Exemple #1
        private bool MouseOverVessel(Vessel vessel)
            bool result = false;

            var patchRenderer = vessel.patchedConicRenderer;

            if (patchRenderer == null || patchRenderer.solver == null)

            var patches = patchRenderer.solver.maneuverNodes.Any()
                ? patchRenderer.flightPlanRenders
                : patchRenderer.patchRenders;

            if (patches == null)

            PatchedConics.PatchCastHit hit = default(PatchedConics.PatchCastHit);
            if (PatchedConics.ScreenCast(Input.mousePosition, patches, out hit))
                result          = true;
                _hitOrbit       = hit.pr.patch;
                _hitScreenPoint = hit.GetScreenSpacePoint();
                _hitUT          = hit.UTatTA;

        private Orbit createOrbitFromState(VesselState state)
            var orbit = new Orbit();

            orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(Util.SwapYZ(state.position), Util.SwapYZ(state.velocity), state.referenceBody, state.time);
            var pars = new PatchedConics.SolverParameters();

            pars.FollowManeuvers = false;
            PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(orbit, new Orbit(), state.time, pars, null);
        private static Orbit CreateOrbitFromState(VesselState state)
            Orbit orbit = new Orbit();

            orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(state.Position.SwapYZ(), state.Velocity.SwapYZ(), state.ReferenceBody, state.Time);
            PatchedConics.SolverParameters pars = new PatchedConics.SolverParameters
                FollowManeuvers = false
            PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(orbit, new Orbit(), state.Time, pars, null);
Exemple #4
        // calculate the next patch, which makes patchEndTransition be valid
        public static Orbit CalculateNextOrbit(this Orbit o, double UT = Double.NegativeInfinity)
            PatchedConics.SolverParameters solverParameters = new PatchedConics.SolverParameters();

            // hack up a dynamic default value to the current time
            if (UT == Double.NegativeInfinity)
                UT = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();

            o.StartUT = UT;
            o.EndUT   = o.eccentricity >= 1.0 ? o.period : UT + o.period;
            Orbit nextOrbit = new Orbit();

            PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(o, nextOrbit, UT, solverParameters, null);

Exemple #5
        static void DistanceToTarget(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
            OptimizerData data = (OptimizerData)obj;

            double   t  = x[3];
            Vector3d DV = new Vector3d(x[0], x[1], x[2]);

            Orbit orbit = new Orbit();

            orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(data.initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(t), data.initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(t) + DV.xzy, data.initial_orbit.referenceBody, t);
            orbit.StartUT = t;

            var      pars = new PatchedConics.SolverParameters();
            Vector3d pos;

            while (true)
                Orbit next_orbit = new Orbit();
                PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(orbit, next_orbit, orbit.StartUT, pars, null);

                if (orbit.EndUT > x[4])
                    pos = orbit.getTruePositionAtUT(x[4]);
                    Vector3d err = pos - data.target_orbit.getTruePositionAtUT(x[4]);

                    /* this needs to be components of err and cannot simply be err.magnitude */
                    fi[0] = err.x;
                    fi[1] = err.y;
                    fi[2] = err.z;
                    /* similarly here, and the 10,000x fudge factor was experimentally determined */
                    fi[3] = DV.x * 10000.0;
                    fi[4] = DV.y * 10000.0;
                    fi[5] = DV.z * 10000.0;

                // As of 0.25 CalculatePatch fails if the orbit does not change SoI
                if (next_orbit.referenceBody == null)
                    next_orbit.UpdateFromOrbitAtUT(orbit, orbit.StartUT + orbit.period, orbit.referenceBody);
                orbit = next_orbit;
Exemple #6
        static void DistanceToTarget(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
            OptimizerData data = (OptimizerData)obj;

            double   t  = data.original_UT + x[3];
            Vector3d DV = new Vector3d(x[0], x[1], x[2]);

            Orbit orbit = new Orbit();

            orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(data.initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(t), data.initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(t) + DV.xzy, data.initial_orbit.referenceBody, t);
            orbit.StartUT = t;

            var      pars = new PatchedConics.SolverParameters();
            Vector3d pos;

            while (true)
                Orbit next_orbit = new Orbit();
                PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(orbit, next_orbit, orbit.StartUT, pars, null);

                if (orbit.EndUT > data.UT_arrival)
                    pos = orbit.getTruePositionAtUT(data.UT_arrival);
                    Vector3d err = pos - data.pos_arrival;

                    fi[0] = err.x;
                    fi[1] = err.y;
                    fi[2] = err.z;

