/// <summary>
        /// Compare with oid fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance1">Instance 1</param>
        /// <param name="instance2">Instance 2</param>
        /// <returns>0 if equals, -1 if instance1 is minor, 1 if instance2 is mayor</returns>
        public override int CompareUnionOID(ONInstance instance1, ONInstance instance2)
            // Null Management
            if ((instance1 == null) && (instance2 == null))
            else if (instance1 == null)
            else if (instance2 == null)

            PasajeroInstance lInstance1 = instance1 as PasajeroInstance;
            PasajeroInstance lInstance2 = instance2 as PasajeroInstance;

            int lCompare = 0;

            // id_Pasajero(Asc)
            lCompare = lInstance1.Id_PasajeroAttr.CompareTo(lInstance2.Id_PasajeroAttr);
            if (lCompare != 0)

Exemple #2
        public override bool FilterInMemory(ONInstance instance)
            PasajeroInstance lInstance = instance as PasajeroInstance;

            // SQL Optimized

        ///<summary> This method adds the order criteria to the SQL statement </summary>
        ///<param name = "onSql"> This parameter represents the SQL component </param>
        ///<param name = "comparer"> This parameter has all the information refering to the order criteria to add to SQL statement</param>
        /// <param name="startRowOid">This parameter has the OID necessary to start the search</param>
        /// <param name="blockSize">This parameter represents the number of instances to be returned</param>
        protected override void AddOrderCriteria(ONSqlSelect onSql, ONOrderCriteria comparer, ONOid startRowOid, int blockSize, ONPath initialPath)
            //Initilizate StartRow
            PasajeroInstance lInstance = null;

            if (startRowOid != null)
                lInstance     = new PasajeroInstance(OnContext);
                lInstance.Oid = startRowOid as PasajeroOid;

            //Default OrderCriteria
            if (comparer == null)
                string lAlias = onSql.GetAlias("Pasajero", initialPath);
                if (lInstance != null)
                    onSql.AddOrderBy(lAlias, CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO, OrderByTypeEnumerator.Asc, lInstance.Oid.Id_PasajeroAttr);
                    onSql.AddOrderBy(lAlias, CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO, OrderByTypeEnumerator.Asc, null);

            //Add OrderCriteria
            bool lUseStartRow = (!comparer.InMemory);

            foreach (ONOrderCriteriaItem lOrderCriteriaItem in comparer.OrderCriteriaSqlItem)
                ONPath lPath = new ONPath(lOrderCriteriaItem.OnPath);
                if ((lInstance != null) && (lUseStartRow))
                    ONSimpleType lAttrStartRow = null;

                    if (lPath.Path == "")
                        lAttrStartRow = lInstance[lOrderCriteriaItem.Attribute] as ONSimpleType;
                        ONCollection lCollection = (lInstance[lPath.Path] as ONCollection);
                        if ((lCollection != null) && (lCollection.Count > 0))
                            lAttrStartRow = lCollection[0][lOrderCriteriaItem.Attribute] as ONSimpleType;
                    onSql.AddOrderBy(PasajeroData.AddPath(onSql, JoinType.LeftJoin, lOrderCriteriaItem.Facet, lPath, null, lOrderCriteriaItem.DomainArgument, false), lOrderCriteriaItem.Attribute, lOrderCriteriaItem.Type, lAttrStartRow);
                    lUseStartRow = (lAttrStartRow != null);
                    onSql.AddOrderBy(PasajeroData.AddPath(onSql, JoinType.LeftJoin, lOrderCriteriaItem.Facet, lPath, null, lOrderCriteriaItem.DomainArgument, false), lOrderCriteriaItem.Attribute, lOrderCriteriaItem.Type, null);
        /// This method builds the SQL statment to delete the instance in database
        ///<param name = instance>
        ///This parameter represents the instance to be deleted in the database
        public override void UpdateDeleted(ONInstance instance)
            PasajeroInstance lInstance = instance as PasajeroInstance;

