public void GetAreaByHash(int value, out Area area, out Passability passability)
            AreaPassabilityPair val = _hashToArea[value];

            area        = val.area;
            passability = val.passability;
        public void GetAreaByHash(short hash, out Area area, out Passability passability)
            int hashInt = hash;

            area        = areaByIndex[hashInt >> 4];
            passability = (Passability)(hashInt & 15);
Exemple #3
        public bool AddCell(List <Vector3> nodes, Area area, Passability passability, int layer)
            CellContentData d = new CellContentData(nodes[0], nodes[1]);

            if (GetEdge(d).CellsContains(nodes) == false)
                List <GenerationEdgeInfo> edges = new List <GenerationEdgeInfo>();

                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count - 1; i++)
                    edges.Add(GetEdge(new CellContentData(nodes[i], nodes[i + 1])));

                edges.Add(GetEdge(new CellContentData(nodes[0], nodes[nodes.Count - 1])));

                GenerationCellInfo newCell = new GenerationCellInfo(area, passability, layer, graph, nodes, edges);

                foreach (var edge in edges)
Exemple #4
 public PathNode(Passability isClear, Vector3 pos, int x, int y, int h)
     clear    = isClear;
     position = pos;
     gridX    = x;
     gridY    = y;
     gridH    = h;
 public void SetObject(int column, int row, GameObject sprite, Passability passability = Passability.block)
     sprite.Position          = new Vector2(column * this._tileLength, row * _tileLength);
     sprite.Column            = column;
     sprite.Row               = row;
     sprite.IsDisplaced       = false;
     sprite.Passability       = passability;
     this.ObjMap[column, row] = sprite;
 public AreaPassabilityPair(Area area, Passability passability)
     if (area == null)
         Debug.LogError("Area Pair cant be created with null");
     this.area        = area;
     this.passability = passability;
Exemple #7
 public override int GetHashCode()
         int result = TileNumber;
         result = (result * 397) ^ Passability.GetHashCode();
         result = (result * 397) ^ ObjectNumber;
        List <CellContentData> _originalEdges;                                                                          //just cell edges without jump spots to recreate cell if needed

        public Cell(Area area, Passability passability, int layer, Graph graph, IEnumerable <CellContentData> originalEdges)
            this.area        = area;
            this.passability = passability;
            this.layer       = layer;
            this.graph       = graph;
            _originalEdges   = new List <CellContentData>(originalEdges);
            foreach (var oe in originalEdges)
                _contentDictionary.Add(oe, null);
Exemple #9
        public TriangulatorDataSet(
            NavMeshTemplateRecast template,
            List <NodeAbstract> nodes, List <EdgeAbstract> edges, Dictionary <NodeAbstract, TriangulatorNodeData> values,
            int layer, Area area, Passability passability)
            this.area        = area;
            this.layer       = layer;
            this.passability = passability;

            Dictionary <NodeAbstract, int> indexes = new Dictionary <NodeAbstract, int>();

            _nodes = new TriangulatorNode[nodes.Count];
            _data  = new TriangulatorNodeData[nodes.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                _nodes[i] = new TriangulatorNode(nodes[i], i);
                _data[i]  = values[nodes[i]];
                indexes.Add(nodes[i], i);

            edgeMap = new List <TriangulatorEdge> [EDGE_MAP_SIZE * EDGE_MAP_SIZE];
            for (int i = 0; i < EDGE_MAP_SIZE * EDGE_MAP_SIZE; i++)
                edgeMap[i] = new List <TriangulatorEdge>();
            chunkPos         = template.chunkData.realPositionV2;
            edgeMapPiselSize = EDGE_MAP_SIZE / PathFinder.gridSize;

            foreach (var edge in edges)
                AddEdge(indexes[edge.a], indexes[edge.b], 1, false);

