IEnumerator FindPath(Vector2 start, Vector2 target) { PathWay[] pathPoints = new PathWay[0]; bool pathSuccess = false; Waypoint startingPoint = handler.PointFromWorldPosition(start); Waypoint targetPoint = handler.PointFromWorldPosition(target); Heap <Waypoint> openSet = new Heap <Waypoint> (handler.wayPointSize); //to be evaluated HashSet <Waypoint> closedSet = new HashSet <Waypoint> (); //already evaluated openSet.Add(startingPoint); while (openSet.Count > 0) { Waypoint currentPoint = openSet.RemoveFirst(); closedSet.Add(currentPoint); //gizmoPath.Add (currentPoint); if (currentPoint == targetPoint) { pathSuccess = true; break; } foreach (Waypoint neighbour in currentPoint.getNeighbours()) { if (closedSet.Contains(neighbour)) { continue; } int newMovementCostToNeighbour = currentPoint.gCost + GetDistance(currentPoint, neighbour); if (newMovementCostToNeighbour < neighbour.gCost || !openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { neighbour.gCost = newMovementCostToNeighbour; neighbour.hCost = GetDistance(neighbour, targetPoint); neighbour.parent = currentPoint; if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { openSet.Add(neighbour); } else { openSet.UpdateItem(neighbour); } } } } yield return(null); if (pathSuccess) { pathPoints = RetracePath(startingPoint, targetPoint); } requestManager.FinishedProcessingPath(pathPoints, pathSuccess); }
private void FindNextMove(PathWay rightWay, MoveType lastMove, int gotoPosition) { var current = this.Player.Walk[rightWay.Position]; var nextRightWay = new List <PathWay>(); while (true) { if (current.East && lastMove != MoveType.West) { rightWay.Path.Add(MoveType.East); nextRightWay.Add(new PathWay(rightWay.Position + 1, rightWay.Path)); } if (current.West && lastMove != MoveType.East) { rightWay.Path.Add(MoveType.West); nextRightWay.Add(new PathWay(rightWay.Position - 1, rightWay.Path)); } if (current.North && lastMove != MoveType.South) { rightWay.Path.Add(MoveType.North); nextRightWay.Add(new PathWay(rightWay.Position - this.Width, rightWay.Path)); } if (current.South && lastMove != MoveType.North) { rightWay.Path.Add(MoveType.South); nextRightWay.Add(new PathWay(rightWay.Position + this.Width, rightWay.Path)); } nextRightWay.ForEach(f => { if (f.Position == gotoPosition) { this.FinalWay.Add(f); } this.FindNextMove(f, f.Path.Last(), gotoPosition); }); break; } }
public void LaunchLevel(string sceneName) { if (!done) { Sequence sequence = DOTween.Sequence(); PathWay thisPath = myPaths[sceneName]; Vector3[] path = new Vector3[thisPath.wayPoints.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++) { path[i] = thisPath.wayPoints[i].position; } sequence.Append(playerIcon.transform.DOPath(path, 0.5f * path.Length)); sequence.Play(); done = true; StartCoroutine(Load(sceneName, sequence.Duration() + 1)); foreach (var item in GetComponentsInChildren <Button>()) { item.interactable = false; } } }
private void InterActQuery2(string[] Proteins, string pType) { if (pType == "IPI") this.rbIPI.Checked = true; else if (pType == "UNIPROT") this.rbUniprot.Checked = true; else this.rbGeneName.Checked = true; string ProteinList = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { if (ProteinList == "") ProteinList = string.Format("'{0}'", Proteins[i]); else ProteinList += string.Format(",'{0}'", Proteins[i]); } Hashtable IntactsList = new Hashtable(); string strSQL = string.Format("select distinct INTACT_ID,interactorA_id,interactorB_id from INTACT_T where INTERACTORA_ID in ({0}) or INTERACTORB_ID in ({0}) order by interactorA_ID", ProteinList); if (pType == "GeneName") { strSQL = string.Format("select distinct INTACT_ID,ALIAS_INT_A,ALIAS_INT_B from INTACT_T where ALIAS_INT_A in ({0}) or ALIAS_INT_B in ({0}) order by ALIAS_INT_A", ProteinList); } DataSet Intactresult = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strSQL); if (Intactresult != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Intactresult.