/// <summary> /// Method Name: LoadContainer /// The function is called to populate the container object with the data from the database file /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">the Name of the database file</param> /// <returns>A boolean indicating whether the operation was successful</returns> public bool LoadContainer() { bool result = true; string[] fileContents; // create string to hold file contents string[] input; Int32 validCount = 0; Int32 lineCount = 0; Int32 entryCount = 0; Employee e = new Employee(); bool duplicate = false; fileContents = dbFile.dBaseOpen_R(); // fill the string with file contents container.Clear(); Console.Clear(); foreach (string s in fileContents) { lineCount++; if (s != "") { input = s.Split('|'); if (s[0] == 'F') { entryCount++; FulltimeEmployee f = new FulltimeEmployee(); if (!f.SetLastName(input[1]) || !f.SetFirstName(input[2]) || !f.SetSIN(input[3]) || !f.SetDOB(input[4]) || !f.SetDateOfHire(input[5]) || !f.SetDateOfTermination(input[6]) || !f.SetSalary(input[7])) { log.writeLog(f.produceLogString("LOAD", "1 entry corrupt", s, "FAILED")); result = false; } else { foreach (Object o in container) { e = (Employee)o; if (e.GetSIN() == f.GetSIN()) { duplicate = true; } } if (duplicate == false) { container.Add(f); validCount++; } else { log.writeLog(f.produceLogString("LOAD", "1 entry corrupt", s, "FAILED")); duplicate = false; result = false; } } } else if (s[0] == 'P') { entryCount++; ParttimeEmployee p = new ParttimeEmployee(); if (!p.SetLastName(input[1]) || !p.SetFirstName(input[2]) || !p.SetSIN(input[3]) || !p.SetDOB(input[4]) || !p.SetDateOfHire(input[5]) || !p.SetDateOfTermination(input[6]) || !p.SetHourlyRate(input[7])) { log.writeLog(p.produceLogString("LOAD", "1 entry corrupt", s, "FAILED")); result = false; } else { foreach (Object o in container) { e = (Employee)o; if (e.GetSIN() == p.GetSIN()) { duplicate = true; } } if (duplicate == false) { container.Add(p); validCount++; } else { log.writeLog(p.produceLogString("LOAD", "1 entry corrupt", s, "FAILED")); duplicate = false; result = false; } } } else if (s[0] == 'C') { entryCount++; ContractEmployee c = new ContractEmployee(); if (!c.SetLastName(input[1]) || !c.SetFirstName(input[2]) || !c.SetSIN(input[3]) || !c.SetDOB(input[4]) || !c.SetContractStartDate(input[5]) || !c.SetContractEndDate(input[6]) || !c.SetFixedContractAmt(input[7])) { log.writeLog(c.produceLogString("LOAD", "1 entry corrupt", s, "FAILED")); result = false; } else { foreach (Object o in container) { e = (Employee)o; if (e.GetSIN() == c.GetSIN()) { duplicate = true; } } if (duplicate == false) { container.Add(c); validCount++; } else { log.writeLog(c.produceLogString("LOAD", "1 entry corrupt", s, "FAILED")); duplicate = false; result = false; } } } else if (s[0] == 'S') { entryCount++; SeasonalEmployee n = new SeasonalEmployee(); if (!n.SetLastName(input[1]) || !n.SetFirstName(input[2]) || !n.SetSIN(input[3]) || !n.SetDOB(input[4]) || !n.SetSeason(input[5]) || !n.SetPiecePay(input[6])) { log.writeLog(n.produceLogString("LOAD", "1 entry corrupt", s, "FAILED")); result = false; } else { foreach (Object o in container) { e = (Employee)o; if (e.GetSIN() == n.GetSIN()) { duplicate = true; } } if (duplicate == false) { container.Add(n); validCount++; } else { log.writeLog(n.produceLogString("LOAD", "1 entry corrupt", s, "FAILED")); duplicate = false; result = false; } } } } } Console.WriteLine("\n\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOTAL LINES READ : " + lineCount); Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOTAL ENTRIES FOUND : " + entryCount); Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOTAL VALID ENTRIES LOADED : " + validCount); return(result); }
protected void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isAllValid = true; ParttimeEmployee pt = new ParttimeEmployee(); FulltimeEmployee ft = new FulltimeEmployee(); SeasonalEmployee sl = new SeasonalEmployee(); ContractEmployee ct = new ContractEmployee(); List <string> normalUpdates = new List <string>(); List <string> specificUpdates = new List <string>(); string updateString = "UPDATE tb_Emp SET"; string updateSpecific = "UPDATE tb_"; int empID = 0; string empType = Session["type"].ToString(); if (empType == "FT") { updateSpecific += "Ft"; } else if (empType == "PT") { updateSpecific += "Pt"; } else if (empType == "SL") { updateSpecific += "Sl"; } else if (empType == "CT") { updateSpecific += "Ct"; } updateSpecific += "Emp SET "; string endUpdate = " OUTPUT INSERTED.empID WHERE socialInsNumber=" + Session["sin"] + " and firstName='" + Session["fname"] + "' and lastName='" + Session["lname"] + "' and companyName='" + Session["company"] + "';"; //string updateSpecificString = "UPDATE " + //for fulltime if (ftfName.Text != "") { if (!ft.SetFirstName(ftfName.Text)) { ftfNameError.Text += "<b>First Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("firstName='" + ftfName.Text + "'"); } if (ftlName.Text != "") { if (!ft.SetLastName(ftlName.Text)) { ftlNameError.Text += "<b>Last Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("lastName='" + ftlName.Text + "'"); } if (ftSin.Text != "") { if (!ft.SetSIN(ftSin.