public void SerializePatchDocument() { var patchDoc = new PatchDocument( new TestOperation { Path = "/a/b/c", Value = new JValue("foo") }, new RemoveOperation { Path = "/a/b/c" }, new AddOperation { Path = "/a/b/c", Value = new JArray(new JValue("foo"), new JValue("bar")) }, new ReplaceOperation { Path = "/a/b/c", Value = new JValue(42) }, new MoveOperation { FromPath = "/a/b/c", Path = "/a/b/d" }, new CopyOperation { FromPath = "/a/b/d", Path = "/a/b/e" }); var outputstream = patchDoc.ToStream(); var output = new StreamReader(outputstream).ReadToEnd(); var jOutput = JToken.Parse(output); Assert.Equal(@"[{""op"":""test"",""path"":""/a/b/c"",""value"":""foo""},{""op"":""remove"",""path"":""/a/b/c""},{""op"":""add"",""path"":""/a/b/c"",""value"":[""foo"",""bar""]},{""op"":""replace"",""path"":""/a/b/c"",""value"":42},{""op"":""move"",""path"":""/a/b/d"",""from"":""/a/b/c""},{""op"":""copy"",""path"":""/a/b/e"",""from"":""/a/b/d""}]", jOutput.ToString(Formatting.None)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for given json content and optional JsonSerializer Settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="patchDocument">json MergePatchDocument content.</param> /// <param name="settings">Serializer settings to use. NullValueHandling will always be NullValueHandling.Include though.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">if <paramref name="patchDocument" /> is null or whitespace.</exception> /// <exception cref="InvalidJsonMergePatchDocumentException"> /// if <paramref name="patchDocument" /> anything other than a /// parsable json object. /// </exception> public JsonMergePatchDocument(string patchDocument, JsonSerializerSettings settings = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(patchDocument)) { throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(patchDocument)); } _serializerSettings = settings ?? new JsonSerializerSettings(); var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(_serializerSettings); _internalValidator = new InternalValidator <TResource>(); // Ensure that the serializer does not ignore null values to comply with RFC 7386 serializer.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include; if (!patchDocument.Trim().StartsWith("{")) { throw new InvalidJsonMergePatchDocumentException(ErrorMessages.DocumentRootMustBeObject); } try { var patchObject = JObject.Parse(patchDocument); _internalDocument = new PatchDocument(patchObject, typeof(TResource), serializer); } catch (JsonReaderException ex) { throw new InvalidJsonMergePatchDocumentException(ErrorMessages.DocumentNotParseable, ex); } }
public async Task JsonPatchAllAsync() { var utcNow = SystemClock.UtcNow; var employees = new List <Employee> { EmployeeGenerator.Generate(ObjectId.GenerateNewId(utcNow.AddDays(-1)).ToString(), createdUtc: utcNow.AddDays(-1), companyId: "1", yearsEmployed: 0), EmployeeGenerator.Generate(createdUtc: utcNow, companyId: "1", yearsEmployed: 0), EmployeeGenerator.Generate(createdUtc: utcNow, companyId: "2", yearsEmployed: 0), }; await _employeeRepository.AddAsync(employees, o => o.ImmediateConsistency()); var patch = new PatchDocument(new ReplaceOperation { Path = "name", Value = "Patched" }); await _employeeRepository.PatchAsync(employees.Select(l => l.Id).ToArray(), new Models.JsonPatch(patch), o => o.ImmediateConsistency()); var results = await _employeeRepository.GetAllByCompanyAsync("1"); Assert.Equal(2, results.Documents.Count); foreach (var document in results.Documents) { Assert.Equal("1", document.CompanyId); Assert.Equal("patched", document.Name); } }
public void Replace_multiple_property_values_with_jsonpath() { var sample = JToken.Parse(@"{ 'books': [ { 'title' : 'The Great Gatsby', 'author' : 'F. Scott Fitzgerald' }, { 'title' : 'The Grapes of Wrath', 'author' : 'John Steinbeck' }, { 'title' : 'Some Other Title', 'author' : 'John Steinbeck' } ] }"); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); string pointer = "$.books[?( == 'John Steinbeck')].author"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new ReplaceOperation { Path = pointer, Value = "Eric" }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); string newPointer = "/books/1/author"; Assert.Equal("Eric", sample.SelectPatchToken(newPointer).Value <string>()); newPointer = "/books/2/author"; Assert.Equal("Eric", sample.SelectPatchToken(newPointer).Value <string>()); }