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string IntactID = Intactresult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString(); string IntactorA = Intactresult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString(); string IntactorB = Intactresult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString(); if (!IntactsList.ContainsKey(string.Format ("{0}_{1}",IntactorA ,IntactorB))) IntactsList.Add (string.Format ("{0}_{1}",IntactorA ,IntactorB),IntactID); //TableRow trIntact = new TableRow(); //TableCell tcFlag1 = new TableCell(); //tcFlag1.Text = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'>{0}</a>",IntactID); //trIntact.Cells.Add(tcFlag1); //TableCell tcInteractorA1 = new TableCell(); //tcInteractorA1.Text = IntactorA; //trIntact.Cells.Add(tcInteractorA1); //TableCell tcInteractorB1 = new TableCell(); //tcInteractorB1.Text = IntactorB; //trIntact.Cells.Add(tcInteractorB1); //tblInteract.Rows.Add(trIntact); } } TableRow trHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcFlag = new TableCell(); tcFlag.Text = "<a href=''><img src=\"_image\\intact-logo.gif\" title=\"EBI IntAct\"></a>"; trHeader.Cells.Add(tcFlag); for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { TableCell tcP = new TableCell(); tcP.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"verticaltext\" height=\"100px\" width=\"20px\">{0}</div> ", Proteins[i]); tcP.Height = new Unit(100); //tcP.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top ; trHeader.Cells.Add(tcP); } trHeader.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(234, 237, 238); tblInteract.Rows.Add(trHeader); trHeader.Height = new Unit(100); for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { TableRow trProteins = new TableRow(); TableCell tcProtein = new TableCell(); tcProtein.Text = Proteins[i]; tcProtein.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(234, 237, 238); trProteins.Cells.Add(tcProtein); bool bWithAct = false; for (int j = 0; j < Proteins.Length; j++) { TableCell tcIntAct = new TableCell(); tcIntAct.Width = new Unit("3px"); if (IntactsList.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}_{1}", Proteins[i], Proteins[j]))) { tcIntAct.Text = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'><img src=\"_image\\check.gif\" title=\"{1}-vs-{2}\" width=\"5px\"></a>", IntactsList[string.Format("{0}_{1}", Proteins[i], Proteins[j])], Proteins[i], Proteins[j]); bWithAct = true; tcIntAct.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 245); } else { tcIntAct.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); } tcIntAct.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; trProteins.Cells.Add(tcIntAct); } if (bWithAct ) tblInteract.Rows.Add(trProteins); } if (pType != "IPI") { Hashtable Pathways = new Hashtable(); if (pType == "GeneName") { ProteinList = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { if (ProteinList == "") ProteinList = string.Format("'{0}'", getUniprotByGene(Proteins[i])); else ProteinList += string.Format(",'{0}'", getUniprotByGene(Proteins[i])); } } string strRecSQL = string.Format ("select distinct REACT_ID,PATHWAY,URL,uniprot from unipro2pathway_t where uniprot in ({0})", ProteinList ); DataSet result = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strRecSQL); if (result != null) { for (int j = 0; j < result.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) { PathWay pw = new PathWay(); pw.React_ID = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString(); pw.PathWayName = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[1].ToString(); pw.PahtwayURL = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[2].ToString(); string uniprotid = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[3].ToString(); if (Pathways.Contains(pw)) { Pathways[pw] += "|" + uniprotid + ";" + uniprotid; } else Pathways.Add(pw, uniprotid + ";" + uniprotid); } } //// show the pathway information //for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) //{ // string uniprotid = Proteins[i]; // if (pType == "GeneName") // uniprotid = getUniprotByGene(Proteins[i]); // string strRecSQL = string.Format("select REACT_ID,PATHWAY,URL from unipro2pathway_t where uniprot='{0}'", uniprotid); // DataSet result = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strRecSQL); // // { // for (int j = 0; j < result.