// Helper func to convert info to a PaintStroke object
    private PaintStroke PaintStrokeFromInfo(PaintStrokeInfo info)
        GameObject psHolder = new GameObject("psholder"); // Since PaintStroke is a Monobehavior, it needs a game object to attach to

        psHolder.AddComponent <PaintStroke>();
        PaintStroke paintStroke = psHolder.GetComponent <PaintStroke>();

        paintStroke.color = new Color(info.initialColor.x, info.initialColor.y, info.initialColor.z, info.initialColor.w);
        List <Vector3> v = new List <Vector3>();

        paintStroke.verts = v;
        List <Color> c = new List <Color>();

        paintStroke.pointColors = c;
        paintStroke.pointSizes  = new List <float>();

        for (int i = 0; i < info.verts.Length; i++)
            Color ptColor = new Color(info.pointColors[i].x, info.pointColors[i].y, info.pointColors[i].z, 1f);

    public void OnAddToScene()// called when SaveMap is clicked. Add all the paint strokes to the lists at once
        objList = paintManager.paintStrokesList;
        // for each PaintStroke, convert to a PaintStrokeInfo, and add to paintStrokesInfoList
        if (objList.Count > 0)
            foreach (var ps in objList) // TODO: convert to for loop (?)
                // Add the intialColor of the paintstroke
                Vector4 c = ps.color; // implicit conversion of Color to Vector4
                Debug.Log("4-OnDropPaintStrokeClick: " + c.x + " | " + c.y + " | " + c.z + " | " + c.w);
                PaintStrokeInfo psi = new PaintStrokeInfo();
                psi.initialColor = c; // implicit conversion of Vector4 to SerialiazableVector4

                // Add the verts
                int vertCount = ps.verts.Count;
                //todo: combine in 1 line?
                SerializableVector3[] psiverts = new SerializableVector3[vertCount];
                psi.verts = psiverts;

                // Add the colors per point
                SerializableVector3[] psicolors = new SerializableVector3[vertCount];
                psi.pointColors = psicolors;
                Debug.Log("psi.pointColors length: " + psi.pointColors.Length);

                // Add the size per point
                psi.pointSizes = new float[vertCount];

                if (vertCount > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < vertCount; j++)
                        Debug.Log("6-OnDropPaintStrokeClick and ps.verts.Count is: " + ps.verts.Count);
                        //psi.verts[j] = new SerializableVector3(ps.verts[j].x, ps.verts[j].y, ps.verts[j].z);

                        psi.verts[j] = ps.verts[j]; // auto-conversion sv3 and Vector3
                        //Vector4 vector4color = ps.pointColors[j]; // implicit conversion of Color to Vector4
                        psi.pointColors[j] = new Vector3(ps.pointColors[j].r, ps.pointColors[j].g, ps.pointColors[j].b);
                        psi.pointSizes[j]  = ps.pointSizes[j];
    // convert array of paintstroke info to json
    public JObject ToJSON()
        // Create a new PaintStrokeInfoArray object with values copied from paintStrokesInfoList(a List of PaintStrokeInfo)
        // We need this array so it can convert to a JObject

        PaintStrokeInfoArray paintStrokeInfoArray = new PaintStrokeInfoArray();

        // define the array to assign
        PaintStrokeInfo[] psiArray = new PaintStrokeInfo[infoList.Count];
        paintStrokeInfoArray.paintStrokeInfos = psiArray;
        // populate the array
        for (int i = 0; i < infoList.Count; i++)
            psiArray[i]              = new PaintStrokeInfo();
            psiArray[i].verts        = infoList[i].verts;
            psiArray[i].pointColors  = infoList[i].pointColors;
            psiArray[i].pointSizes   = infoList[i].pointSizes;
            psiArray[i].initialColor = infoList[i].initialColor;
