Exemple #1
 void Awake()
     lR               = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
     pm               = GetComponent <PathMover>();
     agent            = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     lR.positionCount = 0;
Exemple #2
 void Start()
     mover = new PathMover(0);
     mover.Path = Path;
     mover.PathLength = Path.Length;
     mover.StartMoving(Time.time, MoveSpeed);
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        PathMover pathMover = other.GetComponent <PathMover>();

        if (pathMover != null && !pathMover.hasCollided)
            pathMover.isOnCashRegister = true;
            if (!ObjectiveTracker.Instance.ObjectivesCleared())
                Debug.Log("You Lose!");
                pathMover.isOnCashRegister = false;
                pathMover.canMove          = false;
                // pathMover.transform.position = pathMover.startPosition;
                // pathMover.transform.rotation = pathMover.startRotation;

    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
        //Debug.Log(other.collider.name + " collided with" + gameObject.name);

        if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
            PathMover player = other.gameObject.GetComponent <PathMover>();
            if (player != null)

            Rigidbody rb = other.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            if (rb != null)
                Vector3 direction = other.transform.position - transform.position;

                rb.AddForce(direction.normalized * knockbackStrength, ForceMode.Impulse);

                gameObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().convex   = true;
                gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false;
                gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(-direction.normalized * knockbackStrength, ForceMode.Impulse);
Exemple #5
    void Start()
        Singleton = this;
        play      = true;

        puthLVL = 0f;
Exemple #6
 void Start()
     mover            = new PathMover(0);
     mover.Path       = Path;
     mover.PathLength = Path.Length;
     mover.StartMoving(Time.time, MoveSpeed);
Exemple #7
    public static XChangeLog Update(string path, string value)
        var log = PathMover.Update(root, path, value);

 public void ActivatelayerPath()
     pathMover = GetComponent <PathMover>();
     if (pathMover != null)
         pathMover.enabled = false;
Exemple #9
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //target = GameObject.Find("Player");
        pathMover        = GetComponent <PathMover>();
        combat           = GetComponent <Combat>();
        pathMover.target = target.transform;
        inEngageRange    = false;

        freeMove = true;
    void Awake()
        playerNav = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
        pathMover = GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var pathcreator = (PathCreator)FindObjectOfType(typeof(PathCreator));

        if (pathcreator != null)
            creator = pathcreator;
 public async void MoveEntityTo(Point endPoint, Entity entity, Point tileSize, MoverManager moverManager, bool interact = false, Point?interactWith = null)
     var searchParams = new SearchParameters(entity.Position.ToPoint(), endPoint, CollisionSystem, new Size(Map.Width, Map.Height));
     await Task.Run(() =>
         var path                 = new AStarPathFinder(searchParams, _possibleMovements).FindPath();
         var pathMover            = new PathMover(entity, new FinitePath(path), new ExpiringSpatialHashMovementComplete <Entity>(_expiringSpatialHash, PlayerEntity.Instance));
         pathMover.OnCancelEvent += (sender, args) => entity.MovingDirection = new Vector2();
         if (interact && interactWith != null)
             pathMover.OnCompleteEvent += (sender, args) => Interact(interactWith.Value);
Exemple #12
    void Start()
        mover = new PathMover(0);
        mover.Path = Path;
        mover.PathLength = Path.Length;
        mover.StartMoving(Time.time, MoveSpeed);

        reversePath = new Vector3[Path.Length];

        int n = 0;
        for (int i = Path.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            reversePath[n] = Path[i];
Exemple #13
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        PathMover pathMover = other.GetComponent <PathMover>();

        if (pathMover != null)
            if (pathMover.isMainPlayer)
                pathMover.canMove = false;
Exemple #14
    public static List <XChangeLog> UpdateAll(List <XTransaction> list)
        var ret = new List <XChangeLog>();

        foreach (var t in list)
            var log = PathMover.Update(root, t.path, t.val);
        foreach (var log in ret)
Exemple #15
 public void SetTarget(GameObject enemy, bool switchNow)
     if (switchNow)
         if (enemy == null)
             enemyTarget = null;
             enemyTarget = enemy.GetComponent <PathMover>();
Exemple #16
    void Start()
        mover            = new PathMover(0);
        mover.Path       = Path;
        mover.PathLength = Path.Length;
        mover.StartMoving(Time.time, MoveSpeed);

        reversePath = new Vector3[Path.Length];

        int n = 0;

        for (int i = Path.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            reversePath[n] = Path[i];
        public void ConfigureOnPlacement(RoomHandler room)
            enabled = true;

