public PagedResult<Party> GetParties(int page, int resultsPerPage)
            PagedResult<Party> parties = new PagedResult<Party>();
            parties.PageNumber = page;
            parties.ItemsPerPage = resultsPerPage;

            string sql = @"Select VintageRabbit.Parties.* From VintageRabbit.Parties
                            Inner Join VintageRabbit.Orders On VintageRabbit.Parties.OrderGuid = VintageRabbit.Orders.Guid
                            Where VintageRabbit.Orders.Status In ('Complete', 'AwaitingShipment')
                            Order By VintageRabbit.Parties.DateCreated Desc
                            OFFSET @Offset ROWS FETCH NEXT @ResultsPerPage ROWS ONLY;
                            Select Count(*) From VintageRabbit.Parties;";

            int offset = (page - 1) * resultsPerPage;

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(this._connectionString))
                using (var multi = connection.QueryMultiple(sql, new { Offset = offset, ResultsPerPage = resultsPerPage }))
                    parties.TotalResults = multi.Read<int>().First();

            return parties;
Exemple #2
 public PagedResult<SystemPermission> GetPermissionPaging(int companyId, string keyword, bool? isDeleted, PagingInput pagingInput)
     var query = GetPermissions(companyId, keyword, isDeleted);
     var result = new PagedResult<SystemPermission>(query);
     return result;
        public PagedResult<MemberListItem> GetMembers(FormDataCollection queryStrings)
            // Base Query data
            int pageNumber = queryStrings.HasKey("pageNumber") ? queryStrings.GetValue<int>("pageNumber") : 1;
            int pageSize = queryStrings.HasKey("pageSize") ? queryStrings.GetValue<int>("pageSize") : 10;
            string orderBy = queryStrings.HasKey("orderBy") ? queryStrings.GetValue<string>("orderBy") : "email";
            Direction orderDirection = queryStrings.HasKey("orderDirection") ? queryStrings.GetValue<Direction>("orderDirection") : Direction.Ascending;
            string memberType = queryStrings.HasKey("memberType") ? queryStrings.GetValue<string>("memberType") : "";

            string filter = queryStrings.HasKey("filter") ? queryStrings.GetValue<string>("filter") : "";

            int totalMembers = 0;
            var members = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<MemberListItem>>(MemberSearch.PerformMemberSearch(filter, queryStrings, out totalMembers,
                                                                                                    memberType, pageNumber, pageSize,
                                                                                                    orderBy, orderDirection));
            if (totalMembers == 0)
                return new PagedResult<MemberListItem>(0, 0, 0);

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult<MemberListItem>(

            pagedResult.Items = members;

            return pagedResult;
        public async Task<PagedResult<LinkDTO>> GetLinks(int userId, int page = 1, int pageSize = 30) {
            PagedResult<ShortenedLink> shortenedLinksPagedResult = new PagedResult<ShortenedLink>();
            PagedResult<LinkDTO> linksDtoPagedResult = new PagedResult<LinkDTO>();
            linksDtoPagedResult.Results = new List<LinkDTO>();

            var existingUser = await _usersRepository.Get(userId);
            if (existingUser != null) {
                shortenedLinksPagedResult = await _shortenedLinksRepository.GetPagedResultByQuery(page, pageSize,
                    sl => sl.User.Id == existingUser.Id, sl => sl.Created, true);

                foreach (var shortenLink in shortenedLinksPagedResult.Results) {
                    var linkDto = new LinkDTO() {
                        CreatedDate = shortenLink.Created?.ToShortDateString(),
                        CreatedTime = shortenLink.Created?.ToShortTimeString(),
                        FullLink = shortenLink.FullLink,
                        ShortLink = ShortLinkCreator.CreateShortLink(Request.RequestUri, shortenLink.ShortLink),
                        VisitsCount = shortenLink.VisitCount

                linksDtoPagedResult.TotalCount = shortenedLinksPagedResult.TotalCount;
                linksDtoPagedResult.CurrentPage = shortenedLinksPagedResult.CurrentPage;
                linksDtoPagedResult.PageCount = shortenedLinksPagedResult.PageCount;
                linksDtoPagedResult.PageSize = shortenedLinksPagedResult.PageSize;

            return linksDtoPagedResult;
Exemple #5
 public PagedResult<Company> GetCompaniesPaging(string keyword, bool? isActived, bool? isRootSite, bool? isDeleted, PagingInput pagingInput)
     var query = GetCompanies(keyword, isActived, isRootSite, isDeleted);
     var result = new PagedResult<Company>(query);
     return result;
        public void SearchingCatalog(ICollection<CatalogEntryModel> products, PagedResult<CatalogEntryModel> productsResult)
            "Given existing catalog items".
                f(() =>
                    products = new List<CatalogEntryModel>
                        new CatalogEntryModel {ProductId = 1},
                        new CatalogEntryModel {ProductId = 2},
                        new CatalogEntryModel {ProductId = 3}

            "When they are retrieved".
                f(async () =>
                    CatalogServiceMock.Setup(m => m.SearchAsync(It.IsAny<QueryOptions>(), "test")).ReturnsAsync(new PagedResult<CatalogEntryModel>(products));
                    Request.RequestUri = new Uri(string.Format("{0}?criteria={1}", CatalogSearchUrl, "test"));
                    Response = await Client.SendAsync(Request);
                    productsResult = await Response.Content.ReadAsAsync<PagedResult<CatalogEntryModel>>();

            "Then a '200 OK' status is returned".
                f(() => Response.StatusCode.ShouldBe(HttpStatusCode.OK));

            "Then they are all returned".
                f(() => productsResult.Items.Count().ShouldBe(products.Count()));
        public PagedResult<UserModel> GetByOrganizationId(string organizationId, int page = 1, int pageSize = 10) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(organizationId) || !User.CanAccessOrganization(organizationId))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid organization id.", "organizationId"); // TODO: These should probably throw http Response exceptions.

            int skip = (page - 1) * pageSize;
            if (skip < 0)
                skip = 0;

            if (pageSize < 1)
                pageSize = 10;