            ONSqlDelete lOnSql = new ONSqlDelete();

            lOnSql.AddWhere(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO, lInstance.Oid.Id_PasajeroAttr);
Exemple #5
        public PasajeroInstance Create_instanceServ(PasajeroAeronaveOid p_agrPasajeroAeronaveArg, ONInt p_atrid_PasajeroArg, ONText p_atrNombreArg)
            // Create new context
            using (ONServiceContext lOnContext = new ONServiceContext(OnContext))
                // Call Executive
                PasajeroExecutive lExecutive = new PasajeroExecutive();
                lExecutive.OnContext = lOnContext;
                lExecutive.Instance  = Instance;
                Instance             = lExecutive.Create_instanceServ(p_agrPasajeroAeronaveArg, p_atrid_PasajeroArg, p_atrNombreArg);

        public static string RetrieveInstances(ONSqlSelect onSql, ONDisplaySet displaySet, ONPath onPath, ONContext onContext)
            string       lAlias    = onSql.CreateAlias(CtesBD.TBL_PASAJERO, onPath, "Pasajero");
            ONDisplaySet lSourceDS = null;

            if (displaySet != null)
                lSourceDS = new ONDisplaySet(displaySet);
            if (displaySet == null)
                onSql.AddSelect(lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO + ", " + lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ESTADOOBJ + ", " + lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_FUM);
                displaySet.Add(new ONDisplaySetItem(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO));
                onSql.AddSelect(lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO);

                displaySet.Add(new ONDisplaySetItem(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ESTADOOBJ));
                onSql.AddSelect(lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ESTADOOBJ);

                displaySet.Add(new ONDisplaySetItem(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_FUM));
                onSql.AddSelect(lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_FUM);

                if (lSourceDS.Contains(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_NOMBRE))
                    displaySet.Add(new ONDisplaySetItem(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_NOMBRE));
                    onSql.AddSelect(lAlias + "." + CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_NOMBRE);

            // Related attributes
            if (displaySet != null)
                foreach (ONDisplaySetItem lDisplaySetItem in lSourceDS)
                    if ((lDisplaySetItem.Path.IndexOf(".") > 0) && (lDisplaySetItem.InData) && (!lDisplaySetItem.HasHV))

                        string lPath      = lDisplaySetItem.Path.Substring(0, lDisplaySetItem.Path.LastIndexOf("."));
                        string lFacetName = PasajeroInstance.GetTargetClass(onContext, typeof(PasajeroInstance), new ONPath(lDisplaySetItem.Path));
                        onSql.AddSelect(AddPath(onSql, JoinType.LeftJoin, lFacetName, new ONPath(lPath), onPath, "", false) + "." + ONInstance.GetFieldNameOfAttribute(typeof(PasajeroInstance), new ONPath(lDisplaySetItem.Path)));
        /// <summary>This method builds the SQL statement to insert the instance in database</summary>
        /// <param name="instance">This parameter represents the instance to be inserted in the database</param>
        public override void UpdateAdded(ONInstance instance)
            PasajeroInstance lInstance = instance as PasajeroInstance;

            ONSqlInsert lOnSql = new ONSqlInsert();

            // Field 'id_Pasajero'
            lOnSql.AddValue(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO, lInstance.Oid.Id_PasajeroAttr);
            lOnSql.AddValue(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ESTADOOBJ, lInstance.StateObj);
            lOnSql.AddValue(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_FUM, new ONDateTime(DateTime.Now));
            // Field 'Nombre'
            lOnSql.AddValue(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_NOMBRE, lInstance.NombreAttr);
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the data retrieved from the Data Base to components of the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="onContext">This parameter has the current context</param>
        /// <param name="columns">This parameter has the data collected from the database</param>
        /// <param name="index">This parameter has the position of the first data to fix in the application</param>
        public static PasajeroInstance LoadFacet(ONContext onContext, ONDisplaySet displaySet, object[] columns, ref int index)
            PasajeroInstance lInstance = new PasajeroInstance(onContext);

            lInstance.Oid = new PasajeroOid();

