// Walk a player or monster token to a space
    private void WalkActor(Actor actor, int xTo, int zTo)
        // Find a path to the desired square, by getting a queue of sqaures to hop over
        LinkedList <TokenWalker.Hop> hopsQueue = Pathfind.FindPath(actor.x, actor.z, xTo, zTo);

        if (hopsQueue != null)
            if (hopsQueue.Count > currentTurnStats.MovementLeft)
                PopupTextController.PopupText("Not Enough Movement", spaces[xTo, zTo].gameSpace.transform);
                // change the token's stored properties to its final position
                spaces[actor.x, actor.z].isBlocked = false;
                actor.x = xTo;
                actor.z = zTo;
                spaces[xTo, zTo].isBlocked = true;


                // Use the script attached to the token to walk the path
                actor.tokenRef.GetComponent <TokenWalker>().WalkPath(hopsQueue);
            PopupTextController.PopupText("Pathfinding failed", spaces[xTo, zTo].gameSpace.transform);
 void Awake()
     _tilemapManager = gfm.tilemapManager;
     _pathfind       = new Pathfind {
         tilemapManager = _tilemapManager
     _agent = GetComponent <Agent>();
Exemple #3
 void Awake()
     pathfind = GetComponent <Pathfind>();
     Assert.IsNotNull(graph, "GraphLoader():: graph is null");
     Assert.IsNotNull(pathfind, "GraphLoader():: pathfind is null");
     Assert.IsNotNull(edgePrefab, "GraphLoader():: edgePrefab is null");
     nodes = graph.nodes;
Exemple #4
 void Awake()
     _animator       = GetComponent <Animator>();
     _hitbox         = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     _rb             = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     _sr             = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     _ps             = transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
     _patrolScript   = GetComponent <Patrol>();
     _pathfindScript = GetComponent <Pathfind>();
     _player         = GameObject.Find("Player");
     _currentHealth  = _maxHealth;
     _healthBar.SetHealth(_currentHealth, _maxHealth);
Exemple #5
 protected void Awake()
     pathfind = new Pathfind {
         tilemapManager = tilemapManager
     gridElement = GetComponent <GridElement>();
     status      = AgentStatus.Normal;
     if (gridElement.solid && pushable)
         Debug.LogWarning("Agent is pushable but gridElement is set to solid. overriding gridElement solid to false");
         gridElement.solid = false;
Exemple #6
        // Cell is a board edge if it has less than 6 neighbours
        public bool IsWin()
            // Don't assess cells more than once
            HashSet <IGraphNode> visitedCells = new HashSet <IGraphNode>();

            // Get all cells connected by a pipe and not already visited
            IEnumerable <Pipe> pipes = _pipeManager.Pipes
                                       .Where(p => !visitedCells.Contains(p));

            // Iterate all cells connected with pipes
            foreach (Pipe pipe in pipes)
                // Don't revisit a pipe

                // Assemble a list of all the edges this pipe networks touches
                List <BoxEdge> edges = new List <BoxEdge>();

                // Iterate all connected pipes
                foreach (PathStep step in Pathfind.Enumerate(pipe, -1))
                    Pipe neighbourPipe = step.Node as Pipe;
                    foreach (HexCell pipeCell in neighbourPipe.Cells)
                        // Add all the edges it touches to list of edges
                        if (pipeCell.IsEdgeCell)

                // Check if there are any opposite edges
                for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < edges.Count; j++)
                        // If pipe network visits opposite edges then its a win!s
                        if (edges[i].IsOpposite(edges[j]))

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Peds created here are deleted when the Client leaves. They are found in <see cref="RAGE.Elements.Entities.Peds"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pedHash"></param>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="heading"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RAGE.Elements.Ped CreatePed(uint pedHash, Vector3 pos, float heading = 180f)
            //Create safe ground for ped
            Vector3 posSafe = new Vector3();

            while (!Pathfind.GetSafeCoordForPed(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, true, posSafe, 16))

