public IEnumerable<Payment> GetAllPayments() { //CategoryBL catObj = null; List<Payment> paymentList = new List<Payment>(); try { paymentList = paymentBL.GetPayments(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception in getting Get All Payments", e); } return paymentList; }
void BuyApp(Application app) { while (true) { bool isExit = false; int ichoice; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("===Buy Application==="); Console.WriteLine($"Application Name : {app.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"Pay: : {app.Price} VND"); Console.WriteLine("Payment Method:\n"); userOnline.ListPayment = PaymentBl.GetPayments(userOnline.User_ID); for (int i = 0; i < userOnline.ListPayment.Count; i++) { int p = i + 1; Console.WriteLine(p + ". " + userOnline.ListPayment[i].Name); } Console.WriteLine("0. Return"); Console.Write("#Choice: "); string schoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (schoice == "0") { isExit = true; } else if (int.TryParse(schoice, out ichoice)) { if (ichoice >= 1 && ichoice <= userOnline.ListPayment.Count) { Console.Clear(); if (userOnline.ListPayment[ichoice - 1].Name == "By Store") { if (PaymentBl.CheckPayment(userOnline.ListPayment[ichoice - 1], app.Price)) { Console.Write("We are checkking payment account..."); Bill bill = new Bill() { App = app, User = userOnline, Payment = userOnline.ListPayment[ichoice - 1], UnitPrice = app.Price }; try { bool checkCreate = BillBl.CreateBill(bill); if (checkCreate) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Buy {app.Name} !\nSuccessful\n\nPress anykey to return..."); Console.ReadKey(); isExit = true; } } catch { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Not Successful\n\nPress anykey to return..."); Console.ReadKey(); } } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Not Successful\n\nPress anykey to return..."); Console.ReadKey(); } } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("This payment havent been updated!\n\nPress anykey to return..."); Console.ReadKey(); } } } if (isExit == true) { break; } } }