public ToolManager() { rulerTool = new RulerTool(this); angleTool = new AngleTool(this); selectTool = new SelectTool(this); pathTool = new PathTool(this); sketchTool = new SketchTool(this); contextMenuTool = new ContextMenuTool(this); pointInspectTool = new PointInspectTool(this); }
private void GetUnitAnim() { string path = string.Format("{0}/{1}/Animator/", UnitMgr.Instance.ModPath, Player.MTemp.model); path = Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", path); string[] AnimPaths = PathTool.GetFiles(path); if (AnimPaths != null) { int length = AnimPaths.Length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (Path.GetExtension(AnimPaths[i]) == SuffixTool.Meta) { continue; } AnimNames.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AnimPaths[i])); } } }
public Asset CreateTargetAsset(string resourcePath, string assetTypeName) { Type assetType; if (!AssetTypes.TryGetValue(assetTypeName, out assetType)) { ToolDebug.Error("Failed to find target type {0} for {1}", assetTypeName, resourcePath); return(null); } resourcePath = Path.ChangeExtension(resourcePath, assetTypeName); resourcePath = PathTool.NormalizePathToProjectBase(resourcePath); var newAsset = Activator.CreateInstance(assetType, resourcePath) as Asset; //newAsset.SourcePath = resourcePath; return(newAsset); }
/// <summary> /// 根据bundleName获取加载路径 /// </summary> /// <param name="bundleName"></param> /// <returns></returns> static string GetBundlePath(ResourcesConfig config) { #if !UNITY_WEBGL bool isLoadByPersistent = RecordManager.GetData(HotUpdateManager.c_HotUpdateRecordName).GetRecord(, "null") == "null" ? false:true; ResLoadLocation loadType = ResLoadLocation.Streaming; //加载路径由 加载根目录 和 相对路径 合并而成 //加载根目录由配置决定 if (isLoadByPersistent) { loadType = ResLoadLocation.Persistent; return(PathTool.GetAssetsBundlePersistentPath() + config.path + "." + c_AssetsBundlesExpandName); } return(PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(loadType, config.path + "." + c_AssetsBundlesExpandName)); #else return(PathTool.GetLoadURL(config.path + "." + c_AssetsBundlesExpandName)); #endif }
/// <summary> /// 获取元数据库文件的绝对路径 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public String GetMetaDllAbsPath() { if (strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MetaDLL)) { return(""); } String dllPath = this.MetaDLL; if (dllPath.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll") == false) { dllPath = dllPath + ".dll"; } dllPath = Path.Combine(PathTool.GetBinDirectory(), dllPath); return(dllPath); }
static void OpenWriteFileStream(string fileName) { try { string path = PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Persistent, PathTool.GetRelativelyPath( c_directoryName, fileName, c_randomExpandName)); string dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath); } //Debug.Log("EventStream Name: " + PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Persistent, // PathTool.GetRelativelyPath( // c_directoryName, // fileName, // c_randomExpandName))); m_RandomWriter = new StreamWriter(PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Persistent, PathTool.GetRelativelyPath( c_directoryName, fileName, c_randomExpandName))); m_RandomWriter.AutoFlush = true; m_EventWriter = new StreamWriter(PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Persistent, PathTool.GetRelativelyPath( c_directoryName, fileName, c_eventExpandName))); m_EventWriter.AutoFlush = true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); } }
public static void LoadReplayFile(string fileName) { string eventContent = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByFile( PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Persistent, PathTool.GetRelativelyPath( c_directoryName, fileName, c_eventExpandName))); string randomContent = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByFile( PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Persistent, PathTool.GetRelativelyPath( c_directoryName, fileName, c_randomExpandName))); LoadEventStream(eventContent.Split('\n')); LoadRandomList(randomContent.Split('\n')); }
public void Init() { #if !(UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR) try { ApplicationManager.s_OnApplicationQuit += Close; this.mWritingLogQueue = new Queue <LogInfo>(); this.mWaitingLogQueue = new Queue <LogInfo>(); this.mLogLock = new object(); System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; string logName = string.Format("Log{0}{1}{2}#{3}_{4}_{5}", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second); string logPath = PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Persistent, PathTool.GetRelativelyPath(LogPath, logName, expandName)); UpLoadLogic(logPath); if (File.Exists(logPath)) { File.Delete(logPath); } string logDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(logPath); if (!Directory.Exists(logDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(logDir); } this.mLogWriter = new StreamWriter(logPath); this.mLogWriter.AutoFlush = true; this.mIsRunning = true; this.mFileLogThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WriteLog)); this.mFileLogThread.Start(); } catch { //Debug.LogError(e); } #endif }
public string loadFile() { string str =; if (str != "") { throw new Exception(str); } Logger.debug("开始打开文件:"); string str2 = ""; if (CellNo.sVersionNo == "3") { str2 = CellNo.sCustomerName + "\n" + CellNo.sProjectName; } string sFileName = this.httpRequest_0.Params["spath"]; if (this.httpRequest_0.Params["fromdb"] == "yes") { str2 = str2 + ToDatabase.Load(this.httpRequest_0, this.dboperator_0, sFileName); } else { sFileName = PathTool.getRealPath(this.httpRequest_0, FileAction.basePath + sFileName); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(sFileName, Encoding.Default); for (string str5 = reader.ReadLine(); str5 != null; str5 = reader.ReadLine()) { builder.Append(str5); } reader.Close(); str2 = str2 + builder.ToString(); } catch (Exception exception) { str2 = exception.Message; } } return(str2.Replace("<fc />", "").Replace("<fc></fc>", "")); }
public void FindConfigName(string path) { //string[] allUIPrefabName = Directory.GetFiles(path); //foreach (var item in allUIPrefabName) //{ // if (item.EndsWith(".txt")) // { // //string configName = FileTool.RemoveExpandName(FileTool.GetFileNameByPath(item)); // s_dataNameList.Add(FileTool.RemoveExpandName(PathTool.GetDirectoryRelativePath(m_directoryPath + "/", item))); // } //} string[] dires = Directory.GetDirectories(path); for (int i = 0; i < dires.Length; i++) { s_languageList.Add(FileTool.RemoveExpandName(PathTool.GetDirectoryRelativePath(m_directoryPath + "/", dires[i]))); //FindConfigName(dires[i]); } }
public void saveasExcel(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res, bool bBreakPage) { string str = PathTool.getRealPath(req, FileAction.basePath + req["spath"]); //req.get_Item("pageno"); try { Report report = method_4(str, req, method_3(req["e_paramid"])); string str2 = "ereport"; res.ContentType = ("application/x-msdownload"); res.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", new StringBuilder("attachment; filename=").Append(str2).Append(".xls").ToString().ToString()); report.exportToExcel(res.OutputStream, bBreakPage); } catch (Exception exception) { res.ContentType = ("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); res.Output.Write(exception.Message); Console.Out.WriteLine(exception.Message); } }
public static void SaveReplayFile(string fileName) { List <Dictionary <string, string> > EventStreamContent = SaveEventStream(); List <int> randomListContent = SaveRandomList(); Dictionary <string, object> replayInfo = new Dictionary <string, object>(); replayInfo.Add(c_eventStreamKey, EventStreamContent); replayInfo.Add(c_randomListKey, randomListContent); string content = Json.Serialize(replayInfo); ResourceIOTool.WriteStringByFile( PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadType.Persistent, PathTool.GetRelativelyPath( c_directoryName, fileName, c_expandName)) , content); }
protected override Result DoRenameDirectory(U8Span oldPath, U8Span newPath) { Unsafe.SkipInit(out FsPath normalizedCurrentPath); Unsafe.SkipInit(out FsPath normalizedNewPath); Result rc = PathTool.Normalize(normalizedCurrentPath.Str, out _, oldPath, false, false); if (rc.IsFailure()) { return(rc); } rc = PathTool.Normalize(normalizedNewPath.Str, out _, newPath, false, false); if (rc.IsFailure()) { return(rc); } return(FileTable.RenameDirectory(normalizedCurrentPath, normalizedNewPath)); }
public void Init() { if (sched != null && !sched.IsShutdown) { return; } sched = sf.GetScheduler(); var path = PathTool.getInstance().Map(JobsConfigPath); processor.ProcessFileAndScheduleJobs(path, sched); if (GlobalJobListener != null) { if (sched.ListenerManager.GetJobListener(GlobalJobListener.Name) == null) { sched.ListenerManager.AddJobListener(GlobalJobListener, null); } } }
public static string ReadResourceConfigContent() { #if !UNITY_WEBGL string dataJson = ""; if (ResourceManager.m_gameLoadType == ResLoadLocation.Resource) { dataJson = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByResource( c_ManifestFileName + "." + ConfigManager.c_expandName); } else { ResLoadLocation type = ResLoadLocation.Streaming; if (RecordManager.GetData(HotUpdateManager.c_HotUpdateRecordName).GetRecord(HotUpdateManager.c_useHotUpdateRecordKey, false)) { type = ResLoadLocation.Persistent; dataJson = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByFile( PathTool.GetAbsolutePath( type, c_ManifestFileName + "." + ConfigManager.c_expandName)); } else { AssetBundle ab = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(PathTool.GetAbsolutePath( type, c_ManifestFileName + "." + AssetsBundleManager.c_AssetsBundlesExpandName)); TextAsset text = (TextAsset)ab.mainAsset; dataJson = text.text; ab.Unload(true); } } return(dataJson); #else return(WEBGLReadResourceConfigContent()); #endif }
public override bool ProcessFeatures(Dictionary <string, Feature> features) { // If the base fails, just fail out if (!base.ProcessFeatures(features)) { return(false); } // Get feature flags bool nostore = GetBoolean(features, NoStoreHeaderValue); // Get only files from the inputs List <ParentablePath> files = PathTool.GetFilesOnly(Inputs); foreach (ParentablePath file in files) { DetectTransformStore(file.CurrentPath, OutputDir, nostore); } return(true); }
public override void Start(AssetBuildContext context) { StringBuilder commandParameter = new StringBuilder(); commandParameter.AppendFormat(" {0}", DefaultLibOptions); AddParameterSetting(context, commandParameter, stm_OptionMap); var outputPath = PathTool.NormalizePathAndCreate(context.CurrentOutput.SourceFilePath); commandParameter.AppendFormat(" /OUT:{0}", outputPath); foreach (var input in context.CurrentInputs) { commandParameter.AppendFormat(" {0}", input.SourceFilePath); } StartInfo.FileName = Command; StartInfo.Arguments = commandParameter.ToString(); base.Start(context); }
public void Jar2Smali(string jarPath, string filePath) { string smaliPath = filePath + "\\smali"; string JavaTempPath = PathTool.GetCurrentPath() + "\\JavaTempPath"; string jarName = FileTool.GetFileNameByPath(jarPath); string tempPath = JavaTempPath + "\\" + jarName; FileTool.CreatPath(JavaTempPath); CmdService cmd = new CmdService(OutPut, errorCallBack); //Jar to dex cmd.Execute("java -jar dx.jar --dex --output=" + tempPath + " " + jarPath, true, true); //dex to smali cmd.Execute("java -jar baksmali-2.1.3.jar --o=" + smaliPath + " " + tempPath); //删除临时目录 FileTool.DeleteDirectory(JavaTempPath); Directory.Delete(JavaTempPath); }
public string fileExist() { string sourPath = Escape.unescape(this.httpRequest_0.Params["spath"]); sourPath = PathTool.getRealPath(this.httpRequest_0, sourPath); string str2 = ""; try { if (!File.Exists(sourPath)) { return("no"); } str2 = "yes"; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(str2); }
public static void MarkAssetBundle() { AssetDatabase.RemoveUnusedAssetBundleNames(); string path = Global.AssetBundlePath; DirectoryInfo tempDir = new DirectoryInfo(path); FileSystemInfo[] filesInfo = tempDir.GetFileSystemInfos(); for (int i = 0; i < filesInfo.Length; i++) { FileSystemInfo tmpFile = filesInfo[i]; if (tmpFile is DirectoryInfo) { string tempPath = Path.Combine(path, tmpFile.Name); LoadScenceBundle(tempPath); } } string outPath = PathTool.GetBundlePath(); CopyRecordTxt(path, outPath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
private HashSet <string> assetNames = new HashSet <string>();//资源名称记录:包和资源的对应 /// <summary> /// 读取本场景资源记录 /// </summary> private void ReadRecords() { string recordFileName = PathTool.GetRecordFileName(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); FileStream fs = new FileStream(recordFileName, FileMode.Open); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); string l; while ((l = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!assetNames.Contains(l)) { assetNames.Add(l); } } sr.Close(); fs.Close(); sr.Dispose(); fs.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// 解析配置表 /// </summary> private void Analysis() { string path = Config.PathConfig[ConfigKey.TablePath]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { UpdateNotification("初始化失败,没有找到配置表路径"); return; } PathNames = PathTool.GetFiles(path); if (PathNames == null) { IsInit = false; UpdateNotification(string.Format("初始化失败,路径{0}没有获取到数据文件", path)); return; } ToggleList = new bool[PathNames.Length]; InputConfig(); UpdateConfig(); InitComplete(); }
static void CheckLocalVersion() { AssetBundle ab = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Streaming, c_versionFileName + "." + AssetsBundleManager.c_AssetsBundlesExpandName)); TextAsset text = (TextAsset)ab.mainAsset; string StreamVersionContent = text.text; ab.Unload(true); //stream版本 Dictionary <string, object> StreamVersion = (Dictionary <string, object>)MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(StreamVersionContent); //Streaming版本如果比Persistent版本还要新,则更新Persistent版本 if ((GetInt(StreamVersion[c_largeVersionKey]) > GetInt(m_versionConfig[c_largeVersionKey])) || (GetInt(StreamVersion[c_smallVersonKey]) > GetInt(m_versionConfig[c_smallVersonKey])) ) { RecordManager.CleanRecord(c_HotUpdateRecordName); Init(); } }
public static void LoadResourceConfig() { #if !UNITY_WEBGL string data = ""; if (ResourceManager.LoadType == AssetsLoadType.Resources) { data = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByResource(c_ManifestFileName + "." + DataManager.c_expandName); } else { ResLoadLocation type = ResLoadLocation.Streaming; string r_path = null; if (RecordManager.GetData(HotUpdateManager.c_HotUpdateRecordName).GetRecord(c_ManifestFileName.ToLower(), "null") != "null") { Debug.Log("LoadResourceConfig 读取沙盒路径"); type = ResLoadLocation.Persistent; //更新资源存放在Application.persistentDataPath+"/Resources/"目录下 r_path = PathTool.GetAssetsBundlePersistentPath() + c_ManifestFileName.ToLower(); } else { Debug.Log("LoadResourceConfig 读取stream路径"); r_path = PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(type, c_ManifestFileName.ToLower()); } AssetBundle ab = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(r_path); TextAsset text = ab.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(c_ManifestFileName); data = text.text; ab.Unload(true); } s_config = DataTable.Analysis(data); #else return(WEBGLReadResourceConfigContent()); #endif }
public static DataTable GetData(string DataName) { try { //编辑器下不处理缓存 if (s_dataCache.ContainsKey(DataName)) { return(s_dataCache[DataName]); } DataTable data = null; string dataJson = ""; if (Application.isPlaying) { dataJson = ResourceManager.LoadText(DataName); } else { dataJson = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByResource( PathTool.GetRelativelyPath(c_directoryName, DataName, c_expandName)); } if (dataJson == "") { throw new Exception("Dont Find ->" + DataName + "<-"); } data = DataTable.Analysis(dataJson); data.m_tableName = DataName; s_dataCache.Add(DataName, data); return(data); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("GetData Exception ->" + DataName + "<- : " + e.ToString()); } }
//解析版本号文件 static void AnalysisVersionFile() { string version = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByFile(PathTool.GetAbsolutePath(ResLoadLocation.Resource, HotUpdateManager.c_versionFileName + ".json")); Dictionary <string, object> VersionData = null; if (version == "") { VersionData = null; } else { VersionData = (Dictionary <string, object>)FrameWork.Json.Deserialize(version); } if (VersionData == null) { largeVersion = -1; smallVersion = -1; return; } if (VersionData.ContainsKey(HotUpdateManager.c_largeVersionKey)) { largeVersion = int.Parse(VersionData[HotUpdateManager.c_largeVersionKey].ToString()); } else { largeVersion = -1; } if (VersionData.ContainsKey(HotUpdateManager.c_smallVersonKey)) { smallVersion = int.Parse(VersionData[HotUpdateManager.c_smallVersonKey].ToString()); } else { smallVersion = -1; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string uid = Request.QueryString["uid"]; string cbk = Request.QueryString["callback"]; string id = Request.QueryString["id"]; string nameLoc = Request.QueryString["nameLoc"]; string pathLoc = Request.QueryString["pathLoc"]; string sizeSvr = Request.QueryString["sizeSvr"]; sizeSvr = PathTool.url_decode(sizeSvr); pathLoc = PathTool.url_decode(pathLoc); nameLoc = PathTool.url_decode(nameLoc); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameLoc) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathLoc) ) { Response.Write(cbk + "(0)"); return; } DnFileInf fd = new DnFileInf(); fd.nameLoc = nameLoc; fd.pathLoc = pathLoc; = id; fd.sizeSvr = sizeSvr; fd.fdTask = true; DnFile db = new DnFile(); db.Add(ref fd); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fd); json = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(json); json = json.Replace("+", "%20"); json = cbk + "({\"value\":\"" + json + "\"})";//返回jsonp格式数据。 Response.Write(json); }
public static DataTable GetData(string DataName) { if (s_dataCatch.ContainsKey(DataName)) { return(s_dataCatch[DataName]); } DataTable data = null; string dataJson = ""; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.isPlaying) { dataJson = ResourceManager.ReadTextFile(DataName); } else { dataJson = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByResource( PathTool.GetRelativelyPath(c_directoryName, DataName, c_expandName)); } #else dataJson = ResourceManager.ReadTextFile(DataName); #endif if (dataJson == "") { throw new Exception("Dont Find ->" + DataName + "<-"); } data = DataTable.Analysis(dataJson); data.m_tableName = DataName; s_dataCatch.Add(DataName, data); return(data); }
public static bool GetIsExistConfig(string ConfigName) { string dataJson = ""; #if UNITY_EDITOR dataJson = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByResource( PathTool.GetRelativelyPath(c_directoryName, ConfigName, c_expandName)); #else dataJson = ResourceManager.ReadTextFile(ConfigName); #endif if (dataJson == "") { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
public static DataTable GetData(string ConfigName) { string dataJson = ""; #if UNITY_EDITOR dataJson = ResourceIOTool.ReadStringByResource( PathTool.GetRelativelyPath(c_directoryName, ConfigName, c_expandName)); #else dataJson = ResourceManager.ReadTextFile(ConfigName); #endif if (dataJson == "") { return(null); } else { return(DataTable.Analysis(dataJson)); } }
protected override Result DoCreateFile(U8Span path, long size, CreateFileOptions options) { FsPath normalizedPath; unsafe { _ = &normalizedPath; } // workaround for CS0165 Result rc = PathTool.Normalize(normalizedPath.Str, out _, path, false, false); if (rc.IsFailure()) { return(rc); } if (size == 0) { var emptyFileEntry = new SaveFileInfo { StartBlock = int.MinValue, Length = size }; FileTable.AddFile(normalizedPath, ref emptyFileEntry); return(Result.Success); } int blockCount = (int)Utilities.DivideByRoundUp(size, AllocationTable.Header.BlockSize); int startBlock = AllocationTable.Allocate(blockCount); if (startBlock == -1) { return(ResultFs.AllocationTableInsufficientFreeBlocks.Log()); } var fileEntry = new SaveFileInfo { StartBlock = startBlock, Length = size }; FileTable.AddFile(normalizedPath, ref fileEntry); return(Result.Success); }
private void InitializeWorkingPath(XPoint start) { _geometry = XPathGeometry.Create( new List<XPathFigure>(), _editor.Project.Options.DefaultFillRule); _geometry.BeginFigure( start, _editor.Project.Options.DefaultIsFilled, _editor.Project.Options.DefaultIsClosed); _path = XPath.Create( "Path", _editor.Project.CurrentStyleLibrary.CurrentStyle, _geometry, _editor.Project.Options.DefaultIsStroked, _editor.Project.Options.DefaultIsFilled); _editor.Project.CurrentContainer.WorkingLayer.Shapes = _editor.Project.CurrentContainer.WorkingLayer.Shapes.Add(_path); _previousPathTool = _editor.CurrentPathTool; _isInitialized = true; }
private void SwitchPathTool(double x, double y) { switch (_previousPathTool) { case PathTool.Line: { RemoveLastLineSegment(); RemoveLineHelpers(); } break; case PathTool.Arc: { RemoveLastArcSegment(); RemoveArcHelpers(); } break; case PathTool.Bezier: { RemoveLastBezierSegment(); RemoveBezierHelpers(); } break; case PathTool.QBezier: { RemoveLastQBezierSegment(); RemoveQBezierHelpers(); } break; } _currentState = State.None; switch (_editor.CurrentPathTool) { case PathTool.Line: { LineLeftDown(x, y); } break; case PathTool.Arc: { ArcLeftDown(x, y); } break; case PathTool.Bezier: { BezierLeftDown(x, y); } break; case PathTool.QBezier: { QBezierLeftDown(x, y); } break; case PathTool.Move: { _editor.Project.CurrentContainer.WorkingLayer.Invalidate(); _editor.Project.CurrentContainer.HelperLayer.Invalidate(); } break; } if (_editor.CurrentPathTool == PathTool.Move) { _movePathTool = _previousPathTool; } _previousPathTool = _editor.CurrentPathTool; }