            //Just set the Z pos otherwise get put on nearest pavement, or middle of road.
            pos.Z = posSafe.Z + 0.25f;

            Entities.Peds.All.Add(new RAGE.Elements.Ped(pedHash, pos, heading));

    public override TaskStatus OnUpdate()
        finder = myAgent.Value.GetPathfinder();

        if (myAgent.Value.atDestination)

        if (pathFailed)

Exemple #9
        public static void test_dir_to()
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(0, 1)), Direction.N);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(1, 0)), Direction.E);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(1, 1)), Direction.NE);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(0, -1)), Direction.S);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(-1, 0)), Direction.W);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(-1, -1)), Direction.SW);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(-1, 1)), Direction.NW);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(1, -1)), Direction.SE);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(0, 0)), Direction.NONE);

            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(1, 10)), Direction.N);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(8, 10)), Direction.NE);
            Equal(Pathfind.direction_to(new Loc(0, 0), new Loc(12, 4)), Direction.E);
Exemple #10
    public override TaskStatus OnUpdate()
        agent  = myAgent.Value;
        finder = agent.SetDestination(destination.Value);

        if (agent.atDestination)

        if (pathFailed)

Exemple #11
        public MainGame()
            bQuit = false;

            alert = new Alert();

            TILESET = new Tileset();

            mPathF     = new Pathfind();
            visibleMap = new List <Tile>();

            activeItems    = new List <Item>();
            activeFoods    = new List <Item>();
            activeDiamonds = new List <Item>();

            activeEnemies = new List <Character>();

            enemySpawner = new EnemySpawner();
            itemSpawner  = new ItemSpawner();

            //Enemies pool, placeholder for test.
            enemyPool  = new int[] { 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 };
            enemyPool2 = new int[] { 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 };
            enemyPool3 = new int[] { 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 };

            //Items pool, placeholder for test.

            itemPool1 = new int[] { 100, 101, 102, 103, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 200, 201, 202, 251 };
            //HolderPool { 100, 101, 102, 103, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 200, 201, 202, 251 };

            Console.CursorVisible = true;
            playerName            = alert.Question("Who are you?");
            Console.CursorVisible = false;
Exemple #12
    public void DrawPath(List <Cell> path)
        DataGrid <Pathfind.CellData> dijkstra = Pathfind.Dijkstra(startCell, collisionTilemap);
        Cell min = new Cell(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue), max = new Cell(-int.MaxValue, -int.MaxValue);

        foreach (Cell cell in path)
            if (min.x > cell.x)
                min.x = cell.x;
            if (min.y > cell.y)
                min.y = cell.y;
            if (max.x < cell.x)
                max.x = cell.x;
            if (max.y < cell.y)
                max.y = cell.y;
        DataGrid <int> grid = new DataGrid <int>(min, max);

        foreach (Cell cell in path)
            grid[cell + Cell.left]  += 1 << 0;
            grid[cell + Cell.up]    += 1 << 1;
            grid[cell + Cell.right] += 1 << 2;
            grid[cell + Cell.down]  += 1 << 3;
        foreach (Cell cell in path)
            tilemap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(cell.x, cell.y, 0), Tiles[grid[cell]]);
Exemple #13
    void Die()

        Patrol patrol = GetComponent <Patrol>();

        if (patrol != null)
        Pathfind pathfind = GetComponent <Pathfind>();

        if (pathfind != null)