            // Field 'id_Pasajero'
            lInstance.Oid.Id_PasajeroAttr = new ONInt(Convert.ToInt32(columns[index++]));
            lInstance.StateObj            = new ONString(((string)columns[index++]).TrimEnd());
            lInstance.Lmd = new ONDateTime((DateTime)columns[index++]);
            if ((displaySet != null) && (displaySet.Contains("Nombre")))
                lInstance.NombreAttr = new ONText((string)columns[index++]);

            lInstance.Modified = false;
        protected override ONInstance InhGetInstance(ONContext onContext, ONFilterList onFilterList)
            // Add oid filter to the list
            ONFilterList lOnFilterList = new ONFilterList(onFilterList);

            lOnFilterList.Add("QueryByOid", new QueryByOidFilter(this));

            // Search Instance
            ONInstance lInstance = new PasajeroInstance(onContext);

            lInstance.Oid = this;
            lInstance     = lInstance.Find(lOnFilterList);
            if (lInstance == null)
                lInstance = new PasajeroInstance(onContext);

        internal PasajeroInstance Create_instanceServ(PasajeroAeronaveOid p_agrPasajeroAeronaveArg, ONInt p_atrid_PasajeroArg, ONText p_atrNombreArg)
            if (Instance != null)
                ONFilterList onfilt = new ONFilterList();
                onfilt.Add("QueryByOid", new QueryByOidFilter(Instance.Oid));
            // Execute service
            PasajeroAction lAction = new PasajeroAction(OnContext);

            lAction.Instance = new PasajeroInstance(OnContext);
            Instance         = lAction.Create_instanceServ(p_agrPasajeroAeronaveArg, p_atrid_PasajeroArg, p_atrNombreArg);


        /// <summary>This method builds the SQL statement to edit the instance in database</summary>
        /// <param name="instance">This parameter represents the instance to be modified in the database</param>
        public override void UpdateEdited(ONInstance instance)
            PasajeroInstance lInstance = instance as PasajeroInstance;

            ONSqlUpdate lOnSql = new ONSqlUpdate();

            // Field 'id_Pasajero'
            // Update not needed (OID)
            lOnSql.AddSet(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ESTADOOBJ, lInstance.StateObj);
            lOnSql.AddSet(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_FUM, new ONDateTime(DateTime.Now));
            // Field 'Nombre'
            if (lInstance.NombreAttrModified)
                lOnSql.AddSet(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_NOMBRE, lInstance.NombreAttr);

            lOnSql.AddWhere(CtesBD.FLD_PASAJERO_ID_PASAJERO, lInstance.Oid.Id_PasajeroAttr);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the instances returned by a query in XML format in order to put it in XML message response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agentOid">OID with the agent connected to the system</param>
        /// <param name="xmlWriter">This parameter has the response message XML</param>
        /// <param name="val">Instances that fullfils with the query request</param>
        /// <param name="startRowOID">OID necessary to start the search</param>
        /// <param name="blockSize">Represents the number of instances to be returned</param>
        /// <param name="displaySet">Attributes to be returned in the response</param>
        /// <param name="dtdVersion">Version of DTD that follows the XML message</param>
        public override void ONQuery2XML(ONOid agentOid, XmlWriter xmlWriter, ONCollection val, ONOid startRowOID, int blockSize, ONDisplaySet displaySet, double dtdVersion)
            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Class", "Pasajero");
            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Name", "id_Pasajero");
            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Type", "autonumeric");
            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();             // Head.OID.Field

            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();             // Head.OID

            foreach (ONDisplaySetItem lDisplaySetItem in displaySet)
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Name", lDisplaySetItem.Path);
                string lType = ONInstance.GetTypeOfAttribute(typeof(PasajeroInstance), new ONPath(lDisplaySetItem.Path));
                if (lType == "")
                    lType = "string";
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Type", lType);
                xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();         // Head.Col
            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();             // Head.Cols
            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();             // Head

