Exemple #1
        public override void Resize(Rect rect)

            float   panelPadding  = 12;
            float   fieldPadding  = 4;
            float   fieldHeight   = 28;
            Vector2 SizeRandomize = new Vector2(22, 22);
            Vector2 SizeInfo      = new Vector2(24, 24);

            RectRandomize = new Rect(PanelRect.width - panelPadding - SizeRandomize.y,
                                     PanelRect.HalfHeight() - SizeRandomize.y * 0.5f, SizeRandomize.x, SizeRandomize.y);
            RectInfo = new Rect(panelPadding, PanelRect.HalfHeight() - SizeInfo.HalfY(), SizeInfo.x, SizeInfo.y);

            float availableSpace = PanelRect.width - (panelPadding * 2) - RectInfo.width - RectRandomize.width - fieldPadding;

            float firstMinWidth  = 80;
            float nickMinWidth   = 90;
            float lastMinWidth   = 90;
            float fieldsMinWidth = firstMinWidth + nickMinWidth + lastMinWidth + (fieldPadding * 2);
            float extraSpace     = availableSpace - fieldsMinWidth;
            float extraForField  = Mathf.Floor(extraSpace / 3);
            float top            = PanelRect.HalfHeight() - fieldHeight * 0.5f;

            RectFirstName = new Rect(RectInfo.xMax, top, firstMinWidth + extraForField, fieldHeight);
            RectNickName  = new Rect(RectFirstName.xMax + fieldPadding, top, nickMinWidth + extraForField, fieldHeight);
            RectLastName  = new Rect(RectNickName.xMax + fieldPadding, top, lastMinWidth + extraForField, fieldHeight);

            // Shift the info button to the left a bit to making the spacing look better.
            RectInfo.x -= 6;
Exemple #2
        public override void Resize(Rect rect)

            Vector2 available = PanelRect.size - Style.SizePanelPadding;

            float arrowPadding = 1;
            float arrowWidth   = Textures.TextureButtonNext.width;
            float bioWidth     = 32;
            float chronoWidth  = 48;

            float extendedArrowSize = arrowPadding + arrowWidth;
            float extendedFieldSize = extendedArrowSize * 2;

            float usedSpace = (extendedFieldSize * 2) + bioWidth + chronoWidth;

            float availableSpace = PanelRect.width - usedSpace;
            float spacing        = availableSpace / 3;

            float idealSpace      = 15;
            float extraFieldWidth = 0;

            if (spacing > idealSpace)
                float extra = (spacing - idealSpace) * 3;
                extraFieldWidth += Mathf.Floor(extra / 2);
                spacing          = idealSpace;
                spacing = Mathf.Floor(spacing);
            float fieldHeight = 28;

            GameFont saveFont = Text.Font;

            Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny;
            Vector2 bioLabelSize    = Text.CalcSize("EdB.PC.Panel.Age.Biological".Translate());
            Vector2 chronoLabelSize = Text.CalcSize("EdB.PC.Panel.Age.Chronological".Translate());

            Text.Font = saveFont;

            float labelHeight   = Mathf.Max(bioLabelSize.y, chronoLabelSize.y);
            float contentHeight = labelHeight + fieldHeight;
            float top           = PanelRect.HalfHeight() - (contentHeight * 0.5f);
            float fieldTop      = top + labelHeight;

            RectBiologicalAgeField    = new Rect(spacing + extendedArrowSize, fieldTop, bioWidth + extraFieldWidth, fieldHeight);
            RectChronologicalAgeField = new Rect(RectBiologicalAgeField.xMax + extendedArrowSize +
                                                 spacing + extendedArrowSize, fieldTop, chronoWidth + extraFieldWidth, fieldHeight);

            RectBiologicalAgeLabel = new Rect(RectBiologicalAgeField.MiddleX() - bioLabelSize.x / 2,
                                              RectBiologicalAgeField.y - bioLabelSize.y, bioLabelSize.x, bioLabelSize.y);
            RectChronologicalAgeLabel = new Rect(RectChronologicalAgeField.MiddleX() - chronoLabelSize.x / 2,
                                                 RectChronologicalAgeField.y - chronoLabelSize.y, chronoLabelSize.x, chronoLabelSize.y);
Exemple #3
        protected void DrawLoadingProgress()
            Rect progressBarRect = new Rect(PanelRect.HalfWidth() - ProgressBarSize.x * 0.5f, PanelRect.HalfHeight() - ProgressBarSize.y * 0.5f,
                                            ProgressBarSize.x, ProgressBarSize.y);
            var progress = providerEquipment.LoadingProgress;

            GUI.color = Color.gray;
            if (progress.defCount > 0)
                int   totalCount = progress.defCount * 2;
                int   processed  = progress.stuffProcessed + progress.thingsProcessed;
                float percent    = (float)processed / (float)totalCount;
                float barWidth   = progressBarRect.width * percent;
                Widgets.DrawRectFast(new Rect(progressBarRect.x, progressBarRect.y, barWidth, progressBarRect.height), Color.green);
            GUI.color = Style.ColorText;
            Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny;
            string label = "EdB.PC.Equipment.LoadingProgress.Initializing".Translate();

            if (progress.phase == EquipmentDatabase.LoadingPhase.ProcessingStuff)
                label = "EdB.PC.Equipment.LoadingProgress.StuffDefs".Translate();
            else if (progress.phase == EquipmentDatabase.LoadingPhase.ProcessingThings)
                label = "EdB.PC.Equipment.LoadingProgress.ThingDefs".Translate();
            else if (progress.phase == EquipmentDatabase.LoadingPhase.Loaded)
                label = "EdB.PC.Equipment.LoadingProgress.Finished".Translate();
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(progressBarRect.x, progressBarRect.yMax + 2, progressBarRect.width, 20), label);
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            GUI.color = Color.white;