static void Main(string[] args) { WebUtils.DefaultTimeout = 10000; WebUtils.NumRetries = 3; WebUtils.WaitBetweenRetries = 5000; WebUtils.ReadWriteTimeout = 30000; ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 8; DateTime startTime = DateTime.MinValue; Logger rootLogger = Logger.GetRootLogger(); rootLogger.LocalLevel = Logger.Level.Debug; rootLogger.LocalOutputType = Logger.OutputType.Console; if (Config.LogFileName != null) { rootLogger.LocalOutputWriter = new StreamWriter(Config.LogFileName, /*append=*/ true); rootLogger.LocalOutputType |= Logger.OutputType.Writer; } ArrayList <StreamDataProducerPoll> dataReaders = new ArrayList <StreamDataProducerPoll>(); ArrayList <StreamDataConsumer> dataConsumers = new ArrayList <StreamDataConsumer>(); Dictionary <IWorkflowComponent, Guid> components = new Dictionary <IWorkflowComponent, Guid>(); // init logging Logger logger = Logger.GetLogger("Latino.Workflows.Dacq"); // start HTTP server bool exit = false; bool httpServerRunning = false; if (Config.ClientIp != null) { new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate() { HttpListener listener = new HttpListener(); listener.AuthenticationSchemes = AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous; listener.Prefixes.Add(string.Format("http://localhost/{0}/", Config.WebSiteId)); listener.Prefixes.Add(string.Format("{0}/", Config.WebSiteId)); listener.Start(); logger.Info("Main.HttpServer", "HTTP server started."); httpServerRunning = true; DateTime prevRequestTime = DateTime.MinValue; while (!exit) { try { HttpListenerContext ctx = null; listener.BeginGetContext(new AsyncCallback(delegate(IAsyncResult ar) { try { ctx = listener.EndGetContext(ar); } catch { } }), /*state=*/ null); while (!exit && ctx == null) { Thread.Sleep(500); } if (!exit) { // process requests one by one ctx.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml"); XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; settings.CheckCharacters = false; settings.Indent = true; XmlWriter w = XmlTextWriter.Create(ctx.Response.OutputStream, settings); w.WriteStartElement("DacqResponse"); w.WriteElementString("DacqStartTime", startTime.ToString(TIME_FORMAT)); if (prevRequestTime == DateTime.MinValue) { prevRequestTime = startTime; } DateTime thisRequestTime = DateTime.Now; string command = GetHttpRequestCommand(ctx.Request.Url.ToString()); if (command == "components") { w.WriteElementString("PreviousRequestTime", prevRequestTime.ToString(TIME_FORMAT)); w.WriteElementString("ThisRequestTime", thisRequestTime.ToString(TIME_FORMAT)); } w.WriteElementString("Request", ctx.Request.Url.ToString()); w.WriteElementString("Command", command); w.WriteStartElement("ResponseBody"); if (command == "help") { WriteSupportedCommands(w); } else if (command == "components") { WriteComponentInfo(w, components, thisRequestTime, prevRequestTime); prevRequestTime = thisRequestTime; } else if (command == "sources") { WriteRssInfo(w, components); } w.WriteEndElement(); // ResponseBody w.WriteEndElement(); // DacqResponse w.Close(); ctx.Response.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Warn("Main.HttpServer", e); } } listener.Stop(); logger.Info("Main.HttpServer", "HTTP server stopped."); httpServerRunning = false; })).Start(); } Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { logger.Info("Main", "*** Ctrl-C command received. ***"); e.Cancel = true; exit = true; string componentsStr = ""; foreach (StreamDataProducerPoll c in dataReaders) { if (c.IsRunning) { componentsStr += "\r\n" + c.GetType() + " : " + c.Name; } } foreach (StreamDataConsumer dataConsumer in dataConsumers) { if (dataConsumer.IsRunning) { componentsStr += "\r\n" + dataConsumer.GetType() + " : " + dataConsumer.Load; } } logger.Info("Main", "Active components:" + componentsStr); }; logger.Info("Main", "Starting Dacq ..."); // initialize database writers PassOnComponent lb = new PassOnComponent(); // data load balancer lb.DispatchPolicy = DispatchPolicy.BalanceLoadMax; dataConsumers.Add(lb); if (Config.DbConnectionString != null) { if (!Config.SkipBoilerplateHistoryInit) { UrlTreeBoilerplateRemoverComponent.InitializeHistory(Config.DbConnectionString); RssFeedComponent.DatabaseConnectionString = Config.DbConnectionString; } } for (int i = 0; i < Config.NumPipes; i++) { DocumentWriterComponent dwc = new DocumentWriterComponent(Config.DbConnectionStringDump, /*cmdTimeout=*/ 0, Config.XmlDataDumpRoot, Config.HtmlDataDumpRoot, Config.HtmlDumpViewRoot); UrlTreeBoilerplateRemoverComponent