                // As of 0.25 CalculatePatch fails if the orbit does not change SoI
                if (next_orbit.referenceBody == null)
                    next_orbit.UpdateFromOrbitAtUT(orbit, orbit.StartUT + orbit.period, orbit.referenceBody);
                orbit = next_orbit;
        private static bool GetClosestVessel(Orbit refP, Orbit tgtP)
            if (refP == null || tgtP == null)

            if (refP.referenceBody != tgtP.referenceBody)

            if (!Orbit.PeApIntersects(refP, tgtP, 20000))

            double d1  = 0;
            double d2  = 0;
            double dT1 = 0;
            double d4  = 0;
            double dT2 = 0;
            double d6  = 0;
            int    i1  = 0;

            int intersects = Orbit.FindClosestPoints(refP, tgtP, ref d1, ref d2, ref dT1, ref d4, ref dT2, ref d6, 0.001, 10, ref i1);

            double UT1 = refP.StartUT + refP.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(dT1, 0);
            double UT2 = refP.StartUT + refP.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(dT2, 0);

            if (intersects > 1)
                double dist1 = double.MaxValue;

                if (PatchedConics.TAIsWithinPatchBounds(UT1, refP))
                    Vector3d refClosest1 = refP.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT1);
                    Vector3d tgtClosest1 = tgtP.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT1);

                    dist1 = (refClosest1 - tgtClosest1).magnitude;

                double dist2 = double.MaxValue;

                if (PatchedConics.TAIsWithinPatchBounds(UT2, refP))
                    Vector3d refClosest2 = refP.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT2);
                    Vector3d tgtClosest2 = tgtP.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT2);

                    dist2 = (refClosest2 - tgtClosest2).magnitude;

                if (dist1 > double.MaxValue - 1000 && dist2 > double.MaxValue - 1000)

                bool first = dist1 < dist2;

                if (first)
                    _closestDist = dist1;
                    _closestTime = UT1;

                    Vector3d refVel = refP.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT1);
                    Vector3d tgtVel = tgtP.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT1);

                    _closestRelVel = (refVel - tgtVel).magnitude;
                    _closestDist = dist2;
                    _closestTime = UT2;

                    Vector3d refVel = refP.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT2);
                    Vector3d tgtVel = tgtP.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT2);

                    _closestRelVel = (refVel - tgtVel).magnitude;

                if (!PatchedConics.TAIsWithinPatchBounds(UT1, refP))
                    UT1 = double.MaxValue;

                if (!PatchedConics.TAIsWithinPatchBounds(UT2, refP))
                    UT2 = double.MaxValue;

                if (UT1 > double.MaxValue - 1000 && UT2 > double.MaxValue - 1000)

                double useUT = UT1 < UT2 ? UT1 : UT2;

                Vector3d refClosest = refP.getRelativePositionAtUT(useUT);
                Vector3d tgtClosest = tgtP.getRelativePositionAtUT(useUT);

                Vector3d refVel = refP.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(useUT);
                Vector3d tgtVel = tgtP.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(useUT);

                _closestDist   = (refClosest - tgtClosest).magnitude;
                _closestRelVel = (refVel - tgtVel).magnitude;
                _closestTime   = useUT;

        public static bool _CalculatePatch(Orbit p, Orbit nextPatch, double startEpoch, PatchedConics.SolverParameters pars, CelestialBody targetBody)
            p.activePatch           = true;
            p.nextPatch             = nextPatch;
            p.patchEndTransition    = Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL;
            p.closestEncounterLevel = Orbit.EncounterSolutionLevel.NONE;
            p.numClosePoints        = 0;
            log_patches(p, "Patch 0");
            int count = Planetarium.Orbits.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                OrbitDriver orbitDriver = Planetarium.Orbits[i];
                if (orbitDriver.orbit == p)
                if (orbitDriver.celestialBody)
                    if (targetBody == null)
                        goto IL_B6;
                    if (orbitDriver.celestialBody == targetBody)
                        goto IL_B6;
                    if (orbitDriver.referenceBody == p.referenceBody)
                        var enc = PatchedConics.CheckEncounter(p, nextPatch, startEpoch, orbitDriver, targetBody, pars);
                        Utils.Log("Encounter with {}: {}", orbitDriver.celestialBody.bodyName, enc);
                        log_patches(p, "Patch");
                        goto IL_FA;
                    goto IL_FA;
                    p.closestTgtApprUT = 0.0;
                    goto IL_C5;
                IL_FA :;
            log_patches(p, "Patch 1");
            if (p.patchEndTransition == Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL)
                if (!pars.debug_disableEscapeCheck)
                    if (p.ApR <= p.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)
                        if (p.eccentricity < 1.0)
                            p.UTsoi              = -1.0;
                            p.StartUT            = startEpoch;
                            p.EndUT              = startEpoch + p.period;
                            p.patchEndTransition = Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL;
                            goto IL_2C0;
                    if (double.IsInfinity(p.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence))
                        p.FEVp               = Math.Acos(-(1.0 / p.eccentricity));
                        p.SEVp               = -p.FEVp;
                        p.StartUT            = startEpoch;
                        p.EndUT              = double.PositiveInfinity;
                        p.UTsoi              = double.PositiveInfinity;
                        p.patchEndTransition = Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL;
                        p.FEVp = p.TrueAnomalyAtRadius(p.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence);
                        p.SEVp = -p.FEVp;
                        p.timeToTransition1 = p.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(p.FEVp, 0.0);
                        p.timeToTransition2 = p.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(p.SEVp, 0.0);
                        p.UTsoi             = startEpoch + p.timeToTransition1;
                        nextPatch.UpdateFromOrbitAtUT(p, p.UTsoi, p.referenceBody.referenceBody);
                        p.StartUT            = startEpoch;
                        p.EndUT              = p.UTsoi;
                        p.patchEndTransition = Orbit.PatchTransitionType.ESCAPE;
            nextPatch.StartUT = p.EndUT;
            double arg_2FD_1;

