Exemple #1
        public void StartNewTask()
            //Check if a new task can be started
            if (thePalletCrane.CurrentHalfCycle == null && taskList.Count > 0)
                PalletCraneTask selectedTask = null;
                foreach (var task in taskList)
                    if (thePalletCrane.DropStationAvailable || task.TaskType != PalletCraneTaskType.Retrieval)
                        selectedTask = task;

                if (selectedTask != null)
                    if (selectedTask != taskList[0]) //Move the selected task to the top of the list, then this becomes the current task
                        taskList.Insert(0, selectedTask);
Exemple #2
        public void StartTransportTelegramReceived(string[] telegramFields)
            //Create palletCrane tasklist from message
            PalletCraneTask newTask = new PalletCraneTask(new List <object> {
            });                                                                                 //Convert telegram to TelegramData

            //is it a storage, retreival, relocation or reject task type
            string source      = telegramFields.GetFieldValue(TelegramFields.source);
            string destination = telegramFields.GetFieldValue(TelegramFields.destination);

            newTask.TaskType = GetTaskType(source, destination);

            if (newTask.TaskType == PalletCraneTaskType.Storage || newTask.TaskType == PalletCraneTaskType.Reject) //Store 1 in the racking from pick station
                var pallet = thePalletCrane.PickStationPallet(source) as ATCEuroPallet;

                //This will only work if the pick station is on the RHS of the PalletCrane, Pickstation MergeSide set as left
                if (pallet == null || pallet.TUIdent != telegramFields.GetFieldValue(TelegramFields.tuIdent))
                    Log.Write(string.Format("PalletCrane {0}: Loads at pick station and 'StartTransportTelegram' from ATC do not match, telegram ignored", thePalletCrane.Name));

                controller.UpDateLoadParameters(telegramFields, pallet);

                //Create the palletCrane half cycles
                float x, y;
                thePalletCrane.GetPickStationLocation(source, out x, out y);
                var pickFromPs = new PalletCraneHalfCycle //Pick from pick station
                    Cycle       = PalletCraneCycle.PickPS,
                    TuIdent     = pallet.TUIdent,
                    Length      = x - thePalletCrane.LHDWidth / 2,
                    Height      = y,
                    StationName = source

                if (newTask.TaskType == PalletCraneTaskType.Storage)
                    var palletDrop = new PalletCraneHalfCycle //Drop the load in the racking
                        Cycle    = PalletCraneCycle.DropRack,
                        Lhd      = 1,
                        Length   = GetXLoc(telegramFields, pallet),
                        Height   = GetYLoc(telegramFields, pallet),
                        Depth    = GetDepth(telegramFields, pallet),
                        RackSide = GetSide(telegramFields, pallet),

                else if (newTask.TaskType == PalletCraneTaskType.Reject)
                    thePalletCrane.GetDropStationLocation(destination, out x, out y);
                    var dropToDs = new PalletCraneHalfCycle //Drop to the drop Station
                        Cycle       = PalletCraneCycle.DropDS,
                        TuIdent     = pallet.TUIdent,
                        Length      = x - thePalletCrane.LHDWidth / 2,
                        Height      = y,
                        StationName = destination
            else if (newTask.TaskType == PalletCraneTaskType.Retrieval || newTask.TaskType == PalletCraneTaskType.Relocation)
                //Create the palletCrane half cycles
                var    palletData      = controller.CreateATCPalletData(telegramFields);
                string loadSource      = telegramFields.GetFieldValue(TelegramFields.source);
                string loadTuIdent     = telegramFields.GetFieldValue(TelegramFields.tuIdent);
                string loadDestination = telegramFields.GetFieldValue(TelegramFields.destination);
                int    lhd             = 1;

                PalletCraneHalfCycle loadPick = new PalletCraneHalfCycle
                    Cycle      = PalletCraneCycle.PickRack,
                    Lhd        = lhd,
                    Length     = GetXLoc(loadSource),
                    Height     = GetYLoc(loadSource),
                    Depth      = GetDepth(loadSource),
                    RackSide   = GetSide(loadSource),
                    TuIdent    = loadTuIdent,
                    PalletData = palletData

                if (newTask.TaskType == PalletCraneTaskType.Retrieval)
                    float x, y;
                    thePalletCrane.GetDropStationLocation(destination, out x, out y);
                    var dropToDs = new PalletCraneHalfCycle //Drop to the drop Station
                        Cycle       = PalletCraneCycle.DropDS,
                        TuIdent     = loadTuIdent,
                        Length      = x - thePalletCrane.LHDWidth / 2,
                        Height      = y,
                        StationName = destination
                else if (newTask.TaskType == PalletCraneTaskType.Relocation)
                    var loadDrop = new PalletCraneHalfCycle
                        Cycle      = PalletCraneCycle.DropRack,
                        Lhd        = lhd,
                        Length     = GetXLoc(loadDestination),
                        Height     = GetYLoc(loadDestination),
                        Depth      = GetDepth(loadDestination),
                        RackSide   = GetSide(loadDestination),
                        TuIdent    = loadTuIdent,
                        PalletData = palletData

Exemple #3
 void AddNewTasks(PalletCraneTask newTask)
     //If the crane isn't doing anything then start the new task