private async void Go_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ConfigFilePath.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigFilePath.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { ShowMessage("Configuration file is not selected.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (!File.Exists(ConfigFilePath.Text)) { ShowMessage("Cannot find configuration file.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (fileName.Length > 20) { ShowMessage("Configuration file name is restricted to 20 characters at most.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(TargetFolderPath.Text)) { ShowMessage("Cannot find target folder for conversion output.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (ConvertUserConfiguration) { if (LDAPAccountUnit.Text.Trim().Equals("") || LDAPAccountUnit.Text.Trim().Contains(" ")) { ShowMessage("LDAP Account Unit field cannot be empty or containt space(s).", MessageTypes.Error); return; } } Mouse.OverrideCursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Wait; EnableDisableControls(false); ProgressPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ResultsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UpdateProgress(10, "Parsing configuration file ..."); VendorParser vendorParser; switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: vendorParser = new CiscoParser(); break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: vendorParser = new JuniperParser(); break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: vendorParser = new ScreenOSParser(); break; case Vendor.FortiGate: vendorParser = new FortiGateParser(); break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: vendorParser = new PaloAltoParser(); break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected!!!"); } try { string ciscoFile = ConfigFilePath.Text; await Task.Run(() => vendorParser.Parse(ciscoFile)); } catch (Exception ex) { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ShowMessage(string.Format("Could not parse configuration file.\n\nMessage: {0}\nModule:\t{1}\nClass:\t{2}\nMethod:\t{3}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, ex.TargetSite.Name), MessageTypes.Error); return; } switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified ASA version.\nCannot find ASA version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 8 || (vendorParser.MajorVersion == 8 && vendorParser.MinorVersion < 3)) { ShowMessage("Unsupported ASA version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports ASA 8.3 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified SRX version.\nCannot find SRX version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 12 || (vendorParser.MajorVersion == 12 && vendorParser.MinorVersion < 1)) { ShowMessage("Unsupported SRX version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports SRX 12.1 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: break; case Vendor.FortiGate: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified FortiGate version.\nCannot find FortiGate version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 5) { ShowMessage("Unsupported FortiGate version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports FortiGate 5.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified PaloAlto version.\nCannot find PaloAlto PAN-OS version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 7) { ShowMessage("Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto PAN-OS 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } break; } string vendorFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ConfigFilePath.Text); string toolVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); string targetFolder = TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\"; bool convertNat = ConvertNATConfiguration; string ldapAccountUnit = LDAPAccountUnit.Text.Trim(); vendorParser.Export(targetFolder + vendorFileName + ".json"); VendorConverter vendorConverter; switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: vendorConverter = new CiscoConverter(); break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: vendorConverter = new JuniperConverter(); break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: vendorConverter = new ScreenOSConverter(); break; case Vendor.FortiGate: FortiGateConverter fgConverter = new FortiGateConverter(); fgConverter.OptimizeConf = SkipUnusedObjectsConversion; fgConverter.ConvertUserConf = ConvertUserConfiguration; fgConverter.LDAPAccoutUnit = ldapAccountUnit.Trim(); vendorConverter = fgConverter; break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: PaloAltoConverter paConverter = new PaloAltoConverter(); paConverter.OptimizeConf = SkipUnusedObjectsConversion; paConverter.ConvertUserConf = ConvertUserConfiguration; paConverter.LDAPAccoutUnit = ldapAccountUnit.Trim(); vendorConverter = paConverter; break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected!!!"); } vendorConverter.Initialize(vendorParser, ConfigFilePath.Text, toolVersion, targetFolder, DomainName.Text); vendorConverter.ConversionProgress += OnConversionProgress; try { await Task.Run(() => vendorConverter.Convert(convertNat)); } catch (Exception ex) { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ShowMessage(string.Format("Could not convert configuration file.