Exemple #1
        internal void UnloadMod(Mod mod)
            if (!ModUtilities.IsOnMainMenu)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Must be in main menu to unload a mod!");


            foreach (var key in new List <string>(ComponentRegistry.Registry.Keys))
                var value = ComponentRegistry.Registry[key];

                if (value.Mod == mod)

Exemple #2
        private void LoadConfiguration(string configFilePath)
            XPathNavigator navigator            = GetNavigator(configFilePath);
            string         overallTimeoutString = navigator.SelectSingleNode(OverallTimeoutValueXPath).Value;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overallTimeoutString) || (!int.TryParse(overallTimeoutString, out _overallTimeoutSeconds)))
                LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, "OverallTimeout value is not defined or is not a valid integer value. OverallTimeout = " +
                                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overallTimeoutString) ? "null" : overallTimeoutString));

                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "OverallTimeout value is not defined or is not a valid integer value. OverallTimeout = " +
                          (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overallTimeoutString) ? "null" : overallTimeoutString));

            if (_overallTimeoutSeconds < 0)
                LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, "OverallTimeout value cannot be less than 0. OverallTimeout = " +

                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "OverallTimeout value cannot be less than 0. OverallTimeout = " +

            // Loop through all patches
            XPathNodeIterator nodeIterator = navigator.Select(PatchXPath);

            while (nodeIterator.MoveNext())
                Patch patch = new Patch();

                // Read name
                if (nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("@name") == null)
                    LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, "name attribute needed for Patch element");

                    throw new InvalidOperationException("name attribute needed for Patch element");

                patch.Name = nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("@name").Value.Trim();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(patch.Name))
                    LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, "name attribute can't be empty for Patch element");

                    throw new InvalidOperationException("name attribute can't be empty for Patch element");

                if (_patchMap.ContainsKey(patch.Name))
                    LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Patch '{0}' is defined in multiple places.", patch.Name));

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Patch '{0}' is defined in multiple places.", patch.Name));

                // Read OS versions the patch applies to and check whether it is applicable to current OS version
                if (nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("@appliesToOsVersion") != null)
                    string osVersionAppliesTo = string.Empty;

                        bool invalidVersionFormat = false;
                        osVersionAppliesTo = nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode("@appliesToOsVersion").Value.Trim();

                        Version currentOsVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version;

                        char[]   versionDelimiter           = new char[] { '.' };
                        string[] versionComponents          = osVersionAppliesTo.Split(versionDelimiter);
                        string[] currentOsVersionComponents = currentOsVersion.ToString().Split(versionDelimiter);

                        // OS version the patch applies to should have four components: major.minor.build.revision
                        if (versionComponents.Length != 4)
                            invalidVersionFormat = true;
                            // Each version component should be an integer or a wildcard character '*'
                            foreach (string t in versionComponents)
                                int versionComponent;
                                if (t.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || int.TryParse(t, out versionComponent))
                                invalidVersionFormat = true;

                        if (invalidVersionFormat)
                            LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(
                                                    @"PathUtil: Invalid version format for OS version patch {0} applies to : {1}; the patch will be installed",
                            bool skipPatch = false;
                            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(versionComponents.Length, currentOsVersionComponents.Length); i++)
                                if (!versionComponents[i].Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                    !versionComponents[i].Equals(currentOsVersionComponents[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    skipPatch = true;

                            // If the patch is not applicable to current OS version, skip it
                            if (skipPatch)
                                LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(
                                                        @"PatchUtil: Patch {0} will be skipped since it is only applicable to OS version {1} while current OS version is {2}",

                    catch (Exception e)
                        LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(
                                                @"PathUtil: Exception occurred when checking whether patch {0} (applicable to OS version {1}) is applicable to current OS version, skip version checking and continue installing : {2}",

                // Read command line.
                if (nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode(CommandLineXPath) == null)
                    LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Command value attribute needed for Patch '{0}'.", patch.Name));

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Command value attribute needed for Patch '{0}'.", patch.Name));

                patch.CommandLine = nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode(CommandLineXPath).Value.Trim();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(patch.CommandLine))
                    LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Command value can't be empty for Patch '{0}'.", patch.Name));

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Command value can't be empty for Patch '{0}'.", patch.Name));

                // Read log path (optional element).
                patch.LogFolderPath = null;
                if (nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode(LogFolderPathXPath) != null)
                    string logFolderPath = nodeIterator.Current.SelectSingleNode(LogFolderPathXPath).Value.Trim();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFolderPath))
                        patch.LogFolderPath = logFolderPath;

                // Read registry settings
                List <PatchRegistry> registrySettings = new List <PatchRegistry>();
                XPathNodeIterator    iterator         = nodeIterator.Current.Select(PatchRegistryXPath);
                while (iterator.MoveNext())
                    string keyName       = ReadPatchRegistryAttribute(iterator, patch.Name, RegistryKeyNameAttribute, true);
                    string valueName     = ReadPatchRegistryAttribute(iterator, patch.Name, RegistryValueNameAttribute, true);
                    string expectedValue = ReadPatchRegistryAttribute(iterator, patch.Name, RegistryExpectedValueAttribute, false);

                    PatchRegistry registrySetting = new PatchRegistry
                        RegistryKeyName   = keyName,
                        RegistryValueName = valueName,
                        ExpectedValue     = expectedValue,

                // We need at least one registry setting to confirm the patch is installed.
                if (!registrySettings.Any())
                    LogUtils.WriteTrace(DateTime.UtcNow, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "There is no registry setting found for Patch '{0}'", patch.Name));

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "There is no registry setting found for Patch '{0}'", patch.Name));

                patch.RegistrySettings = registrySettings;
                _patchMap.Add(patch.Name, patch);