            if (nextPatch.eccentricity < 1.0)
                arg_2FD_1 = nextPatch.StartUT + nextPatch.period;
                arg_2FD_1 = nextPatch.period;
            nextPatch.EndUT = arg_2FD_1;
            nextPatch.patchStartTransition = p.patchEndTransition;
            nextPatch.previousPatch        = p;
            log_patches(p, "Patch 2");
            return(p.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL);
Exemple #9
        public static double closestVessel(double UT, Orbit o, Orbit tgt, bool closest, double min, double max)
            double appUT = 0;

            if (o.referenceBody != tgt.referenceBody)

            if (!Orbit.PeApIntersects(o, tgt, 20000))

            double d1  = 0;
            double d2  = 0;
            double dT1 = 0;
            double d4  = 0;
            double dT2 = 0;
            double d6  = 0;
            int    i1  = 0;

            int intersects = Orbit.FindClosestPoints(o, tgt, ref d1, ref d2, ref dT1, ref d4, ref dT2, ref d6, 0.001, 10, ref i1);

            double UT1 = o.StartUT + o.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(dT1, 0);
            double UT2 = o.StartUT + o.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(dT2, 0);

            if (intersects > 1)
                double dist1 = double.MaxValue;

                if (PatchedConics.TAIsWithinPatchBounds(UT1, o))
                    Vector3d refClosest1 = o.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT1);
                    Vector3d tgtClosest1 = tgt.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT1);

                    dist1 = (refClosest1 - tgtClosest1).magnitude;

                double dist2 = double.MaxValue;

                if (PatchedConics.TAIsWithinPatchBounds(UT2, o))
                    Vector3d refClosest2 = o.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT2);
                    Vector3d tgtClosest2 = tgt.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT2);

                    dist2 = (refClosest2 - tgtClosest2).magnitude;

                if (dist1 > double.MaxValue - 1000 && dist2 > double.MaxValue - 1000)

                appUT = dist1 < dist2 ? UT1 : UT2;

                if (closest)

                if (appUT >= min && appUT <= max)

                appUT = dist1 < dist2 ? UT2 : UT1;

                if (appUT >= min && appUT <= max)
                if (!PatchedConics.TAIsWithinPatchBounds(UT1, o))
                    UT1 = double.MaxValue;

                if (!PatchedConics.TAIsWithinPatchBounds(UT2, o))
                    UT2 = double.MaxValue;

                if (UT1 > double.MaxValue - 1000 && UT2 > double.MaxValue - 1000)

                appUT = UT1 < UT2 ? UT1 : UT2;


Exemple #10
        protected BaseTrajectory(VesselWrapper vsl, Vector3d dV, double startUT)
            VSL = vsl;
            var dVm = (float)dV.magnitude;

            if (dVm > 0)
                ManeuverFuel     = VSL.Engines.FuelNeeded(dVm);
                FullManeuver     = ManeuverFuel < VSL.Engines.AvailableFuelMass;
                ManeuverDuration = VSL.Engines.TTB_Precise(dVm);
                ManeuverFuel     = 0;
                ManeuverDuration = 0;
                FullManeuver     = true;
            StartUT   = startUT;
            OrigOrbit = VSL.vessel.orbitDriver.orbit;
            var obt = StartOrbit;

