Exemple #1
        internal static EventBox ClickableLabel(string lblTitle)
            Gdk.Color lblColour  = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255);
            Gdk.Color lblBgColor = new Gdk.Color(36, 36, 36);

            Pango.AttrList attr = new Pango.AttrList();
            attr.Insert(new Pango.AttrUnderline(Pango.Underline.Single));
            attr.Insert(new Pango.AttrFontDesc(
                            Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Source Code Pro " +
                                                             "Regular 14")));
            Label label = new Label(lblTitle)
                Attributes = attr

            label.ModifyFg(StateType.Active, lblColour);
            label.ModifyFg(StateType.Normal, lblColour);
            label.ModifyFg(StateType.Prelight, lblColour);

            EventBox eventBox = new EventBox

            eventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Active, lblBgColor);
            eventBox.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, lblBgColor);

Exemple #2
        public void AssignLayout(Pango.Layout layout)
            Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString(Family.Name);
            desc.Size              = (int)(size * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
            desc.Style             = style;
            desc.Weight            = (Pango.Weight)Weight;
            layout.FontDescription = desc;

            Pango.AttrList attributes = new Pango.AttrList();
            layout.Attributes = attributes;
        private Pango.Layout CreateParagraphLayout(Gtk.PrintContext context,
                                                   Gtk.TextIter p_start,
                                                   Gtk.TextIter p_end,
                                                   out int indentation)
            Pango.Layout layout = context.CreatePangoLayout();
            layout.FontDescription = Window.Editor.Style.FontDesc;
            int start_index = p_start.LineIndex;

            indentation = 0;

            double dpiX = context.DpiX;

            using (Pango.AttrList attr_list = new Pango.AttrList()) {
                Gtk.TextIter segm_start = p_start;
                Gtk.TextIter segm_end;

                while (segm_start.Compare(p_end) < 0)
                    segm_end = segm_start;
                    IEnumerable <Pango.Attribute> attrs =
                            layout, dpiX, out indentation,
                            ref segm_end, p_end);

                    uint si = (uint)(segm_start.LineIndex - start_index);
                    uint ei = (uint)(segm_end.LineIndex - start_index);

                    foreach (Pango.Attribute a in attrs)
                        a.StartIndex = si;
                        a.EndIndex   = ei;
                    segm_start = segm_end;

                layout.Attributes = attr_list;

            DepthNoteTag depth = Buffer.FindDepthTag(p_start);

            if (depth != null)
                indentation += ((int)(dpiX / 3)) * depth.Depth;

            layout.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels((int)context.Width -
                                                  margin_left - margin_right - indentation);
            layout.Wrap = Pango.WrapMode.WordChar;
            layout.SetText(Buffer.GetSlice(p_start, p_end, false));
Exemple #4
 public PathBar(Func <int, Menu> createMenuForItem)
     this.Events = EventMask.ExposureMask |
                   EventMask.EnterNotifyMask |
                   EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask |
                   EventMask.ButtonPressMask |
                   EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask |
                   EventMask.KeyPressMask |
     boldAtts.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Pango.Weight.Bold));
     this.createMenuForItem = createMenuForItem;
Exemple #5
        public PathBar(Func <int, Control> createMenuForItem)
            Accessible.Name = "PathBar";
            Accessible.SetLabel(GettextCatalog.GetString("Breadcrumb Bar"));
            Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Jump to definitions in the current file");

            this.Events = EventMask.ExposureMask |
                          EventMask.EnterNotifyMask |
                          EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask |
                          EventMask.ButtonPressMask |
                          EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask |
                          EventMask.KeyPressMask |
            boldAtts.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Pango.Weight.Bold));
            this.createMenuForItem = createMenuForItem;
Exemple #6
        public PathBar(Func <int, Control> createMenuForItem, int topPadding = DefaultTopPadding)
            Accessible.Name = "PathBar";
            Accessible.SetLabel(GettextCatalog.GetString("Breadcrumb Bar"));
            Accessible.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Jump to definitions in the current file");

            CanFocus = true;

            this.topPadding = topPadding;
            this.Events     = EventMask.ExposureMask |
                              EventMask.EnterNotifyMask |
                              EventMask.LeaveNotifyMask |
                              EventMask.ButtonPressMask |
                              EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask |
                              EventMask.KeyPressMask |
            boldAtts.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Pango.Weight.Bold));
            this.createMenuForItem = createMenuForItem;
		public double ColumnToX (DocumentLine line, int column)
			// calculate virtual indentation
			if (column > 0 && line.Length == 0 && textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().HasIndentationTracker) {
				using (var l = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (textEditor, textEditor.GetTextEditorData ().IndentationTracker.GetIndentationString (line.Offset))) {
					l.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
					l.FontDescription = textEditor.Options.Font;
					l.Tabs = tabArray;

