Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Incremental parsing of a set of processed tokens lines changes
        /// </summary>
        internal static IList <DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine> > ParseProcessedTokensLinesChanges(TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList <CodeElementsLine> documentLines, IList <DocumentChange <IProcessedTokensLine> > processedTokensLinesChanges, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, PerfStatsForParserInvocation perfStatsForParserInvocation)
            // Collect all changes applied to the processed tokens lines during the incremental scan
            IList <DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine> > codeElementsLinesChanges = new List <DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine> >();

            // There are 2 reasons to re-parse a tokens line after a change :
            // 1. The tokens line changed : these lines were already reset during the previous steps
            // 2. If a tokens line that changed was involved in the parsing of a multiline code element, the whole group of lines must be parsed again

            // --- PREPARATION PHASE : identify all parse sections where code elements need to be refreshed ---

            IList <ParseSection> refreshParseSections       = null;
            ParseSection         largestRefreshParseSection = null;

            // Iterate over all processed tokens changes detected by the PreprocessorStep :
            // - refresh all the adjacent lines participating in a CodeElement
            // - register the start and stop token for all sections of the document which need to be parsed again
            if (processedTokensLinesChanges != null && processedTokensLinesChanges.Count > 0)
                // If the document was cleared, everything must be parsed again
                if (processedTokensLinesChanges[0].Type != DocumentChangeType.DocumentCleared)
                    refreshParseSections = new List <ParseSection>();

                    ParseSection lastParseSection = null;
                    foreach (DocumentChange <IProcessedTokensLine> tokensChange in processedTokensLinesChanges)
                        if (lastParseSection == null || tokensChange.LineIndex > lastParseSection.StopLineIndex)
                            lastParseSection = CheckIfAdjacentLinesNeedRefresh(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, documentLines, prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, codeElementsLinesChanges, lastParseSection);
            if (refreshParseSections != null)
                //After getting all the parts refreshed, get the largest part that has been refreshed
                var minParseSection = refreshParseSections.OrderBy(p => p.StartLineIndex).First();
                var maxParseSection = refreshParseSections.OrderByDescending(p => p.StopLineIndex).First();
                largestRefreshParseSection = new ParseSection(minParseSection.StartLineIndex,
                                                              minParseSection.StartToken, maxParseSection.StopLineIndex, maxParseSection.StopToken,

            // --- INITIALIZE ANTLR CodeElements parser ---

            // Create a token iterator on top of pre-processed tokens lines
            ITokensLinesIterator tokensIterator = ProcessedTokensDocument.GetProcessedTokensIterator(textSourceInfo, documentLines);

            // Create an Antlr compatible token source on top of the token iterator
            TokensLinesTokenSource tokenSource = new TokensLinesTokenSource(

            // Init parser
            TokensLinesTokenStream tokenStream = new TokensLinesTokenStream(tokenSource, Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
            CodeElementsParser     cobolParser = new CodeElementsParser(tokenStream);

            // REVERT TO STD PARSER ==> TracingCobolParser cobolParser = new TracingCobolParser(tokenStream);

            // Optionnaly activate Antlr Parser performance profiling
            // WARNING : use this in a single-treaded context only (uses static field)
            if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler == null && perfStatsForParserInvocation.ActivateDetailedAntlrPofiling)
                AntlrPerformanceProfiler = new AntlrPerformanceProfiler(cobolParser);
            if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null)
                // Replace the generated parser by a subclass which traces all rules invocations
                cobolParser = new CodeElementsTracingParser(tokenStream);

                var tokensCountIterator = ProcessedTokensDocument.GetProcessedTokensIterator(textSourceInfo, documentLines);
                AntlrPerformanceProfiler.BeginParsingFile(textSourceInfo, tokensCountIterator);

            // Customize error recovery strategy
            IAntlrErrorStrategy cobolErrorStrategy = new CodeElementErrorStrategy();

            cobolParser.ErrorHandler = cobolErrorStrategy;