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) // { // PathWay pw = new PathWay(); // pw.React_ID = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString(); // pw.PathWayName = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[1].ToString(); // pw.PahtwayURL = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[2].ToString(); // if (Pathways.Contains(pw)) // { // Pathways[pw] += "|" + Proteins[i] + ";" + uniprotid; // } // else // Pathways.Add(pw, Proteins[i] + ";" + uniprotid); // } // } //} TableRow trPathHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPathHeader = new TableCell(); tcPathHeader.Text = "<a href=''><img src=\"_image\\R-purple-fly.png\" title=\"Reactome\" width=\"64px\" height=\"64px\"></a>"; trPathHeader.Cells.Add(tcPathHeader); TableCell tcProteinsInPath = new TableCell(); tcProteinsInPath.Text = "Proteins in the pathway"; trPathHeader.Cells.Add(tcProteinsInPath); tbPathways.Rows.Add(trPathHeader); foreach (PathWay pw in Pathways.Keys) { TableRow trPath = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPathWay = new TableCell(); tcPathWay.Text = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target='_blank'>{1}</a>", pw.PahtwayURL, pw.PathWayName); trPath.Cells.Add(tcPathWay); TableCell tcProteins = new TableCell(); string[] Prots = Pathways[pw].ToString().Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < Prots.Length; i++) { string protname = Prots[i].Substring(0, Prots[i].IndexOf(";")); string uniprotname = Prots[i].Substring(Prots[i].IndexOf(";") + 1); tcProteins.Text += string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target='_blank'>{1}</a> ", uniprotname, protname); } trPath.Cells.Add(tcProteins); tbPathways.Rows.Add(trPath); } } }
private void InterActQuery(string[] Proteins,string pType) { if (pType == "IPI") this.rbIPI.Checked = true; else if (pType == "UNIPROT") this.rbUniprot.Checked = true; else this.rbGeneName.Checked = true; TableRow trHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcFlag = new TableCell(); tcFlag.Text = "Proteins"; trHeader.Cells.Add(tcFlag); for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { TableCell tcP = new TableCell(); tcP.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"verticaltext\" height=\"100px\" width=\"100px\">{0}</div> ", Proteins[i]); tcP.Height = new Unit(100); //tcP.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top ; trHeader.Cells.Add(tcP); } trHeader.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(234,237,238); tblInteract.Rows.Add(trHeader); trHeader.Height = new Unit(100); for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { TableRow trProteins = new TableRow(); TableCell tcProtein = new TableCell(); tcProtein.Text = Proteins[i]; tcProtein.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(234, 237, 238); trProteins.Cells.Add(tcProtein); for (int j = 0; j < Proteins.Length; j++) { string IntactID = GetIntActID(Proteins[i], Proteins[j],pType); TableCell tcIntAct = new TableCell(); if (IntactID != null) { tcIntAct.Text = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'><img src=\"_image\\check.gif\" title=\"{1}-vs-{2}\"></a>",IntactID,Proteins [i],Proteins[j] ); } else { } tcIntAct.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; trProteins.Cells.Add(tcIntAct); } tblInteract.Rows.Add(trProteins); } if (pType != "IPI") { Hashtable Pathways = new Hashtable(); // show the pathway information for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { string uniprotid = Proteins[i]; if (pType == "GeneName") uniprotid = getUniprotByGene(Proteins [i]); string strRecSQL = string.Format("select REACT_ID,PATHWAY,URL from unipro2pathway_t where uniprot='{0}'", uniprotid); DataSet result = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strRecSQL); if (result != null) { for (int j=0;j<result.Tables[0].Rows.Count;j++) { PathWay pw = new PathWay(); pw.React_ID = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString (); pw.PathWayName = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[1].ToString (); pw.PahtwayURL = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[2].ToString (); if (Pathways.Contains(pw)) { Pathways[pw] += "|" + Proteins[i]+";"+uniprotid ; } else Pathways.Add(pw, Proteins[i] + ";" + uniprotid); } } } TableRow trPathHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPathHeader = new TableCell(); tcPathHeader.Text = "Pathway"; trPathHeader.Cells.Add(tcPathHeader); TableCell tcProteinsInPath = new TableCell(); tcProteinsInPath.Text = "Proteins in the pathway"; trPathHeader.Cells.Add(tcProteinsInPath); tbPathways.Rows.Add(trPathHeader); foreach (PathWay pw in Pathways.Keys ) { TableRow trPath = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPathWay = new TableCell(); tcPathWay.Text = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target='_blank'>{1}</a>", pw.PahtwayURL, pw.PathWayName); trPath.Cells.Add(tcPathWay); TableCell tcProteins = new TableCell(); string[] Prots = Pathways[pw].ToString ().Split (new string[]{"|"},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ); for (int i=0;i<Prots.Length ;i++) { string protname = Prots[i].Substring(0, Prots[i].IndexOf(";")); string uniprotname = Prots[i].Substring(Prots[i].IndexOf(";") + 1); tcProteins.Text += string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target='_blank'>{1}</a> ", uniprotname ,protname ); } trPath.Cells.Add(tcProteins); tbPathways.Rows.Add(trPath); } } }
private void InterActQuery(string[] Proteins, string pType) { if (pType == "IPI") { this.rbIPI.Checked = true; } else if (pType == "UNIPROT") { this.rbUniprot.Checked = true; } else { this.rbGeneName.Checked = true; } TableRow trHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcFlag = new TableCell(); tcFlag.Text = "Proteins"; trHeader.Cells.Add(tcFlag); for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { TableCell tcP = new TableCell(); tcP.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"verticaltext\" height=\"100px\" width=\"100px\">{0}</div> ", Proteins[i]); tcP.Height = new Unit(100); //tcP.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top ; trHeader.Cells.Add(tcP); } trHeader.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(234, 237, 238); tblInteract.Rows.Add(trHeader); trHeader.Height = new Unit(100); for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { TableRow trProteins = new TableRow(); TableCell tcProtein = new TableCell(); tcProtein.Text = Proteins[i]; tcProtein.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(234, 237, 238); trProteins.Cells.Add(tcProtein); for (int j = 0; j < Proteins.Length; j++) { string IntactID = GetIntActID(Proteins[i], Proteins[j], pType); TableCell tcIntAct = new TableCell(); if (IntactID != null) { tcIntAct.Text = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'><img src=\"_image\\check.gif\" title=\"{1}-vs-{2}\"></a>", IntactID, Proteins [i], Proteins[j]); } else { } tcIntAct.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; trProteins.Cells.Add(tcIntAct); } tblInteract.Rows.Add(trProteins); } if (pType != "IPI") { Hashtable Pathways = new Hashtable(); // show the pathway information for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { string uniprotid = Proteins[i]; if (pType == "GeneName") { uniprotid = getUniprotByGene(Proteins [i]); } string strRecSQL = string.Format("select REACT_ID,PATHWAY,URL from unipro2pathway_t where uniprot='{0}'", uniprotid); DataSet result = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strRecSQL); if (result != null) { for (int j = 0; j < result.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) { PathWay pw = new PathWay(); pw.React_ID = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString(); pw.PathWayName = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[1].ToString(); pw.PahtwayURL = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[2].ToString(); if (Pathways.Contains(pw)) { Pathways[pw] += "|" + Proteins[i] + ";" + uniprotid; } else { Pathways.Add(pw, Proteins[i] + ";" + uniprotid); } } } } TableRow trPathHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPathHeader = new TableCell(); tcPathHeader.Text = "Pathway"; trPathHeader.Cells.Add(tcPathHeader); TableCell tcProteinsInPath = new TableCell(); tcProteinsInPath.Text = "Proteins in the pathway"; trPathHeader.Cells.Add(tcProteinsInPath); tbPathways.Rows.Add(trPathHeader); foreach (PathWay pw in Pathways.Keys) { TableRow trPath = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPathWay = new TableCell(); tcPathWay.Text = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target='_blank'>{1}</a>", pw.PahtwayURL, pw.PathWayName); trPath.Cells.Add(tcPathWay); TableCell tcProteins = new TableCell(); string[] Prots = Pathways[pw].ToString().Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < Prots.Length; i++) { string protname = Prots[i].Substring(0, Prots[i].IndexOf(";")); string uniprotname = Prots[i].Substring(Prots[i].IndexOf(";") + 1); tcProteins.Text += string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target='_blank'>{1}</a> ", uniprotname, protname); } trPath.Cells.Add(tcProteins); tbPathways.Rows.Add(trPath); } } }
private void InterActQuery2(string[] Proteins, string pType) { if (pType == "IPI") { this.rbIPI.Checked = true; } else if (pType == "UNIPROT") { this.rbUniprot.Checked = true; } else { this.rbGeneName.Checked = true; } string ProteinList = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { if (ProteinList == "") { ProteinList = string.Format("'{0}'", Proteins[i]); } else { ProteinList += string.Format(",'{0}'", Proteins[i]); } } Hashtable IntactsList = new Hashtable(); string strSQL = string.Format("select distinct INTACT_ID,interactorA_id,interactorB_id from INTACT_T where INTERACTORA_ID in ({0}) or INTERACTORB_ID in ({0}) order by interactorA_ID", ProteinList); if (pType == "GeneName") { strSQL = string.Format("select distinct INTACT_ID,ALIAS_INT_A,ALIAS_INT_B from INTACT_T where ALIAS_INT_A in ({0}) or ALIAS_INT_B in ({0}) order by ALIAS_INT_A", ProteinList); } DataSet Intactresult = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strSQL); if (Intactresult != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Intactresult.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string IntactID = Intactresult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString(); string IntactorA = Intactresult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString(); string IntactorB = Intactresult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[2].ToString(); if (!IntactsList.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}_{1}", IntactorA, IntactorB))) { IntactsList.Add(string.Format("{0}_{1}", IntactorA, IntactorB), IntactID); } //TableRow trIntact = new TableRow(); //TableCell tcFlag1 = new TableCell(); //tcFlag1.Text = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'>{0}</a>",IntactID); //trIntact.Cells.Add(tcFlag1); //TableCell tcInteractorA1 = new TableCell(); //tcInteractorA1.Text = IntactorA; //trIntact.Cells.Add(tcInteractorA1); //TableCell tcInteractorB1 = new TableCell(); //tcInteractorB1.Text = IntactorB; //trIntact.Cells.Add(tcInteractorB1); //tblInteract.Rows.Add(trIntact); } } TableRow trHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcFlag = new TableCell(); tcFlag.Text = "<a href=''><img src=\"_image\\intact-logo.gif\" title=\"EBI IntAct\"></a>"; trHeader.Cells.Add(tcFlag); for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { TableCell tcP = new TableCell(); tcP.Text = string.Format("<div class=\"verticaltext\" height=\"100px\" width=\"20px\">{0}</div> ", Proteins[i]); tcP.Height = new Unit(100); //tcP.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top ; trHeader.Cells.Add(tcP); } trHeader.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(234, 237, 238); tblInteract.Rows.Add(trHeader); trHeader.Height = new Unit(100); for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { TableRow trProteins = new TableRow(); TableCell tcProtein = new TableCell(); tcProtein.Text = Proteins[i]; tcProtein.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(234, 237, 238); trProteins.Cells.Add(tcProtein); bool bWithAct = false; for (int j = 0; j < Proteins.Length; j++) { TableCell tcIntAct = new TableCell(); tcIntAct.Width = new Unit("3px"); if (IntactsList.ContainsKey(string.Format("{0}_{1}", Proteins[i], Proteins[j]))) { tcIntAct.Text = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_blank'><img src=\"_image\\check.gif\" title=\"{1}-vs-{2}\" width=\"5px\"></a>", IntactsList[string.Format("{0}_{1}", Proteins[i], Proteins[j])], Proteins[i], Proteins[j]); bWithAct = true; tcIntAct.