Exemple #1
        private void ProcessPrintFullPanto(Step step)
            if (step != Step.Next && step != Step.Back)  //invalid

            if (step == Step.Back)
                state = P2WizardState.FailReason;
#if !Print
            state = P2WizardState.IsValidPanto;

            Dot bg = GetDot((int)nudPageNumberBG.Value, (int)nudDarknessBG.Value, txtCellBG.Text, "BG");
            if (bg == null)
                MessageBox.Show("You have entered an invalid page number or cell index.  Please correct and try again");
            if (CurrentFG == null)
                CurrentFG = Cartesian.First();
            byte[] data   = bg.GetBytes(true);
            byte[] dataFg = CurrentFG.GetBytes(true);

            //MessageBox.Show("TODO - Print pantograph based on entered cell");

            CustomConfiguration cc = new CustomConfiguration();

            //Using interference pattern?
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IntfFontPath))
                //Set the interference enabled bit and chessboard bit
                cc.PantographConfiguration = "257";
                //Set only the chessboard bit
                cc.PantographConfiguration = "1";
                IntfFontPath = Application.StartupPath;  //TBD Temporary until I fix the panto builder.  Does not like a blank string.
            cc.PageOrientation = PageOrientationType.poPortrait;
            cc.PageType        = PageType.ptLetter;
            cc.UseDefaultInclusionForPaperSize = true;
            cc.InterferencePatternId           = 20;

            //Create a cell with the text COPY and id = 10
            PantographCellDescriptorType pcdt = new PantographCellDescriptorType();
            pcdt.msg  = "COPY";
            pcdt.pidx = 10;

            //Set the custom pattern
            cc.CustomBackgroundPatternData = data;
            //TBD use real foreground
            cc.CustomForegroundPatternData = dataFg;

            //Create the full page pantograph
            string filename = "PantographProfile1Page1.pcl";

            var    xser      = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CustomConfiguration));
            string cfilename = IntfFontPath + "TroyPantographConfiguration.xml";
            var    writer    = new StreamWriter(cfilename);
            xser.Serialize(writer, cc);

            var bp = new BuildPantographWrap.Wrapper();
            int rc = bp.ManagedCreatePantograph(IntfFontPath);

            //Print the pantograph file
            PrinterLib.PrintToSpooler.SendFileToPrinter(PrinterName, filename, "Test");

            //TBD Temporary kluge to make the other temporary kluge work properly
            if (cc.PantographConfiguration == "1")
                IntfFontPath = "";

            state = P2WizardState.IsValidPanto;
Exemple #2
        private bool SaveSettings()
            PantographConfiguration pc = new PantographConfiguration();

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 4; cntr++)
                CustomConfiguration tempcc;
                if (PConfigs.PantographConfigurations.Count < cntr + 1)
                    tempcc = new CustomConfiguration();
                    tempcc = PConfigs.PantographConfigurations[cntr];
                if (cntr == 0)
                    tempcc.BorderString = txtBorderTxt1.Text;
                    tempcc.UseDynamicMp = chkDynamicMp1.Checked;
                    for (int cntr1 = 0; cntr1 < 10; cntr1++)
                        if (Globals.CellSetups[0, cntr1].PatternEnabled)
                            PantographCellDescriptorType pcdt = new PantographCellDescriptorType();
                            pcdt.pidx = cntr1 + 1;
                            pcdt.msg  = Globals.CellSetups[0, cntr1].CellText;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.CustomPatternName[0]))
                        tempcc.CustomPatternName = Globals.CustomPatternName[0];
                        foreach (TroyPatterns tp in Globals.customPatterns.TroyStoredPattern)
                            if (tp.StoredPatternName == Globals.CustomPatternName[0])
                                tempcc.CustomBackgroundPatternData = tp.BackgroundPattern;
                                tempcc.CustomForegroundPatternData = tp.ForegroundPattern;
                    foreach (string str in lstExclusions1.Items)
                        int XInd = str.IndexOf("XAnchor:");
                        int YInd = str.IndexOf("YAnchor:");
                        int WInd = str.IndexOf("Width:");
                        int HInd = str.IndexOf("Height:");
                        if ((XInd > -1) && (YInd > -1) && (WInd > -1) && (HInd > -1))
                            PantographRegionObjectType exc = new PantographRegionObjectType();
                            string temp = str.Substring(XInd + 9, YInd - (XInd + 9));
                            exc.XAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(YInd + 9, WInd - (YInd + 9));
                            exc.YAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(WInd + 7, HInd - (WInd + 7));
                            exc.Width   = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(HInd + 8);
                            exc.Height  = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                    tempcc.UseDefaultInclusionForPaperSize = chkUseDefaultInclusion1.Checked;
                    if (!chkUseDefaultInclusion1.Checked)
                        if (txtInclX1.Text != "")
                            if (tempcc.InclusionRegion == null)
                                tempcc.InclusionRegion = new PantographRegionObjectType();
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.XAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclX1.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.YAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclY1.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.Width   = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclW1.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.Height  = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclH1.Text);
                    tempcc.InterferencePatternId = Convert.ToInt32(numIPtrn1.Value);
                    tempcc.PantographColor       =
                        Enum.Parse(typeof(PantographColorType), "pg" + cboColor1.Text);
                    tempcc.PageOrientation         = masterPO;
                    tempcc.PageType                = masterPT;
                    tempcc.PantographConfiguration = txtPConfig1.Text;
                    if (radDynamicData1.Checked)
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = true;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = true;
                    else if (radStaticData1.Checked)
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = false;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = true;
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = false;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = false;
                    tempcc.WarningBoxString = WbStrings[1];
                else if (cntr == 1)
                    tempcc.BorderString = txtBorderTxt2.Text;
                    tempcc.UseDynamicMp = chkDynamicMp2.Checked;
                    for (int cntr1 = 0; cntr1 < 10; cntr1++)
                        if (Globals.CellSetups[1, cntr1].PatternEnabled)
                            PantographCellDescriptorType pcdt = new PantographCellDescriptorType();
                            pcdt.pidx = cntr1 + 1;
                            pcdt.msg  = Globals.CellSetups[1, cntr1].CellText;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.CustomPatternName[1]))
                        foreach (TroyPatterns tp in Globals.customPatterns.TroyStoredPattern)
                            if (tp.StoredPatternName == Globals.CustomPatternName[1])
                                tempcc.CustomBackgroundPatternData = tp.BackgroundPattern;
                                tempcc.CustomForegroundPatternData = tp.ForegroundPattern;