            //Vector3 realNotOffsetedPosition = template.chunkData.realPositionV3;
            //for (int x = 0; x < EDGE_MAP_SIZE + 1; x++) {
            //    Vector3 A = realNotOffsetedPosition + new Vector3(x * edgeMapPiselSize, 0, 0);
            //    Vector3 B = realNotOffsetedPosition + new Vector3(x * edgeMapPiselSize, 0, PathFinder.gridSize);
            //    Debuger_K.AddLine(A, B,;

            //for (int z = 0; z < EDGE_MAP_SIZE + 1; z++) {
            //    Vector3 A = realNotOffsetedPosition + new Vector3(0, 0, z * edgeMapPiselSize);
            //    Vector3 B = realNotOffsetedPosition + new Vector3(PathFinder.gridSize, 0, z * edgeMapPiselSize);
            //    Debuger_K.AddLine(A, B,;
Exemple #10
        List <CellContentData> _originalEdges;                                                                          //just cell edges without jump spots to recreate cell if needed

        public Cell(Area area, Passability passability, int layer, Graph graph, IEnumerable <CellContentData> originalEdges)
            this.area        = area;
            this.passability = passability;
            this.layer       = layer;
            this.graph       = graph;
            _originalEdges   = new List <CellContentData>(originalEdges);

            foreach (var oe in originalEdges)
                _contentDictionary.Add(oe, null);

            advancedAreaCell = area is AreaAdvanced;
            if (advancedAreaCell)
                pathContent = new List <CellPathContentAbstract>();
Exemple #11
            public GenerationCellInfo(Area area, Passability passability, int layer, Graph graph, IEnumerable <Vector3> nodes, List <GenerationEdgeInfo> edges)
                List <CellContentData> originalEdges = new List <CellContentData>();

                for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++)

                cell       = new Cell(area, passability, layer, graph, originalEdges);
                this.nodes = new HashSet <Vector3>(nodes);
                this.edges = edges;

                Vector3 cellCenter = SomeMath.MidPoint(nodes);

                if (edges.Count > 3)
                    Dictionary <GenerationEdgeInfo, float>   triangleArea = new Dictionary <GenerationEdgeInfo, float>();
                    Dictionary <GenerationEdgeInfo, Vector3> centers      = new Dictionary <GenerationEdgeInfo, Vector3>();

                    float areaSum = 0;
                    foreach (var item in edges)
                        Vector3 curTriangleCenter = SomeMath.MidPoint(cellCenter,,;
                        centers.Add(item, curTriangleCenter);
                        float curArea = Vector3.Cross( - curTriangleCenter, - curTriangleCenter).magnitude * 0.5f;
                        areaSum += curArea;
                        triangleArea.Add(item, curArea);

                    Vector3 actualCenter =;

                    foreach (var item in edges)
                        actualCenter += (centers[item] * (triangleArea[item] / areaSum));

                    cellCenter = actualCenter;

        //targeted by area and passability
        public static void Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, AgentProperties properties, out RaycastHitNavMesh hit,
                                   Area expectedArea, Passability expectedPassability,
                                   float length = 1000f, int maxIterations = 100)
            //try get cell at target position
            Cell cell;
            bool outsideCell;

            if (TryGetCell(origin, properties, out cell, out outsideCell) == false || outsideCell)
                hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh(origin, false);

            //cell we found are not with expected area or passability
            if (cell.area != expectedArea | cell.passability != expectedPassability)
                hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh(origin, true);

