Exemple #1
    protected void ComeMineMe(UnitComponent unit)   // should probs make a delegate. // Should probably move this to a manager script for this.
        if (unit == null)

        Vector3 selectedUnitPosition = unit.transform.position;

        List <MapNode> neighbourListUnder = referenceTerrain.GetNeighbours(dBUnderlyingTile.nodeReference);

        foreach (MapNode neighbour in neighbourListUnder)
            if (!neighbour.walkableNode)
            int     xCoord     = neighbour.lvlGrid_X;
            int     zCoord     = neighbour.lvlGrid_YorZ;
            Vector3 testCoords = new Vector3(xCoord, 0, zCoord);

            PathFinderRequestManager.RequestPath(new PathRequest(selectedUnitPosition, testCoords, PathCompare));
 public void SetDestinationPos(Vector2 pos)
     m_targetPos         = pos;
     m_randomGeneratePos = false;
     m_path = null;
     PathFinderRequestManager.RequestPath(new PathRequest(transform.position, m_targetPos, PathFound));
 private void Update()
     if (m_path == null && m_randomGeneratePos && Time.time >= m_startWaitingTime + waitTimeBetweenRandomPos)
         m_targetPos = new Vector2(Random.Range(randomPatrolArea.xMin, randomPatrolArea.xMax), Random.Range(randomPatrolArea.yMin, randomPatrolArea.yMax));
         if (!Physics.Raycast(new Vector3(m_targetPos.x, m_targetPos.y, 1), Vector3.forward))
             PathFinderRequestManager.RequestPath(new PathRequest(transform.position, m_targetPos, PathFound));


    public void SendPathRequestForUnit(RaycastHit hit, int listCount)
        Debug.Log("RMB clicked, Move order received for: " + gameObject.name);

        whereAmI = gameObject.transform.position;
        goThere  = hit.collider.transform;
        Vector3 goThereModif = new Vector3(goThere.position.x, 0, goThere.position.z);
        //Debug.Log(goThere.position +"| original goThereModif: "+ goThereModif);

        GroundTileScript gts = hit.collider.GetComponent <GroundTileScript>();  // retrieve from map node note ground tile script

        if (!(gts.transform.position == whereAmI) && unitReference.isSelected == true)
            goThereModif = ScanDestination(hit, listCount, 0);

            //destinationIndicator.transform.position = goThereModif + new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0);

            //Debug.Log(goThere.position + "| POSTSCAN Modif: " + goThereModif);
            //Debug.Log("Unit " + gameObject.name + " is at: " + gameObject.transform.position.x + "; " + gameObject.transform.position.z + " and wants to head to: " + goThereModif.x + "; " + goThereModif.z);

            PathFinderRequestManager.RequestPath(new PathRequest(whereAmI, goThereModif, OnPathFound)); // changed in accordance with new pf manager version.