\n\nMessage: {0}\nModule:\t{1}\nClass:\t{2}\nMethod:\t{3}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, ex.TargetSite.Name), MessageTypes.Error); return; } UpdateProgress(90, "Exporting Check Point configuration ..."); vendorConverter.ExportConfigurationAsHtml(); vendorConverter.ExportPolicyPackagesAsHtml(); if (ConvertNATConfiguration) { ConvertedNatPolicyLink.MouseUp -= Link_OnClick; vendorConverter.ExportNatLayerAsHtml(); //check if the user asked for NAT policy and no rules found. if (vendorConverter.RulesInNatLayer() == 0) // anly if 0 then we do not show NAT report. { ConvertedNatPolicyLink.Style = (Style)ConvertedNatPolicyLink.FindResource("NormalTextBloclStyle"); } else // otherwise it is single NAT report or Catalog for NAT reports (value = -1) { ConvertedNatPolicyLink.Style = (Style)ConvertedNatPolicyLink.FindResource("HyperLinkStyle"); ConvertedNatPolicyLink.MouseUp += Link_OnClick; } } UpdateProgress(100, ""); vendorConverter.ConversionProgress -= OnConversionProgress; Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); ProgressPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ResultsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ShowResults(vendorConverter, vendorParser.ParsedLines); }
/* * This is the analog to MainWindow.Go_OnClick() function if application is run as WPF. * It performs the migration. */ public void DoMigration(CommandLine commandLine) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(commandLine.ConfigFileName); //Console.WriteLine("File name: " + fileName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLine.ConfigFileName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { Console.WriteLine("Configuration file is not selected.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (!File.Exists(commandLine.ConfigFileName)) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot find configuration file.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (fileName.Length > 20) { Console.WriteLine("Configuration file name is restricted to 20 characters at most.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(commandLine.TargetFolder)) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot find target folder for conversion output.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } VendorParser vendorParser; switch (commandLine.Vendor) { case "CiscoASA": vendorParser = new CiscoParser(); break; case "JuniperSRX": vendorParser = new JuniperParser(); break; case "JuniperSSG": vendorParser = new ScreenOSParser(); break; case "FortiNet": vendorParser = new FortiGateParser(); break; case "PaloAlto": vendorParser = new PaloAltoParser(); break; case "Panorama": vendorParser = new PanoramaParser(); break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected!!!"); } try { string ciscoFile = commandLine.ConfigFileName; Console.WriteLine("Parsing configuration file..."); if (commandLine.Vendor.Equals("Panorama")) { PanoramaParser panParser = (PanoramaParser)vendorParser; panParser.ParseWithTargetFolder(ciscoFile, TargetFolder); } else { vendorParser.Parse(ciscoFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not parse configuration file.\n\nMessage: {0}\nModule:\t{1}\nClass:\t{2}\nMethod:\t{3}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, ex.TargetSite.Name), MessageTypes.Error); return; } #region check middleware version switch (commandLine.Vendor) { case "CiscoASA": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { Console.WriteLine("Unspecified ASA version.\nCannot find ASA version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 8 || (vendorParser.MajorVersion == 8 && vendorParser.MinorVersion < 3)) { Console.WriteLine("Unsupported ASA version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports ASA 8.3 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } break; case "JuniperSRX": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { Console.WriteLine("Unspecified SRX version.\nCannot find SRX version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 12 || (vendorParser.MajorVersion == 12 && vendorParser.MinorVersion < 1)) { Console.WriteLine("Unsupported SRX version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports SRX 12.1 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } break; case "JuniperSSG": break; case "FortiNet": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { Console.WriteLine("Unspecified FortiGate version.\nCannot find FortiGate version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 5) { Console.WriteLine("Unsupported FortiGate version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports FortiGate 5.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } break; case "PaloAlto": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { Console.WriteLine("Unspecified PaloAlto version.\nCannot find PaloAlto PAN-OS version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 7) { Console.WriteLine("Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto PAN-OS 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } break; case "Panorama": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { Console.WriteLine("Unspecified PaloAlto Panorama version.