					Pango.Rectangle ink_rect, logical_rect;
					l.GetExtents (out ink_rect, out logical_rect);
					return (logical_rect.Width + Pango.Scale.PangoScale - 1) / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
			if (line == null || line.Length == 0 || column < 0)
				return 0;
			int logicalRulerColumn = line.GetLogicalColumn (textEditor.GetTextEditorData (), textEditor.Options.RulerColumn);
			int lineOffset = line.Offset;
			StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
			ISyntaxMode mode = Document.SyntaxMode != null && textEditor.Options.EnableSyntaxHighlighting ? Document.SyntaxMode : new SyntaxMode (Document);
			var startChunk = GetCachedChunks (mode, Document, textEditor.ColorStyle, line, lineOffset, line.Length);
			foreach (Chunk chunk in startChunk) {
				try {
					textBuilder.Append (Document.GetTextAt (chunk));
				} catch (Exception e) {
					Console.WriteLine (e);
					return 0;
			string lineText = textBuilder.ToString ();
			char[] lineChars = lineText.ToCharArray ();
			bool containsPreedit = textEditor.ContainsPreedit (lineOffset, line.Length);
			uint preeditLength = 0;

			if (containsPreedit) {
				lineText = lineText.Insert (textEditor.preeditOffset - lineOffset, textEditor.preeditString);
				preeditLength = (uint)textEditor.preeditString.Length;
			if (column < lineText.Length)
				lineText = lineText.Substring (0, column);

			var layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (textEditor, lineText);
			layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
			layout.FontDescription = textEditor.Options.Font;
			layout.Tabs = tabArray;

			int startOffset = lineOffset, endOffset = lineOffset + line.Length;
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			uint curChunkIndex = 0, byteChunkIndex = 0;
			List<Pango.Attribute> attributes = new List<Pango.Attribute> ();
			uint oldEndIndex = 0;

			Cairo.Color curFgColor = textEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Foreground;
			Cairo.Color curBgColor = textEditor.ColorStyle.PlainText.Background;
			var curWeight = Xwt.Drawing.FontWeight.Normal;
			var curStyle = Xwt.Drawing.FontStyle.Normal;

			foreach (Chunk chunk in startChunk) {
				ChunkStyle chunkStyle = chunk != null ? textEditor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle (chunk) : null;

				foreach (TextLineMarker marker in line.Markers)
					chunkStyle = marker.GetStyle (chunkStyle);

				if (chunkStyle != null) {
					startOffset = chunk.Offset;
					endOffset = chunk.EndOffset;

					uint startIndex = (uint)(oldEndIndex);
					uint endIndex = (uint)(startIndex + chunk.Length);
					oldEndIndex = endIndex;

					if (containsPreedit) {
						if (textEditor.preeditOffset < startOffset)
							startIndex += preeditLength;
						if (textEditor.preeditOffset < endOffset)
							endIndex += preeditLength;

					HandleSelection (lineOffset, logicalRulerColumn, - 1, -1, chunk.Offset, chunk.EndOffset, delegate(int start, int end) {
						var color = textEditor.ColorStyle.GetForeground (chunkStyle);
						var si = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + start - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						var ei = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + end - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						if (!color.Equals (curFgColor)) {
							curFgColor = color;
							var foreGround = new Pango.AttrForeground (
								(ushort)(color.R * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.G * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.B * ushort.MaxValue));
							foreGround.StartIndex = si;
							foreGround.EndIndex = ei;
							attributes.Add (foreGround);
						if (!chunkStyle.TransparentBackground) {
							color = chunkStyle.Background;
							if (!color.Equals (curBgColor)) {
								var background = new Pango.AttrBackground (
									(ushort)(color.R * ushort.MaxValue),
									(ushort)(color.G * ushort.MaxValue),
									(ushort)(color.B * ushort.MaxValue));
								background.StartIndex = si;
								background.EndIndex = ei;
								attributes.Add (background);
					}, delegate(int start, int end) {
						Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground;
						if (!SelectionColor.TransparentForeground) {
							var color = SelectionColor.Foreground;
							if (color.Equals (curFgColor))
							curFgColor = color;
							selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (
								(ushort)(color.R * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.G * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.B * ushort.MaxValue));
						} else {
							var color = ColorStyle.GetForeground (chunkStyle);
							if (color.Equals (curFgColor))
							curFgColor = color;
							selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (
								(ushort)(color.R * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.G * ushort.MaxValue),
								(ushort)(color.B * ushort.MaxValue));
						selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + start - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						selectedForeground.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + end - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						attributes.Add (selectedForeground);

