Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <TimeSheetEntryModels> timeSheetEntries = GetTimeSheetEntries();

            List <CustomerModel> customers = CustomerLibrary.GetCustomers();

            foreach (var customer in customers)
                var customerTime = TimeSheetProcessor.CalculateTimeForCustomer(timeSheetEntries, customer.Name);
                SimulateSendingMail(customer, customerTime);

            List <PaymentModel> payments = PaymentLibrary.GetPayments();

            var timeWorked = TimeSheetProcessor.CalculateTimeWorked(timeSheetEntries);

            foreach (var paymentModel in payments)
                if (timeWorked > paymentModel.HourLimit)
                    SimulatePayment(paymentModel, timeWorked);

            Console.Write("Press any key to exit application...");
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult MarkAsPaid(int userId, int paymentLibraryId)
            PaymentLibrary payment = db.Payments.Where(a => a.UserId == userId && a.PaymentLibraryId == paymentLibraryId).Single();

            payment.Status = "Paid";
        public void GuIdPropertyOk()
            PaymentLibrary payment = new PaymentLibrary();

            payment.guId = "1";
            string testData = "1";

            Assert.AreEqual(payment.guId, testData);
        public ActionResult PayFine(int userId)
            PaymentLibrary payment = db.Payments.Where(a => a.UserId == userId).FirstOrDefault();
            Booking        booking = db.Bookings.Where(a => a.BookingId == payment.BookingId).Single();
            Book           book    = db.Books.Where(a => a.BookId == booking.BookId).Single();

        public void PaymentIdPropertyOk()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            PaymentLibrary payment = new PaymentLibrary();
            //create some test data to assign to the property
            Int32 TestData = 1;

            //assign the data to the property
            payment.PaymentLibraryId = TestData;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(payment.PaymentLibraryId, TestData);
        public void StatusPropertyOk()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            PaymentLibrary payment = new PaymentLibrary();
            //create some test data to assign to the property
            string TestData = "Paid";

            //assign the data to the property
            payment.Status = TestData;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(payment.Status, TestData);
        public ActionResult PayFine(int userId, int paymentId)
            PaymentLibrary payment = db.Payments.Where(a => a.PaymentLibraryId == paymentId).FirstOrDefault();

            payment.DatePaid = DateTime.Now;
            payment.Status   = "Paid";
            User user = db.Users.Where(a => a.UserId == userId).Single();

        public void BookingPropertyOk()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            PaymentLibrary payment = new PaymentLibrary();
            //create some test data to assign to the property
            Booking testData = new Booking();

            testData.BookingId = 1;
            //assign the data to the property
            payment.BookingId = testData.BookingId;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(payment.BookingId, testData);
Exemple #9
        public ActionResult ReturnBook(string bookSerialNumber)
            //    bookSerialNumber = RouteData.Values["SerialNumber"] + Request.Url.Query;
            LibraryRegulations libraryRegulations = new LibraryRegulations();
            List <BookCode>    bookCode           = db.BookCodes.ToList();
            List <Booking>     bookings           = db.Bookings.ToList();
            BookCode           bookCode1          = bookCode.Where(a => a.BookSerialNumber == bookSerialNumber).Single();

            if (db.Bookings.Where(a => a.BookCodeId == bookCode1.BookCodeId && a.DateReturned == null).Count() > 0)
                int     bookingId = Int32.Parse(db.Bookings.Where(a => a.BookCodeId == bookCode1.BookCodeId && a.DateReturned == null).Single().BookingId.ToString());
                Booking booking   = db.Bookings.Where(a => a.BookingId == bookingId).Single();

                User user = db.Users.Where(a => a.UserId == booking.UserId).Single();
                foreach (var book in bookCode)
                    if (book.BookSerialNumber == bookSerialNumber)
                        booking.DateReturned = DateTime.Today;
                        book.IsInLibrary     = true;
                        if ((DateTime.Today - booking.DateCreated).TotalDays > libraryRegulations.BorrowTime)
                            //create a fee for user for being late
                            PaymentLibrary payment = new PaymentLibrary()
                                UserId    = user.UserId,
                                Amount    = libraryRegulations.Fine,
                                BookingId = booking.BookingId,
                                Status    = "Unpaid",
                                DatePaid  = null

 public CheckOutController()
     _dbBCDH         = new WebDieuHienDB();
     _paymentLibrary = new PaymentLibrary();
Exemple #11
 public PaymentResultController()
     _dbBCDH         = new WebDieuHienDB();
     _paymentLibrary = new PaymentLibrary();
    {                                                                             //DropCreateDatabaseAlways<LibraryContext>
        protected override void Seed(LibraryContext context)
            LibraryRegulations libraryRegulations = new LibraryRegulations()
                Fine       = 3,
                BorrowTime = 7
            //------------------------------------- PEOPLE

