protected override void GetParametersLocked(Parameters Parameters, Language UserLanguage, bool IncludeJoins)
            base.GetParametersLocked(Parameters, UserLanguage, IncludeJoins);

            bool InProduction = this.Phase >= LifecyclePhase.Production;

            if (UserLanguage == null)
                Parameters.AddInt32Parameter("port", "Communication", "Communication",
                                             "CoAP Port:",
                                             "Port to use on the local machine for incoming CoAP messages.",
                                             !InProduction, null, this.port, 1, 65535);

                Parameters.AddInt32Parameter("ttl", "Communication", "Communication",
                                             "Time to live (TTL):",
                                             "Number of router hops to allow, before messages are discarded.",
                                             !InProduction, null, this.ttl, 1, 255);

                Parameters.AddIdReferenceParameter("userId", "Communication", "Communication",
                                                   "User ID:",
                                                   "Access to the server will be made using the access rights of this user account.",
                                                   !InProduction, string.Empty, this.userId, Users.Source, typeof(User), false);
                LanguageModule Module   = UserLanguage.GetModule(CoapNode.LanguageModuleName);
                string         Category = Module.String(26, "Communication");

                Parameters.AddInt32Parameter("port", "Communication", Category,
                                             Module.String(10, "CoAP Port:"),
                                             Module.String(11, "Port to use on the local machine for incoming CoAP messages."),
                                             !InProduction, null, this.port, 1, 65535);

                Parameters.AddInt32Parameter("ttl", "Communication", Category,
                                             Module.String(12, "Time to live (TTL):"),
                                             Module.String(13, "Number of router hops to allow, before messages are discarded."),
                                             !InProduction, null, this.ttl, 1, 255);

                Parameters.AddIdReferenceParameter("userId", "Communication", Category,
                                                   Module.String(55, "User ID:"),
                                                   Module.String(56, "Access to the server will be made using the access rights of this user account."),
                                                   !InProduction, string.Empty, this.userId, Users.Source, typeof(User), false);