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ftSinError.Text += "<b>SIN</b> should be 9-digit number"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("socialInsNumber=" + ftSin.Text); } if (ftDOB.Text != "") { if (!ft.SetDOB(ftDOB.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ftDOBError.Text += "<b>Date Of Hire</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("dateOfBirth'" + ftDOB.Text + "'"); } if (ftDateHire.Text != "") { if (!ft.SetDateOfHire(ftDateHire.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ftDateHireError.Text += "<b>Date Of Birth</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("dateOfHire='" + ftDateHire.Text + "'"); } if (ftDateTerm.Text != "") { if (!ft.SetDateOfTermination(ftDateTerm.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ftDateTerm.Text != "") { ftDateTermError.Text += "<b>Date Of Termination</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("dateOfTermination='" + ftDateTerm.Text + "'"); } if (ftSalary.Text != "") { if (!ft.SetSalary(ftSalary.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ftSalary.Text != "") { ftSalaryError.Text += "<b>Salary</b> should be a number higher than 0"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("salary=" + ftSalary.Text + ""); } //for part time if (ptfName.Text != "") { if (!pt.SetFirstName(ptfName.Text)) { ptfNameError.Text += "<b>First Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("firstName='" + ptfName.Text + "'"); } if (ptlName.Text != "") { if (!pt.SetLastName(ptlName.Text) || ptlName.Text == "") { ptlNameError.Text += "<b>Last Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("lastName='" + ptlName.Text + "'"); } if (ptSin.Text != "") { if (!pt.SetSIN(ptSin.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ptSinError.Text += "<b>SIN</b> should be 9-digit number"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("socialInsNumber=" + ptSin.Text); } if (ptDOB.Text != "") { if (!pt.SetDOB(ptDOB.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ptDOBError.Text += "<b>Date Of Birth</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("dateOfBirth='" + ptDOB.Text + "'"); } if (ptDateHire.Text != "") { if (!pt.SetDateOfHire(ptDateHire.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ptDateHireError.Text += "<b>Date Of Hire</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("dateOfHire='" + ptDateHire.Text + "'"); } if (ptDateTerm.Text != "") { if (!pt.SetDateOfTermination(ptDateTerm.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ptDateTerm.Text != "") { ptDateTermError.Text += "<b>Date Of Termination</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("dateOfTermination='" + ptDateTerm.Text + "'"); } if (ptWage.Text != "") { if (!pt.SetHourlyRate(ptWage.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ptWage.Text != "") { ptWageError.Text += "<b>Salary</b> should be a number higher than 0"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("hourlyRate=" + ptWage.Text); } //for seasonal if (slfName.Text != "") { if (!sl.SetFirstName(slfName.Text) || slfName.Text == "") { slfNameError.Text += "<b>First Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("firstName='" + slfName.Text + "'"); } if (sllName.Text != "") { if (!sl.SetLastName(sllName.Text) || sllName.Text == "") { sllNameError.Text += "<b>Last Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("lastName='" + sllName.Text + "'"); } if (slSin.Text != "") { if (!sl.SetSIN(slSin.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { slSinError.Text += "<b>SIN</b> should be 9-digit number"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("socialInsNumber=" + ftfName.Text); } if (slDOB.Text != "") { if (!sl.SetDOB(slDOB.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { slDOBError.Text += "<b>Date Of Birth</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("dateOfBirth='" + slDOB.Text + "'"); } if (slSeason.Text != "" && Session["type"].ToString() == "SL") { if (!sl.SetSeason(slSeason.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && slSeason.Text != "") { slSeasonError.Text += "<b>Season</b> must be valid. It should not be possible to get this error. Look at you, you little hacker"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("season='" + slSeason.Text + "'"); } if (slPcPay.Text != "") { if (!sl.SetPiecePay(slPcPay.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && slPcPay.Text != "") { slPcPayError.Text += "<b>Salary</b> should be a number higher than 0"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("piecePay='" + slPcPay.Text + "'"); } //for contract if (ctName.Text != "") { if (!ct.SetLastName(ctName.Text)) { ctNameError.Text += "<b>Company Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("lastName='" + ctName.Text + "'"); } if (ctBin.Text != "") { if (!ct.SetSIN(ctBin.