            Raycast(origin, direction, properties, out hit, length, true, true, maxIterations, expectedPassability, expectedArea, cell);
 public static void GetAreaByHash(int value, out Area area, out Passability passability)
     lock (_hashData)
         _hashData.GetAreaByHash(value, out area, out passability);
 public short GetAreaHash(Area area, Passability passability)
     return(GetAreaHash(areaToIndex[area], (byte)passability));
Exemple #15
 public void SetPassability(int x, int z, Passability p)
     passability[x][z] = (int)p;
 public void FillObjectRange(int startColumn, int startRow, int endColumn, int endRow, Texture2D texture, Passability passability = Passability.block)
     for (int x = startColumn; x < endColumn; x++)
         for (int y = startRow; y < endRow; y++)
             SetObject(x, y, new GameObject(texture), passability);
Exemple #17
 public GameObject(Texture2D texture, int column, int row, Passability passability) : this(texture, column, row)
     Passability = passability;
        public static void Raycast2Body2(float posX, float posY, float posZ, float rayDirX, float rayDirY, Cell cell,
                                         float maxLength, bool checkArea, bool checkPass, Area expArea, Passability expPass,
                                         RaycastAllocatedData rad, out RaycastHitNavMesh2 hit)
            if (SomeMath.SqrMagnitude(rayDirX, rayDirY) == 0f)
                hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh2(posX, posY, posZ, NavmeshRaycastResultType2.ReachMaxDistance, cell);

            rad.chunkPixelSize = PathFinder.gridSize / PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE;

            //trick to fix case when raycast start on "near" edge
            //currently can't be on chunk edge so we dont care if chunk changed
            rad.currentChunkData = cell.graph.chunk;

            int curGridX = (int)((posX - rad.currentChunkData.realX) / rad.chunkPixelSize);
            int curGridY = (int)((posZ - rad.currentChunkData.realZ) / rad.chunkPixelSize);

            //if (curGridX < 0) curGridX = 0; else if (curGridX > 9) curGridX = 9;
            //if (curGridY < 0) curGridY = 0; else if (curGridY > 9) curGridY = 9;

            rad.startIntX = (rad.currentChunkData.x * 10) + curGridX;
            rad.startIntY = (rad.currentChunkData.z * 10) + curGridY;

            var tempVal = maxLength / rad.chunkPixelSize;

            if (tempVal > 10000) //too big number anyway
                rad.gridDistanceTreshold = SomeMath.Sqr(10000);
                rad.gridDistanceTreshold = (int)SomeMath.Sqr(maxLength / rad.chunkPixelSize) + 1;

            rad.dataArray = cell.graph.dataMap[curGridX][curGridY];

            if (rad.dataArray != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < rad.dataArray.Length; i++)
                    CellDataMapValue mapData = rad.dataArray[i];

                    if (mapData.from != cell)

                    if (, rayDirY) < 0)

                    float sqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(, posZ), new Vector2(posX, posZ));

                    if (sqrDist < 0.0001f)
                        Vector2 dirToCellCenter = (cell.centerVector2 - new Vector2(posX, posZ)).normalized * 0.001f;
                        posX += dirToCellCenter.x;
                        posZ += dirToCellCenter.y;
                        //if (dot < 0.001f) {//oh wow. start point exactly on edge and ray alond side

            //if (DEBUG) {
            //    Debuger_K.AddRay(new Vector3(posX, posY + 0.1f, posZ), new Vector3(rayDirX, 0, rayDirY), Color.gray);

            rad.posX         = posX;
            rad.posY         = posY;
            rad.posZ         = posZ;
            rad.rayDirX      = rayDirX;
            rad.rayDirY      = rayDirY;
            rad.checkPass    = checkPass;
            rad.checkArea    = checkArea;
            rad.expPass      = expPass;
            rad.expArea      = expArea;
            rad.raycastType  = NavmeshRaycastResultType2.Nothing;
            rad.maxSqrLength = SomeMath.Sqr(maxLength);
            rad.curCell      = cell;
            rad.prevCell     = null;
            rad.raycastDone  = false;

                lastHullX = posX,
                lastHullZ = posZ;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                rad.raycastSamples[i] = raycastSamplesTemplate[i].RotateRightAndReturnDot(rayDirX, rayDirY) < 0;

            int chunkIteration = 0;

