/// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for <see cref="PrintDocument.Paginate"/>.
        /// It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        private async void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            // Get the PrintTaskOptions
            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = e.PrintTaskOptions;

            // Get the page description to determine how big the page is
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            if (_directPrint)
                _canvasContainer.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Light;
                foreach (FrameworkElement element in this._canvasContainer.Children)
                // Attach the canvas
                if (!_canvasContainer.Children.Contains(_printCanvas))

                _canvasContainer.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Light;

                // Clear the cache of preview pages
                await ClearPageCache();

                // Clear the print canvas of preview pages
        void printDocument_Paginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)

            RichTextBlockOverflow lastRTBOOnPage;
            PrintTaskOptions      printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);
            PrintPageDescription  pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            lastRTBOOnPage = AddOnePrintPreviewPage(null, pageDescription);

            while (lastRTBOOnPage.HasOverflowContent && lastRTBOOnPage.Visibility == Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible)
                lastRTBOOnPage = AddOnePrintPreviewPage(lastRTBOOnPage, pageDescription);

            if (pagesCreated != null)
                pagesCreated.Invoke(pages, null);

            PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(pages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #3
        private void PrintDic_Paginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            PrintTaskOptions       opt = task.Options;
            PrintTaskOptionDetails printDetailedOptions = PrintTaskOptionDetails.GetFromPrintTaskOptions(e.PrintTaskOptions);

            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(1, PreviewPageCountType.Final);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate.
        /// It fires when the PrintManager requests print preview
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        private void Paginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            option = e.PrintTaskOptions;
            PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

            // Report the number of preview pages
            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(c1PdfViewer1.PageCount, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        protected override void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            base.CreatePrintPreviewPages(sender, e);

            PrintTaskOptionDetails      printDetailedOptions = PrintTaskOptionDetails.GetFromPrintTaskOptions(e.PrintTaskOptions);
            PrintPageRangeOptionDetails pageRangeOption      = (PrintPageRangeOptionDetails)printDetailedOptions.Options[StandardPrintTaskOptions.CustomPageRanges];

            // The number of pages may have been changed, so validate the Page Ranges again
Exemple #6
        private void PrintDic_Paginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            PrintTaskOptions       opt = task.Options;
            PrintTaskOptionDetails printDetailedOptions = PrintTaskOptionDetails.GetFromPrintTaskOptions(e.PrintTaskOptions);
            string pageContent = (printDetailedOptions.Options["PageContent"].Value as string).ToLowerInvariant();

            // Set the text & image display flag
            imageText = (DisplayContent)((Convert.ToInt32(pageContent.Contains("pictures")) << 1) | Convert.ToInt32(pageContent.Contains("text")));
            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(1, PreviewPageCountType.Final);
 void OnPaginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
                              () =>
         this.document.SetPreviewPageCount(1, PreviewPageCountType.Final);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        protected virtual void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            // Clear the cache of preview pages

            // Clear the printing root of preview pages

            // This variable keeps track of the last RichTextBlockOverflow element that was added to a page which will be printed
            RichTextBlockOverflow lastRTBOOnPage;

            // Get the PrintTaskOptions
            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);

            // Get the page description to deterimine how big the page is
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            // XAML element that is used to represent to "printing page"
            FrameworkElement page = firstPage;

            // Set "paper" width
            page.Width  = pageDescription.PageSize.Width;
            page.Height = pageDescription.PageSize.Height;

            Grid printableArea = (Grid)page.FindName("printableArea");

            // Get the margins size
            // If the ImageableRect is smaller than the app provided margins use the ImageableRect
            double marginWidth  = Math.Max(pageDescription.PageSize.Width - pageDescription.ImageableRect.Width, pageDescription.PageSize.Width * ApplicationContentMarginLeft * 2);
            double marginHeight = Math.Max(pageDescription.PageSize.Height - pageDescription.ImageableRect.Height, pageDescription.PageSize.Height * ApplicationContentMarginTop * 2);

            // Set-up "printable area" on the "paper"
            printableArea.Width  = firstPage.Width - marginWidth;
            printableArea.Height = firstPage.Height - marginHeight;

            // Add the (newly created) page to the printing root which is part of the visual tree and force it to go
            // through layout so that the linked containers correctly distribute the content inside them.

