public KuduScanEnumerator GetAsyncEnumerator(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var partitionPruner = PartitionPruner.Create( _table.Schema, _table.PartitionSchema, _predicates, _lowerBoundPrimaryKey, _upperBoundPrimaryKey, _lowerBoundPartitionKey, _upperBoundPartitionKey); return(new KuduScanEnumerator( _logger, _client, _table, _projectedColumnsPb, ProjectionSchema, _orderMode, ReadMode, ReplicaSelection, _isFaultTolerant, _predicates, _limit, CacheBlocks, _lowerBoundPrimaryKey, _upperBoundPrimaryKey, _startTimestamp, _htTimestamp, BatchSizeBytes, partitionPruner, cancellationToken)); }
/// <summary> /// Checks the number of tablets and pruner ranges generated for a scan with /// predicates and optional partition key bounds. /// </summary> /// <param name="expectedTablets">The expected number of tablets to satisfy the scan.</param> /// <param name="expectedPrunerRanges">The expected number of generated partition pruner ranges.</param> /// <param name="table">The table to scan.</param> /// <param name="partitions">The partitions of the table.</param> /// <param name="lowerBoundPartitionKey">An optional lower bound partition key.</param> /// <param name="upperBoundPartitionKey">An optional upper bound partition key.</param> /// <param name="predicates">The predicates to apply to the scan.</param> private async Task CheckPartitionsAsync( int expectedTablets, int expectedPrunerRanges, KuduTable table, List <Partition> partitions, byte[] lowerBoundPartitionKey, byte[] upperBoundPartitionKey, params KuduPredicate[] predicates) { // Partition key bounds can't be applied to the ScanTokenBuilder. var scanBuilder = _client.NewScanBuilder(table); foreach (var predicate in predicates) { scanBuilder.AddPredicate(predicate); } if (lowerBoundPartitionKey != null) { scanBuilder.LowerBoundPartitionKeyRaw(lowerBoundPartitionKey); } if (upperBoundPartitionKey != null) { scanBuilder.ExclusiveUpperBoundPartitionKeyRaw(upperBoundPartitionKey); } var pruner = PartitionPruner.Create(scanBuilder); int scannedPartitions = 0; foreach (var partition in partitions) { if (!pruner.ShouldPruneForTests(partition)) { scannedPartitions++; } } Assert.Equal(expectedTablets, scannedPartitions); Assert.Equal(expectedPrunerRanges, pruner.NumRangesRemaining); // Check that the scan token builder comes up with the same amount. // The scan token builder does not allow for upper/lower partition keys. if (lowerBoundPartitionKey == null && upperBoundPartitionKey == null) { var tokenBuilder = _client.NewScanTokenBuilder(table); foreach (var predicate in predicates) { tokenBuilder.AddPredicate(predicate); } // Check that the number of ScanTokens built for the scan matches. var tokens = await tokenBuilder.BuildAsync(); Assert.Equal(expectedTablets, tokens.Count); } }
public KuduScanEnumerator( ILogger logger, KuduClient client, KuduTable table, List <ColumnSchemaPB> projectedColumnsPb, KuduSchema projectionSchema, OrderMode orderMode, ReadMode readMode, ReplicaSelection replicaSelection, bool isFaultTolerant, Dictionary <string, KuduPredicate> predicates, long limit, bool cacheBlocks, byte[] startPrimaryKey, byte[] endPrimaryKey, long startTimestamp, long htTimestamp, int batchSizeBytes, PartitionPruner partitionPruner, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger = logger; _client = client; _table = table; _partitionPruner = partitionPruner; _orderMode = orderMode; _readMode = readMode; _columns = projectedColumnsPb; _schema = projectionSchema; _predicates = predicates; _replicaSelection = replicaSelection; _isFaultTolerant = isFaultTolerant; _limit = limit; _cacheBlocks = cacheBlocks; _startPrimaryKey = startPrimaryKey ?? Array.Empty <byte>(); _endPrimaryKey = endPrimaryKey ?? Array.Empty <byte>(); _startTimestamp = startTimestamp; SnapshotTimestamp = htTimestamp; _batchSizeBytes = batchSizeBytes; _scannerId = ByteString.Empty; _lastPrimaryKey = ByteString.Empty; _cancellationToken = cancellationToken; ResourceMetrics = new ResourceMetrics(); // If the partition pruner has pruned all partitions, then the scan can be // short circuited without contacting any tablet servers. if (!_partitionPruner.HasMorePartitionKeyRanges) { _closed = true; } // For READ_YOUR_WRITES scan mode, get the latest observed timestamp // and store it. Always use this one as the propagated timestamp for // the duration of the scan to avoid unnecessary wait. if (readMode == ReadMode.ReadYourWrites) { _lowerBoundPropagationTimestamp = client.LastPropagatedTimestamp; } }
