Exemple #1
 public PaymentGatewayResponse()
     this.ErrorCode        = PaymentGatewayErrorCode.GenericError;
     this.Success          = false;
     this.Message          = "Generic Error";
     this.ResolutionAction = PaymentGatewayResolutionAction.NoAction;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// endpoint: /API/Laser.Orchard.PaymentGateway/PaymentGatewayAPI/GetVirtualPosUrl
        /// Get the Url of the virtual pos, based on the parameters passed in the call.
        /// Example response:
        /// {
        ///  "ErrorCode": 0,
        ///  "ResolutionAction": 0,
        ///  "Success": true,
        ///  "Message": "The Data object contains the array of valid filter parameters. These are case-insensitive."",
        ///  "Data": {
        ///    "redirectUrl": "https://testecomm.sella.it/pagam/pagam.aspx?a=GESPAY63353&b=JEkIJQMBqbRabcJwzbGRHI1q8*dZOkTVfBzFjl0ciCaOrUZpYxTgDgDAG_SIC_Uy1uUBChnOEqs0fmXc2K9WTgsGDi*qlTQa*A_Nq*F2ylc"
        ///  }
        /// }
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="posName">Mandatory: Name of the payment gateway whose POS we are trying to reach.</param>
        /// <param name="amount">Mandatory: Amount to be payed.</param>
        /// <param name="currency">Mandatory: Currency of payment.</param>
        /// <param name="itemId">Optional: Id of Content Item associated with payment.</param>
        /// <param name="reason">Optional: Description of reason for payment.</param>
        /// <param name="redirectUrl">Optional: Url to which we want to redirect the browser from the Action handling the end of
        /// the transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="schema">Optional: Schema for the redirect from the Action handling the end of the transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="filters">Optional: Comma-separated list of parameters for the json filter of the results. The valid strings are given by a call to GetAPIFilterTerms.
        /// The response received at the end of the transaction will contain the requested parameters in addition to the default ones.</param>
        /// <returns>A response whose Data field contains a redirectUrl string telling where the application should redirect the user for payment,
        /// or an error with aditional information.</returns>
        public PaymentGatewayResponse GetVirtualPosUrl(
            string posName, decimal amount, string currency,
            int?itemId = 0, string reason = "", string redirectUrl = "", string schema = "", string filters = "")
            bool    success = false;
            string  msg     = "";
            dynamic data    = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            PaymentGatewayErrorCode        error  = PaymentGatewayErrorCode.NoError;
            PaymentGatewayResolutionAction action = PaymentGatewayResolutionAction.NoAction;
            //get pos from posName
            var pos = _posServices.Where(ps => ps.GetPosName() == posName).SingleOrDefault();

            if (pos == null)
                //ERROR: no pos with that name
                success       = false;
                error         = PaymentGatewayErrorCode.PosNotFound;
                action        = PaymentGatewayResolutionAction.UpdatePosNames;
                data.posNames = AllPosNames();
                msg           = T("Could not find a POS called \"{0}\": you may find a list of available POS names in this response's data object.", posName).Text;
                //check whether currency is valid
                var vc = ValidCurrencies(pos);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currency) || !vc.Contains(currency))
                    //currency is required
                    success = false;
                    error   = PaymentGatewayErrorCode.InvalidCurrency;
                    action  = PaymentGatewayResolutionAction.VerifyInformation;
                    data.validCurrencies = vc;
                    msg = T("A valid currency is required. You may find a list of valid currencies in this response's data object.").Text;
                    //create PaymentRecord (using startPayment)
                    PaymentRecord record = null;
                    try {
                        //create a string for the apifilters, keeping only the valid ones, and removing duplicates
                        filters = string.Join(",",
                                              filters.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                              .Where(s => PaymentRecord.IsValidAPIFilter(s))
                        record = pos.StartPayment(new PaymentRecord()
                            Reason               = reason,
                            Amount               = amount,
                            Currency             = currency,
                            ContentItemId        = itemId.Value,
                            CustomRedirectUrl    = redirectUrl,
                            CustomRedirectSchema = schema,
                            APIFilters           = filters
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        success = false;
                        error   = PaymentGatewayErrorCode.ImpossibleToCreateRecord;
                        action  = PaymentGatewayResolutionAction.VerifyInformation;
                        msg     = ex.Message;
                    int paymentId = record.Id;
                    //get the redirect url for the pos
                    try {
                        data.redirectUrl = pos.GetPosUrl(paymentId);
                        success          = true;
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        //some payment services may not return a redirect url (e.g. Braintree)
                        //handle this case with an error
                        success = false;
                        msg     = ex.Message;
                        error   = PaymentGatewayErrorCode.CallNotValid;
                        action  = PaymentGatewayResolutionAction.DoSomethingElse;

            return(new PaymentGatewayResponse()
                Success = success,
                Message = msg,
                Data = data,
                ErrorCode = error,
                ResolutionAction = action