private void DelExecute(object parameter) { if (Selected_Patient.Id == "") { Error = "Select Item to be deleted."; } else { glob_id = Selected_Patient.Id; Console.WriteLine("hehehe"); //var itemToRemove = display_data.Single(r => r.Id == Selected_Patient.Id); //display_data.Remove(itemToRemove); Flag = 1; display_data.Remove(Selected_Patient); Console.WriteLine("fefef"); var itemToRemove2 = main_data.Single(r => r.Id == glob_id); main_data.Remove(itemToRemove2); overwrite(); ErrorPos = "67,0,0,480"; Error = "Deletion Successful"; Add_Update = "Add"; Selected_Patient = new Patient { Mobile = "", Id = "", Fname = "" }; PatientRecord_data = new Patient_Record { Email = "", Lname = "", Mobile = "", DOB = "", Id = "" }; } //Thread.Sleep(1000); }
private void AddExecute(object parameter) { //Person obj = new Person(); var passwordBox = parameter as PasswordBox; var password = passwordBox.Password; Console.WriteLine(password); if (checkDuplicate(PatientRecord_data.Fname, PatientRecord_data.Lname, PatientRecord_data.Email, PatientRecord_data.Mobile)) { PatientRecord_data.Id = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss"); main_data.Add(PatientRecord_data); Patient temp_p = new Patient(); temp_p.Fname = PatientRecord_data.Fname; temp_p.Mobile = PatientRecord_data.Mobile; temp_p.Id = PatientRecord_data.Id; display_data.Add(temp_p); if (Add_Update == "Add") { string str = PatientRecord_data.Id + "#" + PatientRecord_data.Fname + "#" + PatientRecord_data.Lname + "#" + PatientRecord_data.Email + "#" + PatientRecord_data.Mobile + "#" + PatientRecord_data.DOB; File.AppendAllText(@"D:\file.txt", str + Environment.NewLine); ErrorPos = "67,0,0,480"; Error = "Registered Successfully!"; } else { glob_id = Selected_Patient.Id; Console.WriteLine("hehehe2"); //var itemToRemove = display_data.Single(r => r.Id == Selected_Patient.Id); //display_data.Remove(itemToRemove); Flag = 1; display_data.Remove(Selected_Patient); Console.WriteLine("fefef2"); var itemToRemove2 = main_data.Single(r => r.Id == glob_id); main_data.Remove(itemToRemove2); overwrite(); ErrorPos = "67,0,0,480"; Error = "Record Updated."; Add_Update = "Add"; Selected_Patient = new Patient { Mobile = "", Id = "", Fname = "" }; PatientRecord_data = new Patient_Record { Email = "", Lname = "", Mobile = "", DOB = "", Id = "" }; } PatientRecord_data = new Patient_Record(); } else { return; } //Thread.Sleep(1000); }
private void RegExecute(object parameter) { Selected_Patient = new Patient { Mobile = "", Id = "", Fname = "" }; PatientRecord_data = new Patient_Record { Email = "", Lname = "", Mobile = "", DOB = "", Id = "" }; Error = ""; ErrorPos = "67,0,0,480"; Add_Update = "Add"; //Thread.Sleep(1000); }
public PersonViewModel() { ErrorPos = "67,0,0,480"; Flag = 0; //SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=Patients.db"); Selected_Patient = new Patient { Fname = "", Id = "", Mobile = "" }; Error = ""; Add_Update = "Add"; PatientRecord_data = new Patient_Record { Email = "", DOB = "", Fname = "", Id = "", Lname = "", Mobile = "" }; display_data = new ObservableCollection <Patient>(); main_data = new List <Patient_Record>(); ReadFile(); }
void ReadFile() { string text2 = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"D:\file.txt"); // string ln = ""; var temp_da = text2.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < temp_da.Length - 1; i++) { var spdata = temp_da[i].Split('#'); Patient temp_p = new Patient(); temp_p.Fname = spdata[1]; temp_p.Id = spdata[0]; temp_p.Mobile = spdata[4]; //System.Console.WriteLine(temp_p.Fname + " " + temp_p.Id + " " + temp_p.Mobile); display_data.Add(temp_p); Patient_Record temp_pt = new Patient_Record(); temp_pt.Fname = spdata[1]; temp_pt.Id = spdata[0]; temp_pt.Mobile = spdata[4]; temp_pt.Lname = spdata[2]; temp_pt.DOB = spdata[5]; temp_pt.Email = spdata[3]; main_data.Add(temp_pt); } }