            IntVector2 SpawnPosition = (gameObject.transform.PositionVector2().ToIntVector2() - room.area.basePosition);
            Vector2    NodePosition  = SpawnPosition.ToVector2();

            SerializedPath SawBladePath = GenerateRectanglePathInset(NodePosition, PathNodeAreaSize);


            DungeonPlaceable m_TrapPlacable = BraveResources.Load <DungeonPlaceable>("RobotDaveTraps", ".asset");

            GameObject sawbladePrefab = null;

            if (m_TrapPlacable)
                sawbladePrefab = m_TrapPlacable.variantTiers[0].nonDatabasePlaceable;

            if (sawbladePrefab)
                GameObject m_PlacedSawBlade = Instantiate(sawbladePrefab, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

                if (m_PlacedSawBlade)
                    PathMover SawPathMover = m_PlacedSawBlade.GetComponent <PathMover>();
                    if (SawPathMover != null)
                        SawPathMover.RoomHandler             = room;
                        SawPathMover.Path                    = SawBladePath;
                        SawPathMover.PathStartNode           = Random.Range(0, SawBladePath.nodes.Count);
                        SawPathMover.IsUsingAlternateTargets = false;
                        SawPathMover.ForceCornerDelayHack    = false;
                        SawPathMover.nodeOffset              = PathNodeOffset;
Exemple #18
    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        PathMover pathMover = other.GetComponent <PathMover>();

        if (pathMover != null)
            if (ObjectiveTracker.Instance.ObjectivesCleared() && !pathMover.isOnCashRegister)
                Debug.Log("You Lose!");
            if (!ObjectiveTracker.Instance.ObjectivesCleared())
                Debug.Log("You Lose!");
Exemple #19
    bool AllSelectedPathsMatch()
        if (m_SelectedElements.Count == 0)

        var firstElement   = m_SelectedElements[0];
        var firstPathMover = firstElement.GetComponent <PathMover>();

        foreach (var element in m_SelectedElements)
            var pathMover = element.GetComponent <PathMover>();

            if (!PathMover.SamePath(firstPathMover, pathMover))

Exemple #20
    static public bool SamePath(PathMover a, PathMover b)
        if (a == null)
            return(b == null);
        if (b == null)
            return(a == null);

        var listA = a.m_IndexList;
        var listB = b.m_IndexList;

        if (listA == null)
            return(listB == null);
        if (listB == null)
            return(listA == null);

        if (listA.Count != listB.Count)

        for (var i = 0; i < listA.Count; ++i)
            if (listA[i] != listB[i])

Exemple #21
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     timeManager = GameObject.Find("SceneManager").GetComponent <TimeManager>();
     pathMover   = GetComponent <PathMover>();
Exemple #22
 public void Start()
     _mover = GetComponent <PathMover> ();
Exemple #23
 public PathMovement(PathMover pathMover, IPlayerEventsNotifier playerEventsNotifier)
     _pathMover            = pathMover;
     _playerEventsNotifier = playerEventsNotifier;
 private void Awake()
     mover = GetComponent <PathMover>();
     timer = GetComponent <Timer>();
     timer.OnTimerStopped += (t) => Unboost();
Exemple #25
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Ray        playerRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit playerHitInfo;

        if (Physics.Raycast(playerRay, out playerHitInfo, Mathf.Infinity, playerLayer))
            PathMover player = playerHitInfo.collider.GetComponent <PathMover>();
            if (player == targetPathMover)
                //Debug.Log("Player Detected");
                pathMover             = player;
                lineRenderer.material = player.playerPathColor;
            //Debug.Log("Player Not Detected");
            if (!isDrawingPath)
                pathMover = null;

        if (pathMover != null)
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))

                isDrawingPath     = true;
                pathMover.canMove = false;

            if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
                Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hitInfo;
                //if(Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo)){
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo, Mathf.Infinity, groundLayer))
                    if (DistanceToLastPoint(hitInfo.point) > .5f)


                        if (debugPath)
                            GameObject pathPoint = GameObject.Instantiate(pathObject);

