public void MakePatron() { List <Vector2> destination = pathFinder.GetPathFromSpawnToSeat(); //If we can get a path to the destination if (destination != null) { //Patron.Race randRace = (Patron.Race)Random.Range(0, 4); //Patron.Class randClass = (Patron.Class)Random.Range(0, 4); Patron.Race randRace = (Patron.Race)Random.Range(0, heads.Length); Patron.Class randClass = (Patron.Class)Random.Range(0, bodies.Length); Sprite head = heads[(int)randClass]; Sprite body = bodies[(int)randRace]; Sprite[] character = { head, body }; GameObject patron = new GameObject(); patron.tag = "Patron"; patron.AddComponent <Patron>(); patron.transform.parent = grid.transform; patrons.Add(patron.GetComponent <Patron>()); patron.GetComponent <Patron>().SetUpPatron(randClass, randRace, 0.1f, 1f, character, destination, cloak); } }
public void SetUpPatron(Class patronClass, Race patronRace, float moveInterval, float actionInterval , IEnumerable <Sprite> character, IEnumerable <Vector2> path, Sprite cloak) { SetUpSprites(patronClass, patronRace, character, cloak); ChangeOutfit(); //Change z depth Vector3 position = transform.position; position.z = -1; transform.position = position; this.path = path.ToArray(); pathIndex = 0; waitingForSpace = Random.Range(1f, maxWaitTime); pathFinder = Camera.main.GetComponent <PathFinder>(); coins = Random.Range(5, 15); RandomThirst(); grid = GetComponentInParent <TableGrid>(); tempClass = patronClass; }