					var translatedStartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)startIndex, ref curChunkIndex, ref byteChunkIndex);
					var translatedEndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)endIndex, ref curChunkIndex, ref byteChunkIndex);

					if (chunkStyle.FontWeight != curWeight) {
						curWeight = chunkStyle.FontWeight;
						var attrWeight = new Pango.AttrWeight ((Pango.Weight)chunkStyle.FontWeight);
						attrWeight.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrWeight.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrWeight);

					if (chunkStyle.FontStyle != curStyle) {
						curStyle = chunkStyle.FontStyle;
						Pango.AttrStyle attrStyle = new Pango.AttrStyle ((Pango.Style)chunkStyle.FontStyle);
						attrStyle.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrStyle.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrStyle);

					if (chunkStyle.Underline) {
						var attrUnderline = new Pango.AttrUnderline (Pango.Underline.Single);
						attrUnderline.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrUnderline.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrUnderline);
			Pango.AttrList attributeList = new Pango.AttrList ();
			attributes.ForEach (attr => attributeList.Insert (attr));
			layout.Attributes = attributeList;
			Pango.Rectangle inkrect, logicalrect;
			layout.GetExtents (out inkrect, out logicalrect);
			attributes.ForEach (attr => attr.Dispose ());
			attributeList.Dispose ();
			layout.Dispose ();
			return (logicalrect.Width + Pango.Scale.PangoScale - 1) / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
Exemple #8
 public void SetAttributes()
     this.attrList = new Pango.AttrList();
     attributes.ForEach(attr => attrList.Insert(attr));
     Layout.Attributes = attrList;
Exemple #9
		public double ColumnToX (LineSegment line, int column)
			if (line == null || line.Length == 0 || column < 0)
				return 0;
			int logicalRulerColumn = line.GetLogicalColumn (textEditor.GetTextEditorData (), textEditor.Options.RulerColumn);
			int lineOffset = line.Offset;
			StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
			ISyntaxMode mode = Document.SyntaxMode != null && textEditor.Options.EnableSyntaxHighlighting ? Document.SyntaxMode : new SyntaxMode (Document);
			var startChunk = GetCachedChunks (mode, Document, textEditor.ColorStyle, line, lineOffset, line.Length);
			foreach (Chunk chunk in startChunk) {
				try {
					textBuilder.Append (Document.GetTextAt (chunk));
				} catch (Exception e) {
					Console.WriteLine (e);
					return 0;
			string lineText = textBuilder.ToString ();
			char[] lineChars = lineText.ToCharArray ();
			bool containsPreedit = textEditor.ContainsPreedit (lineOffset, line.Length);
			uint preeditLength = 0;

			if (containsPreedit) {
				lineText = lineText.Insert (textEditor.preeditOffset - lineOffset, textEditor.preeditString);
				preeditLength = (uint)textEditor.preeditString.Length;
			if (column < lineText.Length)
				lineText = lineText.Substring (0, column);

			var layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (textEditor, lineText);
			layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
			layout.FontDescription = textEditor.Options.Font;
			layout.Tabs = tabArray;

			int startOffset = lineOffset, endOffset = lineOffset + line.Length;
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			uint curChunkIndex = 0, byteChunkIndex = 0;
			List<Pango.Attribute> attributes = new List<Pango.Attribute> ();
			uint oldEndIndex = 0;
			foreach (Chunk chunk in startChunk) {
				ChunkStyle chunkStyle = chunk != null ? textEditor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle (chunk) : null;

				foreach (TextMarker marker in line.Markers)
					chunkStyle = marker.GetStyle (chunkStyle);

				if (chunkStyle != null) {
					startOffset = chunk.Offset;
					endOffset = chunk.EndOffset;

					uint startIndex = (uint)(oldEndIndex);
					uint endIndex = (uint)(startIndex + chunk.Length);
					oldEndIndex = endIndex;

					if (containsPreedit) {
						if (textEditor.preeditOffset < startOffset)
							startIndex += preeditLength;
						if (textEditor.preeditOffset < endOffset)
							endIndex += preeditLength;