                            pathPoint.transform.position = hitInfo.point;

            if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
                if (pathMover.points.Count > 0)
                    pathMover.currentPoint = pathMover.points[0];

                isDrawingPath     = false;
                pathMover.canMove = true;
Exemple #26
    // Does the actual work of setting up the outline.
    // - Vector2Int index: the index of the tile being set up
    // - bool setUpNeighbors: whether this function should also be called
    //                        on this tile's neighbors
    void SetupHelper(Vector2Int index, bool setUpNeighbors)
        // Note: there are some redundancies throughout this process, mostly
        // in cases where avoiding them would be a huge hassle resulting in
        // code that's much more difficult to read. Nothing about this algorithm
        // is particularly computationally expensive, so it's unlikely that
        // any benefit would be gained at all from "fixing" these redundancies.

        var code = 0;

        // This code will be the index to use to retrieve the appropriate
        // outline sprite from the appropriate dictionary. Each bit in this
        // code corresponds to a portion of the outline, either a corner or
        // an edge:
        //      2----5----1
        //      |         |
        //      6         4
        //      |         |
        //      3----7----0
        // The code starts out at 0 (indicating no outline at all), but its
        // bits are turned on based on various checks to determine whether
        // that part of the outline should be active.

        // A code of 0 is a suitable default for an ordinary square, but
        // non-square tiles, such as diagonal slopes, should have different
        // starting bit patterns.
        // If other tile shapes are added later, this system should accommodate
        // them properly, but additional ASCII drawings should be added as well.
        // For now, the drawings here will reflect only the shapes that we
        // already have.

        // No solid right means either
        //   +        +-+
        //   |\   or  |/
        //   +-+      +
        if (!m_SolidRight)
        {                           //                 +
            if (m_SolidDown)        //                 |\
                code |= 0b00000001; //                 +-0 <- set this bit
            if (m_SolidUp)          //                 +-1 <- set this bit
                code |= 0b00000010; //                 |/
        }                           //                 +

        // No solid up means either
        //     +      +
        //    /|  or  |\
        //   +-+      +-+
        if (!m_SolidUp)
        {                           //                   1 <- set this bit
            if (m_SolidRight)       //                  /|
                code |= 0b00000010; //                 +-+
            if (m_SolidLeft)        // set this bit -> 2
                code |= 0b00000100; //                 |\
        }                           //                 +-+

        // No solid left means either
        //   +-+        +
        //    \|  or   /|
        //     +      +-+
        if (!m_SolidLeft)
        {                           // set this bit -> 2-+
            if (m_SolidUp)          //                  \|
                code |= 0b00000100; //                   +
            if (m_SolidDown)        //                   +
                code |= 0b00001000; //                  /|
        }                           // set this bit -> 3-+

        // No solid down means either
        //   +-+      +-+
        //   |/   or   \|
        //   +          +
        if (!m_SolidDown)
        {                           //                 +-+
            if (m_SolidLeft)        //                 |/
                code |= 0b00001000; // set this bit -> 3
            if (m_SolidRight)       //                 +-+
                code |= 0b00000001; //                  \|
        }                           //                   1 <- set this bit

        // So far, all the setup we've done to prepare the code value has been based
        // on data present on this object itself, but now it's time to start looking
        // at our neighbors.

        // First we compute indices for all the neighboring grid elements
        var rdI = index + Vector2Int.right + Vector2Int.down;
        var ruI = index + Vector2Int.right + Vector2Int.up;
        var luI = index + Vector2Int.left + Vector2Int.up;
        var ldI = index + Vector2Int.left + Vector2Int.down;
        var rI  = index + Vector2Int.right;
        var uI  = index + Vector2Int.up;
        var lI  = index + Vector2Int.left;
        var dI  = index + Vector2Int.down;

        // Then we get the elements themselves from those indices
        var rd = s_TileGrid.Get(rdI);
        var ru = s_TileGrid.Get(ruI);
        var lu = s_TileGrid.Get(luI);
        var ld = s_TileGrid.Get(ldI);
        var r  = s_TileGrid.Get(rI);
        var u  = s_TileGrid.Get(uI);
        var l  = s_TileGrid.Get(lI);
        var d  = s_TileGrid.Get(dI);

        // Then we grab all the SolidEdgeOutliners of those elements, if any
        var rdO = rd.GetComponent <SolidEdgeOutliner>();
        var ruO = ru.GetComponent <SolidEdgeOutliner>();
        var luO = lu.GetComponent <SolidEdgeOutliner>();
        var ldO = ld.GetComponent <SolidEdgeOutliner>();
        var rO  = r.GetComponent <SolidEdgeOutliner>();
        var uO  = u.GetComponent <SolidEdgeOutliner>();
        var lO  = l.GetComponent <SolidEdgeOutliner>();
        var dO  = d.GetComponent <SolidEdgeOutliner>();