            // Register all parse errors in a list in memory
            ParserDiagnosticErrorListener errorListener = new ParserDiagnosticErrorListener();


            // Prepare to analyze the parse tree
            ParseTreeWalker    walker             = new ParseTreeWalker();
            CodeElementBuilder codeElementBuilder = new CodeElementBuilder();

            codeElementBuilder.Dispatcher = new CodeElementDispatcher();

            // --- INCREMENTAL PARSING ---

            // In case of incremental parsing, parse only the code sections we need to refresh

            if (largestRefreshParseSection != null)
                // Seek just before the next code element starting token

                //Remove all the code elements for the future line to parse.

                for (int i = largestRefreshParseSection.StartLineIndex;
                     i < (largestRefreshParseSection.StopLineIndex == documentLines.Count - 1 && largestRefreshParseSection.StopToken == null //If the last index is equals to number of line in document, make sure to also reset the last line, otherwise, reset lines normally.
                        ? largestRefreshParseSection.StopLineIndex + 1
                        : largestRefreshParseSection.StopLineIndex);
                    if (documentLines[i].CodeElements != null)

            // Reset parsing error diagnostics

            // Try to parse code elements :
            // - starting with the current parse section Start token
            // - ending with the current parse section Stop token
            CodeElementsParser.CobolCodeElementsContext codeElementsParseTree = null;
                if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null)
                codeElementsParseTree = cobolParser.cobolCodeElements();
                if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null)
                    AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null
                        ? (int)AntlrPerformanceProfiler.CurrentFileInfo.DecisionTimeMs
                        : 0,
                    AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null
                        ? AntlrPerformanceProfiler.CurrentFileInfo.RuleInvocations.Sum()
                        : 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                var currentToken = (Token)cobolParser.CurrentToken;
                CodeElementsLine codeElementsLine = GetCodeElementsLineForToken(currentToken);
                if (codeElementsLine != null)
                    codeElementsLine.AddParserDiagnostic(new TokenDiagnostic(MessageCode.ImplementationError,
                                                                             currentToken, currentToken.Line, e));

            if (codeElementsParseTree != null)
                // If the parse tree is not empty
                if (codeElementsParseTree.codeElement() != null && codeElementsParseTree.codeElement().Length > 0)
                    // Analyze the parse tree for each code element
                    foreach (var codeElementParseTree in codeElementsParseTree.codeElement())
                        // Get the first line that was parsed
                        var tokenStart = (Token)codeElementParseTree.Start;
                        CodeElementsLine codeElementsLine = GetCodeElementsLineForToken(tokenStart);
                        if (codeElementsLine == null)

                        // Register that this line was updated
                        // COMMENTED FOR THE SAKE OF PERFORMANCE -- SEE ISSUE #160
                        //int updatedLineIndex = documentLines.IndexOf(codeElementsLine, codeElementsLine.LineIndex);
                        //codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, updatedLineIndex, codeElementsLine));
                            new DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated,
                                                                   codeElementsLine.LineIndex, codeElementsLine));

                        // Visit the parse tree to build a first class object representing the code elements
                            walker.Walk(codeElementBuilder, codeElementParseTree);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var code  = MessageCode.ImplementationError;
                            int line  = 0;
                            int start = 0;
                            int stop  = 0;
                            if (codeElementsLine.SourceTokens != null && codeElementsLine.SourceTokens.Count > 0)
                                start = codeElementsLine.SourceTokens[0].StartIndex;
                                stop  =
                                    codeElementsLine.SourceTokens[codeElementsLine.SourceTokens.Count - 1].StopIndex;
                            codeElementsLine.AddParserDiagnostic(new ParserDiagnostic(ex.ToString(), start, stop,
                                                                                      line, null, code, ex));
                        CodeElement codeElement = codeElementBuilder.CodeElement;
                        if (codeElement != null)
                            // Attach consumed tokens and main document line numbers information to the code element
                            if (codeElement.ConsumedTokens.Count == 0)
// ISSUE #204:
                                var tempToken = tokenStream.Lt(1);
                                if (tempToken != null && tempToken != Token.END_OF_FILE)
// if not end of file,
                                    // add next token to ConsumedTokens to know where is the CodeElement in error
                                    // this alter CodeElements semantics: in addition to matched tokens,
                                    // it includes the first token in error if no token has been matched