\nCannot find PaloAlto Panorama version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 7) { Console.WriteLine("Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto Panorama 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } break; } #endregion string vendorFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(commandLine.ConfigFileName); string toolVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); string targetFolder = commandLine.TargetFolder + "\\"; bool convertNat = commandLine.ConvertNat; string ldapAccountUnit = commandLine.LdapAccountUnit; vendorParser.Export(targetFolder + vendorFileName + ".json"); VendorConverter vendorConverter; switch (commandLine.Vendor) { case "CiscoASA": vendorConverter = new CiscoConverter(); break; case "JuniperSRX": vendorConverter = new JuniperConverter(); break; case "JuniperSSG": vendorConverter = new ScreenOSConverter(); break; case "FortiNet": FortiGateConverter fgConverter = new FortiGateConverter(); fgConverter.OptimizeConf = commandLine.DontImportUnusedObjects; fgConverter.ConvertUserConf = commandLine.ConvertUserConfiguration; fgConverter.LDAPAccoutUnit = ldapAccountUnit; vendorConverter = fgConverter; break; case "PaloAlto": PaloAltoConverter paConverter = new PaloAltoConverter(); paConverter.OptimizeConf = commandLine.DontImportUnusedObjects; paConverter.ConvertUserConf = commandLine.ConvertUserConfiguration; paConverter.LDAPAccoutUnit = ldapAccountUnit; vendorConverter = paConverter; break; case "Panorama": PanoramaConverter panoramaConverter = new PanoramaConverter(); panoramaConverter.OptimizeConf = commandLine.DontImportUnusedObjects; panoramaConverter.ConvertUserConf = commandLine.ConvertUserConfiguration; panoramaConverter.LDAPAccoutUnit = ldapAccountUnit; vendorConverter = panoramaConverter; break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected!!!"); } vendorConverter.Initialize(vendorParser, commandLine.ConfigFileName, toolVersion, targetFolder, commandLine.Domain); try { Console.WriteLine("Conversion is in progress..."); vendorConverter.Convert(convertNat); Console.WriteLine("Conversion is finished."); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is InvalidDataException && ex.Message != null && ex.Message.Contains("Policy exceeds the maximum number")) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{1}{0}{2}{0}{3}", Environment.NewLine, "SmartMove is unable to convert the provided policy.", "Reason: Policy exceeds the maximum number of supported policy layers.", "To assure the smooth conversion of your data, it is recommended to contact Check Point Professional Services by sending an e-mail to [email protected]")); } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Could not convert configuration file.\n\nMessage: {0}\nModule:\t{1}\nClass:\t{2}\nMethod:\t{3}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, ex.TargetSite.Name), MessageTypes.Error); } return; } vendorConverter.ExportConfigurationAsHtml(); vendorConverter.ExportPolicyPackagesAsHtml(); if (commandLine.ConvertNat) { vendorConverter.ExportNatLayerAsHtml(); } }
private async void Analyze_OnClickAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ConfigFilePath.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigFilePath.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Configuration file is not selected."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Configuration file is not selected.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (!File.Exists(ConfigFilePath.Text)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Cannot find configuration file."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Cannot find configuration file.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (fileName.Length > 20) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Configuration file name is restricted to 20 characters at most."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Configuration file name is restricted to 20 characters at most.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(TargetFolderPath.Text)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Cannot find target folder for conversion output."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Cannot find target folder for conversion output.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } VendorParser vendorParser; switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: vendorParser = new CiscoParser(); break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: vendorParser = new JuniperParser(); break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: vendorParser = new ScreenOSParser(); break; case Vendor.FortiGate: vendorParser = new FortiGateParser(); break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: vendorParser = new PaloAltoParser(); break; case Vendor.PaloAltoPanorama: string compressorsDirPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "compressors"; string compressorZip = Path.Combine(compressorsDirPath, "zip.exe"); string compressorGtar = Path.Combine(compressorsDirPath, "gtar.exe"); string compressorGzip = Path.Combine(compressorsDirPath, "gzip.exe"); if (!File.Exists(compressorZip) || !File.Exists(compressorGtar) || !File.Exists(compressorGzip)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "The system cannot find the