            Body = obt.referenceBody;
            if (dVm > 0)
                ManeuverDeltaV = dV;
                NodeDeltaV     = Utils.Orbital2NodeDeltaV(obt, ManeuverDeltaV, StartUT);
                    Orbit = TrajectoryCalculator.NewOrbit(obt, ManeuverDeltaV, StartUT);
                    var prev = Orbit;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        if (!PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(prev, prev.nextPatch ?? new Orbit(), prev.epoch, new PatchedConics.SolverParameters(), null))
                        prev = prev.nextPatch;
                    Body = Orbit.referenceBody;
//                    if(Orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL)//debug
//                    {
//                        Utils.Log("**************************************************************************************************");//debug
//                        RendezvousAutopilot.log_patches(Orbit, "Orbit");//deubg
//                    }
                catch (ArithmeticException)
                    Orbit            = OrigOrbit;
                    StartUT          = VSL.Physics.UT;
                    ManeuverFuel     = 0;
                    ManeuverDuration = 0;
                    ManeuverDeltaV   = Vector3d.zero;
                    FullManeuver     = true;
                Orbit = OrigOrbit;
            StartPos      = obt.getRelativePositionAtUT(StartUT);
            StartVel      = obt.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(StartUT);
            AfterStartVel = Orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(StartUT);
        void DistanceToTarget(double[] x, double[] fi, object obj)
            OptimizerData data = (OptimizerData)obj;

            double   t  = x[3];
            Vector3d DV = new Vector3d(x[0], x[1], x[2]);

            Orbit orbit = new Orbit();

            orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(data.initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(t), data.initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(t) + DV.xzy, data.initial_orbit.referenceBody, t);
            orbit.StartUT = t;
            orbit.EndUT   = orbit.eccentricity >= 1.0 ? orbit.period : t + orbit.period;
            Orbit next_orbit = new Orbit();

            PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(orbit, next_orbit, t, solverParameters, null);

            while (true)
                if (orbit.referenceBody == data.target_body)
                    if (orbit.PeR < 100000)
                        fi[0] = DV.x;
                        fi[1] = DV.y;
                        fi[2] = DV.z;
                        Vector3d err = orbit.getRelativePositionFromTrueAnomaly(0);
                        fi[0] = err.x;
                        fi[1] = err.y;
                        fi[2] = err.z;
                    data.failed = false;  /* we intersected at some point with the target body SOI */

                else if (orbit.EndUT > data.UT_arrival)
                    Vector3d err;
                    if (orbit.referenceBody == data.target_orbit.referenceBody)
                        err = orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(data.UT_arrival) - data.target_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(data.UT_arrival);
                        err = orbit.getTruePositionAtUT(data.UT_arrival) - data.target_orbit.getTruePositionAtUT(data.UT_arrival);

                    fi[0] = err.x;
                    fi[1] = err.y;
                    fi[2] = err.z;


                Orbit temp = orbit;
                orbit      = next_orbit;
                next_orbit = temp;
                PatchedConics.CalculatePatch(orbit, next_orbit, orbit.StartUT, solverParameters, null);
Exemple #12
        public static bool CheckEncounterButDontBitchAboutIt(Orbit p, Orbit nextPatch, double startEpoch, OrbitDriver sec, CelestialBody targetBody, PatchedConics.SolverParameters pars, bool logErrors)
            Orbit  orbit = sec.orbit;
            double num   = 1.1;

            if (GameSettings.ALWAYS_SHOW_TARGET_APPROACH_MARKERS && sec.celestialBody == targetBody)
                num = Math.Sqrt(orbit.semiMajorAxis / sec.celestialBody.sphereOfInfluence);
            if (!Orbit.PeApIntersects(p, orbit, sec.celestialBody.sphereOfInfluence * num))
            if (p.closestEncounterLevel < Orbit.EncounterSolutionLevel.ORBIT_INTERSECT)
                p.closestEncounterLevel = Orbit.EncounterSolutionLevel.ORBIT_INTERSECT;
                p.closestEncounterBody  = sec.celestialBody;
            double clEctr  = p.ClEctr1;
            double clEctr2 = p.ClEctr2;
            double fEVp    = p.FEVp;
            double fEVs    = p.FEVs;
            double sEVp    = p.SEVp;
            double sEVs    = p.SEVs;
            int    num2    = FindClosestPointsRevertedCauseNewOneSucks(p, orbit, ref clEctr, ref clEctr2, ref fEVp, ref fEVs, ref sEVp, ref sEVs, 0.0001, pars.maxGeometrySolverIterations, ref pars.GeoSolverIterations);

            if (num2 < 1)
            double dTforTrueAnomaly  = p.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(fEVp, 0.0);
            double dTforTrueAnomaly2 = p.GetDTforTrueAnomaly(sEVp, 0.0);
            double num3 = dTforTrueAnomaly + startEpoch;
            double num4 = dTforTrueAnomaly2 + startEpoch;