            while (rad.raycastDone == false)
                if (chunkIteration > 50)
                    string s = string.Format("chunkIteration too large. x {0}, y {1}, z {2}, dx {3}, dy {4}, max {5}", posX, posY, posZ, rayDirX, rayDirY, maxLength);
                    //Debuger_K.AddRay(new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ), Vector3.down, Color.cyan);
                    //Debuger_K.AddRay(new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ), new Vector3(rayDirX, 0, rayDirY), Color.yellow, 50);
                    //Debuger_K.UserfulPublicFlag = true;

                rad.currentChunkData = rad.curCell.graph.chunk;
                rad.curChunkIntX     = rad.currentChunkData.x * 10;
                rad.curChunkIntY     = rad.currentChunkData.z * 10;
                rad.dataMap          = rad.curCell.graph.dataMap;

                chunkX = rad.currentChunkData.realX;
                chunkZ = rad.currentChunkData.realZ;

                #region border points
                curHullX = posX;
                curHullZ = posZ;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (rad.raycastSamples[i])
                        CellContentData curSide = raycastSamplesTemplate[i];
                        float           rX, rZ;

                        if (SomeMath.RayIntersectSegment(posX, posZ, rayDirX, rayDirY, curSide.xLeft + chunkX, curSide.zLeft + chunkZ, curSide.xRight + chunkX, curSide.zRight + chunkZ, out rX, out rZ))
                            curHullX = rX;
                            curHullZ = rZ;
                        //if (DEBUG)
                        //    Debuger_K.AddLine(curSide.a, curSide.b,, chunkIteration);

                #region debug
                //if (DEBUG) {
                //    Debuger_K.AddLine(new Vector3(curHullX, 0, curHullZ), new Vector3(lastHullX, 0, lastHullZ), Color.yellow, chunkIteration);

                //    for (int x = 0; x < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE + 1; x++) {
                //        Debuger_K.AddLine(
                //            currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3(x * chunkPixelSize, 0, 0),
                //            currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3(x * chunkPixelSize, 0, PathFinder.gridSize),
                //  ;
                //    }
                //    for (int z = 0; z < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE + 1; z++) {
                //        Debuger_K.AddLine(
                //            currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3(0, 0, z * chunkPixelSize),
                //            currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3(PathFinder.gridSize, 0, z * chunkPixelSize),
                //  ;
                //    }


                    lastHullX - chunkX,
                    lastHullZ - chunkZ,
                    curHullX - chunkX,
                    curHullZ - chunkZ,

                lastHullX = curHullX;
                lastHullZ = curHullZ;

            hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh2(rad.raycastResultX, rad.raycastResultY, rad.raycastResultZ, rad.raycastType, rad.curCell);
 public int GetAreaHash(Area area, Passability passability)
     return(_areaToHash[new AreaPassabilityPair(area, passability)]);
 public BattleGridPoint(Vector3 pos, Passability passability, VectorInt.Vector2Int gridPos)
     this._pos        = pos;
     this.passability = passability;
     this.gridPos     = gridPos;
        protected void RasterizeTriangle(Volume volume, Vector3 A, Vector3 B, Vector3 C, float fragmentSize, int startX, int endX, int startZ, int endZ, Area area, Passability passability, params VoxelState[] trueStates)
            int minX = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(SomeMath.Min(A.x, B.x, C.x) / fragmentSize) - 1, startX, endX);
            int minZ = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(SomeMath.Min(A.z, B.z, C.z) / fragmentSize) - 1, startZ, endZ);
            int maxX = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(SomeMath.Max(A.x, B.x, C.x) / fragmentSize) + 1, startX, endX);
            int maxZ = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(SomeMath.Max(A.z, B.z, C.z) / fragmentSize) + 1, startZ, endZ);

            if (minX == maxX || minZ == maxZ)
                return; //if too small return
            Vector3[] vectorsStart = new Vector3[3] {
                A, B, C

            for (int x = minX; x < maxX; ++x)
                int vertsInLength1 = ClipPolyToPlane(1f, 0.0f, -x * fragmentSize, vectorsStart, 3, ref _polyListXTemp);

                if (vertsInLength1 >= 3)
                    int vertsInLength2 = ClipPolyToPlane(-1f, 0.0f, (x + 1) * fragmentSize, _polyListXTemp, vertsInLength1, ref _polyListXFinal);

                    if (vertsInLength2 >= 3)
                        for (int z = minZ; z < maxZ; ++z)
                            int vertsInLength3 = ClipPolyToPlane(0.0f, 1f, -z * fragmentSize, _polyListXFinal, vertsInLength2, ref _polyListZTemp);