					HandleSelection (lineOffset, logicalRulerColumn, - 1, -1, chunk.Offset, chunk.EndOffset, delegate(int start, int end) {
						Pango.AttrForeground foreGround = new Pango.AttrForeground (chunkStyle.Color.Red, chunkStyle.Color.Green, chunkStyle.Color.Blue);
						foreGround.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + start - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						foreGround.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + end - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						attributes.Add (foreGround);
						if (!chunkStyle.TransparentBackround) {
							var background = new Pango.AttrBackground (chunkStyle.BackgroundColor.Red, chunkStyle.BackgroundColor.Green, chunkStyle.BackgroundColor.Blue);
							background.StartIndex = foreGround.StartIndex;
							background.EndIndex = foreGround.EndIndex;
							attributes.Add (background);
					}, delegate(int start, int end) {
						Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (SelectionColor.Color.Red, SelectionColor.Color.Green, SelectionColor.Color.Blue);
						selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + start - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						selectedForeground.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(startIndex + end - chunk.Offset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
						attributes.Add (selectedForeground);

					var translatedStartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)startIndex, ref curChunkIndex, ref byteChunkIndex);
					var translatedEndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)endIndex, ref curChunkIndex, ref byteChunkIndex);

					if (chunkStyle.Bold) {
						Pango.AttrWeight attrWeight = new Pango.AttrWeight (Pango.Weight.Bold);
						attrWeight.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrWeight.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrWeight);

					if (chunkStyle.Italic) {
						Pango.AttrStyle attrStyle = new Pango.AttrStyle (Pango.Style.Italic);
						attrStyle.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrStyle.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrStyle);

					if (chunkStyle.Underline) {
						Pango.AttrUnderline attrUnderline = new Pango.AttrUnderline (Pango.Underline.Single);
						attrUnderline.StartIndex = translatedStartIndex;
						attrUnderline.EndIndex = translatedEndIndex;
						attributes.Add (attrUnderline);
			Pango.AttrList attributeList = new Pango.AttrList ();
			attributes.ForEach (attr => attributeList.Insert (attr));
			layout.Attributes = attributeList;
			Pango.Rectangle ink_rect, logical_rect;
			layout.GetExtents (out ink_rect, out logical_rect);
			attributes.ForEach (attr => attr.Dispose ());
			attributeList.Dispose ();
			layout.Dispose ();
			return (logical_rect.Width + Pango.Scale.PangoScale - 1) / Pango.Scale.PangoScale;
Exemple #10
        public MainToolbar()
            WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable;


            configurationCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            configurationCombo.Model = configurationStore;
            var ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

            configurationCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            configurationCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);

            configurationCombosBox = new HBox(false, 8);

            var configurationComboVBox = new VBox();

            configurationComboVBox.PackStart(configurationCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(configurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            // bold attributes for running runtime targets / (emulators)
            boldAttributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Pango.Weight.Bold));

            runtimeCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            runtimeCombo.Model = runtimeStore;
            ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
            if (Platform.IsWindows)
                ctx.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.Middle;
            runtimeCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            runtimeCombo.SetCellDataFunc(ctx, RuntimeRenderCell);
            runtimeCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = RuntimeIsSeparator;

            var runtimeComboVBox = new VBox();

            runtimeComboVBox.PackStart(runtimeCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(runtimeComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            buttonBarBox             = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0);
            buttonBarBox.LeftPadding = (uint)7;
            buttonBarBox.NoShowAll = true;

            statusArea = new StatusArea();

            var statusAreaAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1);

            contentBox.PackStart(statusAreaAlign, true, true, 0);

            statusAreaAlign.SizeAllocated += (object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) => {
                Gtk.Widget toplevel = this.Toplevel;
                if (toplevel == null)

                var pixel_scale = GtkWorkarounds.GetPixelScale();

                int  windowWidth   = toplevel.Allocation.Width;
                int  center        = windowWidth / 2;
                int  left          = Math.Max(center - (int)(300 * pixel_scale), args.Allocation.Left);
                int  right         = Math.Min(left + (int)(600 * pixel_scale), args.Allocation.Right);
                uint left_padding  = (uint)(left - args.Allocation.Left);
                uint right_padding = (uint)(args.Allocation.Right - right);

