); if (invoice == null) { HideTableAndSetErrorMessage("Invalid invoice ID"); return; } InvoiceID = invoice.InvoiceID.ToString(); DB = formParams.Item1; } else { DB = Session["DB"].ToString(); } int paymentPendingID = PaymentPendingDB.Insert(DB, Convert.ToInt32(InvoiceID), Convert.ToDecimal(PT_PaymentAmount), PT_CustomerName); string url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EziDebit_URL"] + "/Payment.aspx" + "?PT_DigitalKey=" + SystemVariableDB.GetAll(DB)["EziDebit_DigitalKey"].Value + "&PT_PaymentReference=" + paymentPendingID + "&PT_CustomerName=" + PT_CustomerName + "&PT_PaymentAmount=" + PT_PaymentAmount + "&PT_ReturnURL=" + PT_ReturnUrl; Response.Redirect(url); }
public static string UpdateAllPaymentsPending(string DB, DateTime from, DateTime to, int staffID, bool incOutput = false) { bool isStakeholder = HttpContext.Current.Session != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["IsStakeholder"] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(HttpContext.Current.Session["IsStakeholder"]); NonPCIServiceClient client = new NonPCIServiceClient(); result = client.GetPayments( ((SystemVariables)HttpContext.Current.Session["SystemVariables"])["EziDebit_DigitalKey"].Value, "ALL", "ALL", "ALL", "", from.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), to.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), "PAYMENT", "", "" ); string output = string.Empty; output += "Error: " + result.Error + "<br /><br />"; if (result.Data != null) { // some erroneous payment references have gotten in and then there is an erorr converting it to an int to sort it. bool containsOnlyInts = true; string allPaymentRefs = string.Empty; foreach ( payment in result.Data) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(payment.PaymentReference, @"^\d+$")) { allPaymentRefs += "<tr><td><font color=\"red\">" + payment.PaymentReference + "</font></td><td style=\"min-width:10px;\"></td><td>$" + payment.ScheduledAmount + "</td><td style=\"min-width:10px;\"></td><td>" + (payment.SettlementDate == null ? "" : payment.SettlementDate.Value.ToString("d MMM yyyy mm:ss")) + "</td></tr>"; containsOnlyInts = false; } else { allPaymentRefs += "<tr><td>" + payment.PaymentReference + "</td><td style=\"min-width:10px;\"></td><td>$" + payment.ScheduledAmount + "</td><td style=\"min-width:10px;\"></td><td>" + (payment.SettlementDate == null ? "" : payment.SettlementDate.Value.ToString("d MMM yyyy mm:ss")) + "</td></tr>"; } } if (containsOnlyInts) { Array.Sort(result.Data, delegate( p1, p2) { return(Convert.ToInt32(p1.PaymentReference).CompareTo(Convert.ToInt32(p2.PaymentReference))); }); } for (int i = 0; i < result.Data.Length; i++) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(result.Data[i].PaymentReference, @"^\d+$")) { continue; } PaymentPending paymentPending = PaymentPendingDB.GetByID(DB, Convert.ToInt32(result.Data[i].PaymentReference)); if (paymentPending == null) { continue; } if (paymentPending.OutDateProcessed != DateTime.MinValue && paymentPending.OutPaymentResult == "A" && (result.Data[i].PaymentStatus.ToUpper() != "S" && result.Data[i].PaymentStatus.ToUpper() != "P")) { Emailer.SimpleAlertEmail( "Ezidebit invoice payment added and set to \"A\" but payment status not in (\"S\",\"P\"): " + result.Data[i].PaymentStatus.ToUpper() + ".<br />payment_pending_id: " + paymentPending.PaymentPendingID + "<br />DB: " + (DB == null ? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["DB"] : DB), "Ezidebit Reconcilliation - Payment Status Mismatch", true); } if (paymentPending.OutDateProcessed != DateTime.MinValue) { continue; } // // During real time transactions, results can be // // A = Approved // U = Unable to process at that time (Failed) // F = Failed (Failed) // // On the instant payment screen, we set in our DB as Approved (& generate receipt), or else we do not enter the result // There is no option (A/U/F) for Pending to update later // // // During this reconcilliation, results can be // // S = Successful // P = Pending (just means