            List<UserModel> results = _userRepository.GetByOrganizationId(organizationId).Select(u => new UserModel { Id = u.Id, FullName = u.FullName, EmailAddress = u.EmailAddress, IsEmailAddressVerified = u.IsEmailAddressVerified, HasAdminRole = User.IsInRole(AuthorizationRoles.GlobalAdmin) && u.Roles.Contains(AuthorizationRoles.GlobalAdmin) }).ToList();

            var organization = _organizationRepository.GetByIdCached(organizationId);
            if (organization.Invites.Any())
                results.AddRange(organization.Invites.Select(i => new UserModel { EmailAddress = i.EmailAddress, IsInvite = true }));

            var result = new PagedResult<UserModel>(results.Skip(skip).Take(pageSize).ToList()) {
                Page = page > 1 ? page : 1,
                PageSize = pageSize >= 1 ? pageSize : 10,
                TotalCount = results.Count

            return result;
 public PagedResult<IUserView> AllUsers()
     PagedResult<IUserView> p = new PagedResult<IUserView>();
     p.Rows = UserDataFactory.AllUsers();
     p.Total = p.Rows.Count;
     return p;
        public PagedResult<IProductView> GetProducts(int Prdcat, int Anzahl, int Start)
            PagedResult<IProductView> resultSet = new PagedResult<IProductView>();
            resultSet.Rows = ProductDataFactory.GetProducts(Prdcat, Anzahl, Start);
            resultSet.Total = resultSet.Rows.Count;

            return resultSet;
        public void SetupPaging(PagedResult<MessageInfo> pagedResult)
            Result = pagedResult.Result;
            CurrentPage = pagedResult.TotalCount > 0 ? pagedResult.CurrentPage : 0;
            TotalItemCount = pagedResult.TotalCount;

 public PagedResult<ISupplierView> AllSupplier()
     PagedResult<ISupplierView> resultSet = new PagedResult<ISupplierView>();
        IList<ISupplierView> result = SupplierDataFactory.GetAllSuppliers();
        resultSet.Rows = new List<ISupplierView>(result);
        resultSet.Total = result.Count;
        return resultSet;
        public PagedResult<IProductView> AllProducts()
            var resultSet = new PagedResult<IProductView>();
            resultSet.Rows = ProductDataFactory.AllProducts().ToList();
            resultSet.Total = resultSet.Rows.Count;

            return resultSet;
        public void TotalPages()
            var resultsPerPage = 10;
            var totalResults = 100;

            var pagedResults = new PagedResult<Customer>(1, null, resultsPerPage, totalResults);

            Assert.Equal(10, pagedResults.TotalPages);
        public PagedResult<ManageUser> GetAll()
            var result = new PagedResult<ManageUser>
                Result = DbContext.ManageUser.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreateTime).ToList()

            return result;
        public void User_GivenQuery_ReturnListFromView()
            var extension = new Search(PortalApplication.Object);
            var expected = new PagedResult<IResult>(0, 0, null);
            PortalApplication.Setup(m => m.ViewManager.GetView("Users").Query(It.IsAny<IQuery>())).Returns(expected);

            var actual = extension.Users("query");

            Assert.That(actual, Is.SameAs(expected));
        public PagedResult<IPrdcatView> AllProductCategorys()
            var resultSet = new PagedResult<IPrdcatView>
                                    Rows = ProductDataFactory.AllProductsCategorys().ToList(),
            resultSet.Total = resultSet.Rows.Count;

            return resultSet;
Exemple #17
 public ActionResult FeedbackManage(SystemFeedbackSM sm, int Page = 1, int PageSize = 20)
     var list = systemFeedbackRepo.GetList(sm, Page, PageSize);
     var vms = Mapper.Map<IList<SystemFeedbackVM>>(list.Results);
     var result = new PagedResult<SystemFeedbackVM>(vms, Page, PageSize, list.RowCount);
     if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
         return PartialView("_ListFeedbackManage", result);
     ViewBag.userList = SelectHelper.GetUserList();
     return View(result);
        public void HasResultsReturnsTrueIfContainsResults()
            var page = 1;
            var results = new List<Customer> { new Customer() };
            var resultsPerPage = 10;
            var totalResults = 100;

            var pagedResults = new PagedResult<Customer>(page, results, resultsPerPage, totalResults);

        public void MoreResultsAvailableReturnsTrueIfMoreResults()
            var page = 1;
            var results = new List<Customer> { new Customer() };
            var resultsPerPage = 10;
            var totalResults = 100;

            var pagedResults = new PagedResult<Customer>(page, results, resultsPerPage, totalResults);

        public void HasResultsReturnsFalseIfNoResults()
            var page = 1;
            var results = new List<Customer>();
            var resultsPerPage = 10;
            var totalResults = 100;

            var pagedResults = new PagedResult<Customer>(page, results, resultsPerPage, totalResults);

Exemple #21
 public PagedResult<LogEntry> GetPagedLogs(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
     PagedResult<LogEntry> result = null;
     ServiceSupport.AuthorizeAndExecute(() =>
             result = new PagedResult<LogEntry>();
             result.Entities = LogRepository.GetPagedLogs(pageIndex, pageSize).ToList();
             result.TotalItemCount = LogRepository.GetTotalLogCount();
         }, "ktei");
     return result;
        public PagedResult<User> GetAll()
            var result = new PagedResult<User>
                PageIndex = 0,
                PageSize = 10000,
                SizeCount = DbContext.User.Count(),
                Result = DbContext.User.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreateTime).ToList()

            return result;
Exemple #23
        public CommentsModel(int pageNumber, PagedResult<Comment> comments)
            PageNumber = pageNumber;
            Comments = comments;

            Paginator = new Paginator
                ActionName = "Comments",
                CurrentPage = pageNumber,
                TotalPages = comments.TotalPages
        public void Search()
            var entries = new PagedResult<EntryRevision>(new List<EntryRevision>(), 0, 0, 50);
            Repository.Find(Arg.Is<SwitchingSearchEntriesQuery>(q=>q.SearchText == "search"), Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<int>()).Returns(entries);

            var result = (ViewResult)Controller.Search("search", false);

            Repository.Received().Find(Arg.Is<SwitchingSearchEntriesQuery>(q => q.SearchText == "search"), Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<int>());
            Assert.That(result.ViewName, Is.EqualTo("Search"));
            Assert.AreEqual(entries, ((SearchModel)result.ViewData.Model).Results);
Exemple #25
        public RecentModel(string title, PagedResult<EntrySummary> results, string actionName)
            Title = title;
            Results = results;
            ActionName = actionName;

            Paginator = new Paginator
                                ActionName = actionName,
                                CurrentPage = Results.Page,
                                TotalPages = Results.TotalPages
        public void ConstructorSetsProperties()
            var page = 1;
            var results = new List<Customer> { new Customer() };
            var resultsPerPage = 10;
            var totalResults = 100;

            var pagedResults = new PagedResult<Customer>(page, results, resultsPerPage, totalResults);