                            //TODO Issue #384 to discuss if this code should stay here:
                            //This should be in a Checker, but "codeElement.ConsumedTokens" is only set after all the checkers have been called
                            //Rule TCLIMITATION_NO_CE_ACROSS_SOURCES
                            if (codeElement.IsAcrossSourceFile())
                                                         "A Cobol statement cannot be across 2 sources files (eg. Main program and a COPY)",

                            // Add code element to the list
                // If the parse tree contains errors
                if (codeElementsParseTree.Diagnostics != null)
                    foreach (ParserDiagnostic d in codeElementsParseTree.Diagnostics)
                        if (d.OffendingSymbol != null)
                            CodeElementsLine codeElementsLine =
                            if (codeElementsLine != null)

            if (AntlrPerformanceProfiler != null)
                AntlrPerformanceProfiler.EndParsingFile(cobolParser.ParseInfo.DecisionInfo, (int)(cobolParser.ParseInfo.GetTotalTimeInPrediction() / 1000000));

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Illustration : lines with code elements continued from previous line or with a continuation on next line (before update)
        /// SW represents a code element starting word
        /// [  SW    x]
        /// [        x]
        /// [SW      x]
        /// [   SW    ]
        /// [   x   SW]
        /// A DocumentChange intersects with a previously parsed multiline code element if :
        /// * LineInserted :
        ///   - all previous lines until the last starting word
        ///     (get previous lines until the previous code element is found)
        ///   - all the next lines until the next starting word
        ///     (get next lines until the next code element is found,
        ///      do not reset the last line if the next code element starts at the beginning of the line)
        /// * LineUpdated / LineRemoved :
        ///   - all previous lines until the last starting word
        ///     (get previous lines until the previous code element is found)
        ///   - all the next lines until the next starting word
        ///     (get next lines until the next code element is found,
        ///      do not reset the last line if the next code element starts at the beginning of the line)
        /// When navigating to previous or next line searching for a code element, we can stop when a fresh insertion / update is encountered.
        /// When we reset a line which was not directly updated, and where the code element started in the middle of the line,
        /// we must "remember" at which token we must start parsing.
        /// In conclusion, the incremental parsing step for code elements is divided in two steps :
        /// 1. List all the starting and stop tokens of sections to parse with the rules above
        /// 2. Parse code elements beginning with starting token and until we reach stop token
        /// </summary>
        private static ParseSection CheckIfAdjacentLinesNeedRefresh(DocumentChangeType changeType, int lineIndex, ISearchableReadOnlyList <CodeElementsLine> documentLines, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, IList <DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine> > codeElementsLinesChanges, ParseSection lastParseSection)
            ParseSection currentParseSection = new ParseSection();

            // Navigate backwards to the start of the multiline code element
            if (lineIndex > 0)
                int previousLineIndex  = lineIndex;
                int lastLineIndexReset = lastParseSection != null ? lastParseSection.StopLineIndex : -1;
                IEnumerator <CodeElementsLine> reversedEnumerator = documentLines.GetEnumerator(previousLineIndex - 1, -1, true);
                bool previousLineHasCodeElements = false;
                while (reversedEnumerator.MoveNext() && (--previousLineIndex > lastLineIndexReset))
                    // Get the previous line until the first code element is encountered
                    CodeElementsLine previousLine = reversedEnumerator.Current;