required files. "); MainWindow.ShowMessage(null, MessageTypes.Error, "these instructions", "", null, null, String.Format("{1}{0}{2}", Environment.NewLine, "The system cannot find the required files. ", "Please follow")); return; } vendorParser = new PanoramaParser(); break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected!!!"); } Mouse.OverrideCursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Wait; EnableDisableControls(false); ProgressPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ResultsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UpdateProgress(10, "Parsing configuration file ..."); string vendorFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ConfigFilePath.Text); string toolVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); string targetFolder = TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\"; try { string ciscoFile = ConfigFilePath.Text; switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.PaloAltoPanorama: PanoramaParser panParser = (PanoramaParser)vendorParser; await Task.Run(() => panParser.ParseWithTargetFolder(ciscoFile, targetFolder)); break; default: await Task.Run(() => vendorParser.Parse(ciscoFile)); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MainWindow.ShowMessage("Could not parse configuration file.", "Message:\nModule:\nClass:\nMethod:", string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, ex.TargetSite.Name), MessageTypes.Error); return; } switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unspecified ASA version.\nCannot find ASA version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unspecified ASA version.\nCannot find ASA version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 8 || (vendorParser.MajorVersion == 8 && vendorParser.MinorVersion < 3)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unsupported ASA version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports ASA 8.3 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unsupported ASA version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports ASA 8.3 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unspecified SRX version.\nCannot find SRX version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unspecified SRX version.\nCannot find SRX version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 12 || (vendorParser.MajorVersion == 12 && vendorParser.MinorVersion < 1)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unsupported SRX version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports SRX 12.1 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unsupported SRX version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports SRX 12.1 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: break; case Vendor.FortiGate: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unspecified FortiGate version.\nCannot find FortiGate version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unspecified FortiGate version.\nCannot find FortiGate version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 5) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unsupported FortiGate version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports FortiGate 5.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unsupported FortiGate version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports FortiGate 5.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unspecified PaloAlto version.\nCannot find PaloAlto PAN-OS version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unspecified PaloAlto version.\nCannot find PaloAlto PAN-OS version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 7) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto PAN-OS 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto PAN-OS 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } break; case Vendor.PaloAltoPanorama: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unspecified PaloAlto version.\nCannot find PaloAlto Panorama version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unspecified PaloAlto version.\nCannot find PaloAlto Panorama version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 7) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", "Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto Panorama 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly."); MainWindow.ShowMessage("Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto Panorama 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } break; } vendorParser.Export(targetFolder + vendorFileName + ".json"); VendorConverter vendorConverter; switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: vendorConverter = new CiscoConverter(); break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: vendorConverter = new JuniperConverter(); break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: vendorConverter = new ScreenOSConverter(); break; case Vendor.FortiGate: vendorConverter = new FortiGateConverter(); break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: vendorConverter = new PaloAltoConverter(); break; case Vendor.PaloAltoPanorama: vendorConverter = new PanoramaConverter(); break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected!!!"); } //here outputformat was set to 'json' by default manually because there is no an option for it on GUI vendorConverter.Initialize(vendorParser, ConfigFilePath.Text, toolVersion, targetFolder, "", "json"); vendorConverter.ConversionProgress += OnConversionProgress; try { await Task.Run(() => vendorConverter.Analyze()); } catch (Exception ex) { SMDebugger.PrintToDebug(TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\", ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (ex is InvalidDataException && ex.Message != null && ex.Message.Contains("Policy exceeds the maximum number")) { MainWindow.ShowMessage(null, MessageTypes.Error, "*****@*****.