waiting for money to physically be sent to our bank) // F/D = (Dishonour/Fatal Dishonour) // // // Their instant payment page will always know if it was successful or failed at the time of transaction. // // So in the reconciliation web service, since 'Pending' is not a fail code, it means any payment // set to Pending is definitely successful and just waiting for the money to be actually sent. // // Ezidebit support confirmed this. // if (result.Data[i].PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "S" || result.Data[i].PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "P") { PaymentPendingDB.Update(DB, result.Data[i].TransactionTime.Value, paymentPending.PaymentPendingID, "A", "00", "APPROVED", result.Data[i].BankReceiptID, result.Data[i].PaymentID); // update this invoice as paid! if (!Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EziDebit_Debugging"])) { Invoice invoice = InvoiceDB.GetByID(paymentPending.InvoiceID); if (result.Data[i].ScheduledAmount != (double)paymentPending.PaymentAmount) { Emailer.SimpleAlertEmail( "Ezidebit invoice late payment added but initial payment amount and reconcilliation ammount differ (" + paymentPending.PaymentAmount + ", " + result.Data[i].ScheduledAmount + ")<br />payment_pending_id: " + paymentPending.PaymentPendingID + "<br />Invoice: " + invoice.InvoiceID + "<br />DB: " + (DB == null ? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["DB"] : DB) + "<br />Original Amount: " + paymentPending.PaymentAmount + "<br />Ezidebit Sync Amount: " + result.Data[i].ScheduledAmount + "<br />Staff: " + StaffDB.GetByID(staffID).Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename, "Ezidebit Reconcilliation Amounts Differ. Invoice " + paymentPending.InvoiceID, true); } decimal totalOwed = invoice.TotalDue - paymentPending.PaymentAmount; bool isOverPaid = totalOwed < 0; bool isPaid = totalOwed <= 0; int receiptID = ReceiptDB.Insert(DB, 363, paymentPending.InvoiceID, paymentPending.PaymentAmount, 0, false, isOverPaid, DateTime.MinValue, staffID); if (isPaid) { InvoiceDB.UpdateIsPaid(DB, invoice.InvoiceID, true); } if (isOverPaid) { // send email to someone .. to fix up the overpayment Emailer.SimpleAlertEmail( "Ezidebit invoice late web payment added and is overpaid.<br />payment_pending_id: " + paymentPending.PaymentPendingID + "<br />Invoice: " + invoice.InvoiceID + "<br />DB: " + (DB == null ? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["DB"] : DB), "Ezidebit Invoice OverPaid. Invoice: " + invoice.InvoiceID, true); } } } if (result.Data[i].PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "F" || result.Data[i].PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "D") { PaymentPendingDB.Update(DB, result.Data[i].TransactionTime.Value, paymentPending.PaymentPendingID, "F", result.Data[i].BankReturnCode, result.Data[i].BankFailedReason, result.Data[i].BankReceiptID, result.Data[i].PaymentID); } } System.Collections.Hashtable ppHash = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); if (incOutput) { DataTable dt = PaymentPendingDB.GetDataTable(DB); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { PaymentPending pp = PaymentPendingDB.Load(dt.Rows[i]); ppHash[pp.PaymentPendingID] = pp; } } output += "<table id=\"tbl_output\" class=\"table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-normal auto_width block_center\" border=\"1\">"; output += @"<tr><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Date </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Payment Reference </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Payment Status <table class=""text_left""> <tr style=""white-space:nowrap;""><td>(<b>S</b> = Successful)</td></tr> <tr style=""white-space:nowrap;""><td>(<b>F</b> = Failed)</td></tr> <tr style=""white-space:nowrap;""><td>(<b>P</b> = Pending)</td></tr> </table> </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<b>[Internal]<br/></b>Invoice ID </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<b>[Internal]<br/></b>Customer Name </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<b>[Internal]<br/></b>Payment Amount </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<b>[Internal]<br/></b>OutPayment Result <table class=""text_left""> <tr style=""white-space:nowrap;""><td>(<b>A</b> = Accepted)</td></tr> <tr style=""white-space:nowrap;""><td>(<b>F</b> = Failed)</td></tr> </table> </th><th style=""background-color:grey !important;"">" + @" </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Bank Failed Reason </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Bank Receipt ID </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Bank Return Code </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Customer Name </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Debit Date </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Settlement Date </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Ezidebit Customer ID </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Payment ID </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + (isStakeholder ? @"<br />Payment Amount </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" : "") + @"<br />Payment Method </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Payment Source </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Scheduled Amount </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + (isStakeholder ? @"<br />Transaction Fee Client </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" : "") + (isStakeholder ? @"<br />Transaction Fee Customer </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" : "") + @"<br />Transaction Time </th><th style=""vertical-align:top !important;"">" + @"<br />Ezidebit Invoice ID </th>"; output += "</tr>"; for (int i = result.Data.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PaymentPending pp = null; if (Regex.IsMatch(result.Data[i].PaymentReference, @"^\d+$")) { pp = ppHash[Convert.ToInt32(result.Data[i].PaymentReference)] as PaymentPending; } bool failed = result.Data[i].PaymentStatus != "S" && result.Data[i].PaymentStatus != "P"; string invLink = pp == null ? null : String.Format("Invoice_ViewV2.aspx?invoice_id={0}", pp.InvoiceID); string onClick = pp == null ? null : "javascript:window.showModalDialog('" + invLink + "', '', 'dialogWidth:775px;dialogHeight:900px;center:yes;resizable:no; scroll:no');return false;"; output += "<tr" + (!failed ? "" : " style='color:red;' ") + "><td>" + (pp == null ? "" : (pp.DateAdded.ToString("d MMM, yyyy") + " " + pp.DateAdded.ToString("HH:mm"))) + " </td><td> " + (failed ? "<b>" : "") + result.Data[i].PaymentReference + (failed ? "</b>" : "") + " </td><td> " + (failed ? "<b>" : "") + result.Data[i].PaymentStatus + (failed ? "</b>" : "") + " </td><td> " + (pp == null ? "" : "<a href=\"" + invLink + "\"" + (onClick == null ? "" : " onclick=\"" + onClick + "\"") + ">" + pp.InvoiceID + "</a>") + " </td><td> " + (pp == null ? "" : pp.CustomerName.ToString()) + " </td><td> " + (pp == null ? "" : pp.PaymentAmount.ToString()) + " </td><td> " + (pp == null ? "" : pp.OutPaymentResult.ToString()) + " </td><td style=\"background-color:grey;\"> " + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].BankFailedReason + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].BankReceiptID + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].BankReturnCode + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].CustomerName + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].DebitDate + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].SettlementDate + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].EzidebitCustomerID + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].PaymentID + " </td><td> " + (isStakeholder ? result.Data[i].PaymentAmount + " </td><td> " : "") + result.Data[i].PaymentMethod + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].PaymentSource + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].ScheduledAmount + " </td><td> " + (isStakeholder ? result.Data[i].TransactionFeeClient + " </td><td> " : "") + (isStakeholder ? result.Data[i].TransactionFeeCustomer + " </td><td> " : "") + result.Data[i].TransactionTime.Value + " </td><td> " + result.Data[i].InvoiceID + " </td>" + "</tr>"; } output += "</table>"; } else if (result.ErrorMessage != null && result.ErrorMessage.