                    // The start of the parse section is delimited by the previous CodeElement
                    if (previousLine != null)
                        previousLineHasCodeElements = previousLine.HasCodeElements;
                        if (previousLineHasCodeElements)
                            currentParseSection.StartLineIndex = previousLineIndex;
                            currentParseSection.StartToken     = previousLine.CodeElements.First().ConsumedTokens.FirstOrDefault();

                        // All lines contained in the parse section could be modified, and should be reset
                        previousLine = (CodeElementsLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(previousLineIndex, previousLine, CompilationStep.CodeElementsParser);
                        codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, previousLineIndex, previousLine));

                    // Stop iterating backwards as soon as the start of an old CodeElement is found
                    if (previousLineHasCodeElements)
                // If no CodeElement was found on the previous lines, current parse section starts at the beggining of the file
                // (because last parseSection could only stop at a CodeElement or at the end of the file)
                if (!previousLineHasCodeElements)
                    currentParseSection.StartLineIndex = 0;
                    currentParseSection.StartToken     = null;
            // If line 0 was updated, current parse section starts at the beggining of the file
                currentParseSection.StartLineIndex = 0;
                currentParseSection.StartToken     = null;

            // Navigate forwards to the end of the multiline code element
            if (lineIndex < (documentLines.Count - 1))
                int nextLineIndex = lineIndex;
                IEnumerator <CodeElementsLine> enumerator = documentLines.GetEnumerator(nextLineIndex + 1, -1, false);
                bool nextLineHasCodeElements = false;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    // Get the next line until non continuation line is encountered
                    CodeElementsLine nextLine = enumerator.Current;

                    // Check if the next CodeElement found starts at the beginning of the line
                    if (nextLine != null)
                        nextLineHasCodeElements = nextLine.HasCodeElements;
                        bool nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine = false;
                        if (nextLineHasCodeElements)
                                Token startTokenForNextParseSection = nextLine.CodeElements.First().ConsumedTokens.FirstOrDefault();
                                Token firstSourceTokenOfThisLine    = nextLine.TokensWithCompilerDirectives.First(token => token.Channel == Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
                                nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine = startTokenForNextParseSection == firstSourceTokenOfThisLine;
                            catch (System.InvalidOperationException /*e*/)
                            {//JCM: 28/08/2017: I noticed that this Exception can occur if: it doesn't exists a token which verifies the predicate: token.Channel == Token.CHANNEL_SourceToken
                                nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine = false;

                        // All lines contained in the parse section could be modified
                        if (!nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine)
                            // TO DO : ERROR below, will not work if we have source tokens from previous CodeElement + one other CodeElement on the same line
                            // => the other CodeElement will be deleted by prepareDocumentLineForUpdate and not parsed again
                            nextLine = (CodeElementsLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(nextLineIndex, nextLine, CompilationStep.CodeElementsParser);
                            codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, nextLineIndex, nextLine));

                        // Stop iterating forwards as soon as the start of an old CodeElement is found
                        if (nextLineHasCodeElements)
                            currentParseSection.StopLineIndex = nextLineIndex;
                            currentParseSection.StopToken     = nextLine.CodeElements.First().ConsumedTokens.FirstOrDefault();
                            currentParseSection.StopTokenIsFirstTokenOfTheLine = nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine;
                // If no CodeElement was found on the next lines, current parse section current parse section ends at the end of the file
                if (!nextLineHasCodeElements)
                    currentParseSection.StopLineIndex = nextLineIndex;
                    currentParseSection.StopToken     = null;
                    currentParseSection.StopTokenIsFirstTokenOfTheLine = false;
            // If last line was updated, or if no CodeElement was found after the updated line, current parse section ends at the end of the file
                currentParseSection.StopLineIndex = documentLines.Count - 1;
                currentParseSection.StopToken     = null;
                currentParseSection.StopTokenIsFirstTokenOfTheLine = false;

