Exemple #1
        public void TestPathsSinAtributos()
            var paths = PathAccessor
                        .OrderBy(x => x.Key)

            var expected = new string[]
            var actual = paths.Select(x => x.Key).ToList();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #2
        public void TestPaths()
            var paths = PathAccessor
                        .OrderBy(x => x.Key)

            var expected = new string[]
            var actual = paths.Select(x => x.Key).ToList();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a mapping between a type and a list of columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prefix">Only look into columns with this prefix</param>
        public static ValueMapping CreateMapping(Type type, string prefix, IReadOnlyList <string> columns, IReadOnlyList <Type> chain)
            if (chain.Contains(type))
                //Recursive type:
                return(new NullMapping(type));
            //True if this mapping is for the top type
            var topLevel = !chain.Any();

            chain = chain.Concat(new[] { type }).ToList();

            if (PathAccessor.IsSimpleType(type))
                var ixs =
                    .Select((x, i) => (x, i))
                    .Where(x => PrefixMatchesColumnName(prefix, x.x))
                    .Select(X => (int?)X.i)
                if (ixs.Count > 1)
                    var ixsStr = string.Join(", ", ixs);
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Multiple columns '{ixsStr}' matches name '{prefix}'");

                var ix = ixs.SingleOrDefault();
                if (ix == null)
                    return(new NullMapping(type));

                return(new SingularMapping(type, ix.Value));

            if (IsBlacklistedType(type))
                return(new NullMapping(type));

            if (!topLevel && IsEntityType(type))
                //Entity properties are not resolved
                return(new NullMapping(type));

            var constructors = type.GetConstructors();

            if (!constructors.Any())
                return(new NullMapping(type));

            //Selects the first constructor with the most number of arguments that have a non-null mapping
            var(cons, consMap) = PickConstructor(constructors, prefix, columns, chain);
            if (consMap == null)
                return(new NullMapping(type));

            var props   = type.GetProperties().Where(x => x.GetSetMethod() != null);
            var propMap = MapProperties(props, prefix, columns, chain);

            //Remove property mapping of repeated constructor columns:
            var propMapFiltered = propMap
                                  .Where(x => !consMap.Any(cs => cs.Columns.SequenceEqual(x.Value.Columns)))
                                  .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            return(new CtorMapping(cons, consMap, propMapFiltered));
    private void UpdatePlatformVelocities()
        var deltaTime = GetDeltaTime();

        // move along path
            (Entity entity,
             DynamicBuffer <PathPosition> pathPositions,
             ref PhysicsVelocity velocity,
             ref FixTranslation translation,
             ref MovingPlatformState state,
             in MoveSpeed moveSpeed,
             in MovingPlatformSettings settings) =>
            if (pathPositions.Length == 0)
                velocity.Linear = fix2.zero;

            if (HasComponent <Signal>(entity))
                Signal signal = GetComponent <Signal>(entity);
                if (!signal.Value)
                    velocity.Linear = fix2.zero;

            if (state.RemainingWaitTime > TimeValue.Zero)
                velocity.Linear          = fix2.zero;
                state.RemainingWaitTime -= deltaTime.GetValue(state.RemainingWaitTime.Type);

            var pathAccessor = new PathAccessor(pathPositions, settings.MoveMode == PlatformMoveMode.Yoyo);

            fix actualMoveSpeed = moveSpeed.Value;

            if (settings.SlowDownNearNodes)
                // If the platform is near the past or next node, clamp speed to smaller value
                fix nodeDist = sqrt(sqrt(min(
                                             lengthsq(translation.Value - pathAccessor[state.NextStep - 1]),
                                             lengthsq(translation.Value - pathAccessor[state.NextStep]))));

                fix maximumSpeed = MovingPlatformSettings.SLOW_DOWN_MINIMUM_SPEED + (nodeDist * MovingPlatformSettings.SLOW_DOWN_FACTOR_INV);

                actualMoveSpeed = min(maximumSpeed, moveSpeed.Value);

            fix moveDist = actualMoveSpeed * deltaTime.Seconds.Value;

            fix2 a      = translation.Value;
            fix2 b      = translation.Value;
            fix2 v      = fix2(0);
            fix vLength = 0;

            bool incrementStep = false;
            int beginIndex     = state.NextStep % pathAccessor.Length;

            while (moveDist > vLength)
                moveDist -= vLength;
                a         = b;

                if (incrementStep)

                    if (beginIndex == state.NextStep % pathAccessor.Length)     // if we've done a full loop, stop here. This prevents infinite while loops.

                    if (settings.MoveMode == PlatformMoveMode.LoopTeleport && pathAccessor.IsStart(state.NextStep))
                        a = pathAccessor[state.NextStep];
                        translation.Value = pathAccessor[state.NextStep];

                    if (settings.PauseOnNodesDuration > TimeValue.Zero)
                        state.RemainingWaitTime = settings.PauseOnNodesDuration;

                incrementStep = true;
                b             = pathAccessor[state.NextStep];

                v       = b - a;
                vLength = length(v);

            fix2 dir            = (vLength == 0 ? fix2(0) : (v / vLength));
            fix2 targetPosition = a + (dir * min(moveDist, vLength));
            fix2 targetVelocity = (targetPosition - translation.Value) / deltaTime.Seconds.Value;
            velocity.Linear     = targetVelocity;