        // Now we get references to the PathMover components of each element, if any.
        // Outliners will treat objects with different paths as if they have
        // different outliner indices
        var pm  = GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var rdP = rd.GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var ruP = ru.GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var luP = lu.GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var ldP = ld.GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var rP  = r.GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var uP  = u.GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var lP  = l.GetComponent <PathMover>();
        var dP  = d.GetComponent <PathMover>();

        // Now that we have each neighboring outliner, we can proceed. The
        // overall idea here is that a bit should be set if the neighbor in the
        // corresponding direction is either not solid "toward" this tile, or the
        // equivalent thereof (e.g., it's null, etc.). Beyond that, experimentation
        // has revealed that there are a handful of additional conditions that
        // warrant turning on a bit, and those are checked here as well.
        // Additionally, after looking at each neighbor and potentially modifying the
        // code value based on it, we also need to call SetupHelper on that neighbor
        // so that it has a chance to make its outline look right based on this tile
        // that is now being set up. Of course, in this case, SetupHelper is called
        // with its own setUpNeighbors flag false, so that we don't set this tile up
        // again and then set up the neighbor again and so on infinitely.
        // A recent addition to this system adds the m_OutlineIndex property. If a
        // neighboring tile's outliner has a different outline index from this one's,
        // then it is not considered solid toward this tile.
        // Finally, the newest change is that the outliner also takes the PathMover
        // component into account when deciding how to outline areas. If two objects
        // do not have the same path, then they are not outlined together

        // +----+.....
        // |this| rO .
        // +----+.....
        // . dO .rdO .
        // ...........
        if (rdO == null || rdO.m_OutlineIndex != m_OutlineIndex || !PathMover.SamePath(pm, rdP) ||
            rdO.m_BeingErased || (!rdO.m_SolidLeft || !rdO.m_SolidUp) ||
            (rO != null && rO.m_OutlineIndex == m_OutlineIndex && rO.m_SolidLeft && !rO.m_SolidDown) ||
            (dO != null && dO.m_OutlineIndex == m_OutlineIndex && dO.m_SolidUp && !dO.m_SolidRight))
            code |= 0b00000001;
        // Set up rdO if appropriate
        else if (rdO != null && setUpNeighbors)
            rdO.SetupHelper(rdI, false);

        // ...........
        // . uO .ruO .
        // +----+.....
        // |this| rO .
        // +----+.....
        if (ruO == null || ruO.m_OutlineIndex != m_OutlineIndex || !PathMover.SamePath(pm, ruP) ||
            ruO.m_BeingErased || (!ruO.m_SolidLeft || !ruO.m_SolidDown) ||
            (rO != null && rO.m_OutlineIndex == m_OutlineIndex && rO.m_SolidLeft && !rO.m_SolidUp) ||
            (uO != null && uO.m_OutlineIndex == m_OutlineIndex && uO.m_SolidDown && !uO.m_SolidRight))
            code |= 0b00000010;
        // Set up ruO if appropriate
        else if (ruO != null && setUpNeighbors)
            ruO.SetupHelper(ruI, false);

        // ...........
        // .luO . uO .
        // .....+----+
        // . lO |this|
        // .....+----+
        if (luO == null || luO.m_OutlineIndex != m_OutlineIndex || !PathMover.SamePath(pm, luP) ||
            luO.m_BeingErased || (!luO.m_SolidRight || !luO.m_SolidDown) ||
            (lO != null && lO.m_OutlineIndex == m_OutlineIndex && lO.m_SolidRight && !lO.m_SolidUp) ||
            (uO != null && uO.m_OutlineIndex == m_OutlineIndex && uO.m_SolidDown && !uO.m_SolidLeft))
            code |= 0b00000100;
        // Set up luO if appropriate
        else if (luO != null && setUpNeighbors)
            luO.SetupHelper(luI, false);