Exemple #3
        private void parsePosViewINIFiles(string fname)
            if (!File.Exists(fname))

            string headingRegex = "^\\[(\\S+)\\]$";
            string keyRegex     = "(?<key>[\\w]+)=(?<value>.*)$";

            Regex        heading = new Regex(headingRegex);
            Regex        key     = new Regex(keyRegex);
            ParseSection section = ParseSection.none;

            System.Collections.ArrayList labels = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fname))
                    while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                        string line = reader.ReadLine();
                        Match  m    = heading.Match(line);
                        if (m.Success)  //it was a heading!
                            section = parseSectionHeading(m.Groups[1].Value);

                        if (section == ParseSection.none)
                            continue;                               //if we are out of a section, move on
                        //not a header check for a body match
                        m = key.Match(line);
                        if (!m.Success)

                        string k = m.Groups["key"].Value;
                        string v = m.Groups["value"].Value;
                        switch (section)
                        case ParseSection.global:
                            parseGlobalKeyValuePair(k, v);

                        case ParseSection.label:
                    _labels = (string[])labels.ToArray(typeof(string));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidDataException(String.Format("Pos ini file ({0}) is in an invalid format!", fname), ex);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Incremental parsing of a set of processed tokens lines changes
        /// </summary>
        internal static IList <DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine> > ParseProcessedTokensLinesChanges(TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList <CodeElementsLine> documentLines, IList <DocumentChange <IProcessedTokensLine> > processedTokensLinesChanges, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions)
            // Collect all changes applied to the processed tokens lines during the incremental scan
            IList <DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine> > codeElementsLinesChanges = new List <DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine> >();

            // There are 2 reasons to re-parse a tokens line after a change :
            // 1. The tokens line changed : these lines were already reset during the previous steps
            // 2. If a tokens line that changed was involved in the parsing of a multiline code element, the whole group of lines must be parsed again

            // --- PREPARATION PHASE : identify all parse sections where code elements need to be refreshed ---

            IList <ParseSection> refreshParseSections = null;

            // Iterate over all processed tokens changes detected by the PreprocessorStep :
            // - refresh all the adjacent lines participating in a CodeElement
            // - register the start and stop token for all sections of the document which need to be parsed again
            if (processedTokensLinesChanges != null)
                // If the document was cleared, everything must be parsed again
                if (processedTokensLinesChanges[0].Type != DocumentChangeType.DocumentCleared)
                    refreshParseSections = new List <ParseSection>();

                    ParseSection lastParseSection = null;
                    foreach (DocumentChange <IProcessedTokensLine> tokensChange in processedTokensLinesChanges)
                        if (lastParseSection == null || tokensChange.LineIndex > lastParseSection.StopLineIndex)
                            lastParseSection = CheckIfAdjacentLinesNeedRefresh(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, documentLines, prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, codeElementsLinesChanges, lastParseSection);

            // --- INITIALIZE ANTLR CodeElements parser ---

            // Create a token iterator on top of pre-processed tokens lines
            ITokensLinesIterator tokensIterator = ProcessedTokensDocument.GetProcessedTokensIterator(textSourceInfo, documentLines);

            // Create an Antlr compatible token source on top of the token iterator
            TokensLinesTokenSource tokenSource = new TokensLinesTokenSource(

            // Init parser
            TokensLinesTokenStream tokenStream = new TokensLinesTokenStream(tokenSource, Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
            CodeElementsParser     cobolParser = new CodeElementsParser(tokenStream);
            // REVERT TO STD PARSER ==> TracingCobolParser cobolParser = new TracingCobolParser(tokenStream);

            // Customize error recovery strategy
            IAntlrErrorStrategy cobolErrorStrategy = new CodeElementErrorStrategy();

            cobolParser.ErrorHandler = cobolErrorStrategy;

            // Register all parse errors in a list in memory
            ParserDiagnosticErrorListener errorListener = new ParserDiagnosticErrorListener();