            // Search StartRow
            int i = 0;

            if (startRowOID != null)
                i = val.IndexOf(startRowOID) + 1;

            // Instance count
            int    lInstances    = 0;
            int    lNumInstances = 0;
            string lLastBlock    = "True";

            if (i >= 0)
                lNumInstances = val.Count - i;
                if ((blockSize > 0) && (lNumInstances > blockSize))
                    lNumInstances = blockSize;
                    lLastBlock    = "False";

            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Rows", lNumInstances.ToString());
            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("LastBlock", lLastBlock);
            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("TotalRows", val.totalNumInstances.ToString());
            while ((lInstances++ < lNumInstances) && (i < val.Count))
                PasajeroInstance lInstance = val[i++] as PasajeroInstance;

                ONXmlAutonumeric.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lInstance.Oid.Id_PasajeroAttr, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_O);

                foreach (ONDisplaySetItem lDisplaySetItem in displaySet)
                    if (lDisplaySetItem.Visibility == VisibilityState.NotChecked)
                        if (ONInstance.IsVisible(lInstance.GetType(), lDisplaySetItem.Path, lInstance.OnContext))
                            lDisplaySetItem.Visibility = VisibilityState.Visible;
                            lDisplaySetItem.Visibility = VisibilityState.NotVisible;
                    if (lDisplaySetItem.Visibility == VisibilityState.NotVisible)                     // No Visibility
                        xmlWriter.WriteElementString("V", null);
                        ONSimpleType lAttribute;
                        if (lDisplaySetItem.HasHV)
                            lAttribute = lInstance.DisplaysetItemValue(lDisplaySetItem.Path);
                            lAttribute = lInstance[lDisplaySetItem.Path] as ONSimpleType;

                        if (lAttribute is ONInt)
                            ONXmlInt.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONInt, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONString)
                            ONXmlString.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONString, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONBlob)
                            ONXmlBlob.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONBlob, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONBool)
                            ONXmlBool.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONBool, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONReal)
                            ONXmlReal.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONReal, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONInt)
                            ONXmlAutonumeric.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONInt, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONDate)
                            ONXmlDate.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONDate, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONDateTime)
                            ONXmlDateTime.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONDateTime, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONTime)
                            ONXmlTime.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONTime, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONNat)
                            ONXmlNat.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONNat, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONText)
                            ONXmlText.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONText, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                        else if (lAttribute is ONString)
                            ONXmlPassword.ON2XML(xmlWriter, lAttribute as ONString, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_V);
                xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();         // R
            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();             // Data
        public void Create_instanceServ(ref string ticket, ref ONOid agentOid, XmlReader xmlReader, XmlWriter xmlWriter, double dtdVersion, string clientName)
            // Process the service arguments
            ONServiceInfo lSInfo = new ONServiceInfo("Clas_1348178542592658Ser_1_Alias", PasajeroClassText.Create_instanceServiceAlias, "Clas_1348178542592658_Alias", PasajeroClassText.ClassAlias);

            lSInfo.AddOIDArgument("p_agrPasajeroAeronave", false, "PasajeroAeronave", "Clas_1348178542592658Ser_1Arg_4_Alias", PasajeroClassText.Create_instance_P_agrPasajeroAeronaveArgumentAlias);
            lSInfo.AddDataValuedArgument("p_atrid_Pasajero", false, DataTypeEnumerator.Autonumeric, 0, "Clas_1348178542592658Ser_1Arg_1_Alias", PasajeroClassText.Create_instance_P_atrid_PasajeroArgumentAlias);
            lSInfo.AddDataValuedArgument("p_atrNombre", false, DataTypeEnumerator.Text, 0, "Clas_1348178542592658Ser_1Arg_2_Alias", PasajeroClassText.Create_instance_P_atrNombreArgumentAlias);

                lSInfo.XML2ON(xmlReader, dtdVersion, true);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ONServiceArgumentsException(e, "Clas_1348178542592658_Alias", PasajeroClassText.ClassAlias, "Clas_1348178542592658Ser_1_Alias", PasajeroClassText.Create_instanceServiceAlias);

