Exemple #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructs the ribbon by outputting vertex stream based on the positions and sizes specified previously
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bufferState">Target <see cref="ParticleBufferState"/></param> to use
            /// <param name="invViewX">Unit vector X in clip space as calculated from the inverse view matrix</param>
            /// <param name="invViewY">Unit vector Y in clip space as calculated from the inverse view matrix</param>
            /// <param name="quadsPerParticle">The required number of quads per each particle</param>
            public unsafe void Ribbonize(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, int quadsPerParticle)
                if (lastParticle <= 0)

                var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
                var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

                if (lastParticle <= sections)
                    // Optional - connect first particle to the origin/emitter

                    // Draw a dummy quad for the first particle
                    var particlePos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                    var uvCoord     = new Vector2(0, 0);

                    for (var particleIdx = 0; particleIdx < lastParticle; particleIdx++)
                        for (var vtxIdx = 0; vtxIdx < 4; vtxIdx++)
                            bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                            bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


                if (sections > 1)
                    if (SmoothingPolicy == SmoothingPolicy.Best)
                    else // if (SmoothingPolicy == SmoothingPolicy.Fast)

                bufferState.SetVerticesPerSegment(quadsPerParticle * 6, quadsPerParticle * 4, quadsPerParticle * 2);

                var positions = (Vector3 *)positionData;
                var sizes     = (float *)sizeData;

                // Step 1 - Determine the origin of the ribbon
                var invViewZ = Vector3.Cross(invViewX, invViewY);


                var axis0 = positions[0] - positions[1];


                var oldPoint = positions[0];
                var oldUnitX = GetWidthVector(sizes[0], ref invViewZ, ref axis0, ref axis0);

                // Step 2 - Draw each particle, connecting it to the previous (front) position

                var vCoordOld = 0f;

                for (int i = 0; i < lastParticle; i++)
                    var centralPos = positions[i];

                    var particleSize = sizes[i];

                    // Directions for smoothing
                    var axis1 = (i + 1 < lastParticle) ? positions[i] - positions[i + 1] : positions[lastParticle - 2] - positions[lastParticle - 1];

                    var unitX = GetWidthVector(particleSize, ref invViewZ, ref axis0, ref axis1);

                    axis0 = axis1;

                    // Particle rotation - intentionally IGNORED for ribbon

                    var particlePos  = oldPoint - oldUnitX;
                    var uvCoord      = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    var rotatedCoord = uvCoord;

                    // Top Left - 0f 0f
                    uvCoord.Y = (TextureCoordinatePolicy == TextureCoordinatePolicy.AsIs) ? 0 : vCoordOld;
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));

                    rotatedCoord = UVRotate.GetCoords(uvCoord);
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&rotatedCoord));


                    // Top Right - 1f 0f
                    particlePos += oldUnitX * 2;
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));

                    uvCoord.X    = 1;
                    rotatedCoord = UVRotate.GetCoords(uvCoord);
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&rotatedCoord));


                    // Move the position to the next particle in the ribbon
                    particlePos += centralPos - oldPoint;
                    particlePos += unitX - oldUnitX;
                    vCoordOld    = (TextureCoordinatePolicy == TextureCoordinatePolicy.Stretched) ?
                                   ((i + 1) / (float)(lastParticle) * TexCoordsFactor) : ((centralPos - oldPoint).Length() * TexCoordsFactor) + vCoordOld;

                    // Bottom Left - 1f 1f
                    uvCoord.Y = (TextureCoordinatePolicy == TextureCoordinatePolicy.AsIs) ? 1 : vCoordOld;
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));

                    rotatedCoord = UVRotate.GetCoords(uvCoord);
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&rotatedCoord));


                    // Bottom Right - 0f 1f
                    particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));

                    uvCoord.X    = 0;
                    rotatedCoord = UVRotate.GetCoords(uvCoord);
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&rotatedCoord));


