Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            var watch = new Stopwatch();

            var array1 = GenerateRandomArray(100000);
            var array2 = new int [array1.Length];

            Array.Copy(array1, array2, array1.Length);

            PartitionDelegate part = Partition;

            QuickSort(array1, 0, array1.Length, part);

            PartitionDelegate randomPart = PartitionRandom;

            QuickSort(array2, 0, array2.Length, randomPart);
Exemple #2
 public QuickSort(IList <IComparable> list)
     _Random            = new Random();
     _PartitionFunction = PartitionRandom;
     _SortedList        = list;
     chart = new List <QuickSortChart>();
 private bool SetPartition(uint parts, DatabaseEntry[] partKeys,
     PartitionDelegate partFunc) {
     partitionIsSet = true;
     nparts = parts;
     partitionKeys = partKeys;
     partitionFunc = partFunc;
     if (nparts < 2)
         partitionIsSet = false;
     else if (partitionKeys == null && partitionFunc == null)
         partitionIsSet = false;
     return partitionIsSet;
Exemple #4
 public Quicksort(bool randomPartition)
     if (randomPartition)
         _random            = new Random();
         _partitionFunction = PartitionRandom;
         _partitionFunction = PartitionRight;
Exemple #5
 static void QuickSort(int[] array, int start, int end, PartitionDelegate partition)
     if (start < end)
         if (end - start < 10)
             var pivot = partition(array, start, end);
             QuickSort(array, start, pivot, partition);
             QuickSort(array, pivot + 1, end, partition);
Exemple #6
        private void BtPartitionClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var form   = new Dialog.NodeActionForm("partition");
            var result = form.ShowDialog();

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                int      server_count = Int32.Parse(form.item1);
                String[] args         = new String[2 + server_count];
                args[0] = form.item1;
                args[1] = form.item2;
                // Send ids as separate list item to be processed the same way as if it were a script
                String   ids      = form.item3;
                String[] ids_list = ids.Split(" ");
                for (int i = 0; i < server_count; i++)
                    args[i + 2] = ids_list[i];
                PartitionDelegate del = new PartitionDelegate(Partition);
                var workTask          = Task.Run(() => del.Invoke(args));
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Enable database partitioning using the specified number of
 /// partitions and partition function.
 /// Return true if the specified number of partitions are successfully
 /// enabled; otherwise return false.
 /// <param name="parts">The number of partitions to create</param>
 /// <param name="partFunc">The name of partitioning function</param>
 /// </summary>
 public bool SetPartitionByCallback(
     uint parts, PartitionDelegate partFunc)
     return(SetPartition(parts, null, partFunc));
 /// <summary>
 /// Enable database partitioning using the specified number of
 /// partitions and partition function.
 /// Return true if the specified number of partitions are successfully
 /// enabled; otherwise return false.
 /// <param name="parts">The number of partitions to create</param>
 /// <param name="partFunc">The name of partitioning function</param>
 /// </summary>
 public bool SetPartitionByCallback(
     uint parts, PartitionDelegate partFunc) {
     return (SetPartition(parts, null, partFunc));
 private bool SetPartition(uint parts, DatabaseEntry[] partKeys,
     PartitionDelegate partFunc) {
     partitionIsSet = true;
     nparts = parts;
     partitionKeys = partKeys;
     partitionFunc = partFunc;
     if (nparts < 2)
         partitionIsSet = false;
     else if (partitionKeys == null && partitionFunc == null)
         partitionIsSet = false;
     return partitionIsSet;