        _hitbox.enabled    = false;
        _rb.bodyType       = RigidbodyType2D.Kinematic;
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
        _animator.SetBool("isDead", true);
        Destroy(gameObject, _deathAnimationDuration);
    void Update()
        Cell selectedCell = GridManager.GetMouseCell();

        if (EventSystem.current == null || !EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
                if (GridManager.GetEntityAt <Character>(selectedCell) != null)
                    startCell = GridManager.GetMouseCell();
                    if (startCursorInstance != null)
                        startCursorInstance.transform.position = GridManager.GetCellPos(startCell);

                else if (GridManager.GetEntityAt <Character>(startCell) != null)
                    List <Cell> path = Pathfind.GetPathFromDijkstra(Pathfind.Dijkstra(startCell, collisionTilemap), startCell, targetCell);
                    SetPathForCell(startCell, path);
            if (GridManager.GetEntityAt <Character>(startCell) != null && targetCell != GridManager.GetMouseCell())
                targetCell = GridManager.GetMouseCell();
                if (endCursorInstance != null)
                    endCursorInstance.transform.position = GridManager.GetCellPos(targetCell);
                List <Cell> path = Pathfind.GetPathFromDijkstra(Pathfind.Dijkstra(startCell, collisionTilemap), startCell, targetCell);
Exemple #15
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Pathfind.BFS(tiles, tiles[1][1], tiles[(int)size.x - 1][(int)size.y - 1], null);

        Pathfind.ShowMoves(tiles, tiles[9][9], 3, 1);
 void Awake()
     Instance    = this;
     Pathfind.bf = this;
        protected List <int> get_targets()
            Game_Unit  unit         = get_unit();
            List <int> temp_targets = new List <int>();

            switch (Mode)
            // Looking for people to rescue
            case 0:
                List <int> rescue_targets = unit.allies_in_range(1);
                foreach (int id in rescue_targets)
                    if (unit.can_rescue(Global.game_map.units[id]))

            // Looking for drop locations
            case 1:
                foreach (Vector2 loc in unit.drop_locs())
                    temp_targets.Add((int)(loc.X + loc.Y * Global.game_map.width));

                /*foreach (Vector2 loc in new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(0, -1), new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(-1, 0) }) //Debug
                 *  if (!Global.game_map.is_off_map(loc + unit.loc))
                 *      if (!Global.game_map.is_blocked(loc + unit.loc, unit.rescuing))
                 *          if (Pathfinding.passable(Global.game_map.units[unit.rescuing], loc + unit.loc))
                 *              temp_targets.Add((int)((loc + unit.loc).X + (loc + unit.loc).Y * Global.game_map.width));*/

            // Looking for people to take
            case 2:
                List <int> take_targets = unit.allies_in_range(1);
                foreach (int id in take_targets)
                    if (Global.game_map.units[id].different_team(unit))
                    if (!Global.game_map.units[id].is_rescuing)
                    if (unit.can_rescue(Global.game_map.units[Global.game_map.units[id].rescuing]))

            // Looking for people to give to
            case 3:
                List <int> give_targets = unit.allies_in_range(1);
                foreach (int id in give_targets)
                    if (Global.game_map.units[id].different_team(unit))
                    if (Global.game_map.units[id].is_rescuing)
                    if (!Global.game_map.units[id].is_rescue_blocked() &&

            // Skills: Savior
            // Looking for people to cover
            case 4:
                List <int> cover_targets = unit.allies_in_range(1);
                foreach (int id in cover_targets)
                    if (unit.can_rescue(Global.game_map.units[id]))
                        if (Pathfind.passable(unit, Global.game_map.units[id].loc))