                if (left_padding != statusAreaAlign.LeftPadding || right_padding != statusAreaAlign.RightPadding)
                    statusAreaAlign.SetPadding(0, 0, (uint)left_padding, (uint)right_padding);

            matchEntry = new SearchEntry();

            matchEntry.ForceFilterButtonVisible = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.FocusOutEvent     += (o, e) => {
                if (SearchEntryLostFocus != null)
                    SearchEntryLostFocus(o, e);

            matchEntry.Ready       = true;
            matchEntry.Visible     = true;
            matchEntry.IsCheckMenu = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.ModifyBase(StateType.Normal, Style.White);
            matchEntry.WidthRequest = 240;
            if (!Platform.IsMac && !Platform.IsWindows)
                matchEntry.Entry.ModifyFont(Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans 9"));                   // TODO: VV: "Segoe UI 9"
            matchEntry.RoundedShape         = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.Changed       += HandleSearchEntryChanged;
            matchEntry.Activated           += HandleSearchEntryActivated;
            matchEntry.Entry.KeyPressEvent += HandleSearchEntryKeyPressed;
            SizeAllocated += (o, e) => {
                if (SearchEntryResized != null)
                    SearchEntryResized(o, e);

            contentBox.PackStart(matchEntry, false, false, 0);

            var align = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1f, 1f);

            align.TopPadding    = (uint)5;
            align.LeftPadding   = (uint)9;
            align.RightPadding  = (uint)18;
            align.BottomPadding = (uint)10;

            SetDefaultSizes(-1, (int)(21 * GtkWorkarounds.GetPixelScale()));

            configurationCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                if (ConfigurationChanged != null)
                    ConfigurationChanged(o, e);
            runtimeCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                var ea = new HandledEventArgs();
                if (RuntimeChanged != null)
                    RuntimeChanged(o, ea);

                TreeIter it;
                if (runtimeCombo.GetActiveIter(out it))
                    if (ea.Handled)
                    lastSelection = it;

            button.Clicked += HandleStartButtonClicked;

            IdeApp.CommandService.ActiveWidgetChanged += (sender, e) => {
                lastCommandTarget = new WeakReference(e.OldActiveWidget);

			public void SetAttributes ()
				this.attrList = new Pango.AttrList ();
				attributes.ForEach (attr => attrList.Insert (attr));
				Layout.Attributes = attrList;
Exemple #12
        public void AssignLayout(Pango.Layout layout)
            Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString(Family.Name);
            desc.Size = (int)(size * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
            desc.Style = style;
            desc.Weight = (Pango.Weight)Weight;
            layout.FontDescription = desc;

            Pango.AttrList attributes = new Pango.AttrList();
            layout.Attributes = attributes;
Exemple #13
        public MainToolbar()
            WidgetFlags |= Gtk.WidgetFlags.AppPaintable;


            configurationCombosBox = new HBox(false, 8);

            var ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

            runConfigurationCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            runConfigurationCombo.Model = runConfigurationStore;
            runConfigurationCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            runConfigurationCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);
            runConfigurationCombo.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("A project or named set of projects and execution options that should be launched when running or debugging the solution.");

            var runConfigurationComboVBox = new VBox();

            runConfigurationComboVBox.PackStart(runConfigurationCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(runConfigurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            configurationCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            configurationCombo.Model = configurationStore;
            configurationCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            configurationCombo.AddAttribute(ctx, "text", 0);
            configurationCombo.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString("A named set of projects and their configurations to be built when building the solution.");

            var configurationComboVBox = new VBox();

            configurationComboVBox.PackStart(configurationCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(configurationComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            // bold attributes for running runtime targets / (emulators)
            boldAttributes.Insert(new Pango.AttrWeight(Pango.Weight.Bold));

            runtimeCombo       = new Gtk.ComboBox();
            runtimeCombo.Model = runtimeStore;
            ctx = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
            if (Platform.IsWindows)
                ctx.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.Middle;
            runtimeCombo.PackStart(ctx, true);
            runtimeCombo.SetCellDataFunc(ctx, RuntimeRenderCell);
            runtimeCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = RuntimeIsSeparator;
            runtimeCombo.TooltipText      = GettextCatalog.GetString("The device on which to deploy and launch the projects when running or debugging.");

            var runtimeComboVBox = new VBox();

            runtimeComboVBox.PackStart(runtimeCombo, true, false, 0);
            configurationCombosBox.PackStart(runtimeComboVBox, false, false, 0);