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 245); } else { tcIntAct.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); } tcIntAct.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; trProteins.Cells.Add(tcIntAct); } if (bWithAct) { tblInteract.Rows.Add(trProteins); } } if (pType != "IPI") { Hashtable Pathways = new Hashtable(); if (pType == "GeneName") { ProteinList = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) { if (ProteinList == "") { ProteinList = string.Format("'{0}'", getUniprotByGene(Proteins[i])); } else { ProteinList += string.Format(",'{0}'", getUniprotByGene(Proteins[i])); } } } string strRecSQL = string.Format("select distinct REACT_ID,PATHWAY,URL,uniprot from unipro2pathway_t where uniprot in ({0})", ProteinList); DataSet result = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strRecSQL); if (result != null) { for (int j = 0; j < result.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) { PathWay pw = new PathWay(); pw.React_ID = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString(); pw.PathWayName = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[1].ToString(); pw.PahtwayURL = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[2].ToString(); string uniprotid = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[3].ToString(); if (Pathways.Contains(pw)) { Pathways[pw] += "|" + uniprotid + ";" + uniprotid; } else { Pathways.Add(pw, uniprotid + ";" + uniprotid); } } } //// show the pathway information //for (int i = 0; i < Proteins.Length; i++) //{ // string uniprotid = Proteins[i]; // if (pType == "GeneName") // uniprotid = getUniprotByGene(Proteins[i]); // string strRecSQL = string.Format("select REACT_ID,PATHWAY,URL from unipro2pathway_t where uniprot='{0}'", uniprotid); // DataSet result = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strRecSQL); // // { // for (int j = 0; j < result.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) // { // PathWay pw = new PathWay(); // pw.React_ID = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString(); // pw.PathWayName = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[1].ToString(); // pw.PahtwayURL = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[2].ToString(); // if (Pathways.Contains(pw)) // { // Pathways[pw] += "|" + Proteins[i] + ";" + uniprotid; // } // else // Pathways.Add(pw, Proteins[i] + ";" + uniprotid); // } // } //} TableRow trPathHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPathHeader = new TableCell(); tcPathHeader.Text = "<a href=''><img src=\"_image\\R-purple-fly.png\" title=\"Reactome\" width=\"64px\" height=\"64px\"></a>"; trPathHeader.Cells.Add(tcPathHeader); TableCell tcProteinsInPath = new TableCell(); tcProteinsInPath.Text = "Proteins in the pathway"; trPathHeader.Cells.Add(tcProteinsInPath); tbPathways.Rows.Add(trPathHeader); foreach (PathWay pw in Pathways.Keys) { TableRow trPath = new TableRow(); TableCell tcPathWay = new TableCell(); tcPathWay.Text = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target='_blank'>{1}</a>", pw.PahtwayURL, pw.PathWayName); trPath.Cells.Add(tcPathWay); TableCell tcProteins = new TableCell(); string[] Prots = Pathways[pw].ToString().Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < Prots.Length; i++) { string protname = Prots[i].Substring(0, Prots[i].IndexOf(";")); string uniprotname = Prots[i].Substring(Prots[i].IndexOf(";") + 1); tcProteins.Text += string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target='_blank'>{1}</a> ", uniprotname, protname); } trPath.Cells.Add(tcProteins); tbPathways.Rows.Add(trPath); } } }
public bool UpdatePathWay(PathWay pathWay) { _db.PathWays.Update(pathWay); return(Save()); }
public bool DeletePathWay(PathWay pathWay) { _db.PathWays.Remove(pathWay); return(Save()); }
public bool CreatePathWay(PathWay pathWay) { _db.PathWays.Add(pathWay); return(Save()); }