            Author author = new Author()
                Id      = 1,
                Name    = "Joanne",
                Surname = "Rowling",


            Author author1 = new Author()
                Id      = 2,
                Name    = "Kremi",
                Surname = "Super",


            Author author2 = new Author()
                Id      = 3,
                Name    = "Guten",
                Surname = "Yers",


            Author author3 = new Author()
                Id      = 4,
                Name    = "Awel",
                Surname = "Rona",


            Book book = new Book()
                DateOfPublication = DateTime.Now,
                Genre             = Genre.Action,
                Name      = "Harry Potter",
                Overview  = "good book",
                Publisher = "JKR",

                BookId = 1,
                Rating = 5,
                //BookImage = "~/Images/BookImageTest.png",

            Book book2 = new Book()
                DateOfPublication = DateTime.Now,
                Genre             = Genre.Horror,
                Name      = "Lord of The Rings",
                Overview  = "Fantasy book",
                Publisher = "Tolkien",
                BookId    = 2,
                Rating    = 5,
                //BookImage = "~/Images/BookImageTest.png",
                Link = "http://www.china.doingbusinessguide.co.uk/media/880543/Doing_Business_in_China_Guide_PDF.pdf",


            Book book3 = new Book()
                DateOfPublication = DateTime.Now,
                Genre             = Genre.Horror,
                Name      = "James Bond",
                Overview  = "Spy book",
                Publisher = "007",
                BookId    = 3,
                Rating    = 5,
                //BookImage = "~/Images/BookImageTest.png",

            Book book4 = new Book()
                DateOfPublication = DateTime.Now,
                Genre             = Genre.Horror,
                Name      = "Doom",
                Overview  = "Slayer book",
                Publisher = "Bethesda",
                // BookImage = "~/Images/BookImageTest.png",
                BookId = 6,
                Rating = 5,


            BookCode bookCode = new BookCode()
                BookCodeId       = 1,
                BookId           = 1,
                BookSerialNumber = "33233",
                IsInLibrary      = true

            BookCode bookCode1 = new BookCode()
                BookCodeId       = 2,
                BookId           = 1,
                BookSerialNumber = "33234",
                IsInLibrary      = true

            BookCode bookCode2 = new BookCode()
                BookCodeId       = 3,
                BookId           = 1,
                BookSerialNumber = "33235",
                IsInLibrary      = false

            BookCode bookCode3 = new BookCode()
                BookCodeId       = 4,
                BookId           = 2,
                BookSerialNumber = "33236",
                IsInLibrary      = true

            BookCode bookCode4 = new BookCode()
                BookCodeId       = 5,
                BookId           = 2,
                BookSerialNumber = "33237",
                IsInLibrary      = false


            BookCode bookCode5 = new BookCode()
                BookCodeId       = 4,
                BookId           = 3,
                BookSerialNumber = "33238",
                IsInLibrary      = false

            BookCode bookCode6 = new BookCode()
                BookCodeId       = 5,
                BookId           = 3,
                BookSerialNumber = "33239",
                IsInLibrary      = false

            //=------------------ User
            var hash = SecurePasswordHasher.Hash("abcdef!");

            User user = new User();

                user.Name        = "Matt";
                user.Surname     = "Sean";
                user.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2020, 10, 10);
                user.Email       = "*****@*****.**";
                user.HouseNo     = "35";
                user.Password    = hash;
                user.UserRole    = "User";
                user.ZipCode     = "Le27dp";
                user.UserId      = 1;
                // user.ConfirmPassword = hash;
            User user2 = new User();

                user2.Name        = "Ethan";
                user2.Surname     = "Jason";
                user2.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2000, 10, 10);
                user2.Email       = "*****@*****.**";
                user2.HouseNo     = "35";
                user2.Password    = hash;
                user2.UserRole    = "Admin";
                user2.ZipCode     = "Le2 7dp";
                user2.UserId      = 2;