            // Add the page to the page preview collection

            if (pagesCreated != null)
                pagesCreated.Invoke(printPreviewPages, null);

            PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

            // Report the number of preview pages created
            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #9
        private void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            printPreviewPages = new List <UIElement>();
            var           printOptions    = e.PrintTaskOptions;
            var           pageDescription = printOptions.GetPageDescription(0);
            PrintDocument printDoc        = (PrintDocument)sender;

            var printPage = CreateNewPrintPage(pageDescription.PageSize);

            SquadronPrintHeader printHeader = new SquadronPrintHeader()
                ViewModel = this.ViewModel.SquadronViewModel,
                Margin    = new Thickness(10)

            var Pilots = ViewModel.SquadronViewModel.Pilots;

            for (int i = 0; i < Pilots.Count(); i++)
                PilotPrintControl pilotPrint = new PilotPrintControl()
                    ViewModel = Pilots[i],
                    Margin    = new Thickness(10)

                if (printPage.ActualHeight >= pageDescription.PageSize.Height)
                    printPage = CreateNewPrintPage(pageDescription.PageSize);

            foreach (var item in printPreviewPages)
            // Report the number of preview pages created
            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for <see cref="PrintDocument.Paginate"/>.
        /// It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        private async void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            // Get the PrintTaskOptions
            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = e.PrintTaskOptions;

            // Get the page description to determine how big the page is
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            if (_directPrint)
                _canvasContainer.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Light;
                foreach (FrameworkElement element in this._canvasContainer.Children)
                // Attach the canvas
                if (!_canvasContainer.Children.Contains(_printCanvas))

                _canvasContainer.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Light;

                // Clear the cache of preview pages
                await ClearPageCache();

                // Clear the print canvas of preview pages

                var printPageTasks = new List <Task>();
                foreach (var element in _elementsToPrint)
                    printPageTasks.Add(AddOnePrintPreviewPage(element, pageDescription));

                await Task.WhenAll(printPageTasks);


            PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

            // Report the number of preview pages created
            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(_printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
            //printDoc.SetPreviewPage(_printPreviewPages.Count, _printPreviewPages[_printPreviewPages.Count - 1]);
            if (_printPreviewPages.Count != 0)
                printDoc.SetPreviewPage(1, _printPreviewPages[0]);
Exemple #11
        protected override void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            // Get PageContent property
            PrintTaskOptionDetails printDetailedOptions = PrintTaskOptionDetails.GetFromPrintTaskOptions(e.PrintTaskOptions);
            string pageContent = (printDetailedOptions.Options["PageContent"].Value as string).ToLowerInvariant();

            // Set the text & image display flag
            imageText = (DisplayContent)((Convert.ToInt32(pageContent.Contains("pictures")) << 1) | Convert.ToInt32(pageContent.Contains("text")));

            base.CreatePrintPreviewPages(sender, e);
        void GetPageSize(PaginateEventArgs e)
            if (this.pageSize == null)
                PrintPageDescription description = e.PrintTaskOptions.GetPageDescription(

                this.pageSize      = description.PageSize;
                this.imageableRect = description.ImageableRect;
        private void Paginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            PreviewPages = new List <UIElement>();


            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(PreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #14
        private void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);

            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            this.PrintPreviewPages = this.GetPreviewPages();

            PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(this.PrintPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #15
        private void PrintDocument_Paginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)


            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = e.PrintTaskOptions.GetPageDescription(0);


            _printDocument.SetPreviewPageCount(_printPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
        protected void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            PrintTaskOptions     printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            if (pagesCreated != null)
                pagesCreated.Invoke(printPreviewElements, null);
            ((PrintDocument)sender).SetPreviewPageCount(printPreviewElements.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event  </param>
        public virtual async void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            var paperSize = e.PrintTaskOptions.GetPageDescription(0).PageSize;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("CreatePrintPreviewPages: {" + paperSize.Width + "," + paperSize.Height + "}");

            //lock (printPreviewPages)
            await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();

                // Clear the cache of preview pages

                // Clear the print canvas of preview pages

                // Get the PrintTaskOptions
                PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);

                // Get the page description to deterimine how big the page is
                PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

                if (await GeneratePagesAsync(pageDescription) is List <UIElement> pages)
                    foreach (var page in pages)

                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                if (PreviewPagesCreated != null)
                    PreviewPagesCreated.Invoke(printPreviewPages, null);

                PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

                // Report the number of preview pages created
                printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #18
        private async void PrintDoc_Paginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);

            deviceCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync("System.Devices.InterfaceClassGuid:=\"{0ecef634-6ef0-472a-8085-5ad023ecbccd}\"");

            var rolloPrinter = deviceCollection.Where(x => x.Name.Contains("Rollo")).SingleOrDefault();

            // Get the page description to deterimine how big the page is
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            PrintTaskOptions opt = Task.Options;