            PasajeroAeronaveOid lP_agrPasajeroAeronaveArg = (PasajeroAeronaveOid)((ONArgumentInfo)lSInfo.mArgumentList["p_agrPasajeroAeronave"]).Value;
            ONInt  lP_atrid_PasajeroArg = (ONInt)((ONArgumentInfo)lSInfo.mArgumentList["p_atrid_Pasajero"]).Value;
            ONText lP_atrNombreArg      = (ONText)((ONArgumentInfo)lSInfo.mArgumentList["p_atrNombre"]).Value;

            // Create Context
            ONServiceContext lOnContext = new ONServiceContext();

            lOnContext.OidAgent = agentOid;

            // Execute Service
            PasajeroInstance lInstance = null;

                ONFilterList             lFilterList = new ONFilterList();
                PasajeroAeronaveInstance lp_agrPasajeroAeronaveInstance = new PasajeroAeronaveInstance(lOnContext);
                if (lP_agrPasajeroAeronaveArg != null)
                    lFilterList = new ONFilterList();
                    lFilterList.Add("HorizontalVisibility", new PasajeroAeronaveHorizontalVisibility());
                    lp_agrPasajeroAeronaveInstance = lP_agrPasajeroAeronaveArg.GetInstance(lOnContext, lFilterList);
                    if (lp_agrPasajeroAeronaveInstance == null)
                        throw new ONInstanceNotExistException(null, "Clas_1348178542592177_Alias", PasajeroAeronaveClassText.ClassAlias);

                using (PasajeroServer lServer = new PasajeroServer(lOnContext, null))
                    lServer.Create_instanceServ(lP_agrPasajeroAeronaveArg, lP_atrid_PasajeroArg, lP_atrNombreArg);
                    lInstance = lServer.Instance;
                ticket = lOnContext.GetTicket(dtdVersion, clientName);
            catch (SecurityException)
                throw new ONAccessAgentValidationException(null);

            // Write Oid
            if (dtdVersion >= 3.1)
                if (lInstance != null)
                    ON2XML(xmlWriter, lInstance.Oid, dtdVersion, ONXml.XMLTAG_OIDFIELD);

            // Write Outbound Arguments
            // Write Outbound Arguments
            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();             // Arguments
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="onContext">This parameter has the current context</param>
 /// <param name="instance">This parameter has the instance that exectues the service</param>
 public PasajeroServer(ONServiceContext onContext, PasajeroInstance instance) : base(onContext, instance, "Pasajero")
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the SQL statment over the Data Base connected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="onSql">This parameter has the current SQL statment</param>
        /// <param name="onFilterList">List of filters to check</param>
        /// <param name="comparer">This parameter has all the information refering to the order criteria to add to SQL statment</param>
        /// <param name="startRowOid">This parameter has the OID necessary to start the search</param>
        /// <param name="blockSize">This parameter represents the number of instances to be returned</param>
        public override ONCollection ExecuteSql(ONSql onSql, ONFilterList onFilterList, ONDisplaySet displaySet, ONOrderCriteria orderCriteria, ONOid startRowOid, int blockSize)
            PasajeroCollection lQuery = null;
            bool lWithStartRow        = (startRowOid != null).TypedValue;
            long lCount = -1;

            if (!lWithStartRow)
                lCount = 0;

            IDataReader     lDataReader      = null;
            ONSQLConnection lOnSQLConnection = null;

                lDataReader = Execute(onSql) as IDataReader;