        // .....+----+
        // . lO |this|
        // .....+----+
        // .ldO . dO .
        // ...........
        if (ldO == null || ldO.m_OutlineIndex != m_OutlineIndex || !PathMover.SamePath(pm, ldP) ||
            ldO.m_BeingErased || (!ldO.m_SolidRight || !ldO.m_SolidUp) ||
            (lO != null && lO.m_OutlineIndex == m_OutlineIndex && lO.m_SolidRight && !lO.m_SolidDown) ||
            (dO != null && dO.m_OutlineIndex == m_OutlineIndex && dO.m_SolidUp && !dO.m_SolidLeft))
            code |= 0b00001000;
        // Set up ldO if appropriate
        else if (ldO != null && setUpNeighbors)
            ldO.SetupHelper(ldI, false);

        // +----+.....
        // |this| rO .
        // +----+.....
        if (rO == null || rO.m_OutlineIndex != m_OutlineIndex || !PathMover.SamePath(pm, rP) ||
            rO.m_BeingErased || !rO.m_SolidLeft)
            code |= 0b00010011;
        // Set up rO if appropriate
        else if (rO != null && setUpNeighbors)
            rO.SetupHelper(rI, false);

        //   ......
        //   . uO .
        //   +----+
        //   |this|
        //   +----+
        if (uO == null || uO.m_OutlineIndex != m_OutlineIndex || !PathMover.SamePath(pm, uP) ||
            uO.m_BeingErased || !uO.m_SolidDown)
            code |= 0b00100110;
        // Set up uO if appropriate
        else if (uO != null && setUpNeighbors)
            uO.SetupHelper(uI, false);

        // .....+----+
        // . lO |this|
        // .....+----+
        if (lO == null || lO.m_OutlineIndex != m_OutlineIndex || !PathMover.SamePath(pm, lP) ||
            lO.m_BeingErased || !lO.m_SolidRight)
            code |= 0b01001100;
        // Set up lO if appropriate
        else if (lO != null && setUpNeighbors)
            lO.SetupHelper(lI, false);

        //   +----+
        //   |this|
        //   +----+
        //   . dO .
        //   ......
        if (dO == null || dO.m_OutlineIndex != m_OutlineIndex || !PathMover.SamePath(pm, dP) ||
            dO.m_BeingErased || !dO.m_SolidUp)
            code |= 0b10001001;
        // Set up dO if appropriate
        else if (dO != null && setUpNeighbors)
            dO.SetupHelper(dI, false);

        // Now we're done with our neighbors, and it's time for more
        // introspection. We're going to be turning bits off this time. A
        // slope tile without a solid top, for example, should certainly
        // not have the top of its outline drawn, regardless of what's
        // going on with its neighbors. We also want to turn corner bits
        // off for similar reasons.
        // Here's this diagram, once again:
        //      2----5----1
        //      |         |
        //      6         4
        //      |         |
        //      3----7----0

        if (!m_SolidRight) // No solid right means turn off bit 4
            code &= ~(0b00010000);

            if (!m_SolidDown) // No solid right && no solid down means turn off bit 0
                code &= ~(0b00000001);
            if (!m_SolidUp) // No solid right && no solid up means turn off bit 1
                code &= ~(0b00000010);

        if (!m_SolidUp)   // No solid up means turn off bit 5
            code &= ~(0b00100000);

            if (!m_SolidRight) // No solid up && no solid right means turn off bit 1
                code &= ~(0b00000010);
            if (!m_SolidLeft) // No solid up && no solid left means turn off bit 2
                code &= ~(0b00000100);

        if (!m_SolidLeft) // No solid left means turn off bit 6
            code &= ~(0b01000000);

            if (!m_SolidUp) // No solid left && no solid up means turn off bit 2
                code &= ~(0b00000100);
            if (!m_SolidDown) // No solid left && no solid down means turn off bit 3
                code &= ~(0b00001000);

        if (!m_SolidDown) // No solid down means turn off bit 7
            code &= ~(0b10000000);

            if (!m_SolidLeft) // No solid down && no solid left means turn off bit 3
                code &= ~(0b00001000);
            if (!m_SolidRight) // No solid down && no solid right means turn off bit 0
                code &= ~(0b00000001);