            // Looking for people to take refuge under
            case 5:
                List <int> refuge_targets = unit.allies_in_range(1);
                foreach (int id in refuge_targets)
                    Game_Unit target = Global.game_map.units[id];
                    if (target.has_refuge() && target.can_rescue(unit))
Exemple #18
        private void AddSkillCommands(ref List <string> commands, Game_Unit unit)
            // Actions:
            //   100 = Shelter
            //   101 = Dash
            //   102 = Swoop
            //   103 = Trample
            //   104 = Sacrifice
            //   105 = Refuge
            //   120 = Old Swoop //Debug
            if (CantoAllowsNormalActions(Canto))
                // Skills: Savior
                if (commands.Contains("Rescue") && unit.has_cover() &&
                    List <int> allyRange = unit.allies_in_range(1);
                    bool       canRescue = false;
                    foreach (int id in allyRange)
                        if (unit.can_rescue(Global.game_map.units[id]))
                            if (Pathfind.passable(unit, Global.game_map.units[id].loc))
                                canRescue = true;
                    if (canRescue)
                        int index = commands.IndexOf("Rescue");
                        commands.Insert(index + 1, "Shelter");
                        AddSkillIndex(index, SkillMenuIds.Shelter);
                    List <int> allyRange     = unit.allies_in_range(1);
                    bool       canTakeRefuge = false;
                    foreach (int id in allyRange)
                        Game_Unit target = Global.game_map.units[id];
                        if (target.has_refuge() && target.can_rescue(unit) &&
                            canTakeRefuge = true;
                    if (canTakeRefuge)
                        // Place before status and wait, at least
                        int index = Math.Min(
                            commands.IndexOf("Status"), commands.IndexOf("Wait"));

                        // Try placing before Item
                        int itemIndex = commands.IndexOf("Item");
                        if (itemIndex >= 0)
                            index = itemIndex;
                        // Try placing after rescue
                        int rescueIndex = commands.IndexOf("Rescue");
                        if (rescueIndex >= 0)
                            index = rescueIndex + 1;
                        // Try placing after shelter
                        int shelterIndex = commands.IndexOf("Shelter");
                        if (shelterIndex >= 0)
                            index = shelterIndex + 1;

                        commands.Insert(index + 0, "Refuge");
                        AddSkillIndex(index - 1, SkillMenuIds.Refuge);
                // Skills: Dash
                if (unit.actor.has_skill("DASH"))
                    // Can move and not in starting location/has done something
                    if (unit.base_mov > 0 && (unit.turn_start_loc != unit.loc ||
                                              Canto != Canto_Records.None))
                        int index = Math.Min(
                            commands.IndexOf("Status"), commands.IndexOf("Wait"));
                        commands.Insert(index + 0, "Dash");
                        AddSkillIndex(index - 1, SkillMenuIds.Dash);
                // Skills: Swoop
                if (unit.actor.has_skill("SWOOP"))
                    List <int>[] ary        = unit.enemies_in_swoop_range();
                    List <int>   enemyRange = ary[0];
                    if (enemyRange.Count > 0)
                        Global.game_temp.temp_skill_ranges["SWOOP"] = unit.swoop_range();
                        Global.game_map.range_start_timer           = 0;
                        int index = commands.IndexOf("Attack");
                        commands.Insert(index + 1, "Swoop");
                        AddSkillIndex(index, SkillMenuIds.Swoop);
                // Skills: Trample
                if (unit.actor.has_skill("TRAMPLE"))
                    List <int>[] ary        = unit.enemies_in_trample_range();
                    List <int>   enemyRange = ary[0];
                    if (enemyRange.Count > 0)
                        Global.game_temp.temp_skill_ranges["TRAMPLE"]      = unit.trample_range();
                        Global.game_temp.temp_skill_move_ranges["TRAMPLE"] = unit.trample_move_range();
                        Global.game_map.range_start_timer = 0;
                        int index = commands.IndexOf("Attack");
                        commands.Insert(index + 1, "Trample");
                        AddSkillIndex(index, SkillMenuIds.Trample);
                // Skills: Sacrifice
                if (unit.actor.has_skill("SACRIFICE"))
                    if (unit.actor.hp > 1)
                        List <int> allyRange = unit.allies_in_range(1);
                        bool       canHeal   = false;
                        foreach (int id in allyRange)
                            if (!Global.game_map.units[id].actor.is_full_hp())
                                canHeal = true;
                        if (canHeal)
                            int index = commands.IndexOf("Attack");
                            commands.Insert(index + 1, "Sacrifice");
                            AddSkillIndex(index, SkillMenuIds.Sacrifice);
                // Skills: Old Swoop //@Debug
                if (unit.actor.has_skill("OLDSWOOP"))
                    List <int>[] ary        = unit.enemies_in_old_swoop_range();
                    List <int>   enemyRange = ary[0];
                    if (enemyRange.Count > 0)
                        Global.game_temp.temp_skill_ranges["OLDSWOOP"] = unit.old_swoop_range();
                        Global.game_map.range_start_timer = 0;
                        int index = commands.IndexOf("Attack");
                        commands.Insert(index + 1, "OldSwoop");
                        AddSkillIndex(index, SkillMenuIds.OldSwoop);
                // Skills: Masteries
                for (int i = 0; i < Game_Unit.MASTERIES.Count; i++)
                    if (unit.actor.has_skill(Game_Unit.MASTERIES[i]) && unit.is_mastery_ready(Game_Unit.MASTERIES[i]))
                        string       skill    = Game_Unit.MASTERIES[i];
                        List <int>[] rangeAry = unit.enemies_in_range(skill);
                        if (rangeAry[1].Count > 0)
                            List <int> itemIndices = unit.weapon_indices(rangeAry[1]);
                            Global.game_temp.temp_skill_ranges[skill] = unit.get_weapon_range(itemIndices, new HashSet <Vector2> {
                            }, skill);

