internal static PatientObservation GetInitializeProblem(GetInitializeProblemRequest request, PatientObservationData o) { PatientObservation result = new PatientObservation(); try { result = new PatientObservation { Id = o.Id, PatientId = o.PatientId, ObservationId = o.ObservationId, TypeId = o.TypeId, StartDate = o.StartDate, EndDate = o.EndDate, Name = o.Name, DisplayId = o.DisplayId, StateId = o.StateId, Source = o.Source, DeleteFlag = o.DeleteFlag, DataSource = o.DataSource, ExternalRecordId = o.ExternalRecordId }; return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AD:GetInitializeProblem()::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } }
internal static PatientObservation GetAdditionalObservationItemForPatient(GetAdditionalObservationItemRequest request, PatientObservationData o) { PatientObservation result = new PatientObservation(); try { result = new PatientObservation { ObservationId = o.ObservationId, EndDate = o.EndDate, GroupId = o.GroupId, Id = o.Id, PatientId = o.PatientId, Name = o.Name, Standard = o.Standard, TypeId = o.TypeId, Units = o.Units, Values = GetValues(o.Values), StartDate = o.StartDate, DisplayId = o.DisplayId, StateId = o.StateId, DataSource = o.DataSource, ExternalRecordId = o.ExternalRecordId }; return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AD:GetAdditionalObservationItemForPatient()::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } }
internal static PatientObservationRecordData CreatePatientObservationRecord(PatientObservation po, ObservationValue ov) { try { PatientObservationRecordData pord = new PatientObservationRecordData { GroupId = po.GroupId, StartDate = po.StartDate, TypeId = po.TypeId, Units = po.Units, DisplayId = po.DisplayId, StateId = po.StateId, DeleteFlag = po.DeleteFlag, DataSource = po.DataSource, ExternalRecordId = po.ExternalRecordId }; // Populate Values for Labs and Vitals if (ov != null) { pord.Id = ov.Id; double dVal = 0; if (double.TryParse(ov.Value, out dVal)) { pord.Value = dVal; } else { pord.NonNumericValue = ov.Value; } // Set the End date to start date for Labs and Vitals pord.EndDate = po.StartDate; } else // Populate Values for Problems. { pord.Id = po.Id; // If the status for PatientObservation(problem) is changed to Resolved or Inactive, then set EndDate to Today. if (IsResolvedOrInactivated(po.StateId)) { pord.EndDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { pord.EndDate = po.EndDate; } } return(pord); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AD:CreatePatientObservationRecord()::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } }
public UpdateSpawnProblemCode(PlanElementEventArg e, SpawnElement rse, PatientObservation ppd, bool active) { _e = e; _se = rse; _pod = ppd; _active = active; if (AppHostBase.Instance != null) { AppHostBase.Instance.Container.AutoWire(this); } }
public PatientObservation GetPatientProblem(string probId, PlanElementEventArg e, string userId) { try { PatientObservation result = null; IRestClient client = new JsonServiceClient(); //Patient/{PatientId}/Observation/{ObservationID} var url = Common.Helper.BuildURL(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/Patient/{4}/Observation/{5}", DDPatientObservationServiceUrl, "NG", e.DomainRequest.Version, e.DomainRequest.ContractNumber, e.PatientId, probId), userId); GetPatientObservationResponse dataDomainResponse = client.Get <GetPatientObservationResponse>( url); if (dataDomainResponse.PatientObservation != null) { result = new PatientObservation { Id = dataDomainResponse.PatientObservation.Id, StateId = dataDomainResponse.PatientObservation.StateId }; } return(result); } catch (WebServiceException ex) { throw new Exception("AD:PlanElementEndpointUtil:GetPatientProblem()::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } }
internal static PatientObservation GetPatientObservation(PatientObservationData po) { PatientObservation result = null; try { if (po != null) { result = new PatientObservation { ObservationId = po.ObservationId, Id = po.Id, PatientId = po.PatientId, StartDate = po.StartDate, EndDate = po.EndDate, Units = po.Units, Values = GetValues(po.Values), StateId = po.StateId, DisplayId = po.DisplayId, Source = po.Source, GroupId = po.GroupId, Name = po.Name, Standard = po.Standard, TypeId = po.TypeId, DeleteFlag = po.DeleteFlag, DataSource = po.DataSource, ExternalRecordId = po.ExternalRecordId }; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AD:GetPatientObservation()::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } return(result); }
public PutUpdateObservationDataResponse UpdatePatientProblem(string patientId, string userId, string elementId, PatientObservation pod, bool _active, IAppDomainRequest request) { return(new PutUpdateObservationDataResponse { Result = true }); }
public PutUpdateObservationDataResponse UpdatePatientProblem(string patientId, string userId, string elementId, PatientObservation pod, bool _active, IAppDomainRequest request) { try { //register call to remote serivce. IRestClient client = new JsonServiceClient(); string url = Common.Helper.BuildURL(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/Patient/{4}/Observation/Update", DDPatientObservationServiceUrl, "NG", request.Version, request.ContractNumber, patientId), request.UserId); PatientObservationRecordData pdata = new PatientObservationRecordData { Id = pod.Id, StateId = pod.StateId, DeleteFlag = false }; PutUpdateObservationDataRequest purequest = new PutUpdateObservationDataRequest { PatientObservationData = pdata, Context = "NG", ContractNumber = request.ContractNumber, UserId = request.UserId, }; PutUpdateObservationDataResponse dataDomainResponse = client.Put <PutUpdateObservationDataResponse>( url, purequest as object); return(dataDomainResponse); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AD:PlanElementEndpointUtil:UpdatePatientProblem()::" + ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } }