private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var path = PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(".", "..\\..\\..\\..\\tools\\MapEditor\\MapEditor.exe");

            if (File.Exists(path))
Exemple #2
        public void Save(Area obj)
            var path = Path.Combine(StoragePath, $"{obj.Name.ToLower()}.json");

            obj.FilePath = PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(".", ServerContext.StoragePath + "\\maps\\lod" + obj.Id + ".map");

            var objString = StorageManager.Serialize(obj);

            File.WriteAllText(path, objString);
Exemple #3
 private static IEnumerable <Symbol> AssemblySymbols(string currentDirectory, IEnumerable <Symbols.OriginAndTree> trees) =>
 trees.Where(a => a.Root is object)
 .Select(a => new { File = PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(currentDirectory, a.File), a.Input, Names = Symbols.Files.Labels(a.Root).Select(b => Symbols.Files.Text(b.LabelName(), a.Input)) })
 .Select(a => new { a.File, Names = a.Names.Union(Array.Empty <string>()) })
 .SelectMany(a => a.Names.Select(Label => new { a.File, Label }))
 .Concat(Constants.Builtins.Select(a => new { File = "Built-in", Label = a }))    // FIXME: GC.
 .OrderBy(a => a.Label)
 .GroupBy(a => a.Label)
 .Select(a => new Symbol {
     Name = a.Key, Origins = string.Join("\n", a.Select(b => b.File).OrderBy(b => b))
Exemple #4
        string GetRelativePathIfPossible(string realPath, DirectoryInfo targetDirInfo)
            var realFileInfo = new FileInfo(realPath);

            if (Path.GetPathRoot(realFileInfo.FullName) != Path.GetPathRoot(targetDirInfo.FullName))
                Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateWarning($"The paths \"{realFileInfo.FullName}\" and \"{targetDirInfo.FullName}\" are not on the same drive => Can not set relative path."));

            // The paths are on the same drive => we can establish a relative path:
            Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateInfo($"Established relative path for \"{realFileInfo.Name}\", namely: \"{realFileInfo.FullName}\"."));
            return(PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(targetDirInfo.FullName, realFileInfo.FullName));
Exemple #5
        public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
            var documents = new List <string>();

            foreach (var additional in context.AdditionalFiles)
                context.AnalyzerConfigOptions.GetOptions(additional).TryGetValue("build_metadata.AdditionalFiles.SourceItemType", out var itemType);
                if (itemType == "Compile" && !additional.Path.Contains("obj") && !additional.Path.ToLower().Contains("startup.cs"))
            if (!context.AnalyzerConfigOptions.GlobalOptions.TryGetValue("build_property.MSBuildProjectDirectory", out var projectDirectory))
            var profile = new LaunchProfile();

            foreach (var entry in documents.OrderBy(x => PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(projectDirectory, x)))
                profile.Profiles.Add(PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(projectDirectory, entry), new Profile()
                    CommandName = "Project"
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "Properties"));
            var filePath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "Properties", "launchSettings.json");
            var json     = JsonSerializer.Serialize(profile, new JsonSerializerOptions
                WriteIndented = true,

            if (File.Exists(filePath) && File.ReadAllText(filePath) == json)

            File.WriteAllText(filePath, json);
                                                                     RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // If RegexOptions.Multiline is not set, ^ and $ will match beginning and the end* of the string, not the line like intended.

        public MainViewModel()
            var curDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            while (null != curDir)
                var slns = Directory.GetFiles(curDir, "*.sln");
                if (slns.Length > 0)
                    var vcxprojs = Directory.GetFiles(curDir, "*.vcxproj", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                    if (vcxprojs.Length > 0)
                        foreach (var x in vcxprojs)
                            ProjectProposals.Add(new SourceProjectViewModel(slns[0], x));
                        break;                         // done!
                var di = Directory.GetParent(curDir);
                if (null == di)
                    break;                     // didn't find any .vcxproj files
                curDir = di.FullName;

            CloneProject = new DelegateCommand(_ =>
                Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateInfo("Let's go..."));
                var newProjName = NameOfNewProject.Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newProjName) || newProjName.Contains(' '))
                    Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateError("Please enter a valid new project's name (without spaces!)"));
                var newProjNameAlphaNum = RegexNonAlphaNumChars.Replace(newProjName, "");

                    // 1. See if there is a .vcxproj-file in the original folder; if not => exit!
                    var origProjFile    = new FileInfo(OriginalVsProjFile);
                    var origDir         = origProjFile.Directory;
                    var origUserFile    = new FileInfo(OriginalVsProjFile + ".user");
                    var origFiltersFile = new FileInfo(OriginalVsProjFile + ".filters");

                    // 2. Copy to AND rename the 3 files in the target folder: .vcxproj, .vcxproj.user, .vcxproj.filters
                    var targetDir = new DirectoryInfo(TargetCopyProjFolder);
                    if (targetDir.GetFiles().Count() > 0 || targetDir.GetDirectories().Count() > 0)
                        Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateWarning("Target directory '" + targetDir.FullName + "' is not empty"));

                    FileInfo targetProjFile;

                        var targetProjFilePath    = Path.Combine(targetDir.FullName, newProjName + ".vcxproj");
                        var targetUserFilePath    = Path.Combine(targetDir.FullName, newProjName + ".vcxproj.user");
                        var targetFiltersFilePath = Path.Combine(targetDir.FullName, newProjName + ".vcxproj.filters");

                        // The .vcxproj must always exist
                        File.Copy(origProjFile.FullName, targetProjFilePath);
                        targetProjFile = new FileInfo(targetProjFilePath);
                        Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateSuccess($"Created '{targetProjFile.Name}' file in '{targetDir.FullName}'."));

                        // ...but not so the other two
                        if (origUserFile.Exists)
                            File.Copy(origUserFile.FullName, targetUserFilePath);
                            var targetUserFile = new FileInfo(targetUserFilePath);
                            Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateSuccess($"Created '{targetUserFile.Name}' file in '{targetDir.FullName}'."));
                            Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateWarning($"There is no '{origUserFile.Name}' file in '{origDir.FullName}'."));

                        if (origFiltersFile.Exists)
                            File.Copy(origFiltersFile.FullName, targetFiltersFilePath);
                            var targetFiltersFile = new FileInfo(targetFiltersFilePath);
                            Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateSuccess($"Created '{targetFiltersFile.Name}' file in '{targetDir.FullName}'."));
                            Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateWarning($"There is no '{origFiltersFile.Name}' file in '{origDir.FullName}'."));

                    // 3. Parse target .vcxproj-file and modify it...
                    var targetProjFileContents = File.ReadAllText(targetProjFile.FullName);
                    var itemGroups             = RegexFindAllItemGroups.Matches(targetProjFileContents);
                    var sb        = new StringBuilder();
                    var lastIndex = 0;
                    foreach (Match itemGroup in itemGroups)
                        var part1  = targetProjFileContents.Substring(lastIndex, itemGroup.Index - lastIndex);
                        var part2  = itemGroup.Value;
                        lastIndex += part1.Length + part2.Length;
                        // 3.1 Remove all the <ClCompile/> entries which are childs of an <ItemGroup/> element
                        part2 = RegexClCompile.Replace(part2, string.Empty);
                        // 3.2 Remove all the <ClInclude/> entries which are childs of an <ItemGroup/> element
                        part2 = RegexClInclude.Replace(part2, string.Empty);
                    targetProjFileContents = sb.ToString();

                    // 3.3 Set a newly generated GUID inside the <ProjectGuid/> element
                    var newGuid       = Guid.NewGuid();
                    var newGuidString = newGuid.ToString();
                    var oldGuidMatch  = RegexProjectGuid.Match(targetProjFileContents);
                    if (!oldGuidMatch.Success)
                        Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateError("Couldn't find <ProjectGuid> element"));
                    var oldGuidString      = oldGuidMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                    targetProjFileContents = targetProjFileContents.Replace(oldGuidString, newGuidString);

                    // 3.4 Change all relative paths of the <ProjectReference Include="..."> elements, with '...' being the path to change, IF the path does NOT start with a '$' character.
                        var projRefs = RegexProjectReference.Matches(targetProjFileContents);
                        foreach (Match match in projRefs)
                            var relPath            = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            var realPath           = Path.Combine(origDir.FullName, relPath);
                            var realFile           = new FileInfo(realPath);
                            var relativeFromTarget = PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(targetDir.FullName, realFile.FullName);

                            var updatedProjRef     = match.Value.Replace(relPath, relativeFromTarget);
                            targetProjFileContents = targetProjFileContents.Replace(match.Value, updatedProjRef);

                    // 3.5 Change the content of the <RootNamespace/> element to the new project's name, leaving only alpha-numeric characters
                        var rootNamespace = RegexRootNamespace.Match(targetProjFileContents);
                        if (rootNamespace.Success)
                            var oldNamespace         = rootNamespace.Groups[1].Value;
                            var updatedRootNamespace = rootNamespace.Value.Replace(oldNamespace, newProjNameAlphaNum);
                            targetProjFileContents   = targetProjFileContents.Replace(rootNamespace.Value, updatedRootNamespace);

                    // 3.6 Change the content of the <ProjectName/> element to the new project's name.
                    var projectName = RegexProjectName.Match(targetProjFileContents);
                    if (projectName.Success)
                        var oldName = projectName.Groups[1].Value;
                        var updatedRootNamespace = projectName.Value.Replace(oldName, newProjName);
                        targetProjFileContents   = targetProjFileContents.Replace(projectName.Value, updatedRootNamespace);

                    // 3.7 Change all relative paths of the <Import Project="..." /> elements where the path ('...') does NOT start with a '$' character.
                        var importProjs = RegexImportProject.Matches(targetProjFileContents);
                        foreach (Match match in importProjs)
                            var relPath            = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            var realPath           = Path.Combine(origDir.FullName, relPath);
                            var realFile           = new FileInfo(realPath);
                            var relativeFromTarget = PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(targetDir.FullName, realFile.FullName);

                            var updatedImportProj  = match.Value.Replace(relPath, relativeFromTarget);
                            targetProjFileContents = targetProjFileContents.Replace(match.Value, updatedImportProj);

                    // We're done with the .vcxproj-file => save it for good.
                    File.WriteAllText(targetProjFile.FullName, targetProjFileContents);
                    Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateSuccess($"Successfully altered the '{newProjName}.vcxproj' file."));

                    // 4. IF we should NOT also modify the .sln file => exit
                    if (!DoModifySln)
                        Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateWarning("Adding the project to a solution-file was not requested (checkbox unticked) => exiting."));

                    // 5. Parse the .sln file and modify it...
                    var slnFile         = new FileInfo(PathToSln);
                    var slnFileContents = File.ReadAllText(slnFile.FullName);

                    // 5.1 Duplicate the lines from "Project" to "EndProject" which contains the original project's GUID,
                    //     change the name to the new project's name, change the path to the new project's path, change the GUID to the new project's GUID
                        var slnProjectMatches = RegexSlnProject.Matches(slnFileContents);
                        foreach (Match match in slnProjectMatches)
                            var matchGuid = match.Groups[3].Value;
                            if (string.Compare(matchGuid, oldGuidString, true) != 0)
                                continue;                                 // not the droids, we're looking for

                            // Start building the new project's entry into the .sln file
                            var newProjSb = new StringBuilder(slnFileContents.Substring(match.Groups[0].Index, match.Groups[1].Index - match.Groups[0].Index));

                            // A small helper function for adding the parts between two groups of a regex-match
                            void AppendNonMatchedPartBetweenGroups(int groupIndexBefore, int?groupIndexAfter)
                                var startIndex = match.Groups[groupIndexBefore].Index + match.Groups[groupIndexBefore].Length;
                                if (groupIndexAfter.HasValue)
                                    newProjSb.Append(slnFileContents.Substring(startIndex, match.Groups[groupIndexAfter.Value].Index - startIndex));
                                    newProjSb.Append(slnFileContents.Substring(startIndex, match.Groups[0].Index + match.Groups[0].Length - startIndex));

                            AppendNonMatchedPartBetweenGroups(1, 2);
                            newProjSb.Append(PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(slnFile.DirectoryName, targetProjFile.FullName));
                            AppendNonMatchedPartBetweenGroups(2, 3);
                            AppendNonMatchedPartBetweenGroups(3, null);                             // till the end

                            // got it => insert it as last element
                            var indexToInsert = slnProjectMatches[slnProjectMatches.Count - 1].Index + slnProjectMatches[slnProjectMatches.Count - 1].Length;
                            slnFileContents   = slnFileContents.Insert(indexToInsert, newProjSb.ToString());

                    // 5.2 Duplicate all the lines between "GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms)" and "EndGlobalSection" which contain the original project's GUID
                    //     Insert them just above the "EndGlobalSection"-line.
                        var slnGlobalSection = RegexSlnGlobalSectionPost.Match(slnFileContents);
                        if (!slnGlobalSection.Success)
                            Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateError("Couldn't find the 'GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution' section in the .sln"));
                        var slnGlobalSectionContent = slnGlobalSection.Groups[1].Value;
                        var projectEntries          = RegexSlnProjectConfigEntry.Matches(slnGlobalSectionContent);
                        var newProjEntriesSb        = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (Match match in projectEntries)
                            if (string.Compare(match.Groups[1].Value, oldGuidString, true) == 0)
                                // These ARE the droids, we're looking for
                                newProjEntriesSb.Append(match.Value.Replace(match.Groups[1].Value, newGuidString));

                        // Insert the copied entries:
                        slnFileContents = slnFileContents.Insert(slnGlobalSection.Groups[1].Index + slnGlobalSection.Groups[1].Length, newProjEntriesSb.ToString());

                    // Done and done!
                    File.WriteAllText(slnFile.FullName, slnFileContents);
                    Messages.Add(MessageViewModel.CreateSuccess($"Successfully altered the '{slnFile.Name}' file."));
                catch (Exception ex)