            Assert.Equal(page, pagedResults.Page);
            Assert.Equal(results, pagedResults.Results);
            Assert.Equal(resultsPerPage, pagedResults.ResultsPerPage);
            Assert.Equal(totalResults, pagedResults.TotalResults);
Exemple #27
 public void TrackHistoryChanged(PagedResult<QueuedTrack> trackHistory)
         using (var client = new SpotifyCallbackServiceClient())
     catch (Exception ex)
         logger.Error("TrackHistoryChanged failed with exception {0}", ex.Message);
        public async Task<ActionResult> Index(int page = 0)
            var styleList = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var viewModel = new PagedResult<StyleEntity, StyleDisplayViewModel>(

                return viewModel;

            return View(await styleList);
        public IPagedResult<Data.Dto.v5.Object> Get(IQuery query, UUID accessPointGUID, bool includeMetadata = false, bool includeFiles = false, bool includeObjectRelations = false, bool includeAccessPoints = false)
            var accesspointGuid = accessPointGUID != null ? accessPointGUID.ToGuid() : (Guid?)null;

            query.Query = query.Query.Replace("GUID:", "Id:");
            query.Query = query.Query.Replace("ObjectTypeID:", "ObjectTypeId:");
            var result = ObjectQueryHelper.GetObjects(query, accesspointGuid, GetFoldersWithAccess(), includeAccessPoints, includeMetadata, includeFiles, includeObjectRelations);

            var page = new PagedResult<Data.Dto.v5.Object>(result.FoundCount,
                                                           result.Results.Select(item => Data.Dto.v5.Object.Create(((ObjectViewData) item).Object)));

            return page;
Exemple #30
        public BudgetLinesPagedViewModel(string budgetId, PagedResult<BudgetLine> lines, DateTime? from, DateTime? to, IEnumerable<Category> categories, string category)
            From = from;
            To = to;
            BudgetId = budgetId;
            Lines = lines;
            PageIndex = lines.PageIndex;
            TotalPages = lines.TotalPages();

            var c = categories.ToList();
            c.Insert(0, new Category());

            Categories = c;
            Category = category;
        //Inject DataBase--End
        #region Search Products
        public IActionResult Search(string name, int categoryId = -1, int sortBy = 1, int pageNumber = 1, int pageSize = 12)
            //Filter Name
            name = name ?? "";
            var products = _db.ProductAbstract
                           .Include(x => x.Category)
                           .Include(x => x.Brand)
                           .Include(x => x.ProductImage)
                           .Include(x => x.ProductFeature)
                           .Where(x =>
                                  x.Name.Contains(name) || x.LatinName.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower()) ||
                                  x.Category.Name.Contains(name) ||

            //Filter Category
            string FilteredCategory = null;

            if (categoryId != -1)
                products                     = products.Where(e => e.CategoryId == categoryId);
                FilteredCategory             = dbCategory.GetAll().Where(e => e.Id == categoryId).FirstOrDefault().Name;
                ViewData["FilteredCategory"] = FilteredCategory;
            switch (sortBy)
            case 1:     //newest
                products = products.OrderByDescending(x => x.RegDateTime);

            case 2:     //cheapest
                products = products.OrderBy(x => x.BasePrice);

            case 3:     //mostExpensive
                products = products.OrderByDescending(x => x.BasePrice);

            case 4:     //Name
                products = products.OrderByDescending(x => x.Name);

                products = products.OrderByDescending(x => x.RegDateTime);
            var finalResult = PagedResult <ProductAbstract> .GetPaged(products, pageNumber, pageSize);

            ViewData["pagenumber"]         = pageNumber;
            ViewData["pagesize"]           = pageSize;
            ViewData["totalRecords"]       = products.Count();
            ViewData["searchedName"]       = name;
            ViewData["FilteredCategoryId"] = categoryId;
            ViewData["sortBy"]             = sortBy;
            ViewData["IsFilterExist"]      = false;
            ViewData["dbCategory"]         = dbCategory.GetAll().Where(e => e.Status == true).ToList();
            if (name != "" || FilteredCategory != null)
                ViewData["IsFilterExist"] = true;
            var result = finalResult.Results.ToList();

        public async Task <PagedResult <EmployerRecord> > SearchEmployersAsync(string searchText, int page, int pageSize,
                                                                               bool test = false)
            if (searchText.IsNumber())
                searchText = searchText.PadLeft(8, '0');

            var employersPage = new PagedResult <EmployerRecord>
                PageSize = pageSize, CurrentPage = page, Results = new List <EmployerRecord>()

            if (test)
                employersPage.ActualRecordTotal  = 1;
                employersPage.VirtualRecordTotal = 1;

                var id       = Numeric.Rand(100000, int.MaxValue - 1);
                var employer = new EmployerRecord
                    OrganisationName = SharedOptions.TestPrefix + "_Ltd_" + id,
                    CompanyNumber    = ("_" + id).Left(10),
                    Address1         = "Test Address 1",
                    Address2         = "Test Address 2",
                    City             = "Test Address 3",
                    Country          = "Test Country",
                    PostCode         = "Test Post Code",
                    PoBox            = null

            //Get the first page of results and the total records, number of pages, and page size
            var   tasks     = new List <Task <PagedResult <EmployerRecord> > >();
            var   page1task = SearchEmployersAsync(searchText, 1, pageSize);
            await page1task;

            //Calculate the maximum page size
            var maxPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)MaxRecords / page1task.Result.PageSize);

            maxPages = page1task.Result.PageCount > maxPages ? maxPages : page1task.Result.PageCount;

            //Add a task for ll pages from 2 upwards to maxpages
            for (var subPage = 2; subPage <= maxPages; subPage++)
                tasks.Add(SearchEmployersAsync(searchText, subPage, page1task.Result.PageSize));

            //Wait for all the tasks to complete
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            //Add page 1 to the list of completed tasks
            tasks.Insert(0, page1task);

            //Merge the results from each page into a single page of results
            foreach (var task in tasks)

            //Get the toal number of records
            employersPage.ActualRecordTotal  = page1task.Result.ActualRecordTotal;
            employersPage.VirtualRecordTotal = page1task.Result.VirtualRecordTotal;

Exemple #33
        public void AbsenceDaysCannotBookTests(AbsenceRange absenceRange, WorkingPattern workingPattern, IEnumerable <PublicHoliday> publicHolidays, IEnumerable <AbsenceDay> alreadyBookedAbsenceDays, IEnumerable <INotAbsenceDay> expectedAbsenceDays)
            // Arrange
            _mockHRDataService.Setup(m => m.RetrievePublicHolidays(It.IsAny <Int32>(), It.IsAny <Int32>(), It.IsAny <Expression <Func <PublicHoliday, bool> > >(), It.IsAny <List <OrderBy> >(), It.IsAny <Paging>())).Returns(PagedResult <PublicHoliday> .Create(publicHolidays, 1, publicHolidays.Count(), 1, publicHolidays.Count()));
            _mockHRDataService.Setup(m => m.RetrieveAbsenceRangeBookedAbsenceDays(It.IsAny <AbsenceRange>()))
            // Act
            var actualAbsenceDays = _hrBusinessService.RetrieveCannotBeBookedDays(absenceRange, workingPattern);

