internal void UnHighlightStack()
     if (/* HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && */ phl != null)
         if (segments != null && highlightID >= 0)
             foreach (var s in segments)
                 if (s != null)
                     phl.DisablePartHighlighting(highlightID, s.part);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update logic on every physics frame update.
        /// Place your custom update logic in DI_Update()
        /// </summary>
        public void FixedUpdate()
            if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight || alarmDisabled)
            if (streamMultiplier > 0 && Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - lastDecayTime > 1)
                streamMultiplier = Math.Max(0, streamMultiplier - decayPerMinute);
                lastDecayTime    = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            if (vesselHighlightDict.ContainsKey(
                    // Only update the module during flight and after the re-initialization has run
                    if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight && this.HasInitted && this.vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel)
                        // Highlighting the part, which contains this updating FailureModule if it is in a 'failed' state,
                        // it is not in 'silent' state and 'glow' is globally enabled
                        // Actually, there is not any place in a code of  the whole mod where that 'silent' state is turning on
                        // (maybe some FailureModules can be defined as 'silent' by editing files)

                        if (this.HasFailed && (DangIt.Instance.CurrentSettings.Glow &&
                                               (AlarmManager.visibleUI || !DangIt.Instance.CurrentSettings.DisableGlowOnF2)))
                            if (!phl.HighlightListContains(vesselHighlightDict[], this.part))
                                phl.AddPartToHighlight(vesselHighlightDict[], this.part);
                                Log.Info("Adding part to highlight list:   part: " + part.persistentId + ", " + part.partInfo.title);

                        // Turning off the highlighting of the part, which contains this updating FailureModule
                        // if it is not in a 'failed' state, or it is in 'silent' state, or if 'glow' is globally disabled
                        //      if (!this.HasFailed || this.Silent || !DangIt.Instance.CurrentSettings.Glow || (!visibleUI && DangIt.Instance.CurrentSettings.DisableGlowOnF2))
                            if (!AlarmManager.failedParts.ContainsKey(new FailedPart(this.part)))
                                //Log.Info("Calling DisablePartHighlighting  part: " + part.persistentId + ", " + part.partInfo.title);
                                if (AlarmManager.failedParts.ContainsKey(new FailedPart(this.part)))
                                    phl.DisablePartHighlighting(vesselHighlightDict[], this.part);

                        float now = DangIt.Now();

                        float dt = now - LastFixedUpdate;
                        this.LastFixedUpdate = now;

                        // The temperature aging is independent from the use of the part
                        this.Age += (dt * this.TemperatureMultiplier());

                        if (!PartIsActive() || !DangIt.Instance.CurrentSettings.EnabledForSave)
                            this.Age += dt;

                            this.CurrentMTBF = this.MTBF * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams <DangItCustomParams1>().MTBF_Multiplier *this.ExponentialDecay();

                            // If the part has not already failed, toss the dice
                            if (!this.HasFailed)
                                float f = this.Lambda();
                                // if (printChances)
                                //     DangIt.myLog.Debug("this.Lambda: " + f.ToString());

                                if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) < f)
                                    streamMultiplier = 0;
                            // Run custom update logic
                catch (Exception e)