bpr = new UrlTreeBoilerplateRemoverComponent(); DocumentWriterComponent dw = new DocumentWriterComponent(Config.DbConnectionString, /*cmdTimeout=*/ 0, Config.XmlDataRoot, Config.HtmlDataRoot, Config.HtmlViewRoot); HtmlTokenizerComponent htc = new HtmlTokenizerComponent(); SentenceSplitterComponent ssc = null; EnglishTokenizerComponent tok = null; EnglishLemmatizerComponent lem = null; EnglishPosTaggerComponent pt = null; if (Config.Language == "English") { ssc = new SentenceSplitterComponent(); tok = new EnglishTokenizerComponent(); lem = new EnglishLemmatizerComponent(EnglishLemmatizerComponent.Type.Both); pt = new EnglishPosTaggerComponent(); } LanguageDetectorComponent ld = new LanguageDetectorComponent(); DocumentFilterComponent df = new DocumentFilterComponent(); df.OnFilterDocument += new DocumentFilterComponent.FilterDocumentHandler(delegate(Document document, Logger dfLogger) { string docId = document.Features.GetFeatureValue("guid"); // remove items without link in RSS document if (document.Features.GetFeatureValue("contentType") != "Text") { dfLogger.Info("OnFilterDocument", "Document rejected: contentType not Text (id={0}).", docId); return(false); } // remove items with blacklisted URL if (document.Features.GetFeatureValue("blacklisted") == "True") { dfLogger.Info("OnFilterDocument", "Document rejected: responseUrl blacklisted (id={0}).", docId); return(false); } // remove items with not enough content if (Convert.ToInt32(document.Features.GetFeatureValue("bprContentCharCount")) < 100) { dfLogger.Info("OnFilterDocument", "Document rejected: bprContentCharCount < 100 (id={0}).", docId); return(false); } // remove unsupported languages if (document.Features.GetFeatureValue("detectedCharRange") != "Basic Latin") { dfLogger.Info("OnFilterDocument", "Document rejected: detectedCharRange not Basic Latin (id={0}).", docId); return(false); } if (document.Features.GetFeatureValue("detectedLanguage") != Config.Language) { dfLogger.Info("OnFilterDocument", "Document rejected: detectedLanguage not {1} but {2} (id={0}).", docId, Config.Language, document.Features.GetFeatureValue("detectedLanguage")); return(false); } // remove exact duplicates if (document.Features.GetFeatureValue("unseenContent") == "No") { dfLogger.Info("OnFilterDocument", "Document rejected: no unseen content (id={0}).", docId); return(false); } return(true); }); ld.BlockSelector = "TextBlock/Content"; // due to problems with df.SubscribeDumpConsumer(dwc); lb.Subscribe(htc); htc.Subscribe(bpr); bpr.Subscribe(ld); ld.Subscribe(df); if (Config.Language == "English") { df.Subscribe(ssc); ssc.Subscribe(tok); tok.Subscribe(lem); lem.Subscribe(pt); pt.Subscribe(dw); dataConsumers.AddRange(new StreamDataConsumer[] { dwc, df, ld, htc, ssc, tok, pt, dw, lem, bpr }); } else { df.Subscribe(dw); dataConsumers.AddRange(new StreamDataConsumer[] { dwc, df, ld, htc, dw, bpr }); } } // initialize stream simulator if (Config.OfflineSource != null) { DocumentStreamReaderComponent dsr = new DocumentStreamReaderComponent(Config.OfflineSource); dsr.Name = Config.OfflineSource; dataReaders.Add(dsr); dsr.Subscribe(lb); } // initialize RSS feed components int j = 0; RssFeedComponent rssComp = null; Set <string> sites = new Set <string>(); if (Config.DataSourcesFileName != null) { string[] sources = File.ReadAllLines(Config.DataSourcesFileName); foreach (string _url in sources) { string url = _url.Trim(); if (url != "" && !url.StartsWith("#")) { Match m; if ((m = Regex.Match(url, @"^site\s*:(?<siteId>.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).Success) { string siteId = m.Result("${siteId}").Trim().ToLower(); if (sites.Contains(siteId)) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Duplicated site identifier ({0}).", siteId)); } sites.Add(siteId); rssComp = new RssFeedComponent(siteId); if (Config.Language != "") { rssComp.RssXmlCodePageDetectorLanguage = (Language)Enum.Parse(typeof(Language), Config.Language); } rssComp.MaxDocsPerCorpus = Config.MaxDocsPerCorpus; rssComp.RandomDelayAtStart = Config.RandomDelayAtStart; rssComp.Name = siteId; rssComp.TimeBetweenPolls = Config.SleepBetweenPolls; rssComp.IncludeRssXml = true; rssComp.Initialize(); rssComp.IncludeRawData = true; rssComp.Subscribe(lb); dataReaders.Add(rssComp); j++; } else if (rssComp != null) { rssComp.AddSource(url); } } } } foreach (StreamDataProducerPoll c in dataReaders) { c.Start(); } foreach (IWorkflowComponent obj in