Exemple #1
        public bool TryParseUserInput(string rawInput, out ParsedUserInput parsedInput)
            parsedInput = new ParsedUserInput();

            // Cannot parse input that does not exist
            if (rawInput == null || !rawInput.Any())

            // Split the input by white space delimiters to distinguish between the command and its arguments
            var splitInput = rawInput.Split(_delimiters.ToArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)?.ToList();

            if (splitInput == null || !splitInput.Any())

            // Store the arguments, including the command name, to be used later when executing the command
            parsedInput.Arguments = splitInput;

            // Extract just the command name to use to pick the command class to execute
            var commandName = splitInput.FirstOrDefault();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandName))
                parsedInput = new ParsedUserInput();

            parsedInput.CommandName = commandName;
Exemple #2
        private static ParsedUserInput ParseUserInput(string userInput)
            string[] inputItems = userInput.Split(' ');

            ParsedUserInput cmdNArgs = new ParsedUserInput();

                cmdNArgs.Cmd  = inputItems[0];
                cmdNArgs.Arg1 = inputItems[1];
                cmdNArgs.Arg2 = inputItems[2];
                cmdNArgs.Arg3 = inputItems[3];
                cmdNArgs.Arg4 = inputItems[4];
                cmdNArgs.Arg5 = inputItems[5];
                cmdNArgs.Arg6 = inputItems[6];
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #3
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            // The below USING disposes of the channel when execution goes outside the current set of curly braces.
            using GrpcChannel serviceAChannel = GrpcChannelFactory.MakeGrpcChannel(GrpcSettings.ServiceAClientHttpAddressString);

            // Make the protobuf client side proxy to allow calling protobuf rpc methods on ServiceADemo.
            SvcADemo.SvcADemoClient serviceADemoProxy = new SvcADemo.SvcADemoClient(serviceAChannel);

            bool keepRunning = true;

            while (keepRunning)
                Console.WriteLine("Input a-bft arg1 arg2 ENTER to execute ServiceA.DoBasicFunctionalTestAsync(message).");
                Console.WriteLine("OR the following cmds: a-pubevent, a-pubeventmulti, others TBD.");
                Console.WriteLine("     OR Press ENTER to quit.");

                string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput))
                    keepRunning = false;

                if (keepRunning)
                    SvcAPublishEventRequest request;
                    SvcAStringReply         pubEventReply = new SvcAStringReply();
                    pubEventReply.Message = "No results returned from the service!  Input Error?";
                    string resultsMsg;

                    ParsedUserInput cmdNArgs = ParseUserInput(userInput);

                    switch (cmdNArgs.Cmd)
                    // Run a "Basic Functional Test" to verify ServiceA is operational.
                    case "a-bft":
                        SvcABftRequest svcABftRequest =
                            new SvcABftRequest
                            TestData1 = $"SvcADemo.SvcADemoClient request: Cmd={cmdNArgs.Cmd} Arg1={cmdNArgs.Arg1}, Arg2={cmdNArgs.Arg2}.",
                            TestData2 = $"Test data, test data, test data, ...."
                        SvcABftReply svcABftReply = await serviceADemoProxy.DoBasicFunctionalTestAsync(svcABftRequest);

                        resultsMsg = $"SvcADemo.DoBasicFunctionalTestAsync() response =\n{svcABftReply.Message}\n";

                    // Publish a single event.
                    case "a-pubevent":     // Usage: a-pubevent  pubsubkind  pubsubname  topicname  somepayloadstring

                        // Example:   a-pubevent daprpubsub svs-pubsub-asbtopic svcADemoEvent1 payload=tttttt

                        // The only pubsubkind supported in this sample is daprpubsub
                        // The only pubsubname supported in this sample is svs-pubsub-asbtopic, although it is easy
                        // for YOU to add the code to ServiceB to support the default dapr redis pubsubname = pubsub.

                        request              = new SvcAPublishEventRequest();
                        request.PubSubKind   = cmdNArgs.Arg1;
                        request.PubSubName   = cmdNArgs.Arg2;
                        request.TopicName    = cmdNArgs.Arg3;
                        request.EventPayload = cmdNArgs.Arg4;

                        // TODO -- ALWAYS USE the ASYNC version of serviceAProxy.PublishEventViaDapr as shown below.
                        // TODO -- Using the non-async version results in GetAwaiter() error.
                        pubEventReply = await serviceADemoProxy.PublishEventAsync(request);

                        resultsMsg = $"Service response =\n  {pubEventReply.Message}\n";

                    // Publish a stream of multiple events
                    case "a-pubeventmulti":

                        // Usage: a-pubeventmulti  pubsubkind  pubsubname  topicname  somepayloadstring nevents delaymsec

                        // Example:   a-pubeventmulti daprpubsub svs-pubsub-asbtopic svcADemoEvent1 payload=tttttt 100 20
                        // Above example will send 100 events (nevents = 100) with a time delay of 20 millisec between
                        // each send (delaymsec = 20);

                        // The only pubsubkind supported in this sample is daprpubsub
                        // The only pubsubname supported in this sample is svs-pubsub-asbtopic, although it is easy
                        // for YOU to add the code to ServiceB to support the default dapr redis pubsubname = pubsub.

                        request            = new SvcAPublishEventRequest();
                        request.PubSubKind = cmdNArgs.Arg1;
                        request.PubSubName = cmdNArgs.Arg2;
                        request.TopicName  = cmdNArgs.Arg3;

                        int  nEvents;
                        bool isParsed = Int32.TryParse(cmdNArgs.Arg5, out nEvents);
                        if (!isParsed)
                            Console.WriteLine("\n** ERROR: Input value 'nevents' is <= 0. Please try again.");
                        int delayMsec;
                        Int32.TryParse(cmdNArgs.Arg6, out delayMsec);

                        for (int i = 1; i < nEvents + 1; i++)
                            request.EventPayload = ComposeEventPayload(i, cmdNArgs.Arg4);

                            pubEventReply = await serviceADemoProxy.PublishEventAsync(request);

                            Console.WriteLine($"Sent Message number {i} of {nEvents} messages to send.\n\t\t\t\t\tMsg = {request.EventPayload}");

                            // Don't clutter up the display unless there are errors.
                            if (pubEventReply.Message.Contains("Error"))
                                resultsMsg = $"Service response = {pubEventReply.Message}\n";
                            await Task.Delay(delayMsec);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Unrecognized cmd. userInput = {userInput}. Try again!");
                    } // End switch.
                    Console.WriteLine($"QuickTestClient quitting on user pressing Enter with no other input.");
            } // End while keep running.

            Console.WriteLine("QuickTestClient EXITING!");
            await Task.Delay(1000);