            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(1, PreviewPageCountType.Final);
Exemple #19
        void OnPrintDocumentPaginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs args)
            PrintPageDescription printPageDescription = args.PrintTaskOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            // Set Padding on outer Border
            double left  = printPageDescription.ImageableRect.Left;
            double top   = printPageDescription.ImageableRect.Top;
            double right = printPageDescription.PageSize.Width
                           - left - printPageDescription.ImageableRect.Width;
            double bottom = printPageDescription.PageSize.Height
                            - top - printPageDescription.ImageableRect.Height;

            border.Padding = new Thickness(left, top, right, bottom);

            printDocument.SetPreviewPageCount(1, PreviewPageCountType.Final);
        private void PrintDocument_Paginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)

            PrintTaskOptions     printingOptions      = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);
            PrintPageDescription printPageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            page = this;
            //NewsGrid.Width = double.NaN;
            //NewsGrid.Height = double.NaN;
            //Grid grid = new Grid();

            printDocument.SetPreviewPageCount(2, PreviewPageCountType.Final);
        void OnPaginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs args)
            PrintPageDescription pageDesc = args.PrintTaskOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            // Get the Bitmap
            (border.Child as Image).Source = getBitmap();

            // Set Padding on the Border
            double left   = pageDesc.ImageableRect.Left;
            double top    = pageDesc.ImageableRect.Top;
            double right  = pageDesc.PageSize.Width - left - pageDesc.ImageableRect.Width;
            double bottom = pageDesc.PageSize.Height - top - pageDesc.ImageableRect.Height;

            border.Padding = new Thickness(left, top, right, bottom);

            this.SetPreviewPageCount(1, PreviewPageCountType.Final);
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        private void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object p_sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            if (m_printDocumentSource == null)
                if (m_pages == null || m_pages.Count == 0)

            PrintDocument l_printDoc = (PrintDocument)p_sender;

            l_printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(m_pages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #23
        private void CreatePrintPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            // Clear the cache of preview pages

            // Clear the printing root of preview pages

            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = e.PrintTaskOptions;

            // Get the page description to deterimine how big the page is
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);


            // Report the number of preview pages created
            _printDocument.SetPreviewPageCount(_printPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected virtual void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            // Clear the cache of preview pages

            // Clear the printing root of preview pages

            // This variable keeps track of the last RichTextBlockOverflow element that was added to a page which will be printed
            RichTextBlockOverflow lastRTBOOnPage;

            // Get the PrintTaskOptions
            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);

            // Get the page description to deterimine how big the page is
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            PrintTaskOptionDetails printDetailedOptions = PrintTaskOptionDetails.GetFromPrintTaskOptions(e.PrintTaskOptions);
            //string pageContentSettings = (printDetailedOptions.Options["PageContent"].Value as string).ToLowerInvariant();
            string tagsSettings = (printDetailedOptions.Options["Tags"].Value as string).ToLowerInvariant();

            //imageText = (DisplayContent)((Convert.ToInt32(pageContentSettings.Contains("pictures")) << 1) | Convert.ToInt32(pageContentSettings.Contains("text")));
            ShowTags = tagsSettings.Contains("show");

            // We know there is at least one page to be printed. passing null as the first parameter to
            // AddOnePrintPreviewPage tells the function to add the first page.
            lastRTBOOnPage = AddOnePrintPreviewPage(null, pageDescription);

            // We know there are more pages to be added as long as the last RichTextBoxOverflow added to a print preview
            // page has extra content
            while (lastRTBOOnPage.HasOverflowContent)
                lastRTBOOnPage = AddOnePrintPreviewPage(lastRTBOOnPage, pageDescription);

            if (pagesCreated != null)
                pagesCreated.Invoke(printPreviewPages, null);

            // Report the number of preview pages created
            printDocument.SetPreviewPageCount(printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for <see cref="PrintDocument.Paginate"/>.
        /// It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        private void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            // Get the PrintTaskOptions
            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = e.PrintTaskOptions;

            // Get the page description to determine how big the page is
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            if (_directPrint)
                _canvasContainer.RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Light;
                foreach (FrameworkElement element in this._canvasContainer.Children)
                // Attach the canvas
                if (!_canvasContainer.Children.Contains(_printCanvas))

                // Clear the cache of preview pages

                // Clear the print canvas of preview pages

                foreach (var element in _elementsToPrint)
                    AddOnePrintPreviewPage(element, pageDescription);


            PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

            // Report the number of preview pages created
            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(_printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        protected virtual void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            // Clear the cache of preview pages
            PrintTaskOptions     printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);
            PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

            foreach (var page in Pages)
                page.Height = pageDescription.PageSize.Height;
                page.Width  = pageDescription.PageSize.Width;

            PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

            // Report the number of preview pages created
            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        protected virtual void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)  // Required  2. called
            lock (_printPreviewPages)
                // Clear the cache of preview pages

                // Clear the print canvas of preview pages

                // This variable keeps track of the last RichTextBlockOverflow element that was added to a page which will be printed
                //RichTextBlockOverflow lastRTBOOnPage;

                // Get the PrintTaskOptions
                PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);

                // Get the page description to determine how big the page is
                PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

                // We know there is at least one page to be printed. passing null as the first parameter to
                // AddOnePrintPreviewPage tells the function to add the first page.
                //lastRTBOOnPage = AddOnePrintPreviewPage(null, pageDescription);
                AddOnePrintPreviewPage(null, pageDescription);

                // We know there are more pages to be added as long as the last RichTextBoxOverflow added to a print preview
                // page has extra content
                //while (lastRTBOOnPage.HasOverflowContent && lastRTBOOnPage.Visibility == Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible)
                //    lastRTBOOnPage = AddOnePrintPreviewPage(lastRTBOOnPage, pageDescription);

                if (PreviewPagesCreated != null)
                    PreviewPagesCreated.Invoke(_printPreviewPages, null);

                PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

                // Report the number of preview pages created
                printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(_printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #28
        private void OnPaginate(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)

            List <double> heights = new List <double>();

            foreach (var group in this.viewmodel.SmartCollection.Items)
                foreach (var task in group)

            PrintDocument    printDoc        = (PrintDocument)sender;
            PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = e.PrintTaskOptions;

            int startIndex = 0;

            while (heights.Count > 0)
                int itemsInPage = 0;

                PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription((uint)this.pages.Count);
                double availableHeight = pageDescription.PageSize.Height - (2 * GetVerticalMargin(pageDescription));

                while (heights.Count > 0 && heights[0] < availableHeight)
                    availableHeight -= heights[0];

                // create page
                this.pages.Add(this.CreatePage(startIndex, startIndex + itemsInPage, pageDescription));

                startIndex += itemsInPage;

            printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(this.pages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        private static void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            lock (_printPreviewPages)
                // Clear the cache of preview pages

                // Clear the print canvas of preview pages

                // This variable keeps track of the last RichTextBlockOverflow element that was added to a page which will be printed
                RichTextBlockOverflow lastRTBOOnPage;

                // Get the PrintTaskOptions
                PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = e.PrintTaskOptions;

                // Get the page description to determine how big the page is
                PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

                var count = 0;
                    // We know there is at least one page to be printed. passing null as the first parameter to
                    // AddOnePrintPreviewPage tells the function to add the first page.
                    lastRTBOOnPage = AddOnePrintPreviewPage(null, pageDescription, count);

                    // We know there are more pages to be added as long as the last RichTextBoxOverflow added to a print preview
                    // page has extra content
                    while (lastRTBOOnPage.HasOverflowContent && lastRTBOOnPage.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                        lastRTBOOnPage = AddOnePrintPreviewPage(lastRTBOOnPage, pageDescription, count);

                    count += 1;
                } while (count < _firstPage.Count);

                PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

                // Report the number of preview pages created
                printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(_printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the event handler for PrintDocument.Paginate. It creates print preview pages for the app.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">PrintDocument</param>
        /// <param name="e">Paginate Event Arguments</param>
        protected virtual void CreatePrintPreviewPages(object sender, PaginateEventArgs e)
            lock (printPreviewPages)
                // Clear the cache of preview pages

                // Clear the print canvas of preview pages

                // Get the PrintTaskOptions
                PrintTaskOptions printingOptions = ((PrintTaskOptions)e.PrintTaskOptions);

                // Get the page description to deterimine how big the page is
                PrintPageDescription pageDescription = printingOptions.GetPageDescription(0);

                if (print_Page == 1)
                    // setup print page 1
                    AddOnePrintPreviewPage(1, pageDescription, ScoutName, MeritBadge);

                if (print_Page == 2)
                    // setup print page 2
                    AddOnePrintPreviewPage(2, pageDescription, ScoutName, MeritBadge);

                if (PreviewPagesCreated != null)
                    PreviewPagesCreated.Invoke(printPreviewPages, null);

                PrintDocument printDoc = (PrintDocument)sender;

                // Report the number of preview pages created
                printDoc.SetPreviewPageCount(printPreviewPages.Count, PreviewPageCountType.Intermediate);