dataReaders) { components.Add(obj, Guid.NewGuid()); } foreach (IWorkflowComponent obj in dataConsumers) { components.Add(obj, Guid.NewGuid()); } startTime = DateTime.Now; while (!exit) { Thread.Sleep(500); } // shut down gracefully logger.Info("Main", "Please wait while shutting down ..."); // wait for HTTP server shutdown while (httpServerRunning) { Thread.Sleep(500); } // stop RSS components foreach (StreamDataProducerPoll c in dataReaders) { c.Stop(); } foreach (StreamDataProducerPoll c in dataReaders) { while (c.IsRunning) { Thread.Sleep(500); } } // wait for all data consumers to finish foreach (StreamDataConsumer dataConsumer in dataConsumers) { if (dataConsumer.IsRunning) { while (!dataConsumer.IsSuspended) { Thread.Sleep(500); } } dataConsumer.Dispose(); } logger.Info("Main", "Dacq successfully stopped."); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Logger logger = Logger.GetRootLogger(); ZeroMqReceiverComponent zmqRcv = new ZeroMqReceiverComponent(delegate(string key) { if (key == "MessageSendAddress" || key == "ReceiveLoadBalancingAdress" || key == "FinishPublish") { return(null); } // ignore these settings return(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(key)); }); ZeroMqEmitterComponent zmqEmt = new ZeroMqEmitterComponent(delegate(string key) { if (key == "MessageReceiveAddress" || key == "SendLoadBalancingAddress" || key == "FinishReceive") { return(null); } // ignore these settings return(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(key)); }); PassOnComponent oldBranch = new PassOnComponent(); // first branch (goes to WP4) oldBranch.DispatchPolicy = DispatchPolicy.BalanceLoadMax; PassOnComponent bypass = new PassOnComponent(); // second branch ("bypass", writes to DB) bypass.DispatchPolicy = DispatchPolicy.BalanceLoadMax; zmqRcv.Subscribe(oldBranch); zmqRcv.Subscribe(bypass); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIPES; i++) { DocumentFilterComponent rcv = new DocumentFilterComponent(); rcv.OnFilterDocument += new DocumentFilterComponent.FilterDocumentHandler(delegate(Document doc, Logger log) { Console.WriteLine("RCV " + doc.Name); return(true); }); DocumentCategorizerComponent cc = new DocumentCategorizerComponent(); cc.BlockSelector = "TextBlock/Content"; DocumentFilterComponent dfc = new DocumentFilterComponent(); dfc.OnFilterDocument += new DocumentFilterComponent.FilterDocumentHandler(Filter); EntityRecognitionComponent erc = new EntityRecognitionComponent(ONTOLOGY_FOLDER); erc.BlockSelector = "TextBlock/Content"; DocumentFilterComponent snd = new DocumentFilterComponent(); snd.OnFilterDocument += new DocumentFilterComponent.FilterDocumentHandler(delegate(Document doc, Logger log) { Console.WriteLine("SND " + doc.Name + " [" + doc.Features.GetFeatureValue("fullId") + "]"); return(true); }); GenericStreamDataProcessor mkId = new GenericStreamDataProcessor(); mkId.OnProcessData += new GenericStreamDataProcessor.ProcessDataHandler(delegate(IDataProducer sender, object data) { DocumentCorpus c = (DocumentCorpus)data; string corpusId = c.Features.GetFeatureValue("guid").Replace("-", ""); DateTime timeEnd = DateTime.Parse(c.Features.GetFeatureValue("timeEnd")); foreach (Document d in c.Documents) { string docId = d.Features.GetFeatureValue("guid").Replace("-", ""); string fullId = timeEnd.ToString("HH_mm_ss_") + corpusId + "_" + docId; d.Features.SetFeatureValue("fullId", fullId); } return(data); }); oldBranch.Subscribe(rcv); rcv.Subscribe(cc); cc.Subscribe(dfc); dfc.Subscribe(erc); erc.Subscribe(mkId); mkId.Subscribe(snd); snd.Subscribe(zmqEmt); } // Petra's code Ontology o = new Ontology(ONTOLOGY_FOLDER_BYPASS); o.ToDb(CONNECTION_STRING_OCCURRENCE); // fill DB tables entity and class // end of Petra's code for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PIPES_BYPASS; i++) { // create components EntityRecognitionComponent erc = new EntityRecognitionComponent(ONTOLOGY_FOLDER_BYPASS); erc.BlockSelector = "TextBlock/Content"; OntologyCategorizerComponent occ = new OntologyCategorizerComponent(); PumpIndexComponent pic = new PumpIndexComponent(); OccurrenceWriterComponent owc = new OccurrenceWriterComponent(CONNECTION_STRING_OCCURRENCE); DocumentWriterComponent dwc = new DocumentWriterComponent(null, /*cmdTimeout=*/ 0, XML_DATA_ROOT, null); // build branch bypass.Subscribe(erc); erc.Subscribe(occ); occ.Subscribe(pic); pic.Subscribe(owc); pic.Subscribe(dwc); } zmqRcv.Start(); logger.Info("Main", "The pipeline is running."); }