public DocumentDatabase(string name, RavenConfiguration configuration, ServerStore serverStore) { StartTime = SystemTime.UtcNow; Name = name; ResourceName = "db/" + name; Configuration = configuration; _logger = LoggingSource.Instance.GetLogger <DocumentDatabase>(Name); Notifications = new DocumentsNotifications(); DocumentsStorage = new DocumentsStorage(this); IndexStore = new IndexStore(this); TransformerStore = new TransformerStore(this); SqlReplicationLoader = new SqlReplicationLoader(this); DocumentReplicationLoader = new DocumentReplicationLoader(this); DocumentTombstoneCleaner = new DocumentTombstoneCleaner(this); SubscriptionStorage = new SubscriptionStorage(this); Operations = new DatabaseOperations(this); Metrics = new MetricsCountersManager(); IoMetrics = serverStore?.IoMetrics ?? new IoMetrics(256, 256); Patch = new PatchDocument(this); TxMerger = new TransactionOperationsMerger(this, DatabaseShutdown); HugeDocuments = new HugeDocuments(configuration.Databases.MaxCollectionSizeHugeDocuments, configuration.Databases.MaxWarnSizeHugeDocuments); ConfigurationStorage = new ConfigurationStorage(this, serverStore); DatabaseInfoCache = serverStore?.DatabaseInfoCache; }
public void Insert_array_elements() { var sample = PatchTests.GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = new JsonPointer("/books/0"); patchDocument.AddOperation(new AddEachOperation() { Path = pointer, Value = new JArray() { new JObject(new[] { new JProperty("author", "James Brown") }), new JObject(new[] { new JProperty("cat", "Garfield") }), new JObject(new[] { new JProperty("producer", "Kingston") }), } }); patchDocument.ApplyTo(sample); var list = sample["books"] as JArray; Assert.Equal(5, list.Count); Assert.Equal(list[0]["author"].ToString(), "James Brown"); Assert.Equal(list[1]["cat"].ToString(), "Garfield"); Assert.Equal(list[2]["producer"].ToString(), "Kingston"); }
public void Remove_an_array_element_with_numbered_custom_fields() { var sample = JToken.Parse(@"{ 'data': { '2017PropertyOne' : '2017 property one value', '2017PropertyTwo' : '2017 property two value', '2017Properties' : ['First value from 2017','Second value from 2017'], '2018PropertyOne' : '2018 property value', '2018PropertyTwo' : '2018 property two value', '2018Properties' : ['First value from 2018','Second value from 2018'] } }"); Assert.NotNull(sample.SelectPatchToken("/data/2017Properties/1")); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); string pointer = "/data/2017Properties/0"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new RemoveOperation { Path = pointer }); var patcher = new JsonPatcher(); patcher.Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.Null(sample.SelectPatchToken("/data/2017Properties/1")); }
public virtual void Patch(ref TDoc target, PatchDocument document) { foreach (var operation in document.Operations) { target = ApplyOperation(operation, target); } }
public void Remove_array_item_by_matching() { var sample = JToken.Parse(@"{ 'books': [ { 'title' : 'The Great Gatsby', 'author' : 'F. Scott Fitzgerald' }, { 'title' : 'The Grapes of Wrath', 'author' : 'John Steinbeck' }, { 'title' : 'Some Other Title', 'author' : 'John Steinbeck' } ] }"); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); string pointer = "$.books[?( == 'John Steinbeck')]"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new RemoveOperation { Path = pointer }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); var list = sample["books"] as JArray; Assert.Single(list); }
public void LoadPatch1() { var patchDoc = PatchDocument.Load(this.GetType() .Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(this.GetType(), "Samples.LoadTest1.json")); Assert.NotNull(patchDoc); Assert.Equal(6, patchDoc.Operations.Count); }
public static PatchDocument PrependOperationPaths(this PatchDocument patchDocument, string pathToAppend) { foreach (var operation in patchDocument.Operations) { var oldPath = operation.Path.ToString(); operation.Path = new JsonPointer($"{pathToAppend}{oldPath}"); } return(patchDocument); }
public void CreateEmptyPatch() { var sample = GetSample2(); var sampletext = sample.ToString(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.AreEqual(sampletext, sample.ToString()); }