            // Prepare to analyze the parse tree
            ParseTreeWalker    walker             = new ParseTreeWalker();
            CodeElementBuilder codeElementBuilder = new CodeElementBuilder();

            codeElementBuilder.Dispatcher = new CodeElementDispatcher();

            // --- INCREMENTAL PARSING ---

            // In case of incremental parsing, parse only the code sections we need to refresh
            IEnumerator <ParseSection> parseSectionsEnumerator = null;
            ParseSection currentParseSection = null;

            if (refreshParseSections != null)
                // Get the first code section we need to refresh
                parseSectionsEnumerator = refreshParseSections.GetEnumerator();
                currentParseSection = parseSectionsEnumerator.Current;

                // Seek just before the next code element starting token

            // Parse a list of code elements for each parse section while advancing in the underlying token stream
                // Reset parsing error diagnostics

                // Try to parse code elements :
                // - starting with the current parse section Start token
                // - ending with the current parse section Stop token
                CodeElementsParser.CobolCodeElementsContext codeElementsParseTree = null;
                try {
                    codeElementsParseTree = cobolParser.cobolCodeElements();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    var currentToken = (Token)cobolParser.CurrentToken;
                    CodeElementsLine codeElementsLine = GetCodeElementsLineForToken(currentToken);
                    codeElementsLine.AddParserDiagnostic(new TokenDiagnostic(MessageCode.ImplementationError, currentToken, currentToken.Line, e));

                if (codeElementsParseTree != null)
                    // If the parse tree is not empty
                    if (codeElementsParseTree.codeElement() != null && codeElementsParseTree.codeElement().Length > 0)
                        // Analyze the parse tree for each code element
                        foreach (var codeElementParseTree in codeElementsParseTree.codeElement())
                            // Get the first line that was parsed
                            var tokenStart = (Token)codeElementParseTree.Start;
                            CodeElementsLine codeElementsLine = GetCodeElementsLineForToken(tokenStart);

                            // Register that this line was updated
                            // COMMENTED FOR THE SAKE OF PERFORMANCE -- SEE ISSUE #160
                            //int updatedLineIndex = documentLines.IndexOf(codeElementsLine, codeElementsLine.InitialLineIndex);
                            //codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, updatedLineIndex, codeElementsLine));
                            codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange <ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, codeElementsLine.InitialLineIndex, codeElementsLine));

                            // Visit the parse tree to build a first class object representing the code elements
                            try { walker.Walk(codeElementBuilder, codeElementParseTree); }
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                var code = MessageCode.ImplementationError;
                                int line = 0; int start = 0; int stop = 0;
                                if (codeElementsLine.SourceTokens != null && codeElementsLine.SourceTokens.Count > 0)
                                    start = codeElementsLine.SourceTokens[0].StartIndex;
                                    stop  = codeElementsLine.SourceTokens[codeElementsLine.SourceTokens.Count - 1].StopIndex;
                                codeElementsLine.AddParserDiagnostic(new ParserDiagnostic(ex.ToString(), start, stop, line, null, code));
                            CodeElement codeElement = codeElementBuilder.CodeElement;
                            if (codeElement != null)
                                // Attach consumed tokens and main document line numbers information to the code element
                                if (codeElement.ConsumedTokens.Count == 0)
                                {     // ISSUE #204:
                                    if (tokenStream.Lt(1) != null)
                                    { // if not end of file,
                                        // add next token to ConsumedTokens to know where is the CodeElement in error
                                        // this alter CodeElements semantics: in addition to matched tokens,
                                        // it includes the first token in error if no token has been matched

                                //TODO Issue #384 to discuss if this code should stay here:
                                //This should be in a Checker, but "codeElement.ConsumedTokens" is only set after all the checkers have been called
                                //Rule TCLIMITATION_NO_CE_ACROSS_SOURCES
                                if (codeElement.IsAcrossSourceFile())
                                    DiagnosticUtils.AddError(codeElement, "A Cobol statement cannot be across 2 sources files (eg. Main program and a COPY)", MessageCode.TypeCobolParserLimitation);