**", "mailto:[email protected]", null, null, String.Format("{1}{0}{2}{0}{3}", Environment.NewLine, "SmartAnalyze is unable to analyze the provided policy.", "Reason: Policy exceeds the maximum number of supported policy layers.", "To assure the smooth conversion of your data, it is recommended to contact Check Point Professional Services by sending an e-mail to")); } else { MainWindow.ShowMessage("Could not analyze process file.", "Message:\nModule:\nClass:\nMethod:", string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, ex.TargetSite.Name), MessageTypes.Error); } return; } UpdateProgress(90, "Exporting Check Point report ..."); //if ((typeof(PanoramaConverter) != vendorConverter.GetType() && typeof(FortiGateConverter) != vendorConverter.GetType())) //{ // vendorConverter.ExportManagmentReport(); //} UpdateProgress(100, ""); vendorConverter.ConversionProgress -= OnConversionProgress; Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); ProgressPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ResultsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ShowResults(vendorConverter); }
private async void Go_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ConfigFilePath.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigFilePath.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { ShowMessage("Configuration file is not selected.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (!File.Exists(ConfigFilePath.Text)) { ShowMessage("Cannot find configuration file.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (fileName.Length > 20) { ShowMessage("Configuration file name is restricted to 20 characters at most.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(TargetFolderPath.Text)) { ShowMessage("Cannot find target folder for conversion output.", MessageTypes.Error); return; } if (ConvertUserConfiguration) { if (LDAPAccountUnit.Text.Trim().Equals("") || LDAPAccountUnit.Text.Trim().Contains(" ")) { ShowMessage("LDAP Account Unit field cannot be empty or containt space(s).", MessageTypes.Error); return; } } VendorParser vendorParser; switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: vendorParser = new CiscoParser(); break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: vendorParser = new JuniperParser(); break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: vendorParser = new ScreenOSParser(); break; case Vendor.FortiGate: vendorParser = new FortiGateParser(); break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: vendorParser = new PaloAltoParser(); break; case Vendor.PaloAltoPanorama: string compressorsDirPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "compressors"; string compressorZip = Path.Combine(compressorsDirPath, "zip.exe"); string compressorGtar = Path.Combine(compressorsDirPath, "gtar.exe"); string compressorGzip = Path.Combine(compressorsDirPath, "gzip.exe"); if (!File.Exists(compressorZip) || !File.Exists(compressorGtar) || !File.Exists(compressorGzip)) { ShowMessage(String.Format("{1}{0}{2}", Environment.NewLine, "The system cannot find the required files. ", "Please follow"), MessageTypes.Error, "these instructions", ""); return; } vendorParser = new PanoramaParser(); break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected!!!"); } Mouse.OverrideCursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Wait; EnableDisableControls(false); ProgressPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ResultsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UpdateProgress(10, "Parsing configuration file ..."); string vendorFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ConfigFilePath.Text); string toolVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); string targetFolder = TargetFolderPath.Text + "\\"; bool convertNat = ConvertNATConfiguration; string ldapAccountUnit = LDAPAccountUnit.Text.Trim(); try { string ciscoFile = ConfigFilePath.Text; switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.PaloAltoPanorama: PanoramaParser panParser = (PanoramaParser)vendorParser; await Task.Run(() => panParser.ParseWithTargetFolder(ciscoFile, targetFolder)); break; default: await Task.Run(() => vendorParser.Parse(ciscoFile)); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ShowMessage(string.Format("Could not parse configuration file.\n\nMessage: {0}\nModule:\t{1}\nClass:\t{2}\nMethod:\t{3}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, ex.TargetSite.Name), MessageTypes.Error); return; } switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified ASA version.