public void LoadPatch1() { var names = this.GetType() .Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); var patchDoc = PatchDocument.Load(this.GetType() .Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("JsonDiffPatch.Tests.Samples.LoadTest1.json")); Assert.NotNull(patchDoc); Assert.AreEqual(6, patchDoc.Operations.Count); }
public void CreateEmptyPatch() { var sample = GetSample2(); var sampletext = sample.ToString(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); patchDocument.ApplyTo(new JsonNetTargetAdapter(sample)); Assert.Equal(sampletext, sample.ToString()); }
public void Replace_non_existant_property() { var sample = JToken.Parse(@"{ ""data"": {} }"); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = "/data/author"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new ReplaceOperation { Path = pointer, Value = "Bob Brown" }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.Equal("Bob Brown", sample.SelectPatchToken(pointer).Value <string>()); sample = JToken.Parse(@"{}"); patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); pointer = "/data/author"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new ReplaceOperation { Path = pointer, Value = "Bob Brown" }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.Equal("Bob Brown", sample.SelectPatchToken(pointer).Value <string>()); sample = JToken.Parse(@"{}"); patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); pointer = "/"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new ReplaceOperation { Path = pointer, Value = "Bob Brown" }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.Equal("Bob Brown", sample.SelectPatchToken(pointer).Value <string>()); sample = JToken.Parse(@"{}"); patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); pointer = "/hey/now/0/you"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new ReplaceOperation { Path = pointer, Value = "Bob Brown" }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.Equal("{}", sample.ToString(Formatting.None)); }
/// <summary> /// Removes the relation for the given <paramref name="relationId"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="relationId">The relation identifier.</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual UpdateWorkItemPatchDocumentBuilder RemoveRelation(int relationId) { PatchDocument.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Operation = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi.Patch.Operation.Remove, Path = "/relations/" + relationId } ); return(this); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { var patchDoc = new PatchDocument(Op, Path, Value); patchDoc.Op = this.Op; patchDoc.Path = this.Path; patchDoc.Value = this.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(From)) { patchDoc.From = From; } WriteObject(patchDoc); }
public string JsonPatchesWorks(string leftString, string patchString) { var left = JToken.Parse(leftString); var patchDoc = PatchDocument.Parse(patchString); var patcher = new JsonPatcher(); patcher.Patch(ref left, patchDoc); var patchJson = left.ToString(Formatting.None); return(patchJson); }
public async Task JsonPatch() { var employee = await _employeeRepository.AddAsync(EmployeeGenerator.Default); var patch = new PatchDocument(new ReplaceOperation { Path = "name", Value = "Patched" }); await _employeeRepository.PatchAsync(employee.Id, patch); employee = await _employeeRepository.GetByIdAsync(employee.Id); Assert.Equal("Patched", employee.Name); Assert.Equal(2, employee.Version); }
public void TestExample1() { var targetDoc = JToken.Parse("{ 'foo': 'bar'}"); var patchDoc = PatchDocument.Parse(@"[ { 'op': 'add', 'path': '/baz', 'value': 'qux' } ]"); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref targetDoc, patchDoc); Assert.True(JToken.DeepEquals(JToken.Parse(@"{ 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux' }"), targetDoc)); }
public IPatchDocumentBuilder AppendAddFieldOperation(string fieldPath, object fieldValue) { var formattedPath = @"/fields/" + fieldPath; var patchDocument = new PatchDocument { Op = PatchDocumentOperationType.Add, Path = formattedPath, Value = fieldValue.ToString() }; _patchDocuments.Add(patchDocument); return(this); }