            // Assert
            _mockHRDataService.Verify(m => m.RetrievePublicHolidays(It.IsAny <Int32>(), It.IsAny <Int32>(), It.IsAny <Expression <Func <PublicHoliday, bool> > >(), It.IsAny <List <OrderBy> >(), It.IsAny <Paging>()), Times.Once);
            _mockHRDataService.Verify(m => m.RetrieveAbsenceRangeBookedAbsenceDays(It.IsAny <AbsenceRange>()), Times.Once);
Exemple #34
        public PagedResult <CourseResult> FilterCourse(string userName, string FilterBy, Pageable pageable)
            PagedResult <CourseResult> result = new PagedResult <CourseResult>();

            result.Page = pageable.Page;
            result.Size = pageable.Size;
            int skipRow = PaginatorUtils.GetSkipRow(pageable.Page, pageable.Size);

            result.Total = _context.Course.Count();
            if (result.Total > 0)
                List <CourseResult> CourseFilterResult = new List <CourseResult>();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterBy))
                    CourseFilterResult = (from s in _context.Course
                                          join c in _context.StudentCourse on s.Id equals c.CourseId
                                          where s.Id == c.StudentId
                                          select new CourseResult()
                        Code = s.Code,
                        Description = s.Description,
                        Level = s.Level,
                        TimeEnd = s.TimeEnd,
                        TimeStar = s.TimeStar,
                        TimeToRegister = s.TimeToRegister,
                        TimeStarCourse = s.TimeStarCourse
                    switch (FilterBy)
                    case "ChuaBatDau":
                        CourseFilterResult = (from s in _context.Course
                                              where s.TimeStar > DateTime.Now
                                              select new CourseResult
                            Code = s.Code,
                            Description = s.Description,
                            Level = s.Level,
                            TimeEnd = s.TimeEnd,
                            TimeStar = s.TimeStar,
                            TimeToRegister = s.TimeToRegister,
                            TimeStarCourse = s.TimeStarCourse

                    case "DangHoc":
                        CourseFilterResult = (from s in _context.Course
                                              where s.TimeStar <DateTime.Now &&
                                                                s.TimeEnd> DateTime.Now
                                              select new CourseResult
                            Code = s.Code,
                            Description = s.Description,
                            Level = s.Level,
                            TimeEnd = s.TimeEnd,
                            TimeStar = s.TimeStar,
                            TimeToRegister = s.TimeToRegister,
                            TimeStarCourse = s.TimeStarCourse

                    case "DaKetThuc":
                        CourseFilterResult = (from s in _context.Course
                                              where s.TimeEnd < DateTime.Now
                                              select new CourseResult
                            Code = s.Code,
                            Description = s.Description,
                            Level = s.Level,
                            TimeEnd = s.TimeEnd,
                            TimeStar = s.TimeStar,
                            TimeToRegister = s.TimeToRegister,
                            TimeStarCourse = s.TimeStarCourse
                var ResultEnd = CourseFilterResult.Skip(skipRow).Take(pageable.Size).ToList();
                result.Data = ResultEnd;
 private PlacesResponse(PagedResult <PlaceInfoResource> pagedResult, bool success, string message) : base(success, message)
     _pagedResult = pagedResult;
        public async Task <DepositsReport> GetAsync(GetDepositsReport query)
            PagedResult <DepositDetails> deposits;

            if (query.DepositId == null)
                deposits =
                    await _depositRepository.BrowseAsync(new GetDeposits
                    Results = int.MaxValue
                DepositDetails?detailsOfOne = await _depositRepository.GetAsync(query.DepositId);

                if (detailsOfOne is null)

                deposits = PagedResult <DepositDetails> .Create(new[] { detailsOfOne },
                                                                1, 1, 1, 1);

            if (deposits.Items.Count == 0)

            if (!deposits.Items.Any() || deposits.Items.Any(d => d is null))

            Dictionary <Keccak, DepositDetails> foundDeposits = deposits.Items
                                                                .Where(d => (query.Provider is null || d.DataAsset.Provider.Address == query.Provider) &&
                                                                       (query.AssetId is null || d.DataAsset.Id == query.AssetId))
                                                                .ToDictionary(d => d.Id, d => d);

            if (!foundDeposits.Any())

            IEnumerable <Keccak> assetIds = foundDeposits.Select(d => d.Value.DataAsset.Id);
            IReadOnlyList <DataDeliveryReceiptDetails> receipts = await _receiptRepository.BrowseAsync(query.DepositId, query.AssetId);

            Dictionary <Keccak, IEnumerable <DataDeliveryReceiptDetails> > depositsReceipts = receipts.Where(r => assetIds.Contains(r.DataAssetId))
                                                                                              .GroupBy(r => r.DepositId).ToDictionary(r => r.Key, r => r.AsEnumerable());

            int page = query.Page;

            if (page <= 0)
                page = 1;

            int results = query.Results;

            if (results <= 0)
                results = 10;

            uint timestamp = (uint)_timestamper.UnixTime.Seconds;
            int  skip      = (page - 1) * results;
            List <DepositReportItem> items = new List <DepositReportItem>();

            foreach ((Keccak _, DepositDetails deposit) in foundDeposits.OrderByDescending(d => d.Value.Timestamp).Skip(skip)
                depositsReceipts.TryGetValue(deposit.Id, out IEnumerable <DataDeliveryReceiptDetails>?depositReceipts);
                bool expired = deposit.IsExpired(timestamp);
                IEnumerable <DataDeliveryReceiptReportItem>?receiptItems = depositReceipts?.Select(r => new DataDeliveryReceiptReportItem(r.Id, r.Number,
                                                                                                                                          r.SessionId, r.ConsumerNodeId, r.Request, r.Receipt, r.Timestamp, r.IsMerged, r.IsClaimed));
                PagedResult <ConsumerSession> sessions = await _sessionRepository.BrowseAsync(new GetConsumerSessions
                    DepositId = deposit.Id,
                    Results   = int.MaxValue

                uint consumedUnits = await _depositUnitsCalculator.GetConsumedAsync(deposit);

                items.Add(ToReportItem(deposit, expired, consumedUnits, receiptItems ?? Enumerable.Empty <DataDeliveryReceiptReportItem>()));

            (UInt256 total, UInt256 claimed, UInt256 refunded) = CalculateValues(foundDeposits, depositsReceipts);
            int totalResults = foundDeposits.Count;
            int totalPages   = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalResults / query.Results);

            return(new DepositsReport(total, claimed, refunded,
                                      PagedResult <DepositReportItem> .Create(items.OrderByDescending(i => i.Timestamp).ToList(),
                                                                              query.Page, query.Results, totalPages, totalResults)));
        /// <summary>
        /// GetApplicationListAsync
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previousPage"></param>
        /// <returns>ApplicationInfoApiModel</returns>
        public async Task <PagedResult <ApplicationInfoApiModel> > GetApplicationListAsync(PagedResult <ApplicationInfoApiModel> previousPage = null)
            var pageResult = new PagedResult <ApplicationInfoApiModel>();

            try {
                var query = new ApplicationRegistrationQueryApiModel {
                    IncludeNotSeenSince = true
                var applications = new ApplicationInfoListApiModel();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousPage?.ContinuationToken))
                    applications = await _registryService.QueryApplicationsAsync(query, _commonHelper.PageLength);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(applications.ContinuationToken))
                        pageResult.PageCount = 2;
                    applications = await _registryService.ListApplicationsAsync(previousPage.ContinuationToken, _commonHelper.PageLength);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(applications.ContinuationToken))
                        pageResult.PageCount = previousPage.PageCount;
                        pageResult.PageCount = previousPage.PageCount + 1;