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < result.ErrorMessage.Length; i++) { output += "EziDebit Error: " + result.ErrorMessage[i] + "<br />" + Environment.NewLine; } Emailer.SimpleAlertEmail( output, "EziDebit Web Service Error", true); Logger.LogQuery(output, false, true, false); } client.Close(); // Always close the client. return(output); }
protected void CheckReturnFromOnlinePayment() { string PT_PaymentReference = Request.Form["PT_PaymentReference"] != null ? Request.Form["PT_PaymentReference"] : Request.QueryString["PT_PaymentReference"]; string PT_PaymentResult = Request.Form["PT_PaymentResult"] != null ? Request.Form["PT_PaymentResult"] : Request.QueryString["PT_PaymentResult"]; string PT_PaymentResultCode = Request.Form["PT_PaymentResultCode"] != null ? Request.Form["PT_PaymentResultCode"] : Request.QueryString["PT_PaymentResultCode"]; string PT_PaymentResultText = Request.Form["PT_PaymentResultText"] != null ? Request.Form["PT_PaymentResultText"] : Request.QueryString["PT_PaymentResultText"]; string PT_BankReceiptID = Request.Form["PT_BankReceiptID"] != null ? Request.Form["PT_BankReceiptID"] : Request.QueryString["PT_BankReceiptID"]; string PT_PayTechPaymentID = Request.Form["PT_PayTechPaymentID"] != null ? Request.Form["PT_PayTechPaymentID"] : Request.QueryString["PT_PayTechPaymentID"]; if (PT_PaymentReference != null && PT_PaymentResult != null && PT_PaymentResultCode != null && PT_PaymentResultText != null && PT_BankReceiptID != null && PT_PayTechPaymentID != null) { PaymentPending paymentPending = PaymentPendingDB.GetByID(null, Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PT_PaymentReference"])); Invoice invoice = InvoiceDB.GetByID(paymentPending.InvoiceID); PaymentPendingDB.Update( null, DateTime.Now, Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PT_PaymentReference"]), PT_PaymentResult, PT_PaymentResultCode, PT_PaymentResultText, PT_BankReceiptID, PT_PayTechPaymentID ); if (PT_PaymentResult == "A" && !Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EziDebit_Debugging"])) { decimal totalOwed = invoice.TotalDue - paymentPending.PaymentAmount; bool isOverPaid = totalOwed < 0; bool isPaid = totalOwed <= 0; int receiptID = ReceiptDB.Insert(null, 363, paymentPending.InvoiceID, paymentPending.PaymentAmount, 0, false, isOverPaid, DateTime.MinValue, Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"])); if (isPaid) { InvoiceDB.UpdateIsPaid(null, invoice.InvoiceID, true); } if (isPaid) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "close_form", @"<script language=javascript>self.close();</script>"); } } string url = Request.RawUrl; //url = UrlParamModifier.Remove(url, "PT_PaymentReference"); url = UrlParamModifier.Remove(url, "PT_PaymentResult"); url = UrlParamModifier.Remove(url, "PT_PaymentResultCode"); url = UrlParamModifier.Remove(url, "PT_PaymentResultText"); url = UrlParamModifier.Remove(url, "PT_BankReceiptID"); url = UrlParamModifier.Remove(url, "PT_PayTechPaymentID"); Response.Redirect(url); } else if (PT_PaymentReference != null) { PaymentPending paymentPending = PaymentPendingDB.GetByID(null, Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PT_PaymentReference"])); if (paymentPending.OutPaymentResult == "A") { SetErrorMessage("Online Payment Approved: $" + paymentPending.PaymentAmount + ".<br />Adjusted Amount Owed Remaining Showing Above."); } if (paymentPending.OutPaymentResult == "U") { SetErrorMessage("Online Payment was not able to be processed at this time"); } if (paymentPending.OutPaymentResult == "F") { SetErrorMessage("<div style=\"height:15px;\"></div><span style=\"font-size: 150%;\">Online Payment Failed: <b>" + paymentPending.OutPaymentResultText + "</b></span><div style=\"height:2px;\"></div>"); } } }