public void Remove_a_property() { var sample = GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = "/books/0/author"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new RemoveOperation { Path = pointer }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.Null(sample.SelectPatchToken(pointer)); }
public void Replace_a_property_value_with_a_new_value() { var sample = PatchTests.GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = "/books/0/author"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new ReplaceOperation { Path = pointer, Value = "Bob Brown" }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.Equal("Bob Brown", sample.SelectPatchToken(pointer).Value <string>()); }
public void Replace_a_property_value_with_a_new_value() { var sample = PatchTests.GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = new JsonPointer("/books/0/author"); patchDocument.AddOperation(new ReplaceOperation() { Path = pointer, Value = new JValue("Bob Brown") }); patchDocument.ApplyTo(new JsonNetTargetAdapter(sample)); Assert.Equal("Bob Brown", (string)pointer.Find(sample)); }
public void Remove_a_property() { var sample = PatchTests.GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = new JsonPointer("/books/0/author"); patchDocument.AddOperation(new RemoveOperation() { Path = pointer }); patchDocument.ApplyTo(sample); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { pointer.Find(sample); }); }
public void Test_a_value() { var sample = PatchTests.GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = "/books/0/author"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new TestOperation { Path = pointer, Value = new JValue("Billy Burton") }); Assert.Throws(typeof(InvalidOperationException), () => { var patcher = new JsonPatcher(); patcher.Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); }); }
public void Remove_an_array_element() { var sample = GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = "/books/0"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new RemoveOperation { Path = pointer }); var patcher = new JsonPatcher(); patcher.Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); Assert.Null(sample.SelectPatchToken("/books/1")); }
public void Append_array_elements_wrongDataType() { var sample = PatchTests.GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = new JsonPointer("/books/"); patchDocument.AddOperation(new AddEachOperation() { Path = pointer, Value = new JObject(new[] { new JProperty("producer", "Kingston") }) }); Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentException), () => { patchDocument.ApplyTo(sample); }); }
public virtual async Task <IHttpActionResult> PatchAsync(string id, PatchDocument changes, long?version = null) { TModel original = await GetModel(id, false); if (original == null) { return(NotFound()); } // if there are no changes in the delta, then ignore the request if (changes == null || !changes.Operations.Any()) { return(await OkModel(original)); } var modified = original.Copy(); if (version.HasValue && _isVersioned) { ((IVersioned)modified).Version = version.Value; } // map to update model first so we can restrict what is allowed to be modified var updateModel = await Map <TUpdateModel>(modified); // Supports either JsonPatch or JSONPath syntax: var target = JToken.FromObject(updateModel, JsonHelper.DefaultSerializer); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref target, changes); updateModel = target.ToObject <TUpdateModel>(JsonHelper.DefaultSerializer); await Map(updateModel, modified); var permission = await CanUpdateAsync(original, modified); if (!permission.Allowed) { return(Permission(permission)); } modified = await UpdateModelAsync(modified, version); modified = await AfterUpdateAsync(modified, original); return(await OkModel(modified)); }
public void Replace_a_property_value_with_an_object() { var sample = PatchTests.GetSample2(); var patchDocument = new PatchDocument(); var pointer = "/books/0/author"; patchDocument.AddOperation(new ReplaceOperation { Path = pointer, Value = new JObject(new[] { new JProperty("hello", "world") }) }); new JsonPatcher().Patch(ref sample, patchDocument); var newPointer = "/books/0/author/hello"; Assert.Equal("world", sample.SelectPatchToken(newPointer).Value <string>()); }