                if (applications != null)
                    foreach (var app in applications.Items)
                        var application = (await _registryService.GetApplicationAsync(app.ApplicationId)).Application;
                if (previousPage != null)
                    pageResult.Results = previousPage.Results;

                pageResult.ContinuationToken = applications.ContinuationToken;
                pageResult.PageSize          = _commonHelper.PageLength;
                pageResult.RowCount          = pageResult.Results.Count;
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) {
                pageResult.Error = "Unauthorized access: Bad User Access Denied.";
            catch (Exception e) {
                var message = "Can not get applications list";
                _logger.Warning(e, message);
                pageResult.Error = message;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetDiscovererListAsync
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previousPage"></param>
        /// <returns>DiscovererInfo</returns>
        public async Task <PagedResult <DiscovererInfo> > GetDiscovererListAsync(PagedResult <DiscovererInfo> previousPage = null)
            var pageResult = new PagedResult <DiscovererInfo>();

            try {
                var discovererModel  = new DiscovererQueryApiModel();
                var applicationModel = new ApplicationRegistrationQueryApiModel();
                var discoverers      = new DiscovererListApiModel();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousPage?.ContinuationToken))
                    discoverers = await _registryService.QueryDiscoverersAsync(discovererModel, _commonHelper.PageLengthSmall);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(discoverers.ContinuationToken))
                        pageResult.PageCount = 2;
                    discoverers = await _registryService.ListDiscoverersAsync(previousPage.ContinuationToken, _commonHelper.PageLengthSmall);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(discoverers.ContinuationToken))
                        pageResult.PageCount = previousPage.PageCount;
                        pageResult.PageCount = previousPage.PageCount + 1;

                if (discoverers != null)
                    if (discoverers.Items != null && discoverers.Items.Any())
                        foreach (var disc in discoverers.Items)
                            var discoverer = await _registryService.GetDiscovererAsync(disc.Id);

                            var info = new DiscovererInfo {
                                DiscovererModel = discoverer,
                                HasApplication  = false,
                                ScanStatus      = (discoverer.Discovery == DiscoveryMode.Off) || (discoverer.Discovery == null) ? false : true
                            applicationModel.DiscovererId = discoverer.Id;
                            var applications = await _registryService.QueryApplicationsAsync(applicationModel, 1);

                            if (applications != null)
                                info.HasApplication = true;
                if (previousPage != null)
                    pageResult.Results = previousPage.Results;

                pageResult.ContinuationToken = discoverers.ContinuationToken;
                pageResult.PageSize          = _commonHelper.PageLengthSmall;
                pageResult.RowCount          = pageResult.Results.Count;
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) {
                pageResult.Error = "Unauthorized access: Bad User Access Denied.";
            catch (ResourceInvalidStateException) {
                pageResult.Error = "IotHubQuotaExceeded. Send and Receive operations are blocked for this hub until the next UTC day.";
            catch (Exception e) {
                var message = "Cannot get discoverers as list";
                _logger.Warning(e, message);
                pageResult.Error = message;
        public PagedResult <EmployerSearchModel> Search(EmployerSearchParameters searchParams, bool orderByRelevance)
            List <SearchCachedOrganisation> allOrganisations = SearchRepository.CachedOrganisations
                                                               .Where(o => o.IncludeInViewingService)

            List <SearchCachedOrganisation> filteredOrganisations = FilterByOrganisations(allOrganisations, searchParams);

            if (searchParams.Keywords == null)
                List <SearchCachedOrganisation> orderedOrganisations =
                    filteredOrganisations.OrderBy(o => o.OrganisationName.OriginalValue).ToList();

                List <SearchCachedOrganisation> paginatedResultsForAllOrganisations = PaginateResults(

                return(new PagedResult <EmployerSearchModel>
                    Results = ConvertToEmployerSearchModels(paginatedResultsForAllOrganisations),
                    CurrentPage = searchParams.Page,
                    PageSize = searchParams.PageSize,
                    ActualRecordTotal = orderedOrganisations.Count,
                    VirtualRecordTotal = orderedOrganisations.Count

            string query = searchParams.Keywords.Trim().ToLower();

            bool queryContainsPunctuation = WordSplittingRegex.ContainsPunctuationCharacters(query);

            List <string> searchTerms = SearchHelper.ExtractSearchTermsFromQuery(query, queryContainsPunctuation);

            var matchingOrganisations = new List <SearchCachedOrganisation>();
            var convertedResults      = new List <EmployerSearchModel>();

            if (searchParams.SearchType == SearchType.NotSet)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (searchParams.SearchType == SearchType.ByEmployerName)
                matchingOrganisations = GetMatchingOrganisationsByName(

                List <RankedViewingSearchOrganisation> organisationsWithRankings = CalculateOrganisationRankings(

                List <RankedViewingSearchOrganisation> rankedOrganisations = orderByRelevance
                    ? OrderOrganisationsByRank(organisationsWithRankings)
                    : OrderOrganisationsAlphabetically(organisationsWithRankings);

                List <RankedViewingSearchOrganisation> paginatedResults = PaginateResults(

                convertedResults = ConvertRankedOrgsToEmployerSearchModels(paginatedResults);

            if (searchParams.SearchType == SearchType.BySectorType)
                matchingOrganisations = GetMatchingOrganisationsBySicCode(

                // Only alphabetically for SIC code search
                List <SearchCachedOrganisation> orderedOrganisations =
                    matchingOrganisations.OrderBy(o => o.OrganisationName.OriginalValue).ToList();

                List <SearchCachedOrganisation> paginatedSicCodeResults = PaginateResults(

                convertedResults = ConvertSearchCachedOrganisationsToEmployerSearchModels(paginatedSicCodeResults);

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <EmployerSearchModel>
                Results            = convertedResults,
                CurrentPage        = searchParams.Page,
                PageSize           = searchParams.PageSize,
                ActualRecordTotal  = matchingOrganisations.Count,
                VirtualRecordTotal = matchingOrganisations.Count

Exemple #40
        public async Task <PagedResult <ContactPaginationDto> > GetPagedResultAsync(ContactPagingRequest contactPagingRequest)
            PagedResult <ContactPaginationDto> pagedResult = await _contactRepository.GetPagedResultAsync(contactPagingRequest);

        public PagedResult <CourseFilterResult> CourseFilter(string userName, string filterBy, Pageable pageable)
            var studentId = _context.Student.Where(p => String.Equals(p.UserName, userName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault().Id;
            PagedResult <CourseFilterResult> result = new PagedResult <CourseFilterResult>();

            result.Page = pageable.Page;
            result.Size = pageable.Size;
            int skipRow = PaginatorUtils.GetSkipRow(pageable.Page, pageable.Size);

            result.Total = _context.Course.Count();
            if (result.Total > 0)
                List <CourseFilterResult> query = new List <CourseFilterResult>();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterBy))
                    query = (from s in _context.Course
                             join c in _context.CourseStudent on s.Id equals c.StudentId
                             where c.StudentId == studentId
                             select new CourseFilterResult()
                        Code = s.Code,
                        Name = s.Name,
                        Description = s.Description,
                        BeginDate = s.BeginDate,
                        EndDate = s.EndDate,
                        RegisterDate = s.RegisterDate,
                        MaxPeople = s.MaxPeople
                    switch (filterBy)
                    case "ChuaBatDau":
                        query = (from s in _context.Course
                                 where s.BeginDate > DateTime.Now
                                 select new CourseFilterResult()
                            Code = s.Code,
                            Name = s.Name,
                            Description = s.Description,
                            BeginDate = s.BeginDate,
                            EndDate = s.EndDate,
                            RegisterDate = s.RegisterDate,
                            MaxPeople = s.MaxPeople

                    case "DangHoc":
                        query = (from s in _context.Course
                                 where s.BeginDate <= DateTime.Now && DateTime.Now >= s.EndDate
                                 select new CourseFilterResult()
                            Code = s.Code,
                            Name = s.Name,
                            Description = s.Description,
                            BeginDate = s.BeginDate,
                            EndDate = s.EndDate,
                            RegisterDate = s.RegisterDate,
                            MaxPeople = s.MaxPeople

                    case "DaKetThuc":
                        query = (from s in _context.Course
                                 where s.EndDate < DateTime.Now
                                 select new CourseFilterResult()
                            Code = s.Code,
                            Name = s.Name,
                            Description = s.Description,
                            BeginDate = s.BeginDate,
                            EndDate = s.EndDate,
                            RegisterDate = s.RegisterDate,
                            MaxPeople = s.MaxPeople
                var resultEnd = query.Skip(skipRow)
                result.Data = resultEnd;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get activities for a conversation (Aka the transcript).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channelId">Channel Id.</param>
        /// <param name="conversationId">Conversation Id.</param>
        /// <param name="continuationToken">Continuatuation token to page through results.</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">Earliest time to include.</param>
        /// <returns>PagedResult of activities.</returns>
        public async Task <PagedResult <IActivity> > GetTranscriptActivitiesAsync(string channelId, string conversationId, string continuationToken = null, DateTimeOffset startDate = default(DateTimeOffset))
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channelId));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(conversationId));

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <IActivity>();

            var dirName  = GetDirName(channelId, conversationId);
            var dir      = this.Container.Value.GetDirectoryReference(dirName);
            var pageSize = 20;
            BlobContinuationToken token = null;
            List <CloudBlockBlob> blobs = new List <CloudBlockBlob>();

                var segment = await dir.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(false, BlobListingDetails.Metadata, null, token, null, null).ConfigureAwait(false);

                foreach (var blob in segment.Results.Cast <CloudBlockBlob>())
                    if (DateTime.Parse(blob.Metadata["Timestamp"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToUniversalTime() >= startDate)
                        if (continuationToken != null)
                            if (blob.Name == continuationToken)
                                // we found continuation token
                                continuationToken = null;
                            if (blobs.Count == pageSize)

                token = segment.ContinuationToken;
            }while (token != null && blobs.Count < pageSize);

            pagedResult.Items = blobs
                                .Select(async bl =>
                var json = await bl.DownloadTextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Activity>(json));
                                .Select(t => t.Result)

            if (pagedResult.Items.Length == pageSize)
                pagedResult.ContinuationToken = blobs.Last().Name;

Exemple #43
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetPage([FromQuery] GamePaginationRequest request = null)
            PagedResult <GameResponse> pagedResult = await Games.GetPageAsync(request);

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExampleEntityDataResponse"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exampleEntities">The collection of Example Entities.</param>
 public ExampleEntityDataResponse(PagedResult <ExampleEntity> exampleEntities)
     this.ExampleEntities = exampleEntities;
        public async Task Browse_empty_database()
            PagedResult <DepositDetails> result = await repository.BrowseAsync(new GetDeposits());

        public async Task ApplyActorActionAsync_ReturnsProcess()
            int testId = -6;

            IList <int> activityComplete = new List <int>()

            List <Process> returnList = new List <Process>();

            returnList.Add(new Process()
                ProcessId    = testId,
                ProcessState = "PENDING",
                Activities   = new Dictionary <int, Activity>()
                    { 1,
                      new Activity()
                          ActivityId    = 1,
                          ActivityState = "PENDING",
                          Actors        = new Dictionary <int, Actor>()
                                  new Actor()
                                      ActorHanfordId = "Valid Id"
                      } }
            PagedResult <Process> result = new PagedResult <Process>(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), returnList);

            ActorAction actorAction = new ActorAction()
                ProcessId      = testId,
                ActivityId     = 1,
                ActorHanfordId = "Valid Id",

            Person person = new Person()
                Id      = "Valid Id",
                Network = new NetworkIdentifier()
                    Username = "******",
                    Id       = "Valid Id"

            _mockProcessStore // arrange
            .Setup(store => store.GetAsync(It.Is <IList <int> >(s => s[0] == testId), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>(), It.IsAny <IDictionary <object, object> >()))
            // no need to configure the store, controller itself handles this case
                var facade = InstanceActivityFacade(_mockActivityStore, _mockProcessStore, _mockPersonIdentificationStore, _mockApprovalsLegacyStore, _mockSecurityStore);
                var actual = await facade.ApplyActorActionAsync(actorAction, person, It.IsAny <CancellationToken>(), It.IsAny <IDictionary <object, object> >()); // act

                var objectResult = actual as ObjectResult;
                Assert.AreEqual(returnList[0], actual);
            catch (Exception)
 public StateListPageViewModel()
     Country = new GeoCountryViewModel();
     States  = new PagedResult <IGeoZone>();
     //Paging = new PaginationSettings();
 private static void SetPagingInfo <T>(PagedResult <T> result, JsonDoc json) where T : class
     result.TotalRecordCount = json.GetValue <int>("total_record_count", "total_count");
     result.PageSize         = json.GetValue <int>("max_page_size");
     result.Page             = json.GetValue <int>("page_number");
Exemple #49
 public static bool IsPageNumberLessThanLast <T>(this PagedResult <T> pagedResult)
     return(pagedResult.PageNumber < pagedResult.TotalPages);
        public void TestPagedResultSorted()
            var random      = new Random(DateTime.Now.GetHashCode());
            var teamMembers = new List <TeamMember>();

            while (teamMembers.Count < 25)
                var index         = random.Next(9999);
                var administrator = CreateTeamMember <TeamMember>(index);
                if (teamMembers.All(a => a.UserId != administrator.UserId))

            var createResults = DbAccess.Create <TeamMember, int>(teamMembers);

            var expTeamMembers = teamMembers.OrderBy(a => a.UserId).ToList();
            var sortFilter     = new SortFilterString <TeamMember> {
                Expression = p => p.UserId
            var expRowCount  = teamMembers.Count;
            var expPageCount = expRowCount / PagedResult <TeamMember> .PageSize_10;

            if (0 < expRowCount % PagedResult <TeamMember> .PageSize_10)

            for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= expPageCount; pageNumber++)
                Console.WriteLine($"Page {pageNumber}");
                var pagedResult = new PagedResult <TeamMember> {
                    SortFilters = new List <SortFilter <TeamMember> > {
                    PageNumber = pageNumber
                DbAccess.ReadPage <TeamMember, int>(pagedResult);

