//This method continues multiple hour reservation.
        private void PanelMouseMove(Object sender, MouseEventArgs args)
            int row    = Grid.GetRow((UIElement)sender);
            int column = Grid.GetColumn((UIElement)sender);

            if (sender != null && args.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed && row != mRow2)
                //We need to check if the room is available at the selected time
                if (mDatabase.IsFree(ref row, mColumn))
                    mRow2 = row;
                    DockPanel panel = sender as DockPanel;
                    Panell    shift = new Panell();
                    shift.panel = panel;
                    shift.color = panel.Background;
                    panel.Background = Brushes.Yellow;
                    mAvailable = false;
 //This method starts handling room reservation made by a mouse
 private void PanelMouseDown(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs args)
     if (sender != null)
         //We need to check if the room is available at the selected time
         mRow1   = mRow2 = Grid.GetRow((UIElement)sender);
         mColumn = Grid.GetColumn((UIElement)sender);
         if (mDatabase.IsFree(ref mRow1, mColumn))
             //Room is available.
             mAvailable = true;
             DockPanel panel = sender as DockPanel;
             Panell    shift = new Panell();
             shift.panel = panel;
             shift.color = panel.Background;
             panel.Background = Brushes.Yellow;
             mAvailable = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Inicialitza una nova instancia de <see cref="Cela"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="panell">Referencia al panell al que pertany</param>
 /// <param name="row">Fila (Index basat en 0)</param>
 /// <param name="column">Columne (Index basat en 0)</param>
 public Cela(Panell panell, int row, int column)
     Panell = panell;
     Row    = row;
     Column = column;