private void PrepareDesciption(string content, string controlIDWithIndex, bool isSpecialDirective)
            string searchString = string.Format("}}:{0}:{{", controlIDWithIndex);
            int    sIdx = 0, cIdx = 0;

            string contentPart = null;

                contentPart = string.Empty;
                sIdx        = content.IndexOf(searchString, cIdx);

                if (sIdx > -1)
                    contentPart = content.Substring(cIdx, sIdx - cIdx);

                    // Set cIdx and Move Forward to Length of SearchString
                    cIdx = sIdx + searchString.Length;
                    contentPart = content.Substring(cIdx);

                if (isSpecialDirective)
                    contentPart = contentPart.Trim();

                if (contentPart.IndexOf(ContentDescription.TemplatePointerText) == 0)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MessageTemplate))
                        throw new Exception.MultipleBlockException("Only One Message Template Block Allowed!");

                    this.MessageTemplate = contentPart.Substring(ContentDescription.TemplatePointerText.Length);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentPart))
            } while (sIdx != -1);

            if (!this.HasParts)
                throw new Exception.EmptyBlockException();

            // Cache Result
            PartCache partCache = new PartCache();

            partCache.Content         = content;
            partCache.Parts           = this.Parts;
            partCache.MessageTemplate = this.MessageTemplate;

            ContentDescription._PartsCache.TryAdd(controlIDWithIndex, partCache);
        public ContentDescription(string directiveInnerValue)
            // Parse Block Content
            int firstContentIndex =

            string directiveIdentifier =
                directiveInnerValue.Substring(0, firstContentIndex);

            string blockContent = null;
            int    colonIndex   =
            bool isSpecialDirective = false;

            if (colonIndex == -1)
                // Special Directive such as PC, MB, XF
                blockContent       = directiveInnerValue;
                isSpecialDirective = true;
                // Common Directive such as DirectiveType:ControlID
                blockContent =
                    directiveInnerValue.Substring(colonIndex + 1);

            // Update First Content Index
            firstContentIndex =

            // ControlIDWithIndex Like ControlID~INDEX
            string controlIDWithIndex =
                blockContent.Substring(0, firstContentIndex);

            string coreContent = null;
            int    idxCoreContStart = 0, idxCoreContEnd = 0;

            string openingTag = string.Format("{0}:{{", controlIDWithIndex);
            string closingTag = string.Format("}}:{0}", controlIDWithIndex);

            idxCoreContStart = blockContent.IndexOf(openingTag) + openingTag.Length;
            idxCoreContEnd   = blockContent.LastIndexOf(closingTag, blockContent.Length);

            if (idxCoreContStart != openingTag.Length ||
                idxCoreContEnd != (blockContent.Length - openingTag.Length))
                throw new Exception.ParseException();

            coreContent =
                blockContent.Substring(idxCoreContStart, idxCoreContEnd - idxCoreContStart);
            if (isSpecialDirective)
                coreContent = coreContent.Trim();

            this.Parts           = new List <string>();
            this.MessageTemplate = string.Empty;

            PartCache partCache = null;

            if (ContentDescription._PartsCache.TryGetValue(controlIDWithIndex, out partCache))
                if (string.Compare(partCache.Content, coreContent) == 0)
                    this.Parts           = partCache.Parts;
                    this.MessageTemplate = partCache.MessageTemplate;


            this.PrepareDesciption(coreContent, controlIDWithIndex, isSpecialDirective);