public void NoAnalyses_NoEdits_PhraseWordforms()
			// 1. Setup Tests with a basic phrase
			ParagraphBuilder pb = new ParagraphBuilder(m_textsDefn, m_text1, (int) Text1ParaIndex.PhraseWordforms);

			// first do a basic phrase (without secondary phrases (guesses))
			// xxxpus xxxyalola xxxnihimbilira. [xxxpus xxxyalola] xxxhesyla xxxnihimbilira. xxxpus xxxyalola xxxnihimbilira
			pb.MergeAdjacentAnnotations(1, 0);
			// generate mock ids
			// now produce a guess to establish the phrase annotation.
			var tapb = new ParagraphAnnotatorForParagraphBuilder(pb);
			pb.ActualParagraph.SegmentsOS[1].AnalysesRS.RemoveAt(0); // delete "xxxpus"
			// now replace "xxxyalola" with the new phrase form "xxxpus xxxyalola"
			IAnalysis beforeParse_phrase1_0 = pb.ExportCbaNodeToReal(1, 0);
			//string gloss;
			//IWfiGloss wg_phrase1_0 = tapb.SetDefaultWordGloss(1, 0, out gloss);
			// NOTE: Precondition checks to make sure we set up the annotation properly

			// The real test: now parse and verify that we maintained the expected result for the phrase annotation.
			var afterParse_actualWordform = tapb.GetAnalysis(1, 0);
			Assert.AreEqual(beforeParse_phrase1_0, afterParse_actualWordform, "word mismatch");
			// verify the rest.