                    // Preserve the old attributes for the next cycle
                    oldUnitX = unitX;
                    oldPoint = centralPos;
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructs the ribbon by outputting vertex stream based on the positions and sizes specified previously
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="bufferState">Target <see cref="ParticleBufferState"/></param> to use
            /// <param name="invViewX">Unit vector X in clip space as calculated from the inverse view matrix</param>
            /// <param name="invViewY">Unit vector Y in clip space as calculated from the inverse view matrix</param>
            /// <param name="quadsPerParticle">The required number of quads per each particle</param>
            public unsafe void Ribbonize(ref ParticleBufferState bufferState, Vector3 invViewX, Vector3 invViewY, int quadsPerParticle)
                if (lastParticle <= 0)

                var posAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(VertexAttributes.Position);
                var texAttribute = bufferState.GetAccessor(bufferState.DefaultTexCoords);

                if (lastParticle <= sections)
                    // Optional - connect first particle to the origin/emitter

                    // Draw a dummy quad for the first particle
                    var particlePos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                    var uvCoord = new Vector2(0, 0);

                    for (var particleIdx = 0; particleIdx < lastParticle; particleIdx++)
                        for (var vtxIdx = 0; vtxIdx < 4; vtxIdx++)
                            bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));
                            bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&uvCoord));


                if (sections > 1)
                    if (SmoothingPolicy == SmoothingPolicy.Best)
                    else // if (SmoothingPolicy == SmoothingPolicy.Fast)

                bufferState.SetVerticesPerSegment(quadsPerParticle * 6, quadsPerParticle * 4, quadsPerParticle * 2);

                var positions = (Vector3*)positionData;
                var sizes = (float*)sizeData;

                // Step 1 - Determine the origin of the ribbon
                var invViewZ = Vector3.Cross(invViewX, invViewY);

                var axis0 = positions[0] - positions[1];

                var oldPoint = positions[0];
                var oldUnitX = GetWidthVector(sizes[0], ref invViewZ, ref axis0, ref axis0);

                // Step 2 - Draw each particle, connecting it to the previous (front) position

                var vCoordOld = 0f;

                for (int i = 0; i < lastParticle; i++)
                    var centralPos = positions[i];

                    var particleSize = sizes[i];

                    // Directions for smoothing
                    var axis1 = (i + 1 < lastParticle) ? positions[i] - positions[i + 1] : positions[lastParticle - 2] - positions[lastParticle - 1];

                    var unitX = GetWidthVector(particleSize, ref invViewZ, ref axis0, ref axis1);

                    axis0 = axis1;

                    // Particle rotation - intentionally IGNORED for ribbon

                    var particlePos = oldPoint - oldUnitX;
                    var uvCoord = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    var rotatedCoord = uvCoord;

                    // Top Left - 0f 0f
                    uvCoord.Y = (TextureCoordinatePolicy == TextureCoordinatePolicy.AsIs) ? 0 : vCoordOld;
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));

                    rotatedCoord = UVRotate.GetCoords(uvCoord);
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&rotatedCoord));


                    // Top Right - 1f 0f
                    particlePos += oldUnitX * 2;
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));

                    uvCoord.X = 1;
                    rotatedCoord = UVRotate.GetCoords(uvCoord);
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&rotatedCoord));


                    // Move the position to the next particle in the ribbon
                    particlePos += centralPos - oldPoint;
                    particlePos += unitX - oldUnitX;
                    vCoordOld = (TextureCoordinatePolicy == TextureCoordinatePolicy.Stretched) ? 
                        ((i + 1)/(float)(lastParticle) * TexCoordsFactor) : ((centralPos - oldPoint).Length() * TexCoordsFactor) + vCoordOld;

                    // Bottom Left - 1f 1f
                    uvCoord.Y = (TextureCoordinatePolicy == TextureCoordinatePolicy.AsIs) ? 1 : vCoordOld;
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));

                    rotatedCoord = UVRotate.GetCoords(uvCoord);
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&rotatedCoord));


                    // Bottom Right - 0f 1f
                    particlePos -= unitX * 2;
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(posAttribute, (IntPtr)(&particlePos));

                    uvCoord.X = 0;
                    rotatedCoord = UVRotate.GetCoords(uvCoord);
                    bufferState.SetAttribute(texAttribute, (IntPtr)(&rotatedCoord));


                    // Preserve the old attributes for the next cycle
                    oldUnitX = unitX;
                    oldPoint = centralPos;
