// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Make the normal client
        parseClient = new ParseClient(
            new ServerConnectionData
            ApplicationID = "FILL ME IN!!!",
            ServerURI     = "HTTP FILL ME IN .COM",
            Key           = "ADD THIS TOO", // This is unnecessary if a value for MasterKey is specified.
            Headers       = new Dictionary <string, string>
            new LateInitializedMutableServiceHub {
            new MetadataMutator
            EnvironmentData = new EnvironmentData {
                OSVersion = SystemInfo.operatingSystem, Platform = $"Unity {Application.unityVersion} on {SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily}", TimeZone = System.TimeZoneInfo.Local.StandardName
            HostManifestData = new HostManifestData {
                Name = Application.productName, Identifier = Application.productName, ShortVersion = Application.version, Version = Application.version

            , new AbsoluteCacheLocationMutator
            CustomAbsoluteCacheFilePath = $"{Application.persistentDataPath.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}Parse.cache"

        // Setup the instance

        // Make the live client
        parseLiveClient = new ParseLiveQueryClient(new System.Uri($"wss://SOME LIVE SERVER")); //This is the URI to your live server

        // Lets listen to some events for the lifecycle of the Live Query
        parseLiveClient.OnConnected       += ParseLiveClient_OnConnected;
        parseLiveClient.OnDisconnected    += ParseLiveClient_OnDisconnected;
        parseLiveClient.OnLiveQueryError  += ParseLiveClient_OnLiveQueryError;
        parseLiveClient.OnSocketException += ParseLiveClient_OnSocketException;

        // Setup the instance

        // Lets do a quick test to see how it all works
Exemple #2
        public void SetUp()
            ParseObject.RegisterSubclass <ParseUser>();
            ParseUser mockUser = ParseObject.Create <ParseUser>();

            _subscriptionFactory = new TestSubscriptionFactory();

            _currentUserController = Substitute.For <IParseCurrentUserController>();
            _currentUserController.GetAsync(Arg.Any <CancellationToken>()).Returns(Task.FromResult(mockUser));
            _currentUserController.GetCurrentSessionTokenAsync(Arg.Any <CancellationToken>()).Returns(Task.FromResult(mockUser.SessionToken));

            ParseCorePlugins.Instance = new ParseCorePlugins {
                CurrentUserController = _currentUserController

            _parseLiveQueryClient = new ParseLiveQueryClient(new Uri("/", UriKind.Relative), (hostUri, callback) => {
                _webSocketClientCallback = callback;
                _webSocketClient         = Substitute.For <IWebSocketClient>();
            }, _subscriptionFactory, new ImmediateTaskQueue());