            User user3 = new User();

                user3.Name        = "John";
                user3.Surname     = "Smith";
                user3.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2020, 10, 10);
                user3.Email       = "*****@*****.**";
                user3.HouseNo     = "22";
                user3.Password    = hash;
                user3.UserRole    = "User";
                user3.ZipCode     = "Le2 7dp";
                user3.UserId      = 3;

            ////============ Payment

            BookReserve bookReserve = new BookReserve()
                BookReserveId          = 1,
                BookCodeId             = 1,
                UserId                 = 1,
                ReservationRequestTime = DateTime.Now,

            BookReview bookReview = new BookReview();

                bookReview.BookId       = 1;
                bookReview.BookReviewId = 1;
                bookReview.Content      = "Harry Potter is the most miserable, lonely boy you can imagine. He’s shunned by his relatives, the Dursley’s, that have raised him since he was an infant. He’s forced to live in the cupboard under the stairs, forced to wear his cousin Dudley’s hand-me-down clothes, and forced to go to his neighbour’s house when the rest of the family is doing something fun. Yes, he’s just about as miserable as you can get.";
                bookReview.UserId       = 1;
                bookReview.DatePosted   = DateTime.Now;

            BookReview bookReview1 = new BookReview();

                bookReview1.BookId       = 2;
                bookReview1.BookReviewId = 2;
                bookReview1.Content      = "content testing";
                bookReview1.UserId       = 1;
                bookReview1.DatePosted   = DateTime.Now;
            Booking booking = new Booking();

                booking.BookCodeId   = 1;
                booking.UserId       = 1;
                booking.BookId       = 1;
                booking.DateCreated  = new DateTime(2019, 12, 05);
                booking.DateReturned = new DateTime(2019, 12, 12);
            Booking booking1 = new Booking();

                booking1.BookCodeId   = 1;
                booking1.UserId       = 1;
                booking1.BookId       = 2;
                booking1.DateCreated  = new DateTime(2021, 12, 05);
                booking1.DateReturned = new DateTime(2020, 01, 02);
            Booking booking2 = new Booking();

                booking2.BookCodeId   = 1;
                booking2.UserId       = 2;
                booking2.BookId       = 2;
                booking2.DateCreated  = new DateTime(2021, 12, 05);
                booking2.DateReturned = null;
            Booking booking3 = new Booking();

                booking3.BookCodeId   = 3;
                booking3.UserId       = 2;
                booking3.BookId       = 1;
                booking3.DateCreated  = new DateTime(2019, 12, 05);
                booking3.DateReturned = new DateTime(2020, 04, 01);
            // LibraryRegulations libraryRegulations = new LibraryRegulations();

            PaymentLibrary payment = new PaymentLibrary();

                //  Booking bookingPayment1 = context.Bookings.Where(a => a.BookingId == 1).Single();
                payment.UserId           = 1;
                payment.Amount           = libraryRegulations.Fine;
                payment.DatePaid         = null;
                payment.PaymentLibraryId = 1;
                payment.Status           = "Unpaid";
                payment.BookingId        = 2;
                // payment.Booking = bookingPayment1;
            PaymentLibrary payment1 = new PaymentLibrary();

                //Booking bookingPayment2 = context.Bookings.Where(a => a.BookingId == 2).Single();
                payment1.UserId           = 1;
                payment1.Amount           = libraryRegulations.Fine;
                payment1.DatePaid         = DateTime.Now;
                payment1.PaymentLibraryId = 2;
                payment1.Status           = "Paid";
                payment.BookingId         = 1;
                //  payment.Booking = bookingPayment2;
            //Payment payment2 = new Payment();
            //    payment2.UserId = 1;
            //    payment2.Amount = 5;
            //    payment2.DatePaid = null;
            //    payment2.PaymentLibraryId = 3;
            //    payment2.Status = "Unpaid";
            //    payment.BookingId = 3;