                    foreach (string str in lstExclusions2.Items)
                        int XInd = str.IndexOf("XAnchor:");
                        int YInd = str.IndexOf("YAnchor:");
                        int WInd = str.IndexOf("Width:");
                        int HInd = str.IndexOf("Height:");
                        if ((XInd > -1) && (YInd > -1) && (WInd > -1) && (HInd > -1))
                            PantographRegionObjectType exc = new PantographRegionObjectType();
                            string temp = str.Substring(XInd + 9, YInd - (XInd + 9));
                            exc.XAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(YInd + 9, WInd - (YInd + 9));
                            exc.YAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(WInd + 7, HInd - (WInd + 7));
                            exc.Width   = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(HInd + 8);
                            exc.Height  = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                    tempcc.UseDefaultInclusionForPaperSize = chkUseDefaultInclusion2.Checked;
                    if (!chkUseDefaultInclusion2.Checked)
                        if (txtInclX2.Text != "")
                            if (tempcc.InclusionRegion == null)
                                tempcc.InclusionRegion = new PantographRegionObjectType();
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.XAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclX2.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.YAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclY2.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.Width   = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclW2.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.Height  = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclH2.Text);
                    tempcc.InterferencePatternId = Convert.ToInt32(numIPtrn2.Value);
                    tempcc.PantographColor       = (PantographColorType)
                                                   Enum.Parse(typeof(PantographColorType), "pg" + cboColor2.Text);
                    tempcc.PageOrientation         = masterPO;
                    tempcc.PageType                = masterPT;
                    tempcc.PantographConfiguration = txtPConfig2.Text;
                    if (radDynamicData2.Checked)
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = true;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = true;
                    else if (radStaticData2.Checked)
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = false;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = true;
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = false;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = false;
                    tempcc.WarningBoxString = WbStrings[2];
                else if (cntr == 2)
                    tempcc.BorderString = txtBorderTxt3.Text;
                    tempcc.UseDynamicMp = chkDynamicMp3.Checked;
                    for (int cntr1 = 0; cntr1 < 10; cntr1++)
                        if (Globals.CellSetups[2, cntr1].PatternEnabled)
                            PantographCellDescriptorType pcdt = new PantographCellDescriptorType();
                            pcdt.pidx = cntr1 + 1;
                            pcdt.msg  = Globals.CellSetups[2, cntr1].CellText;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.CustomPatternName[2]))
                        foreach (TroyPatterns tp in Globals.customPatterns.TroyStoredPattern)
                            if (tp.StoredPatternName == Globals.CustomPatternName[2])
                                tempcc.CustomBackgroundPatternData = tp.BackgroundPattern;
                                tempcc.CustomForegroundPatternData = tp.ForegroundPattern;
                    foreach (string str in lstExclusions3.Items)
                        int XInd = str.IndexOf("XAnchor:");
                        int YInd = str.IndexOf("YAnchor:");
                        int WInd = str.IndexOf("Width:");
                        int HInd = str.IndexOf("Height:");
                        if ((XInd > -1) && (YInd > -1) && (WInd > -1) && (HInd > -1))
                            PantographRegionObjectType exc = new PantographRegionObjectType();
                            string temp = str.Substring(XInd + 9, YInd - (XInd + 9));
                            exc.XAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(YInd + 9, WInd - (YInd + 9));
                            exc.YAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(WInd + 7, HInd - (WInd + 7));
                            exc.Width   = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(HInd + 8);
                            exc.Height  = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                    tempcc.UseDefaultInclusionForPaperSize = chkUseDefaultInclusion3.Checked;
                    if (!chkUseDefaultInclusion3.Checked)
                        if (txtInclX3.Text != "")
                            if (tempcc.InclusionRegion == null)
                                tempcc.InclusionRegion = new PantographRegionObjectType();