                                // Add code element to the list
                                if (codeElement.Diagnostics != null)
                                    foreach (Diagnostic d in codeElement.Diagnostics)
                    // If the parse tree contains errors
                    if (codeElementsParseTree.Diagnostics != null)
                        foreach (ParserDiagnostic d in codeElementsParseTree.Diagnostics)
                            if (d.OffendingSymbol != null)
                                CodeElementsLine codeElementsLine = GetCodeElementsLineForToken((Token)d.OffendingSymbol);

                // In case of incremental parsing, directly jump to next parse section in the token stream
                // Else, simply start parsing the next CodeElement beginning with the next token
                if (currentParseSection != null)
                    // Adavance to the next ParseSection
                    if (parseSectionsEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        currentParseSection = parseSectionsEnumerator.Current;
                    // No more section to parse
            }while (tokenStream.La(1) >= 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Illustration : lines with code elements continued from previous line or with a continuation on next line (before update)
        /// SW represents a code element starting word
        /// [  SW    x] 
        /// [        x]
        /// [SW      x]
        /// [   SW    ]
        /// [   x   SW]
        /// A DocumentChange intersects with a previously parsed multiline code element if : 
        /// * LineInserted :
        ///   - all previous lines until the last starting word 
        ///     (get previous lines until the previous code element is found)
        ///   - all the next lines until the next starting word
        ///     (get next lines until the next code element is found, 
        ///      do not reset the last line if the next code element starts at the beginning of the line)
        /// * LineUpdated / LineRemoved :
        ///   - all previous lines until the last starting word 
        ///     (get previous lines until the previous code element is found)
        ///   - all the next lines until the next starting word
        ///     (get next lines until the next code element is found, 
        ///      do not reset the last line if the next code element starts at the beginning of the line)
        /// When navigating to previous or next line searching for a code element, we can stop when a fresh insertion / update is encountered.
        /// When we reset a line which was not directly updated, and where the code element started in the middle of the line,
        /// we must "remember" at which token we must start parsing.
        /// In conclusion, the incremental parsing step for code elements is divided in two steps :
        /// 1. List all the starting and stop tokens of sections to parse with the rules above
        /// 2. Parse code elements beginning with starting token and until we reach stop token
        /// </summary>
        private static ParseSection CheckIfAdjacentLinesNeedRefresh(DocumentChangeType changeType, int lineIndex, ISearchableReadOnlyList<CodeElementsLine> documentLines, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, IList<DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>> codeElementsLinesChanges, ParseSection lastParseSection)
            ParseSection currentParseSection = new ParseSection();

            // Navigate backwards to the start of the multiline code element
            if (lineIndex > 0)
                int previousLineIndex = lineIndex;
                int lastLineIndexReset = lastParseSection != null ? lastParseSection.StopLineIndex  : - 1;
                IEnumerator<CodeElementsLine> reversedEnumerator = documentLines.GetEnumerator(previousLineIndex - 1, -1, true);
                while (reversedEnumerator.MoveNext() && (--previousLineIndex > lastLineIndexReset))
                    // Get the previous line until the first code element is encountered
                    CodeElementsLine previousLine = reversedEnumerator.Current;

                    // The start of the parse section is delimited by the previous CodeElement
                    bool previousLineHasCodeElements = previousLine.HasCodeElements;
                    if (previousLineHasCodeElements)
                        currentParseSection.StartLineIndex = previousLineIndex;
                        currentParseSection.StartToken = previousLine.CodeElements[0].ConsumedTokens[0];

                    // All lines contained in the parse section could be modified, and should be reset
                    previousLine = (CodeElementsLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(previousLineIndex, previousLine, CompilationStep.CodeElementsParser);
                    codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, previousLineIndex, previousLine));

