Exemple #1
        private void faderTrack_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!colourUpdating)
                PaintDotNet.HsvColor newHsv = new PaintDotNet.HsvColor();
                newHsv.Value      = faderTrack.Value;
                newHsv.Hue        = colorWheel1.HsvColor.Hue;
                newHsv.Saturation = colorWheel1.HsvColor.Saturation;

                updateSetColour(newHsv.ToRgb().Red, newHsv.ToRgb().Green, newHsv.ToRgb().Blue, faderTrack.Value);
Exemple #2
        // Updates all controls with the supplied colour
        public void updateSetColour(int red, int green, int blue, int faderVal)
            if (!BroadcastUpdatingFlag)
                PaintDotNet.HsvColor newHsv = new PaintDotNet.HsvColor();
                PaintDotNet.RgbColor newRgb = new PaintDotNet.RgbColor();

                // Set a global flag to inidcate to all controls we are updating there values so they
                // dont fire try and update other controls in turn
                colourUpdating = true;

                lblColourSelectorRgb.Text = red.ToString() + "," + green.ToString() + "," + blue.ToString();

                RedTrack.Value   = red;
                GreenTrack.Value = green;
                BlueTrack.Value  = blue;

                faderTrack.Value = faderVal;

                newRgb.Red   = red;
                newRgb.Green = green;
                newRgb.Blue  = blue;

                newHsv       = newRgb.ToHsv();
                newHsv.Value = faderTrack.Value;
                lblColourSelectorHsv.Text = newHsv.Hue.ToString() + "," + newHsv.Saturation.ToString() + "," + newHsv.Value.ToString();
                colorWheel1.HsvColor      = newHsv;

                if (optAddjustTop.Checked)
                        lblTopRGB.Text        = red.ToString() + "," + green.ToString() + "," + blue.ToString();
                        panelTopRGB.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
                    catch (Exception)
                else if (optAddjustBottom.Checked)
                        lblBottomRGB.Text        = red.ToString() + "," + green.ToString() + "," + blue.ToString();
                        panelBottomRGB.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
                    catch (Exception)

                // Send the message if auto send is ticked
                if (chkAutoSend.Checked)
                    butSend_Click(null, null);

                colourUpdating = false;