                            //Global.game_temp.temp_skill_ranges[skill] = Global.game_map.get_unit_range(new List<Vector2> { unit.loc },
                            //    unit.min_range_absolute(skill), unit.max_range_absolute(skill), Game_Unit.mastery_blocked_through_walls(skill));
                            Global.game_map.range_start_timer = 0;

                            int index = commands.IndexOf("Attack");
                            commands.Insert(index + 1, Global.skill_from_abstract(skill).Name);
                            IndexRedirect.Insert(index + 1, BASE_MASTERY_MENU_ID + i);
Exemple #19
 protected virtual void FindNextMovePoint()
     strategyPoint = Pathfind.GetNextWaypoint(force, GetStandPlaceName(), transform.position);
     // Debug.Log(strategyPoint.name);
Exemple #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates a path from the starting position to (finalX,finalY)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="finalX">X position of the destinaton.</param>
    /// <param name="finalY">Y position of the destinaton.</param>
    /// <param name="forcedir">Prevents zigzagging</param>
    /// <param name="maxRec">maximum recursions. If this is passed, the character will say the path is "too confusing" and quit. Setting to a negative number disables this.</param>
    public string GenNext(float finalX, float finalY, int forcedir = 0, int maxRec = 5)
        if(maxRec == 0)
            return "That path is too confusing\n";
        Pathfind p = (Pathfind)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<Pathfind>();

        Vector3 vStart = new Vector3(xEnd, yEnd);
        Vector3 vEnd = new Vector3 (finalX, finalY);

        //represents the direction from the end of the current path to the start of the next. vDir will move clockwise and vDirb will move counterclockwise
        Vector3 vDir = vStart - vEnd;
        vDir.Normalize ();
        vDir = vDir * (-1);
        Vector3 vDirb = new Vector3 (vDir.x, vDir.y);

        //Sets the maximum raycast distance, or if no obstance is detected immediately creates the final path
        float maxDist = Vector3.Distance(vStart,vEnd);
        RaycastHit rHit;
        Physics.Raycast (vStart, vDir, out rHit, maxDist);
        if(rHit.collider == null)
            p.xEnd = finalX;
            p.yEnd = finalY;
            next = p;
            return "Moving to position";