                Assert.AreEqual(pageNumber, pagedResult.PageNumber);
                Assert.AreEqual(expRowCount, pagedResult.RowCount);

                Assert.AreEqual(expPageCount, pagedResult.PageCount);

                var expPageSize = pageNumber < expPageCount || 0 == expPageCount % pagedResult.PageSize
                    ? pagedResult.PageSize
                    : expRowCount % pagedResult.PageSize;
                Assert.AreEqual(expPageSize, pagedResult.Results.Count());
                for (var i = 0; i < expPageSize; i++)
                    var index = (pagedResult.PageNumber - 1) * pagedResult.PageSize + i;
                    AssertTeamMember(expTeamMembers[index], pagedResult.Results[i]);

            sortFilter.Descending = true;
            expTeamMembers        = teamMembers.OrderByDescending(a => a.UserId).ToList();
            for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= expPageCount; pageNumber++)
                Console.WriteLine($"Page {pageNumber}");
                var pagedResult = new PagedResult <TeamMember> {
                    SortFilters = new List <SortFilter <TeamMember> > {
                    PageNumber = pageNumber
                DbAccess.ReadPage <TeamMember, int>(pagedResult);
                var expPageSize = pageNumber < expPageCount || 0 == expPageCount % pagedResult.PageSize
                    ? pagedResult.PageSize
                    : expRowCount % pagedResult.PageSize;
                for (var i = 0; i < expPageSize; i++)
                    var index = (pagedResult.PageNumber - 1) * pagedResult.PageSize + i;
                    AssertTeamMember(expTeamMembers[index], pagedResult.Results[i]);
        async Task <PagedResult <TimeEntryWithOwnerName> > ITimeEntryService.GetTimeEntries(GetTimeEntryQuery query)
            Check.NotNull(query, errorMessage: "Query must be specified.");

            var currentPrincipal = await currentUserResolver.ResolveCurrentClaimsPrincipalAsync();

            var operation = query.IncludeAllUsers ? Operation.ReadAll : Operation.Read;
            await authorizationService.AuthorizeResourceType(currentPrincipal, operation, typeof(TimeEntry));

            var timeEntries = timeEntryRepository.GetTimeEntries();

            var currentUser = await currentUserResolver.ResolveAsync();

            if (operation == Operation.Read)
                timeEntries = timeEntries.Where(te => te.OwnerId == currentUser.Id);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.OrderBy))
                timeEntries = timeEntries.OrderBy(te => te.Date);

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <TimeEntryWithOwnerName>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.QueryString))
                    var queryParserResult = await queryParser.ApplyQuery(timeEntries, query.QueryString);

                    timeEntries            = queryParserResult.Results;
                    pagedResult.TotalCount = queryParserResult.TotalCount;
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ValidationException("Invalid query string.", e);

            var pageSize = Constants.MaxPageSize;

            if (query.PageSize.HasValue && query.PageSize < Constants.MaxPageSize)
                pageSize = query.PageSize.Value;

            timeEntries = timeEntries.Take(pageSize);

            var preferredWorkingHourIndex = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (var te in timeEntries)
                var key = te.Date.Date.ToShortDateString() + "|" + te.OwnerId;
                if (!preferredWorkingHourIndex.ContainsKey(key))
                    preferredWorkingHourIndex.Add(key, 0);

                preferredWorkingHourIndex[key] += te.Duration;

            var timeEntriesWithOwnerName = new List <TimeEntryWithOwnerName>();

            foreach (var te in timeEntries)
                var key = te.Date.Date.ToShortDateString() + "|" + te.OwnerId;
                timeEntriesWithOwnerName.Add(new TimeEntryWithOwnerName(te)
                    IsUnderPreferredWorkingHourPerDay = preferredWorkingHourIndex[key] < te.Owner.PreferredWorkingHourPerDay

            pagedResult.Results = timeEntriesWithOwnerName.ToArray();
Exemple #52
 public static long NextPageNumber <T>(this PagedResult <T> pagedResult)
     return(pagedResult.PageNumber + 1);
 public PlacesResponse(PagedResult <PlaceInfoResource> pagedResult) : this(pagedResult, true, string.Empty)
     Console.WriteLine("Here 10");
Exemple #54
 public static long PreviousPageNumber <T>(this PagedResult <T> pagedResult)
     return(pagedResult.PageNumber - 1);
Exemple #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all paging
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <PagedResult <ProductViewModel> > GetAllPaging(GetManageProductPagingRequest request)
            //select join
            var query = from p in _context.Products
                        join pi in _context.ProductImages on p.Id equals pi.ProductId into pii
                        from pi in pii.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        join pt in _context.ProductTranslations on p.Id equals pt.ProductId
                        join pic in _context.ProductInCategories on p.Id equals pic.ProductId
                        into ppic
                        from pic in ppic.DefaultIfEmpty()//left join
                        join c in _context.Categories on pic.CategoryId equals c.Id
                        into picc
                        from c in picc.DefaultIfEmpty()//left join
                        where pt.LanguageId == request.LanguageId && pi.IsDefault == true
                        select new { p, pt, pic, pi };

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Keyword))
                query = query.Where(x =>;

            if (request.CategoryId != null && request.CategoryId != 0)
                query = query.Where(x => x.pic.CategoryId == request.CategoryId);

            int totalRow = await query.CountAsync();

            var data = await query.Skip((request.PageIndex - 1) *request.PageSize)
                       .Select(x => new ProductViewModel()
                Id             = x.p.Id,
                Name           =,
                CreatedDate    = x.p.CreatedDate,
                Description    =,
                Details        =,
                LanguageId     =,
                OriginalPrice  = x.p.OriginalPrice,
                Price          = x.p.Price,
                SeoAlias       =,
                SeoDescription =,
                SeoTitle       =,
                Stock          = x.p.Stock,
                ViewCount      = x.p.ViewCount,
                ThumbnailImage = x.pi.ImagePath

            //select and projection
            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ProductViewModel>()
                TotalRecords = totalRow,
                Items        = data,
                PageSize     = request.PageSize,
                PageIndex    = request.PageIndex

