public async Task SendMessageAndWaitAsync(ICommandContext context, IPaginatedMessage message)
            PaginatedMessageInfo info = await SendMessageAndReturnInfoAsync(context, message);

            if (info != null)
                // Block until we get a reaction.

                info.Waiter = new ManualResetEvent(false);
        private async Task ReactionChangedAsync(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cached, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction, bool added)
            // If this reaction wasn't performed on a paginated message, quit.

            if (!paginatedMessages.ContainsKey(reaction.MessageId))

            // If the reaction was added by the bot, quit.

            if (reaction.UserId == client.CurrentUser.Id)

            // Get the paginated message.

            PaginatedMessageInfo messageInfo = paginatedMessages[reaction.MessageId];

            if (!messageInfo.Message.Enabled)

            // Ignore the reaction if it's not from the sender and we only accept reactions from the sender.

            if (messageInfo.Message.Restricted && reaction.UserId != messageInfo.Context.User.Id)

            string emoji = reaction.Emote.Name;

            Messaging.IMessage currentPage = messageInfo.Message.CurrentPage;

            await messageInfo.Message.HandleReactionAsync(new PaginatedMessageReactionArgs(messageInfo.Message, emoji, added));

            if (currentPage != messageInfo.Message.CurrentPage)
                await cached.DownloadAsync().Result.ModifyAsync(msg => {
                    msg.Content = messageInfo.Message.CurrentPage.Text;
                    msg.Embed   = messageInfo.Message.CurrentPage.Embed.ToDiscordEmbed();

            // If the message was blocking, unblock it.

        private async Task <PaginatedMessageInfo> SendMessageAndReturnInfoAsync(ICommandContext context, IPaginatedMessage message)
            if (message != null && message.Count() > 0)
                IUserMessage sentMessage = await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message.CurrentPage?.Text, false, message.CurrentPage?.Embed?.ToDiscordEmbed());

                if (paginatedMessages.Count() >= MaxPaginatedMessages)
                    // Remove the oldest message.

                    ulong oldestMessageId = paginatedMessages.Keys.Min();

                    if (paginatedMessages.TryRemove(oldestMessageId, out PaginatedMessageInfo removedInfo))
                        // Unblock the message (if it was blocking).


                        // Remove reactions that were added by the bot.

                        await removedInfo.SentMessage.RemoveReactionsAsync(client.CurrentUser,
                                                                           removedInfo.Message.Reactions.Select(r => new Emoji(r)).ToArray());

                PaginatedMessageInfo info = new PaginatedMessageInfo {
                    SentMessage = sentMessage,
                    Context     = context,
                    Message     = message

                if (paginatedMessages.TryAdd(sentMessage.Id, info))
                    // Add the reactions to the message after we add it to the dictionary.
                    // This ensures that the service is ready to respond to reactions as soon as they are added.

                    foreach (string reaction in message.Reactions)
                        await sentMessage.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(reaction));