                    // Stop iterating backwards as soon as the start of an old CodeElement is found
                    if (previousLineHasCodeElements)

            // Navigate forwards to the end of the multiline code element
            if (lineIndex < (documentLines.Count - 1))
                int nextLineIndex = lineIndex;
                IEnumerator<CodeElementsLine> enumerator = documentLines.GetEnumerator(nextLineIndex + 1, -1, true);
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    // Get the next line until non continuation line is encountered
                    CodeElementsLine nextLine = enumerator.Current;

                    // Check if the next CodeElement found starts at the beginning of the line
                    bool nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine = false;
                    if (nextLine.HasCodeElements)
                        Token startTokenForNextParseSection = nextLine.CodeElements[0].ConsumedTokens[0];
                        Token firstSourceTokenOfThisLine = nextLine.TokensWithCompilerDirectives.First(token => token.Channel == Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
                        nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine = startTokenForNextParseSection == firstSourceTokenOfThisLine;

                    // All lines contained in the parse section could be modified
                    if (!nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine)
                        nextLine = (CodeElementsLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(nextLineIndex, nextLine, CompilationStep.CodeElementsParser);
                        codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, nextLineIndex, nextLine));

                    // Stop iterating forwards as soon as the start of an old CodeElement is found
                    if (nextLine.HasCodeElements)
                        if (!nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine)
                            currentParseSection.StopLineIndex = nextLineIndex;
                            currentParseSection.StopToken = nextLine.CodeElements[0].ConsumedTokens[0];
                            currentParseSection.StopLineIndex = nextLineIndex;
                            while (currentParseSection.StopToken == null && currentParseSection.StopLineIndex >= 1)
                                currentParseSection.StopLineIndex = currentParseSection.StopLineIndex - 1;
                                currentParseSection.StopToken = documentLines[currentParseSection.StopLineIndex].TokensWithCompilerDirectives.Last(token => token.Channel == Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
                        currentParseSection.StopTokenIsLastTokenOfTheLine = nextCodeElementStartsAtTheBeginningOfTheLine;
            // Current parse section ends with the updated line
                currentParseSection.StopLineIndex = lineIndex + 1;
                while (currentParseSection.StopToken == null && currentParseSection.StopLineIndex >= 1)
                    currentParseSection.StopLineIndex = currentParseSection.StopLineIndex - 1;
                    currentParseSection.StopToken = documentLines[currentParseSection.StopLineIndex].TokensWithCompilerDirectives.Last(token => token.Channel == Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
                currentParseSection.StopTokenIsLastTokenOfTheLine = true;

            return currentParseSection;
Exemple #6
        private static ParseSection ParseLine(
            string current,
            ParseSection section,
            Dictionary <string, string> properties,
            List <Affix> affixes,
            List <Pattern> patterns)
            if (current.StartsWith("~"))
                var index = 1;
                while (index > current.Length)

                    if (current[index] != ' ')

                var sectionName = current.Substring(index);
                switch (sectionName.Trim().ToLowerInvariant())
                case Information:
                    section = ParseSection.Information;

                case Affixes:
                    section = ParseSection.Affixes;

                case Patterns:
                    section = ParseSection.Patterns;
                switch (section)
                case ParseSection.Information:
                    // Sample Property:
                    // Name : Value

                    var parts = current.Split(':');
                    if (parts.Length == 2)
                        properties.Add(parts[0].Trim(), parts[1].Trim());

                case ParseSection.Affixes:
                    var parts = current.Split(':');
                    if (parts.Length == 2)
                        var name     = parts[0].Trim().ToLowerInvariant();     // Affix names are case-insensitive
                        var variants = parts[1].Split(',').Select(v => v.Trim()).ToArray();
                        affixes.Add(new Affix(name, variants));

                case ParseSection.Patterns:
                    // TODO: Make sure all of the affixes are loaded before the patterns
                    patterns.Add(new Pattern(current));