            //------------------------------------------------------ COMMENTS
            Comment com2 = new Comment();

            com2.CommentId  = 4;
            com2.AuthorId   = "1";
            com2.Content    = " Great book! ";
            com2.PersonId   = 3;
            com2.BookId     = 1;
            com2.PostId     = 1;
            com2.IsBlocked  = false;
            com2.UserRating = 6f;

            Comment com3 = new Comment();

            com3.CommentId  = 1;
            com3.AuthorId   = "1";
            com3.Content    = " Great book! ";
            com3.PersonId   = 1;
            com3.BookId     = 2;
            com3.PostId     = 1;
            com3.IsBlocked  = false;
            com3.UserRating = 6f;

            Comment com4 = new Comment();

            com4.CommentId  = 4;
            com4.AuthorId   = "1";
            com4.Content    = " Great book! ";
            com4.PersonId   = 1;
            com4.BookId     = 3;
            com4.PostId     = 1;
            com4.IsBlocked  = false;
            com4.UserRating = 6f;

            Comment com5 = new Comment();

            com5.CommentId  = 5;
            com5.AuthorId   = "3";
            com5.Content    = " Great book! ";
            com5.PersonId   = 3;
            com5.BookId     = 4;
            com5.PostId     = 1;
            com5.IsBlocked  = false;
            com5.UserRating = 5f;


            //CommentReply comReply3 = new CommentReply() { CommentId = 2, CommentReplyID = 4, AuthorId = "1", PersonId = 1, BookId = 1, PostId = 1, Content = "this is a reply" };
            //CommentReply comReply4 = new CommentReply() { CommentId = 4, CommentReplyID = 5, AuthorId = "1", PersonId = 1, BookId = 1, PostId = 1, Content = "reply1-2" };
            //CommentReply comReply5 = new CommentReply() { CommentId = 2, CommentReplyID = 6, AuthorId = "1", PersonId = 1, BookId = 1, PostId = 1, Content = "this is a reply1-3" };


            //--------------------------------------------------------------Loan info
        public ActionResult PaymentWithPaypal(int?paymentId, string Cancel = null)
            //getting the apiContext
            APIContext apiContext = PaypalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();

                //A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment Payment Method as paypal
                //Payer Id will be returned when payment proceeds or click to pay
                string payerId = Request.Params["PayerID"];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(payerId))
                    //this section will be executed first because PayerID doesn't exist
                    //it is returned by the create function call of the payment class
                    // Creating a payment
                    // baseURL is the url on which paypal sendsback the data.
                    string baseURI = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/Home/PaymentWithPayPal?";
                    //here we are generating guid for storing the paymentID received in session
                    //which will be used in the payment execution
                    var guid = Convert.ToString((new Random()).Next(100000));
                    ViewBag.guid = guid;
                    if (paymentId != null)
                        PaymentLibrary paymentLibrary = db.Payments.Where(a => a.PaymentLibraryId == paymentId).Single();
                        paymentLibrary.guId = guid;

                    //CreatePayment function gives us the payment approval url
                    //on which payer is redirected for paypal account payment
                    var createdPayment = this.CreatePayment(apiContext, baseURI + "guid=" + guid);
                    //get links returned from paypal in response to Create function call
                    var    links             = createdPayment.links.GetEnumerator();
                    string paypalRedirectUrl = null;
                    while (links.MoveNext())
                        Links lnk = links.Current;
                        if (lnk.rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url"))
                            //saving the payapalredirect URL to which user will be redirected for payment
                            paypalRedirectUrl = lnk.href;
                    // saving the paymentID in the key guid
                    Session.Add(guid, createdPayment.id);
                    // This function exectues after receving all parameters for the payment
                    var guid = Request.Params["guid"];
                    ViewBag.guid = guid;
                    var executedPayment = ExecutePayment(apiContext, payerId, Session[guid] as string);
                    //If executed payment failed then we will show payment failure message to user
                    if (executedPayment.state.ToLower() != "approved")
                        ViewBag.error = "you don't have enough funds";
            catch (PayPal.PaymentsException ex)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.error = ex.ToString();

            //on successful payment, show success page to user.
            string         guid1           = ViewBag.guid;
            PaymentLibrary paymentLibrary1 = db.Payments.Where(a => a.guId == guid1).Single();

            paymentLibrary1.DatePaid = DateTime.Now;
            paymentLibrary1.Status   = "Paid";