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ctBinError.Text += "<b>BIN</b> should be 9-digit number"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("socialInsNumber='" + ctBin.Text + "'"); } if (ctDOI.Text != "") { if (!ct.SetDOB(ctDOI.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ctDOIError.Text += "<b>Date Of Incorporation</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } normalUpdates.Add("dateOfBirth='" + ctDOI.Text + "'"); } if (ctStart.Text != "") { if (!ct.SetContractStartDate(ctStart.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ctStartError.Text += "<b>Contract Start Date</b> must be valid. It should not be possible to get this error. Look at you, you little hacker"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("dateStart='" + ctStart.Text + "'"); } if (ctEnd.Text != "") { if (!ct.SetContractEndDate(ctEnd.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ctEndError.Text += "<b>Contract End Date</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("dateStop='" + ctEnd.Text + "'"); } if (ctAmt.Text != "") { if (!ct.SetFixedContractAmt(ctAmt.Text.Replace(" ", ""))) { ctAmtError.Text += "<b>Contract Amount</b> should be a number higher than 0"; isAllValid = false; } specificUpdates.Add("fixedCtAmt='" + ctAmt.Text + "'"); } if (isAllValid) { int emp = 0; int.TryParse(Session["empID"].ToString(), out emp); bool first = true; if (normalUpdates.Count < 1) { normalUpdates.Add("lastName='" + Session["lname"] + "'"); } foreach (string s in normalUpdates) { if (first) { updateString += " " + s; first = false; } else { updateString += ", " + s; } string fieldValue = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf('=')); string oldVal = sup.GetPreviousValue(conString, emp, @s, ""); string newVal = s; newVal = newVal.Replace(fieldValue + @"='", ""); sup.CreateAudit(conString, userName, emp.ToString(), fieldValue, oldVal, newVal); } updateString += endUpdate; first = true; foreach (string s in specificUpdates) { if (first) { updateSpecific += " " + s; first = false; } else { updateSpecific += ", " + s; } string oldVal = sup.GetPreviousValue(conString, emp, @s, empID.ToString()); } try { using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(conString)) { connect.Open(); using (SqlCommand changeCmd = new SqlCommand()) { changeCmd.Connection = connect; changeCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; changeCmd.CommandText = updateString; empID = (Int32)changeCmd.ExecuteScalar(); changeCmd.Dispose(); } updateSpecific += " WHERE empID=" + empID; using (SqlCommand changeCmd = new SqlCommand()) { changeCmd.Connection = connect; changeCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; changeCmd.CommandText = updateSpecific; changeCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); changeCmd.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception exce) { } } }
public void addPtEmp() { ParttimeEmployee pt = new ParttimeEmployee(); bool isAllValid = true; ptfNameError.Text = ""; ptlNameError.Text = ""; ptSinError.Text = ""; ptDateHireError.Text = ""; ptDOBError.Text = ""; ptDateTermError.Text = ""; ptWageError.Text = ""; if (!pt.SetFirstName(ptfName.Text) && ptfName.Text != "") { ptfNameError.Text += "<b>First Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } if (!pt.SetLastName(ptlName.Text) && ptlName.Text != "") { ptlNameError.Text += "<b>Last Name</b> can only contain the following characters: [A-Za-z. -]\n"; isAllValid = false; } if (!pt.SetSIN(ptSin.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ptSin.Text != "") { ptSinError.Text += "<b>SIN</b> should be 9-digit number"; isAllValid = false; } if (!pt.SetDOB(ptDOB.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ptDOB.Text != "") { ptDOBError.Text += "<b>Date Of Birth</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } if (!pt.SetDateOfHire(ptDateHire.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ptDateHire.Text != "") { ptDateHireError.Text += "<b>Date Of Hire</b> should have valid date format"; isAllValid = false; } if ((!pt.SetDateOfTermination(ptDateTerm.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ptDateTerm.Text != "") || (ptReason.Text == "" && ptDateTerm.Text != "")) { ptDateTermError.Text += "<b>Date Of Termination</b> should have valid date format and needs Reason for leaving"; isAllValid = false; } if (!pt.SetHourlyRate(ptWage.Text.Replace(" ", "")) && ptWage.Text != "") { ptWageError.Text += "<b>Salary</b> should be a number higher than 0"; isAllValid = false; } if (isAllValid) { string activity = "0"; if (ptDateHire.Text != "" && ptWage.Text != "" && ptDOB.Text != "" && ptSin.Text != "") { activity = "1"; if (ptReason.Text != "") { activity = "2"; } } if (addEmpDB("PT", ptCompany.Text, ptfName.Text, ptlName.Text, ptSin.Text, ptDOB.Text, activity)) { addPtEmpDB(returnID, ptDateHire.Text, ptDateTerm.Text, ptWage.Text); sucessLbl.Text = ptfName.Text + " Has been succesfully added"; } } }