/// <summary> /// Counts the partitions touched by a scan with optional primary key bounds. /// The table is assumed to have three INT8 columns as the primary key. /// </summary> /// <param name="expectedTablets">The expected number of tablets to satisfy the scan.</param> /// <param name="table">The table to scan.</param> /// <param name="partitions">The partitions of the table.</param> /// <param name="lowerBoundPrimaryKey">The optional lower bound primary key.</param> /// <param name="upperBoundPrimaryKey">The optional upper bound primary key.</param> private async Task CheckPartitionsPrimaryKeyAsync( int expectedTablets, KuduTable table, List <Partition> partitions, sbyte[] lowerBoundPrimaryKey, sbyte[] upperBoundPrimaryKey) { var scanBuilder = _client.NewScanTokenBuilder(table); if (lowerBoundPrimaryKey != null) { var lower = new PartialRow(table.Schema); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { lower.SetSByte(i, lowerBoundPrimaryKey[i]); } scanBuilder.LowerBound(lower); } if (upperBoundPrimaryKey != null) { var upper = new PartialRow(table.Schema); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { upper.SetSByte(i, upperBoundPrimaryKey[i]); } scanBuilder.ExclusiveUpperBound(upper); } var pruner = PartitionPruner.Create(scanBuilder); int scannedPartitions = 0; foreach (var partition in partitions) { if (!pruner.ShouldPruneForTests(partition)) { scannedPartitions++; } } // Check that the number of ScanTokens built for the scan matches. var tokens = await scanBuilder.BuildAsync(); Assert.Equal(expectedTablets, scannedPartitions); Assert.Equal(scannedPartitions, tokens.Count); Assert.Equal(expectedTablets == 0 ? 0 : 1, pruner.NumRangesRemaining); }
public async ValueTask <List <KuduScanToken> > BuildAsync( CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (LowerBoundPartitionKey.Length != 0 || UpperBoundPartitionKey.Length != 0) { throw new ArgumentException( "Partition key bounds may not be set on KuduScanTokenBuilder"); } // If the scan is short-circuitable, then return no tokens. foreach (var predicate in Predicates.Values) { if (predicate.Type == PredicateType.None) { return(new List <KuduScanToken>()); } } var proto = new ScanTokenPB(); if (_includeTableMetadata) { // Set the table metadata so that a call to the master is not needed when // deserializing the token into a scanner. var tableMetadataPb = new TableMetadataPB { TableId = Table.TableId, TableName = Table.TableName, NumReplicas = Table.NumReplicas, Schema = Table.SchemaPb.Schema, PartitionSchema = Table.SchemaPb.PartitionSchema }; if (Table.Owner is not null) { tableMetadataPb.Owner = Table.Owner; } if (Table.Comment is not null) { tableMetadataPb.Comment = Table.Comment; } if (Table.ExtraConfig.Count > 0) { foreach (var kvp in Table.ExtraConfig) { tableMetadataPb.ExtraConfigs.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } proto.TableMetadata = tableMetadataPb; // Only include the authz token if the table metadata is included. // It is returned in the required GetTableSchema request otherwise. var authzToken = Client.GetAuthzToken(Table.TableId); if (authzToken is not null) { proto.AuthzToken = authzToken; } } else { // If we add the table metadata, we don't need to set the old table id // and table name. It is expected that the creation and use of a scan token // will be on the same or compatible versions. proto.TableId = Table.TableId; proto.TableName = Table.TableName; } // Map the column names or indices to actual columns in the table schema. // If the user did not set either projection, then scan all columns. var schema = Table.Schema; if (_includeTableMetadata) { // If the table metadata is included, then the column indexes can be // used instead of duplicating the ColumnSchemaPBs in the serialized // scan token. if (ProjectedColumnNames is not null) { proto.ProjectedColumnIdx.Capacity = ProjectedColumnNames.Count; foreach (var columnName in ProjectedColumnNames) { var columnIndex = schema.GetColumnIndex(columnName); proto.ProjectedColumnIdx.Add(columnIndex); } } else if (ProjectedColumnIndexes is not null) { proto.ProjectedColumnIdx.AddRange(ProjectedColumnIndexes); } else { var numColumns = schema.Columns.Count; proto.ProjectedColumnIdx.Capacity = numColumns; for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) { proto.ProjectedColumnIdx.Add(i); } } } else { if (ProjectedColumnNames is not null) { proto.ProjectedColumns.Capacity = ProjectedColumnNames.Count; foreach (var columnName in ProjectedColumnNames) { int columnIndex = schema.GetColumnIndex(columnName); var columnSchema = Table.SchemaPb.Schema.Columns[columnIndex]; proto.ProjectedColumns.Add(columnSchema); } } else if (ProjectedColumnIndexes is not null) { proto.ProjectedColumns.Capacity = ProjectedColumnIndexes.Count; foreach (var columnIndex in ProjectedColumnIndexes) { var columnSchema = Table.SchemaPb.Schema.Columns[columnIndex]; proto.ProjectedColumns.Add(columnSchema); } } else { proto.ProjectedColumns.AddRange(Table.SchemaPb.Schema.Columns); } } foreach (var predicate in Predicates.Values) { proto.ColumnPredicates.Add(predicate.ToProtobuf()); } if (LowerBoundPrimaryKey.Length > 0) { proto.LowerBoundPrimaryKey = UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap(LowerBoundPrimaryKey); } if (UpperBoundPrimaryKey.Length > 0) { proto.UpperBoundPrimaryKey = UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap(UpperBoundPrimaryKey); } proto.Limit = (ulong)Limit; proto.ReadMode = (Protobuf.ReadMode)ReadMode; proto.ReplicaSelection = (Protobuf.ReplicaSelection)ReplicaSelection; // If the last propagated timestamp is set send it with the scan. long lastPropagatedTimestamp = Client.LastPropagatedTimestamp; if (lastPropagatedTimestamp != KuduClient.NoTimestamp) { proto.PropagatedTimestamp = (ulong)lastPropagatedTimestamp; } // If the mode is set to read on snapshot set the snapshot timestamps. if (ReadMode == ReadMode.ReadAtSnapshot) { if (HtTimestamp != KuduClient.NoTimestamp) { proto.SnapTimestamp = (ulong)HtTimestamp; } if (StartTimestamp != KuduClient.NoTimestamp) { proto.SnapStartTimestamp = (ulong)StartTimestamp; } } proto.CacheBlocks = CacheBlocks; proto.FaultTolerant = IsFaultTolerant; proto.BatchSizeBytes = (uint)BatchSizeBytes; // TODO: //proto.setScanRequestTimeoutMs(scanRequestTimeout); //proto.setKeepAlivePeriodMs(keepAlivePeriodMs); //proto.ScanRequestTimeoutMs = 30000; //proto.KeepAlivePeriodMs = 15000; var pruner = PartitionPruner.Create( schema, Table.PartitionSchema, Predicates, LowerBoundPrimaryKey, UpperBoundPrimaryKey, LowerBoundPartitionKey, UpperBoundPartitionKey); var keyRanges = new List <KeyRange>(); while (pruner.HasMorePartitionKeyRanges) { var partitionRange = pruner.NextPartitionKeyRange; var newKeyRanges = await Client.GetTableKeyRangesAsync( Table.TableId, LowerBoundPrimaryKey, UpperBoundPrimaryKey, partitionRange.Lower.Length == 0?null : partitionRange.Lower, partitionRange.Upper.Length == 0?null : partitionRange.Upper, _fetchTabletsPerRangeLookup, _splitSizeBytes, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (newKeyRanges.Count == 0) { pruner.RemovePartitionKeyRange(partitionRange.Upper); } else { pruner.RemovePartitionKeyRange( newKeyRanges[newKeyRanges.Count - 1].PartitionKeyEnd); } keyRanges.AddRange(newKeyRanges); } var tokens = new List <KuduScanToken>(keyRanges.Count); var nowMillis = _systemClock.CurrentMilliseconds; foreach (var keyRange in keyRanges) { var token = proto.Clone(); token.LowerBoundPartitionKey = UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap(keyRange.PartitionKeyStart); token.UpperBoundPartitionKey = UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap(keyRange.PartitionKeyEnd); var primaryKeyStart = keyRange.PrimaryKeyStart; if (primaryKeyStart.Length > 0) { token.LowerBoundPrimaryKey = UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap(primaryKeyStart); } var primaryKeyEnd = keyRange.PrimaryKeyEnd; if (primaryKeyEnd.Length > 0) { token.UpperBoundPrimaryKey = UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap(primaryKeyEnd); } var tablet = keyRange.Tablet; // Set the tablet metadata so that a call to the master is not needed to // locate the tablet to scan when opening the scanner. if (_includeTabletMetadata) { // TODO: It would be more efficient to pass the TTL in instead of // looking it up again here. var entry = Client.GetTableLocationEntry( Table.TableId, tablet.Partition.PartitionKeyStart); long ttl; if (entry is not null && entry.IsCoveredRange && (ttl = entry.Expiration - nowMillis) > 0) { // Build the list of server and replica metadata. var tabletServers = tablet.Servers; var replicas = tablet.Replicas; var numTabletServers = tabletServers.Count; var tabletMetadataPb = new TabletMetadataPB { TabletId = tablet.TabletId, Partition = ProtobufHelper.ToPartitionPb(tablet.Partition), TtlMillis = (ulong)ttl }; tabletMetadataPb.TabletServers.Capacity = numTabletServers; tabletMetadataPb.Replicas.Capacity = numTabletServers; for (int i = 0; i < numTabletServers; i++) { var serverInfo = tabletServers[i]; var replica = replicas[i]; var serverMetadataPb = ProtobufHelper.ToServerMetadataPb(serverInfo); tabletMetadataPb.TabletServers.Add(serverMetadataPb); var replicaMetadataPb = new ReplicaMetadataPB { TsIdx = (uint)i, Role = (RaftPeerPB.Types.Role)replica.Role }; if (replica.DimensionLabel is not null) { replicaMetadataPb.DimensionLabel = replica.DimensionLabel; } tabletMetadataPb.Replicas.Add(replicaMetadataPb); } token.TabletMetadata = tabletMetadataPb; } } tokens.Add(new KuduScanToken(keyRange, token)); } return(tokens); }