        // Oookay. One last bit of potential code manipulation:
        // The outline on every tile is an interior stroke -- that is,
        // it doesn't spill out of the visible area of the tile itself.
        // (This is true whether it's a solid square tile or any other
        // shape.)
        // Now, the placement of the outline pixels within the sprites
        // themselves is in most cases entirely determinable by the
        // bits that have been set, and thus by the code value
        // determined thereby; that is, in a slope tile with, say, bits
        // 0, 1, 3, and 4, set, it unambiguously specifies the shape:
        //                  +
        //                / |
        //              /   |
        //            +     +
        // However, when the bits get set like this:
        //           +        +
        //         /     or     \
        //       /                \
        //     +                    +
        // ...is this a ceiling? Or is it a floor? You can't tell by
        // the code bits alone (unlike in any other case). And it
        // matters, because the outline pixels of the slope part of a
        // ceiling slope tile are not in the same part of the sprite
        // as the outline pixels of the slope part of a floor slope.
        // So, to handle this situation, which comes about only when
        // this is a slope tile where no bits got set in checking
        // neighbors (and no bits got cleared afterward), we determine
        // whether this is a ceiling tile based on the solidity flags
        // and then use the special code value of -1 if it's a ceiling.

        // So, to recap all of that:
        //   IF:
        //      - it's a slope tile, determined opposite sides having
        //        opposite solidities, AND
        //      - it's a ceiling slope, determined by the top being
        //        solid, AND
        //      - the code value is unmodified from its initial state,
        //        so it's either 0000 0101 or 0000 1010,
        //   THEN:
        //      - we set the code to be the special code value of -1.
        if (m_SolidUp && !m_SolidDown && m_SolidRight != m_SolidLeft &&
            (code == 0b00000101 || code == 0b00001010))
            code = -1;

        // Now that all of the fuss about the code is through, it's
        // time to interpret it and use it to get the appropriate
        // sprite for the outline renderer.

        // First of all, if the code is 0, then there's no outline
        // at all, and so we should just turn the damn thing off
        if (code == 0)
            m_SpriteRenderer.enabled = false;
            // Otherwise, the renderer should be enabled
            m_SpriteRenderer.enabled = true;

            // We'll use the solidity flags to determine which dictionary
            // to look in to find the correct outline sprite
            Dictionary <int, Sprite> sprites = null;

            // If all four sides are solid, then it's a square
            if (m_SolidRight && m_SolidUp && m_SolidLeft && m_SolidDown)
                sprites = s_SquareSprites;
            // Otherwise, if opposite sides have opposite solidities,
            // then it's one of the two kinds of slope tile
            else if (m_SolidRight != m_SolidLeft && m_SolidUp != m_SolidDown)
                // If the right side has the same solidity as the bottom,
                // then it's a left-down-to-right-up slope
                if (m_SolidRight == m_SolidDown)
                    sprites = s_LDtoRUSlopeSprites;
                // Otherwise, it's a left-up-to-right-down slope
                    sprites = s_LUtoRDSlopeSprites;

            // Finally, we index the chosen dictionary and assign the
            // sprite we get from it to the outline renderer.
            m_SpriteRenderer.sprite = sprites[code];
Exemple #27
 void Awake()
     Instance = this;
Exemple #28
    public void setUp(Transform newHead, RagDollController newRagdoll, Transform[] newAccessories)
        head = newHead;
        ragDoll = newRagdoll;
        accessories = newAccessories;
        pathMover = GetComponent<PathMover>();
        player = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").transform;
        GameObject guardRoomObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("GuardRoom");
        if (guardRoomObj) guardRoom = guardRoomObj.GetComponent<GuardRoom>();

        enemyAI = GetComponent<EnemyAI>();
        enemyAnimator = GetComponent<EnemyAnimator>();
        characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        Events.Listen(gameObject, "SoundEvents");

        //color the minimap dot
        Transform miniMapDot = transform.Find("MiniMapUnit");
        if (miniMapDot) {
            switch (EnemyType) {
            case EnemyTypes.Guard :
                miniMapDot.renderer.material.color = Color.red;
            case EnemyTypes.Janitor :
                miniMapDot.renderer.material.color = Color.cyan;
            default :
                miniMapDot.renderer.material.color = Color.black;
            miniMapDot.renderer.material.renderQueue = 3000 + Random.Range(1, 500);
 void Start()
     pathMover = new PathMover(gameObject, 8f);
     animator  = GetComponent <Animator>();
Exemple #30
 void Start()
     Events.Listen(gameObject, "GuardRadio");
     enemyController = GetComponent<EnemyController>();
     enemyAnimator = GetComponent<EnemyAnimator>();
     pathMover = GetComponent<PathMover>();
     if (!enemyAnimator) print ("ERROR: No enemy animator");