            buttonBarBox             = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0);
            buttonBarBox.LeftPadding = (uint)7;
            buttonBarBox.NoShowAll = true;

            statusArea = new StatusArea();

            var statusAreaAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1);

            contentBox.PackStart(statusAreaAlign, true, true, 0);

            statusAreaAlign.SizeAllocated += (object o, SizeAllocatedArgs args) => {
                Gtk.Widget toplevel = this.Toplevel;
                if (toplevel == null)

                int  windowWidth   = toplevel.Allocation.Width;
                int  center        = windowWidth / 2;
                int  left          = Math.Max(center - 300, args.Allocation.Left);
                int  right         = Math.Min(left + 600, args.Allocation.Right);
                uint left_padding  = (uint)(left - args.Allocation.Left);
                uint right_padding = (uint)(args.Allocation.Right - right);

                if (left_padding != statusAreaAlign.LeftPadding || right_padding != statusAreaAlign.RightPadding)
                    statusAreaAlign.SetPadding(0, 0, (uint)left_padding, (uint)right_padding);

            matchEntry = new SearchEntry();

            matchEntry.ForceFilterButtonVisible = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.FocusOutEvent     += (o, e) => {
                if (SearchEntryLostFocus != null)
                    SearchEntryLostFocus(o, e);

            matchEntry.Ready        = true;
            matchEntry.Visible      = true;
            matchEntry.IsCheckMenu  = true;
            matchEntry.WidthRequest = 240;
            if (!Platform.IsMac && !Platform.IsWindows)
                matchEntry.Entry.ModifyFont(Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Sans 9"));                   // TODO: VV: "Segoe UI 9"
            matchEntry.RoundedShape         = true;
            matchEntry.Entry.Changed       += HandleSearchEntryChanged;
            matchEntry.Activated           += HandleSearchEntryActivated;
            matchEntry.Entry.KeyPressEvent += HandleSearchEntryKeyPressed;
            SizeAllocated += (o, e) => {
                if (SearchEntryResized != null)
                    SearchEntryResized(o, e);

            contentBox.PackStart(matchEntry, false, false, 0);

            var align = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1f, 1f);

            align.TopPadding    = (uint)5;
            align.LeftPadding   = (uint)9;
            align.RightPadding  = (uint)18;
            align.BottomPadding = (uint)10;

            SetDefaultSizes(-1, 21);

            configurationCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                if (ConfigurationChanged != null)
                    ConfigurationChanged(o, e);
            runConfigurationCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                if (RunConfigurationChanged != null)
                    RunConfigurationChanged(o, e);
            runtimeCombo.Changed += (o, e) => {
                var ea = new HandledEventArgs();
                if (RuntimeChanged != null)
                    RuntimeChanged(o, ea);

                TreeIter it;
                if (runtimeCombo.GetActiveIter(out it))
                    if (ea.Handled)
                    lastSelection = it;

            button.Clicked += HandleStartButtonClicked;

		private Pango.Layout CreateParagraphLayout (Gtk.PrintContext context,
							       Gtk.TextIter p_start,
							       Gtk.TextIter p_end,
							       out int indentation)
			Pango.Layout layout = context.CreatePangoLayout ();
			layout.FontDescription = Window.Editor.Style.FontDesc;
			int start_index = p_start.LineIndex;
			indentation = 0;

			double dpiX = context.DpiX;
			using (Pango.AttrList attr_list = new Pango.AttrList ()) {
				Gtk.TextIter segm_start = p_start;
				Gtk.TextIter segm_end;
				while (segm_start.Compare (p_end) < 0) {
					segm_end = segm_start;
					IEnumerable<Pango.Attribute> attrs =
						GetParagraphAttributes (
							layout, dpiX, out indentation,
							ref segm_end, p_end);

					uint si = (uint) (segm_start.LineIndex - start_index);
					uint ei = (uint) (segm_end.LineIndex - start_index);

					foreach (Pango.Attribute a in attrs) {
						a.StartIndex = si;
						a.EndIndex = ei;
						attr_list.Insert (a);
					segm_start = segm_end;

				layout.Attributes = attr_list;

			DepthNoteTag depth = Buffer.FindDepthTag (p_start);
			if (depth != null)
				indentation += ((int) (dpiX / 3)) * depth.Depth;

			layout.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels ((int)context.Width -
				margin_left - margin_right - indentation);
			layout.Wrap = Pango.WrapMode.WordChar;
			layout.SetText (Buffer.GetSlice (p_start, p_end, false));
			return layout;