                            if (vertsInLength3 >= 3)
                                int vertsInLength4 = ClipPolyToPlane(0.0f, -1f, (z + 1) * fragmentSize, _polyListZTemp, vertsInLength3, ref _polyListZFinal);
                                if (vertsInLength4 >= 3)
                                    float min = _polyListZFinal[0].y;
                                    float max = _polyListZFinal[0].y;

                                    for (int index = 1; index < vertsInLength4; ++index)
                                        min = Math.Min(min, _polyListZFinal[index].y);
                                        max = Math.Max(max, _polyListZFinal[index].y);

                                    int indexX = Math.Abs(x - startX);
                                    int indexZ = Math.Abs(z - startZ);

                                    volume.SetVoxel(indexX, indexZ, max, min, area, (int)passability);
 public AreaPassabilityPair(Area area, Passability passability)
     this.area        = area;
     this.passability = passability;
Exemple #23
 public Tile(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, Passability passability) : base(texture)
     this.Position    = position;
     this.Passability = passability;
 //prefer cloning and use clone than this cause it lock
 public static int GetAreaHash(Area area, Passability passability)
     lock (_hashData)
         return(_hashData.GetAreaHash(area, passability));
        private void Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, out RaycastHitNavMesh hit,
                             float length, int maxIterations, Passability expectedPassability, Area expectedArea, Cell cell)
            HashSet <CellContentData> raycastExclude  = new HashSet <CellContentData>();
            List <RaycastSomeData>    raycastTempData = new List <RaycastSomeData>();
            float maxLengthSqr = length * length;

            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++)
                raycastTempData.Clear();//iteration data cleared

                foreach (var pair in cell.dataContentPairs)
                    CellContentData curData = pair.Key;
                    if (!raycastExclude.Add(curData))//mean it's already contain this

                    Vector3 intersect;
                    if (SomeMath.RayIntersectXZ(origin, direction, curData.leftV3, curData.rightV3, out intersect))
                        if (pair.Value != null)
                            Cell otherCell = pair.Value.connection;
                            if (otherCell == cell | !otherCell.canBeUsed)

                            if (cell.passability != otherCell.passability || cell.area != otherCell.area)
                                hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh(intersect, SomeMath.SqrDistance(origin, intersect) < maxLengthSqr);//!!!
                            raycastTempData.Add(new RaycastSomeData(intersect, otherCell));
                            raycastTempData.Add(new RaycastSomeData(intersect, null));

                //check if there possible connection
                for (int i = 0; i < raycastTempData.Count; i++)
                    if (raycastTempData[i].cell != null)
                        cell = raycastTempData[i].cell;
                        goto CONTINUE;

                //now we definetly hit something and now find furthest
                float   furthestSqrDist = 0f;
                Vector3 furthest        = origin;
                for (int i = 0; i < raycastTempData.Count; i++)
                    float curSqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(raycastTempData[i].point, origin);

                    if (curSqrDist > furthestSqrDist)
                        furthestSqrDist = curSqrDist;
                        furthest        = raycastTempData[i].point;

                hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh(furthest, SomeMath.SqrDistance(origin, furthest) < maxLengthSqr);

                CONTINUE : { continue; }
            hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh(origin, true, true);
Exemple #26
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, GameTime time, RenderTarget2D output)
            // Effectue une setup des render target

            // batch.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Transparent);
            batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone);