\nCannot find ASA version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 8 || (vendorParser.MajorVersion == 8 && vendorParser.MinorVersion < 3)) { ShowMessage("Unsupported ASA version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports ASA 8.3 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified SRX version.\nCannot find SRX version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 12 || (vendorParser.MajorVersion == 12 && vendorParser.MinorVersion < 1)) { ShowMessage("Unsupported SRX version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports SRX 12.1 and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: break; case Vendor.FortiGate: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified FortiGate version.\nCannot find FortiGate version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 5) { ShowMessage("Unsupported FortiGate version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports FortiGate 5.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified PaloAlto version.\nCannot find PaloAlto PAN-OS version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 7) { ShowMessage("Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto PAN-OS 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); } break; case Vendor.PaloAltoPanorama: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorParser.Version)) { ShowMessage("Unspecified PaloAlto version.\nCannot find PaloAlto Panorama version for the selected configuration.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } else if (vendorParser.MajorVersion < 7) { ShowMessage("Unsupported PaloAlto version (" + vendorParser.Version + ").\nThis tool supports PaloAlto Panorama 7.x and above configuration files.\nThe configuration may not parse correctly.", MessageTypes.Warning); return; } break; } vendorParser.Export(targetFolder + vendorFileName + ".json"); VendorConverter vendorConverter; switch (_supportedVendors.SelectedVendor) { case Vendor.CiscoASA: vendorConverter = new CiscoConverter(); break; case Vendor.JuniperJunosOS: vendorConverter = new JuniperConverter(); break; case Vendor.JuniperScreenOS: vendorConverter = new ScreenOSConverter(); break; case Vendor.FortiGate: FortiGateConverter fgConverter = new FortiGateConverter(); fgConverter.OptimizeConf = SkipUnusedObjectsConversion; fgConverter.ConvertUserConf = ConvertUserConfiguration; fgConverter.LDAPAccoutUnit = ldapAccountUnit.Trim(); vendorConverter = fgConverter; break; case Vendor.PaloAlto: PaloAltoConverter paConverter = new PaloAltoConverter(); paConverter.OptimizeConf = SkipUnusedObjectsConversion; paConverter.ConvertUserConf = ConvertUserConfiguration; paConverter.LDAPAccoutUnit = ldapAccountUnit.Trim(); vendorConverter = paConverter; break; case Vendor.PaloAltoPanorama: PanoramaConverter panoramaConverter = new PanoramaConverter(); panoramaConverter.OptimizeConf = SkipUnusedObjectsConversion; panoramaConverter.ConvertUserConf = ConvertUserConfiguration; panoramaConverter.LDAPAccoutUnit = ldapAccountUnit.Trim(); vendorConverter = panoramaConverter; break; default: throw new InvalidDataException("Unexpected!!!"); } vendorConverter.Initialize(vendorParser, ConfigFilePath.Text, toolVersion, targetFolder, DomainName.Text); vendorConverter.ConversionProgress += OnConversionProgress; try { await Task.Run(() => vendorConverter.Convert(convertNat)); } catch (Exception ex) { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); OutputPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (ex is InvalidDataException && ex.Message != null && ex.Message.Contains("Policy exceeds the maximum number")) { ShowMessage(String.Format("{1}{0}{2}{0}{3}", Environment.NewLine, "SmartMove is unable to convert the provided policy.", "Reason: Policy exceeds the maximum number of supported policy layers.", "To assure the smooth conversion of your data, it is recommended to contact Check Point Professional Services by sending an e-mail to"), MessageTypes.Error, "*****@*****.**", "mailto:[email protected]"); } else { ShowMessage(string.Format("Could not convert configuration file.\n\nMessage: {0}\nModule:\t{1}\nClass:\t{2}\nMethod:\t{3}", ex.Message, ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, ex.TargetSite.Name), MessageTypes.Error); } return; } UpdateProgress(90, "Exporting Check Point configuration ..."); vendorConverter.ExportConfigurationAsHtml(); vendorConverter.ExportPolicyPackagesAsHtml(); if (ConvertNATConfiguration) { ConvertedNatPolicyLink.MouseUp -= Link_OnClick; vendorConverter.ExportNatLayerAsHtml(); //check if the user asked for NAT policy and no rules found. if (vendorConverter.RulesInNatLayer() == 0) // anly if 0 then we do not show NAT report. { ConvertedNatPolicyLink.Style = (Style)ConvertedNatPolicyLink.FindResource("NormalTextBloclStyle"); } else // otherwise it is single NAT report or Catalog for NAT reports (value = -1) { ConvertedNatPolicyLink.Style = (Style)ConvertedNatPolicyLink.FindResource("HyperLinkStyle"); ConvertedNatPolicyLink.MouseUp += Link_OnClick; } } UpdateProgress(100, ""); vendorConverter.ConversionProgress -= OnConversionProgress; Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; EnableDisableControls(true); ProgressPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ResultsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ShowResults(vendorConverter, vendorParser.ParsedLines); }