Exemple #56
        public async Task _ListTranscripts()
            List <string> conversationIds = new List <string>();
            DateTime      start           = DateTime.UtcNow;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            List <Activity> activities = new List <Activity>();

            foreach (var conversationId in conversationIds)
                activities.AddRange(CreateActivities(conversationId, start, 1));
            // log in parallel batches of 10
            int pos = 0;

            foreach (var group in activities.GroupBy(a => pos++ / 10))
                await Task.WhenAll(group.Select(a => store.LogActivityAsync(a)));

            HashSet <string>             seen        = new HashSet <string>();
            PagedResult <TranscriptInfo> pagedResult = null;
            var pageSize = 0;

                pagedResult = await store.ListTranscriptsAsync("test", pagedResult?.ContinuationToken);


                // NOTE: Assumes page size is consistent
                if (pageSize == 0)
                    pageSize = pagedResult.Items.Count();
                else if (pageSize == pagedResult.Items.Count())

                foreach (var item in pagedResult.Items)
                    if (item.Id.StartsWith("_ListConversations"))
            } while (pagedResult.ContinuationToken != null);

            Assert.AreEqual(conversationIds.Count(), seen.Count);

            foreach (var conversationId in conversationIds)
Exemple #57
 public static bool IsPageNumberGreaterThanFirst <T>(this PagedResult <T> pagedResult)
     return(pagedResult.PageNumber > 1);
Exemple #58
        public PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> > GetChildren(int id,
                                                                                  bool ignoreUserStartNodes,
                                                                                  int pageNumber           = 0,
                                                                                  int pageSize             = 0,
                                                                                  string orderBy           = "SortOrder",
                                                                                  Direction orderDirection = Direction.Ascending,
                                                                                  bool orderBySystemField  = true,
                                                                                  string filter            = "")
            //if a request is made for the root node data but the user's start node is not the default, then
            // we need to return their start nodes
            if (id == Constants.System.Root && UserStartNodes.Length > 0 && (UserStartNodes.Contains(Constants.System.Root) == false && ignoreUserStartNodes == false))
                if (pageNumber > 0)
                    return(new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(0, 0, 0));
                var nodes = Services.MediaService.GetByIds(UserStartNodes).ToArray();
                if (nodes.Length == 0)
                    return(new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(0, 0, 0));
                if (pageSize < nodes.Length)
                    pageSize = nodes.Length;                          // bah
                var pr = new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(nodes.Length, pageNumber, pageSize)
                    Items = nodes.Select(Mapper.Map <IMedia, ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >)

            // else proceed as usual

            long          totalChildren;
            List <IMedia> children;

            if (pageNumber > 0 && pageSize > 0)
                IQuery <IMedia> queryFilter = null;
                if (filter.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false)
                    //add the default text filter
                    queryFilter = SqlContext.Query <IMedia>()
                                  .Where(x => x.Name.Contains(filter));

                children = Services.MediaService
                    id, (pageNumber - 1), pageSize,
                    out totalChildren,
                    Ordering.By(orderBy, orderDirection, isCustomField: !orderBySystemField)).ToList();
                //better to not use this without paging where possible, currently only the sort dialog does
                children      = Services.MediaService.GetPagedChildren(id, 0, int.MaxValue, out var total).ToList();
                totalChildren = children.Count;

            if (totalChildren == 0)
                return(new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(0, 0, 0));

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >(totalChildren, pageNumber, pageSize);

            pagedResult.Items = children
                                .Select(Mapper.Map <IMedia, ContentItemBasic <ContentPropertyBasic> >);

        /// <summary>
        /// List conversations in the channelId.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channelId">Channel Id.</param>
        /// <param name="continuationToken">Continuatuation token to page through results.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> A task that represents the work queued to execute.</returns>
        public async Task <PagedResult <TranscriptInfo> > ListTranscriptsAsync(string channelId, string continuationToken = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channelId));

            var dirName  = GetDirName(channelId);
            var dir      = this.Container.Value.GetDirectoryReference(dirName);
            var pageSize = 20;
            BlobContinuationToken token         = null;
            List <TranscriptInfo> conversations = new List <TranscriptInfo>();

                var segment = await dir.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(false, BlobListingDetails.Metadata, null, token, null, null).ConfigureAwait(false);

                foreach (var blob in segment.Results.Where(c => c is CloudBlobDirectory).Cast <CloudBlobDirectory>())
                    // Unescape the Id we escaped when we saved it
                    var conversation = new TranscriptInfo()
                        Id = Uri.UnescapeDataString(blob.Prefix.Split('/').Where(s => s.Length > 0).Last()), ChannelId = channelId
                    if (continuationToken != null)
                        if (conversation.Id == continuationToken)
                            // we found continuation token
                            continuationToken = null;

                        // skip record
                        if (conversations.Count == pageSize)

                if (segment.ContinuationToken != null)
                    token = segment.ContinuationToken;
            }while (token != null && conversations.Count < pageSize);

            var pagedResult = new PagedResult <TranscriptInfo>();

            pagedResult.Items = conversations.ToArray();

            if (pagedResult.Items.Length == 20)
                pagedResult.ContinuationToken = pagedResult.Items.Last().Id;

        public async Task ApplyActorActionAsync_ThrowsInvalidOperationException_InvalidActor()
            int testId = -6;

            IList <int> activityComplete = new List <int>()

            List <Process> returnList = new List <Process>();

            returnList.Add(new Process()
                ProcessId    = testId,
                ProcessState = "PENDING",
                Activities   = new Dictionary <int, Activity>()
                    { 1,
                      new Activity()
                          ActivityId    = 1,
                          ActivityState = "PENDING",
                          Actors        = new Dictionary <int, Actor>()
                                  new Actor()
                                      ActorHanfordId = "Valid Id"
                      } }
            PagedResult <Process> result = new PagedResult <Process>(It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), returnList);

            ActorAction actorAction = new ActorAction()
                ProcessId      = testId,
                ActivityId     = 1,
                ActorHanfordId = "Invalid",

            Person person = new Person()
                Id      = "Valid Id",
                Network = new NetworkIdentifier()
                    Username = "******",
                    Id       = "Valid Id"

            _mockProcessStore // arrange
            .Setup(store => store.GetAsync(It.Is <IList <int> >(s => s[0] == testId), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>(), It.IsAny <IDictionary <object, object> >()))

            _mockSecurityStore // arrange
            .Setup(store => store.GetAuthorizedAccountsAsync(It.IsAny <Process>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>(), It.IsAny <IDictionary <object, object> >()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new List <string>()
                "Valid Id"

                var facade = InstanceActivityFacade(_mockActivityStore, _mockProcessStore, _mockPersonIdentificationStore, _mockApprovalsLegacyStore, _mockSecurityStore);
                var actual = await facade.ApplyActorActionAsync(actorAction, person, It.IsAny <CancellationToken>(), It.IsAny <IDictionary <object, object> >()); // act

            catch (Exception exception)
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(exception, typeof(InvalidOperationException));