            // Dessin de debug de la map.
            int beginX = Math.Max(0, Scrolling.X / UnitSize);
            int beginY = Math.Max(0, Scrolling.Y / UnitSize);
            int endX   = Math.Min(beginX + (Viewport.Width / UnitSize + 1), Passability.GetLength(0));
            int endY   = Math.Min(beginY + (Viewport.Height / UnitSize + 1), Passability.GetLength(1));

            int smoothAlpha = (__oldScroll == ScrollingVector2 && UnitSize == __oldUnitSize) ? 25 : 255;

            bool[,] passability = Passability;
            for (int x = beginX; x < endX; x++)
                for (int y = beginY; y < endY; y++)
                    Point drawPos = new Point(x * UnitSize - Scrolling.X, y * UnitSize - Scrolling.Y);
                    int   r       = passability[x, y] ? 0 : 255;
                    int   b       = HasVision(VisionDisplayed, new Vector2(x, y)) ? 255 : 0;
                    int   a       = SMOOTH_LIGHT ? smoothAlpha : 255;
                    batch.Draw(Ressources.DummyTexture, new Rectangle(drawPos.X / TILE_SCALE, drawPos.Y / TILE_SCALE, UnitSize / TILE_SCALE, UnitSize / TILE_SCALE), new Color(r, 0, b, a));

            // Dessin des entités
            batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.NonPremultiplied);
            switch (m_sceneRenderer.Mode)
            case DataMode.Direct:
                foreach (var kvp in Map.Entities)
                    m_entityRenderer.Draw(batch, time, kvp.Value);
                foreach (var cast in Map.Spellcasts)
                    float   radius = 0.0f;
                    Vector2 size   = Vector2.Zero;
                    Codinsa2015.Server.Shapes.CircleShape    circ = cast.GetShape() as Codinsa2015.Server.Shapes.CircleShape;
                    Codinsa2015.Server.Shapes.RectangleShape rect = cast.GetShape() as Codinsa2015.Server.Shapes.RectangleShape;
                    if (circ != null)
                        radius = circ.Radius;
                    if (rect != null)
                        size = new Vector2(rect.Width, rect.Height);

                        new Views.GenericShapeView()
                        Position  = cast.GetShape().Position,
                        Radius    = radius,
                        Size      = size,
                        ShapeType = (circ == null) ? Views.GenericShapeType.Rectangle : Views.GenericShapeType.Circle

            case DataMode.Remote:
                foreach (var entity in MapView.Entities)
                    // m_entityRenderer.Draw(batch, time, entity.Position, entity.Type, entity.Role);
                foreach (var cast in MapView.SpellCasts)
                    m_spellCastRenderer.Draw(batch, cast.Shape, cast.Name);

            // Blur

            /*for (int i = 0; i < BLUR_PASSES; i++)
             * {
             *  m_blur.PerformGaussianBlur(m_tilesRenderTarget, m_tmpRenderTarget, m_tmpRenderTarget2, batch);
             *  m_blur.PerformGaussianBlur(m_tmpRenderTarget2, m_tmpRenderTarget, m_tilesRenderTarget, batch);
             * }*/

            // Dessin du tout
            Ressources.MapEffect.Parameters["scrolling"].SetValue(new Vector2(Scrolling.X / (float)Viewport.Width, Scrolling.Y / (float)Viewport.Height));
            Ressources.MapEffect.Parameters["xPixelSize"].SetValue(new Vector2(1.0f / Viewport.Width, 1.0f / Viewport.Height));
            __xShaderTime += 0.0005f;

            // Dessine les tiles avec le shader
            batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone, Ressources.MapEffect);
            batch.Draw(m_tilesRenderTarget, Viewport, null, Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, GraphicsHelpers.Z.Map);

            // Dessine les entités.
            batch.Draw(m_entitiesRenderTarget, Viewport, null, Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, GraphicsHelpers.Z.Entities);

            __oldScroll   = ScrollingVector2;
            __oldUnitSize = UnitSize;