        //Rotates vDir and vDirb in opposite directions until one or the other finds a clear path
        //forcedir will allow the pathfind to ignore one direction or another
        while((forcedir == 2 || Physics.Raycast(vStart,vDir,maxDist)) && (forcedir == 1 || Physics.Raycast(vStart,vDirb,maxDist)))
            vDir = Vector3.Cross (vDir, (Vector3.forward * Mathf.PI * 0.1F));
            vDirb = Vector3.Cross (vDirb, (Vector3.forward * Mathf.PI * -0.1F));
            if(vDir.x == vDirb.x && vDir.y == vDirb.y)
                return "I got lost\n";

        float xTest = xEnd;
        float yTest = yEnd;
        float distTest = Mathf.Pow(xEnd,2) + Mathf.Pow(yEnd,2); //the sqrt doesn't matter, since all I care about is if distance is decreasing or increasing)

        //moves a test point in the direction selected until it starts getting further away from the final destination
        if(Physics.Raycast(vStart,vDirb) && !(forcedir == 2))
            forcedir = 1;
            while(distTest >= (Mathf.Pow(xTest,2) + Mathf.Pow(yTest,2)))
                distTest = Mathf.Pow(xTest,2) + Mathf.Pow(yTest,2);
                xTest += vDir.x;
                yTest += vDir.y;
            forcedir = 2;
            while(distTest >= ((Mathf.Pow(xTest,2) + Mathf.Pow(yTest,2)) - 10))
                distTest = Mathf.Pow(xTest,2) + Mathf.Pow(yTest,2);
                xTest += vDirb.x;
                yTest += vDirb.y;

        p.xEnd = xTest;
        p.yEnd = yTest;
        next = p;
        MonoBehaviour.print ("path to (+ " + xTest + "," + yTest + ")");

        //If the final destination isn't found, keep going until it is
        if(((Mathf.Pow(p.xEnd - finalX,2)) > 1) || ((Mathf.Pow(p.yEnd - finalY,2)) > 1))
            return next.GenNext(finalX, finalY, forcedir, maxRec - 1);
        return "Moving to position";
    // Resolve an attack action
    // Recevied from any arbitrary GameObject with the OnClick-Message script attached
    public void MessageClickedToken(GameObject attackee)
        if (currentTurnStats.HasAttackHappened)
            PopupTextController.PopupText("Already attacked", attackee.transform);
            GameObject attacker = actors[currentActorTurn].tokenRef;
            if (attackee == attacker)
                PopupTextController.PopupText("Can't attack self", attackee.transform);
                Actor victim = actors.Find(actor => { return(actor.tokenRef == attackee); });
                if (victim == null)
                    PopupTextController.PopupText("ERROR FINDING ACTOR", attackee.transform);
                    if (!victim.IsAlive)
                        PopupTextController.PopupText("Creature is already dead", attackee.transform);
                        // Check if attack is possible, using A* pathfinding to find range in num squares, manhattan distance
                        if (Pathfind.FindDistance(actors[currentActorTurn].x, actors[currentActorTurn].z, victim.x, victim.z) > actors[currentActorTurn].AttackRange)
                            PopupTextController.PopupText("Out of range", attackee.transform);
                            // Roll to hit
                            int attackResult = RollDice(1, 20, actors[currentActorTurn].AttackMod);
                            if (attackResult >= victim.AC)
                                PopupTextController.PopupText("Hit: " + attackResult + " vs. " + victim.AC, attacker.transform);

                                // Animate attack
                                attacker.GetComponent <TokenAttacker>().AttackTowards(attackee.transform);

                                int damageResult = RollDice(actors[currentActorTurn].DamageDieNum, actors[currentActorTurn].DamageDieMagnitude, actors[currentActorTurn].DamageMod);
                                victim.HP -= damageResult;

                                delayedMessage = damageResult + " damage";
                                delayedActor   = victim;
                                Invoke("DelayDamagePopup", 0.5f);
                                PopupTextController.PopupText("Miss: " + attackResult + " vs. " + victim.AC, attackee.transform);

                            // Finalise attack
                            currentTurnStats.HasAttackHappened = true;