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.XAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclX3.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.YAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclY3.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.Width   = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclW3.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.Height  = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclH3.Text);
                    tempcc.InterferencePatternId = Convert.ToInt32(numIPtrn3.Value);
                    tempcc.PantographColor       =
                        Enum.Parse(typeof(PantographColorType), "pg" + cboColor3.Text);
                    tempcc.PageOrientation         = masterPO;
                    tempcc.PageType                = masterPT;
                    tempcc.PantographConfiguration = txtPConfig3.Text;
                    if (radDynamicData3.Checked)
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = true;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = true;
                    else if (radStaticData3.Checked)
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = false;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = true;
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = false;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = false;
                    tempcc.WarningBoxString = WbStrings[3];
                else if (cntr == 3)
                    tempcc.BorderString = txtBorderTxt4.Text;
                    tempcc.UseDynamicMp = chkDynamicMp4.Checked;
                    for (int cntr1 = 0; cntr1 < 10; cntr1++)
                        if (Globals.CellSetups[3, cntr1].PatternEnabled)
                            PantographCellDescriptorType pcdt = new PantographCellDescriptorType();
                            pcdt.pidx = cntr1 + 1;
                            pcdt.msg  = Globals.CellSetups[3, cntr1].CellText;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.CustomPatternName[3]))
                        foreach (TroyPatterns tp in Globals.customPatterns.TroyStoredPattern)
                            if (tp.StoredPatternName == Globals.CustomPatternName[3])
                                tempcc.CustomBackgroundPatternData = tp.BackgroundPattern;
                                tempcc.CustomForegroundPatternData = tp.ForegroundPattern;
                    foreach (string str in lstExclusions4.Items)
                        int XInd = str.IndexOf("XAnchor:");
                        int YInd = str.IndexOf("YAnchor:");
                        int WInd = str.IndexOf("Width:");
                        int HInd = str.IndexOf("Height:");
                        if ((XInd > -1) && (YInd > -1) && (WInd > -1) && (HInd > -1))
                            PantographRegionObjectType exc = new PantographRegionObjectType();
                            string temp = str.Substring(XInd + 9, YInd - (XInd + 9));
                            exc.XAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(YInd + 9, WInd - (YInd + 9));
                            exc.YAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(WInd + 7, HInd - (WInd + 7));
                            exc.Width   = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                            temp        = str.Substring(HInd + 8);
                            exc.Height  = Convert.ToInt32(temp);
                    tempcc.UseDefaultInclusionForPaperSize = chkUseDefaultInclusion4.Checked;
                    if (!chkUseDefaultInclusion4.Checked)
                        if (txtInclX4.Text != "")
                            if (tempcc.InclusionRegion == null)
                                tempcc.InclusionRegion = new PantographRegionObjectType();
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.XAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclX4.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.YAnchor = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclY4.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.Width   = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclW4.Text);
                            tempcc.InclusionRegion.Height  = Convert.ToInt32(txtInclH4.Text);
                    tempcc.InterferencePatternId = Convert.ToInt32(numIPtrn4.Value);
                    tempcc.PantographColor       =
                        Enum.Parse(typeof(PantographColorType), "pg" + cboColor4.Text);
                    tempcc.PageOrientation         = masterPO;
                    tempcc.PageType                = masterPT;
                    tempcc.PantographConfiguration = txtPConfig4.Text;
                    if (radDynamicData4.Checked)
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = true;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = true;
                    else if (radStaticData4.Checked)
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = false;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = true;
                        tempcc.UseDynamicTmMsg = false;
                        tempcc.TROYmarkOn      = false;
                    tempcc.WarningBoxString = WbStrings[4];

                if (tempcc != null)

            if (pc.PantographConfigurations.Count > 3)
                PConfigs = pc;
                MessageBox.Show("Error saving pantograph configuration settings. ", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