            // avoid bad numbers
            if (double.IsInfinity(num3) && !double.IsInfinity(num4))
                num3 = num4;
            if (double.IsInfinity(num4) && !double.IsInfinity(num3))
                num4 = num3;

            if (double.IsInfinity(num3) && double.IsInfinity(num4))
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("CheckEncounter: both intercept UTs are infinite");
            if ((num3 < p.StartUT || num3 > p.EndUT) && (num4 < p.StartUT || num4 > p.EndUT))
            if (num4 < num3 || num3 < p.StartUT || num3 > p.EndUT)
                UtilMath.SwapValues(ref fEVp, ref sEVp);
                UtilMath.SwapValues(ref fEVs, ref sEVs);
                UtilMath.SwapValues(ref clEctr, ref clEctr2);
                UtilMath.SwapValues(ref dTforTrueAnomaly, ref dTforTrueAnomaly2);
                UtilMath.SwapValues(ref num3, ref num4);
            if (num4 < p.StartUT || num4 > p.EndUT || double.IsInfinity(num4))
                num2 = 1;
            p.numClosePoints = num2;
            p.FEVp           = fEVp;
            p.FEVs           = fEVs;
            p.SEVp           = sEVp;
            p.SEVs           = sEVs;
            p.ClEctr1        = clEctr;
            p.ClEctr2        = clEctr2;
            if (Math.Min(p.ClEctr1, p.ClEctr2) > sec.celestialBody.sphereOfInfluence)
                if (GameSettings.ALWAYS_SHOW_TARGET_APPROACH_MARKERS && sec.celestialBody == targetBody)
                    p.UTappr           = startEpoch;
                    p.ClAppr           = PatchedConics.GetClosestApproach(p, orbit, startEpoch, p.nearestTT * 0.5, pars);
                    p.closestTgtApprUT = p.UTappr;
            if (p.closestEncounterLevel < Orbit.EncounterSolutionLevel.SOI_INTERSECT_1)
                p.closestEncounterLevel = Orbit.EncounterSolutionLevel.SOI_INTERSECT_1;
                p.closestEncounterBody  = sec.celestialBody;
            p.timeToTransition1         = dTforTrueAnomaly;
            p.secondaryPosAtTransition1 = orbit.getPositionAtUTSigma(num3);
            UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(p.referenceBody.position), ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(p.secondaryPosAtTransition1), Color.yellow);
            p.timeToTransition2         = dTforTrueAnomaly2;
            p.secondaryPosAtTransition2 = orbit.getPositionAtUTSigma(num4);
            UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(p.referenceBody.position), ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(p.secondaryPosAtTransition2), Color.red);
            p.nearestTT = p.timeToTransition1;
            p.nextTT    = p.timeToTransition2;
            if (double.IsNaN(p.nearestTT))
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "nearestTT is NaN! t1: ", p.timeToTransition1, ", t2: ", p.timeToTransition2, ", FEVp: ", p.FEVp, ", SEVp: ", p.SEVp }));
            p.UTappr = startEpoch;
            p.ClAppr = PatchedConics.GetClosestApproach(p, orbit, startEpoch, p.nearestTT * 0.5, pars);
            if (PatchedConics.EncountersBody(p, orbit, nextPatch, sec, startEpoch, pars))
            if (num2 > 1)
                p.closestEncounterLevel = Orbit.EncounterSolutionLevel.SOI_INTERSECT_2;
                p.closestEncounterBody  = sec.celestialBody;
                UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(p.getPositionAtUTSigma(p.UTappr)), ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(orbit.getPositionAtUTSigma(p.UTappr)), XKCDColors.Orange * 0.5f);
                p.UTappr = startEpoch + p.nearestTT;
                p.ClAppr = PatchedConics.GetClosestApproach(p, orbit, startEpoch, (p.nextTT - p.nearestTT) * 0.5, pars);
                if (PatchedConics.EncountersBody(p, orbit, nextPatch, sec, startEpoch, pars))
                UnityEngine.Debug.DrawLine(ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(p.getPositionAtUTSigma(p.UTappr)), ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(orbit.getPositionAtUTSigma(p.UTappr)), XKCDColors.Orange);
            if (sec.celestialBody == targetBody)
                p.closestTgtApprUT = p.UTappr;