                PasajeroInstance lInstance    = null;
                PasajeroInstance lAntInstance = null;
                if (lDataReader != null)
                    object[] lColumns;
                    if (displaySet == null)
                        lColumns = new object[3];
                        lColumns = new object[displaySet.ElementsInData];

                    lQuery = new PasajeroCollection(OnContext);
                    bool lFoundStartRow = false;
                    while (lDataReader.Read())
                        lAntInstance = lInstance;

                        // Read Columns

                        // Read Instance
                        int lIndex = 0;
                        lInstance = LoadFacet(OnContext, displaySet, lColumns, ref lIndex);

                        // Read related attributes
                        if (displaySet != null)
                            LoadRelated(OnContext, displaySet, lColumns, lIndex, lInstance);

                        if (lCount >= 0)                         // Add the load instance
                            if ((onFilterList == null) || (!onFilterList.InMemory))
                                // Add to the Instance list
                                ONSQLConnection lSQLConnectionOld = (ONSQLConnection)lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection;

                                // Set another connection because it is imposible to use
                                // the same connection that is used in the DataReader
                                if (lOnSQLConnection == null)
                                    lOnSQLConnection = GetConnection();
                                lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection = lOnSQLConnection;

                                if (onFilterList.FilterInMemory(lInstance))
                                    // Add to the Instance list

                                lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection = lSQLConnectionOld;
                            if ((orderCriteria != null) && (orderCriteria.InMemory))                             // Need to load for ordering in memory after loading
                                if (lAntInstance != null)
                                    // Set another connection because it is imposible to use
                                    // the same connection that is used in the DataReader
                                    ONSQLConnection lOnSQLConnectionOld = lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection as ONSQLConnection;
                                    if (lOnSQLConnection == null)
                                        lOnSQLConnection = GetConnection();
                                    lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection = lOnSQLConnection;

                                    int lCompare = orderCriteria.CompareSql(lInstance, lAntInstance);
                                    if (lCompare != 0)
                                        if (lFoundStartRow)
                                            lCount = 1;

                                    // Restores the old connection
                                    lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection = lOnSQLConnectionOld;

                                if ((onFilterList == null) || (!onFilterList.InMemory))
                                    // Add to the Instance list
                                    ONSQLConnection lSQLConnectionOld = (ONSQLConnection)lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection;

                                    // Set another connection because it is imposible to use
                                    // the same connection that is used in the DataReader
                                    if (lOnSQLConnection == null)
                                        lOnSQLConnection = GetConnection();
                                    lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection = lOnSQLConnection;

                                    if (onFilterList.FilterInMemory(lInstance))
                                        // Add to the Instance list

                                    lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection = lSQLConnectionOld;

                                if (lInstance.Oid.Equals(startRowOid))
                                    lFoundStartRow = true;

                            else if (lInstance.Oid.Equals(startRowOid))                             // Search the start row
                                lCount = 0;

                        // Stop loading
                        if ((blockSize != 0) && (lCount > blockSize))
                            if (orderCriteria == null)
                                // Set another connection because it is imposible to use
                                // the same connection that is used in the DataReader
                                ONSQLConnection lOnSQLConnectionOld = lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection as ONSQLConnection;
                                if (lOnSQLConnection == null)
                                    lOnSQLConnection = GetConnection();
                                lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection = lOnSQLConnection;

                                int lCompare = orderCriteria.CompareSql(lInstance, lAntInstance);

                                // Restores the old connection
                                lInstance.OnContext.SqlConnection = lOnSQLConnectionOld;

                                if (lCompare > 0)
            catch (Exception e)
                string ltraceItem = "Method: ExecuteSql, Component: PasajeroData";
                if (e is ONSystemException)
                    ONSystemException lException = e as ONSystemException;
                    throw lException;
                throw new ONSystemException(e, ltraceItem);
                if (lOnSQLConnection != null)
                if (lDataReader != null)
                    if (mSqlCommand != null)
                if ((onFilterList != null) && (onFilterList.InMemory) && !lWithStartRow && (lCount <= blockSize))
                    lQuery.totalNumInstances = lQuery.Count;
